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Tour the Universe cooldown change -- 4 hour cooldown added *now in patch notes*



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    azniadeetazniadeet Member Posts: 1,871 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    greucean wrote: »
    Yes, more motivated to afk the stfs and farm the foundry on a gazzillion toons. Cause these are apparently, morally fine and not at all dronish in any way.

    On a different note you are right about the economy.

    One problem at a time. Solving one problem does not mean other problems don't exist, or shouldn't be dealt with.

    As for the 'droning' comment, I'm simply referring to the nature of the Tour the Universe mission, not the players engaging in it. It's boring. You don't do anything. You just fly in a series of strategically planned straight lines. It's very dronish play.
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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Let's put it this way folks, the 350k EC's that you now can only make because you are limited to 1 run every 4 hours can barely cover the EC costs for tier 0 fleet projects for my fleet. Now where am I going to get the EC's to cover tier 1+ and than we throw in the costs of reputation!!!!! yeahhhhh now anyone who is just starting in this game can forget ever getting anywhere quickly in anyone of these areas anytime soon. Sure foundry missions offer some EC's, but we know that keeps getting changed, you can farm dailies or mission rewards to get EC's, most likely won't be for long as they will probably change it as well. And they do all this and expect people to want to buy a LTS even though it's on sale.......Wow talk about a total uncaring POS MMO company.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    arcjetarcjet Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ak255 wrote: »
    I don't see what's so bad about making between 1-2 million EC in an hour.

    Well first-off it wasn't 1-2 mil an hour. From what I heard (never tried it myself) is was more like up to 3-4 mil an hour.

    Apart from that I kinda agree. There are probably far more serious 'exploits', or call it loopholes if you want, around, that would need fixing.

    Nerfing this particular EC faucet seems a bit arbitrary and inconsequent.
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    kamblekamble Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    mosul33 wrote: »
    I was enjoying the tour so I am really sad about this nerf :(

    How about this for constructive feedback: so i dont get this Brandon, Cryptic wants us to spend time for our earnings, as it was stated with dilithium and other stuff like marks etc. Yet here it was done the opposite, hitting players that took their time to earn EC.
    That EC earned was players time, even with the "exploit", 3m isnt that much considering the reputation projects take millions of EC, wich especially for new players is hard to do.
    And on the same note, the exchange players / flipers seems are not to be bothered, making 3m or even more in like 10 mins. Never saw the slightlest intent to add a cooldown on reposting an item on exchange. So the ones that actually exploit the system, and exploit other players actually thru exchange are fine, yet the onest players who actually did SOMETHING to earn their EC get kicked really hard.
    Really good treatment on the onest players...
    And also as someone mentioned here, this will also hit the small fleets again, cuz some ppl were using the EC they were EARNING to build up their little starbases.

    If 3m was too much, a solution to fix the "exploit" was by giving the rewards only at the end of the mission, simple as that.
    I really hope the cooldown will be removed, but i doubt it :(

    What this guy said... The way this change has been implemented won't hurt the real exploiters in game just the honest peeps that used this as a means to 'not' feel like complete paupers. Not everyone in STO, plays it to go around blowing the hell out of stuff and grinding on death, some prefer to explore and play the game in a different fashion. This provided a means by which many could effectively set targets and work towards them.. Yay, way to go!!
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    psyburnstarspsyburnstars Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2013
    I'm sorry, but currency sinks never work in MMOs the way they are intended to. Sure, the price of low end items will be driven down but the high-end items like the lockbox ships and lobi ships won't drop. There's no benefit to sellers to lower prices even with less EC in the game. They'll just sit on those ships until some one produces the EC to meet their offer, which will just concentrate the EC in the richer portion of the player base while the poorer will just struggle more and more to get EC. I've seen this in every MMO I've played and this will be no different.
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    timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Let's put it this way folks, the 350k EC's that you now can only make because you are limited to 1 run every 4 hours can barely cover the EC costs for tier 0 fleet projects for my fleet. Now where am I going to get the EC's to cover tier 1+ and than we throw in the costs of reputation!!!!!

    Just don't do it alone. You do realize that the fleet system is actually designed for a group of peple working together. Don#t expect to have it easy if you insist on doing it alone.

    In case you are running a fleet with more players than yourself, try to motivate them to contribute.
    All the solo actions are covered by the Reputations, which are perfectly doable with even casual play.
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    majinsyllusmajinsyllus Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'm sorry, but currency sinks never work in MMOs the way they are intended to. Sure, the price of low end items will be driven down but the high-end items like the lockbox ships and lobi ships won't drop. There's no benefit to sellers to lower prices even with less EC in the game. They'll just sit on those ships until some one produces the EC to meet their offer, which will just concentrate the EC in the richer portion of the player base while the poorer will just struggle more and more to get EC. I've seen this in every MMO I've played and this will be no different.


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    greuceangreucean Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    azniadeet wrote: »
    One problem at a time. Solving one problem does not mean other problems don't exist, or shouldn't be dealt with.

    As for the 'droning' comment, I'm simply referring to the nature of the Tour the Universe mission, not the players engaging in it. It's boring. You don't do anything. You just fly in a series of strategically planned straight lines. It's very dronish play.

    You could also say that about the dil mining, and pretty much everything you can do in this game. Do the same thing repetitively for a long time... and it becomes more like a job than a game.
    The important thing is that "we did something", and we were rewarded for it. We weren't taking advantage of another mans work like the afkr's, or taking it the easy way like the foundry farmers. We made builds specifically to run the tour, we specced for it, we bought ships for it, we were meeting and buffing eachother, making friends.... all in all, gaming in all senses of the word. And now we're "exploiters"?
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    shomrimshomrim Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I have been playing this game for less than a year and enjoy it. I'm an "old" guy with a job that has me working six and seven days a week so I play to relax. The 'tour' was something I looked forward too if I was at home to run it. My ship had been modified to the point that I could get a little over 2 million ec's per tour. Now I know that this sounds like I'm one of those "exploiters" and I freely admit that I am if that is how you choose to describe it. I don't recall the rules of the race being defined at Club 47 so is it really an exploit? My tours are like what you like to call a grind because I'm glued to the computer for the hour trying to best my previous time and speed. I use the ec's to help my fleet. If cryptic really wants to fix something, how about putting my characters head back on when I'm mining for dilithium on the mining asteroid. Fix something that IS broken (which seems to be a lot of things these days) instead of the things that are not. You know maybe this is a good thing... I will not be playing the game as much now so maybe I can get the yard mowed.
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    lracnagorlracnagor Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    Just to add something I've just noticed. SS Azura used to sell at 50% value. Now I know the rate changes for different traders, but the SS. Azura has always sold at 50% value in the past....

    Not anymore.

    Is that right or am I just crazy?
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    ajlagaranajlagaran Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I think nerfing this event is not a good idea because it has consequences for the game and is unfair for many people that play this event legitimately.

    Giving the event a 3 hour cooldown means you can only run it once everytime the event comes up which is often, but not at a time that everyone can participate everyday. It also makes the Grant Diplomatic Immunity and Raiding Party useless for this event.

    Nerfing this event also causes problems for the economy because there won't be as much EC for players to take care of major expenses like the fleet projects for example. It may also cause a recession of sorts in the game economy.

    On average a particular player can run the entire course 2-4 times if you are not using the techniques of doing easy major sector blocks and then dropping the mission, return to Sol and get the mission again. If you can prevent players from dropping this mission early, that would be a far better solution than the present solution. So then the event would return to it's original flavor and intent if players can't drop the mission early during the event timeline.

    Keeping it fair, players would make 500K - 1 million if players ain't allowed to drop the mission early. Compared to the current cheat that allows players to make over 2 million EC. I think it's a good compromise and would not cause major issues that this nerf currently does.

    You guys that are working hard on this game, I hope that you will listen to what I'm saying. I'm not going to call you guys names or anything of the sort but I am unhappy about this change and even annoyed about it because the change is too extreme. Some small fraction of people may leave or if they don't, they won't be as enthusiastic about playing the game, working on the projects, etc. I hope you guys care about this fact.

    Of course I can't think of all solutions but this one would be best, I think.
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    timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'm sorry, but currency sinks never work in MMOs the way they are intended to. Sure, the price of low end items will be driven down but the high-end items like the lockbox ships and lobi ships won't drop. There's no benefit to sellers to lower prices even with less EC in the game. They'll just sit on those ships until some one produces the EC to meet their offer, which will just concentrate the EC in the richer portion of the player base while the poorer will just struggle more and more to get EC. I've seen this in every MMO I've played and this will be no different.

    Then let them sit on the ships if they are so inclined. Sure, they don't want sell cheap, but in actuality they raise the prices passively by not lowering it when the value of EC goes up.
    Their own fault.
    I'm fine with it either way. Ship selection is diluted enough as it is with supposedly rare but not really that rare vessels.
    And it's not the system sinks that are the problem it's the people hoarding and sitting on endless supplies of EC.
    They effectively take the credits out of circulation themselves, hurting the economy and then complain that they can't make more of what is essentially worthless numbers to them anyway.
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    timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    lracnagor wrote: »

    Just to add something I've just noticed. SS Azura used to sell at 50% value. Now I know the rate changes for different traders, but the SS. Azura has always sold at 50% value in the past....

    Not anymore.

    Is that right or am I just crazy?

    As far as I know, it has been replicator prices for some time, if not forever.
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    marksamuelsonmarksamuelson Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    At least you can run it. I was just finishing up touring the Alpha Centari sector when the mission dropped itself from my queue. Very uncool IMO
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Maybe just make this mission undroppable? I like that idea. :D
    My character Tsin'xing
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    smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    arcjet wrote: »
    Well first-off it wasn't 1-2 mil an hour. From what I heard (never tried it myself) is was more like up to 3-4 mil an hour.

    Indeed you have clearly never tried it yourself.

    Plus there are far more efficient ways to farm EC than this, so why haven't they been flagged as "exploits" and removed in undocumented stealth nerfs?
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    psyburnstarspsyburnstars Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2013
    timelord79 wrote: »
    Then let them sit on the ships if they are so inclined. Sure, they don't want sell cheap, but in actuality they raise the prices passively by not lowering it when the value of EC goes up.
    Their own fault.
    I'm fine with it either way. Ship selection is diluted enough as it is with supposedly rare but not really that rare vessels.
    And it's not the system sinks that are the problem it's the people hoarding and sitting on endless supplies of EC.
    They effectively take the credits out of circulation themselves, hurting the economy and then complain that they can't make more of what is essentially worthless numbers to them anyway.

    There's a huge flaw in you argument considering that currency hoarding happens in every game and in real life. How you think people get rich in the first place? By just putting what they make back into the economy and not saving it? Currency sinks do not make the richer players want to come off their currency any more then they would normally. Your basically making lock box ships less attainable for poorer players by doing this and those ships will only be available to richer players, who will drive those prices up so that only rich player are the only ones that could afford them. To me, their encouraging more lock box gambling from the poorer players for the off chance to get rich on a ship that they are very unlikely to get. Again, I've seen this every MMO I've played and I see no reason why that wouldn't happen here.
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    kamblekamble Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    greucean wrote: »
    You could also say that about the dil mining, and pretty much everything you can do in this game. Do the same thing repetitively for a long time... and it becomes more like a job than a game.
    The important thing is that "we did something", and we were rewarded for it. We weren't taking advantage of another mans work like the afkr's, or taking it the easy way like the foundry farmers. We made builds specifically to run the tour, we specced for it, we bought ships for it, we were meeting and buffing eachother, making friends.... all in all, gaming in all senses of the word. And now we're "exploiters"?

    There are so many good points being made in this thread.. and what this guys says exemplifies that.. For most participants, this event was not the greed induced, self centred enterprise that some people would have others believe, it had grown into a friendly competitive event, in the spirit in which it was intended. No secrecy, no elitism, just an all inclusive community of players, from all factions, meeting up and really enjoying what on the outside may seem like a boring grind. It was a Sunday morning car meet, a mini Grand Prix. Some measured their success in the event with full laps completed, others the amount of ec's earned, either way for most it was taking part in something light hearted and inoffensive. I think Cryptic have swung the hammer without understanding the real value of the event in itself or the culture that has grown up around it.
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    knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Tour the Universe happens maybe once every 10-13 hours so your points about the 3 hour cool down not being fair and needing to make it so that players can't drop it don't make sense. The event doesn't happen often enough to make the 3 hr cool down an inconvenience. Also, thank you Marhawkman for trolling this thread and not providing constructive feedback.

    Cryptic's best bet here is to finally work towards creating one huge map where advanced slip stream doesn't shut down going from one block to another (how does that make sense anyways since we are still technically continuously moving from one block to another). Then grant Raiding party and diplo immunity will be relevant again because they will give Tourists a competitive advantage.
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    stoutesstoutes Member Posts: 4,219 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    kamble wrote: »
    There are so many good points being made in this thread.. and what this guys says exemplifies that.. For most participants, this event was not the greed induced, self centred enterprise that some people would have others believe, it had grown into a friendly competitive event, in the spirit in which it was intended. No secrecy, no elitism, just an all inclusive community of players, from all factions, meeting up and really enjoying what on the outside may seem like a boring grind. It was a Sunday morning car meet, a run what you brung. Some measured their success in the event with full laps completed, others the amount of ec's earned.. I think Cryptic have swung the hammer without understanding the real value of the event in itself or the culture that has grown up around it.

    ^^ This.. says it all.

    Once again, ty for this *birthday gift*, you really shouldn't have, cryptic..
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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Ultimately the best solution would be to either simply provide a huge incentive like 500k-1mill EC reward upon completion, or eliminate it as an event and make it a repeatable mission with a 4 hour cool down between runs. The latter would be the best solution as this would allow casual players to have the opportunity to run it at their convenience, while still allowing them to work on something elsewhere for a time period. I think such a proposal would be agreed upon by the player base, and would potentially make Cryptic a bit more favorable by the player's.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    vocmcpvocmcp Member Posts: 1,134 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    We've made too many compromises already, too many retreats. They invade our gameplay, and we fall back. They bug up entire worlds, and we fall back. Not again. The line must be drawn here! This far and no further!

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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    timelord79 wrote: »
    Just don't do it alone. You do realize that the fleet system is actually designed for a group of peple working together. Don#t expect to have it easy if you insist on doing it alone.

    In case you are running a fleet with more players than yourself, try to motivate them to contribute.
    All the solo actions are covered by the Reputations, which are perfectly doable with even casual play.

    That is easier said than done, if a fleet's player base earns less they contribute less. Also I run a privateer fleet meaning I use the extra EC's for member paychecks and prizes and not just for my own selfish needs or fleet advancement. This will effectively help ruin that goal by a lot.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited July 2013
    sneyeper wrote: »
    15 minutes is no good.

    Vesta + Borg Engine + Raiding Party + Diplomatic Immunity + Warp engine with [Coi]+[SSR] + Practice = 8 minute entire Tour.

    5 minutes is enough to stop the supposed "exploit" from being profitable, while maintaining the value of those expensive items above.

    Well we could go with the solution another player suggested, and simply have the reward given out as a lump sum when turning in the completed mission. This removes the option to exploit it by dropping it and picking it up again, but doesn't stop the legitimate players getting more than one run in.

    This is a good thing. You should never be able to earn more from a mission by dropping it then you would have by playing to the end.

    I have not once advocated for the right to get more money by dropping the mission. I am happy for them to take steps to curb the 'exploit' people were using, I am not happy that they are taking it away from legitimate players who were capable of getting more than one run in per hour.

    The whole point in spending a fortune getting a ship that can travel as fast as possible in sector space was for this mission. Now that's all been a waste of time.

    azniadeet wrote: »
    Damage can be fixed, it's called a correction, and that is what will proceed to happen shortly.

    If you think the answer to the over-issuance of currency is to keep the printing presses running full tilt, then maybe you should submit a resume to the federal reserve. You'd fit in really well with Ben Bernanke's crew.

    But in the real world, people realize that there are continuing consequences to inflation. Without a correction (which will admittedly lead to a temporary time of necessarily turbulence) the damage will get worse and worse.

    Bite the bullet. Reign in the EC supply now. Plus, Tour the Galaxy isn't exactly the most fun event in the game. Players will now be a little less motivated to drone their way through it slavishly.

    Thank you, Cryptic- I just wish you would've been up front about the change in the first place.

    1, Removing the source of EC when there are so many things (ignoring JUST the exchange which is all you people seem to be mentioning) that require it, is stupid. It will not bring prices down, it's the equivalent of austerity. After Rep, health packs, bridge officers, doffs, fleet systems etc people will now have less disposable income. Reality has shown us that this will drive prices up, not down, because the people needing the money can't afford to sell their items for less because they're needing to bolster their lost income.

    2, Just because you don't find the tour fun, doesn't mean other people don't. You have no right to stand in judgement of how other people derive enjoyment from the game or any other thing they do.
    kamble wrote: »
    There are so many good points being made in this thread.. and what this guys says exemplifies that.. For most participants, this event was not the greed induced, self centred enterprise that some people would have others believe, it had grown into a friendly competitive event, in the spirit in which it was intended. No secrecy, no elitism, just an all inclusive community of players, from all factions, meeting up and really enjoying what on the outside may seem like a boring grind. It was a Sunday morning car meet, a mini Grand Prix. Some measured their success in the event with full laps completed, others the amount of ec's earned, either way for most it was taking part in something light hearted and inoffensive. I think Cryptic have swung the hammer without understanding the real value of the event in itself or the culture that has grown up around it.

    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
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    timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    D e l e t e d.
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    lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    "oops"....really, i think we deserve a bit more than an "oops, forgot about it, now deal with it"

    Be thankful you got an explanation in the same week as the fix, it shows cryptic is learning something from the hundreds of pages of complaints about their stealth nerfs. I for one am glad the exploit has finally been fixxed, so you'll just have to learn how to run the tour the right way, without cheating.

    ...Now deal with it.

    (wow, that felt good)

    BTW Cryptic, 4 hours is a little extreme given the event only appears every 18 hours or so. Could you change it to 15 minute CD, and only award the 'prize' on completion of EVERY sector ? Also disable the ability to warp to a sector by using missions would be cool too- make the event a TRUE race.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
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    khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited July 2013
    timelord79 wrote: »
    Yeah, but you can expect not much progress either way if you have difficulty filling even the T0 projects.

    Only an active fleet can instafill those and for the most part EC is not needed.
    Dilithium and fleet marks are the bottlenecks for most groups.

    My fleet only has myself and one other person as active members. Fleet marks are not our problem thanks to the (don't want to say it in case they nerf it). The dilithium and EC are the things we struggle to keep up with.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
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    timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    My fleet only has myself and one other person as active members. Fleet marks are not our problem thanks to the (don't want to say it in case they nerf it). The dilithium and EC are the things we struggle to keep up with.

    Yeah, that's the problem right there... Struggling is to be expected if you try to do the work meant for ten times as many at least.
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    khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited July 2013
    timelord79 wrote: »
    Yeah, that's the problem right there... Struggling is to be expected if you try to do the work meant for ten times as many at least.

    Yes, it is meant to be a struggle. What you're not getting is that even with this invent being used as intended, it was still a struggle enough that I have to spend REAL money on pretty much a daily basis to keep up with all the EC demands. I'm not going to subsidise them even further when they keep removing valid sources of EC from the game.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
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    lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Cryptic: 4 hour CD is a little extreme given the event only appears every 13 hours or so. Could you change it to 15 minute CD, and only award the 'prize' on completion of EVERY sector ? Also disable the ability to warp to a sector by using missions would be cool too- make the event a TRUE race.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
This discussion has been closed.