Wow! You're absolutely right, they only gave you a whole frickin' faction that starts at lvl 1, something the Klingons are getting after 3 years of nagging. :rolleyes:
And how long has the Romulan faction gone without a faction entirely? Just as long. Romulans have had it worse, I think.
And to think that some of you Rommies had the nerve of making fun of KDF players and tag them as whiners!
Thanks for putting words in my mouth, I *do* play KDF actually, contrary to whatever notions you have that might be convenient. One of the only things about the upcoming update I am enthusiastic about is the new KDF content announced.
The point in all this is, nobody who wants to be a Romulan wants to be D'tan.
Well, maybe some of you out there.. ya weirdos..
Anyway where was I, right. What we want to be is Tomalak. We want to be Sela.
Proud Romulans, confident in their own superiority and that of the Star Empire's, willing to use and spit out anyone and anything to further their cause.
I'll say again that even the most sympathetic Romulans on the show like Jarok, Toreth and Pardek were at heart *Romulan* and loyal to the Star Empire above all else.
Finally, Star Empire just sounds a hell of a lot cooler than Republic, sorry.
A full on villain faction may be all right, but then you would miss out on all the reputation items from Omega and Romulan.
I would rather be fighting for D'Tan and get those shinies.
I wonder if the hardcore Klingon fans would be happy if instead of the Klingon Empire, you got the Klingon Commune, led by Alexander. Who's mission is to spread peace and love and strike against the awful tyranny of the Empire.
i don't think they would love being like a Federation no more then us romulans are
A full on villain faction may be all right, but then you would miss out on all the reputation items from Omega and Romulan.
I would rather be fighting for D'Tan and get those shinies.
How does Romulans being as Romulans always have been prevent that?
You do realise the Romulans have allied with others whenever it has convened them, in shows like DS9 and other media like Star Trek Armada.
The classic Romulans wouldn't hesitate to join Omega Force and boot the Borg in the backside, they'd just make sure things would end with an advantage for them.
So I had an interesting thought. What if we start out with a Romulan Republic lead by idealists who want peaceful coexistence. Behind the scenes however Sela and the "old guard" are manipulating the "naive" republic leaders while they rebuild the fleet for the coming war with the Klingon Empire and/or Federation.
Maybe they want to use the Iconians to devastate the other powers and then at the right moment they back-stab the Iconians and swoop in to take control.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Frankly the Romulan way to deal with a borg ground mission would be orbital bombardment
why "rescue" borged up klingons when you can vape them
Maybe, but if Starfleet and the Klingons are insistent on being that soft, I can see the Romulans tagging along to see what tech they can take from the Borg.
How does Romulans being as Romulans always have been prevent that?
You do realise the Romulans have allied with others whenever it has convened them, in shows like DS9 and other media like Star Trek Armada.
The classic Romulans wouldn't hesitate to join Omega Force and boot the Borg in the backside, they'd just make sure things would end with an advantage for them.
Because D'Tan's faction is allied to the KDF and Feds. Tal'shiar officers , who, as far as in game content goes, still are with the Star Empire, attack these "hippy romulans".
So... I think the KDF would happily shoot the RSE, just as the Federation does, and they would happily team up as Omega force not to fight with the RSE, but to fight the already crippled RSE, and happily destroy it.
I'm sure the Klingons would just love taking all those territories.
So I had an interesting thought. What if we start out with a Romulan Republic lead by idealists who want peaceful coexistence. Behind the scenes however Sela and the "old guard" are manipulating the "naive" republic leaders while they rebuild the fleet for the coming war with the Klingon Empire and/or Federation.
Maybe they want to use the Iconians to devastate the other powers and then at the right moment they back-stab the Iconians and swoop in to take control.
Yeah, that sounds like a bunch of kids playing spies trying to take over the CIA. Sorry...but Iconians make the Romulans look like amateurs.
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
So I had an interesting thought. What if we start out with a Romulan Republic lead by idealists who want peaceful coexistence. Behind the scenes however Sela and the "old guard" are manipulating the "naive" republic leaders while they rebuild the fleet for the coming war with the Klingon Empire and/or Federation.
Maybe they want to use the Iconians to devastate the other powers and then at the right moment they back-stab the Iconians and swoop in to take control.
Funny you should say that, I was just watching Star Trek Armada cutscenes today and that's *exactly* what Sela does with the Borg.
I certainly hope that there will be some intrigue in this Republic and things will turn out with the Romulans back in the role of power players. I'd hate to see Sela become some generic enemy like Hakeev who we must defeat for FREEDOM.
Thanks for putting words in my mouth, I *do* play KDF actually, contrary to whatever notions you have that might be convenient. One of the only things about the upcoming update I am enthusiastic about is the new KDF content announced.
And where did I exactly put words in your mouth? I said "some of you Rommies". If you found yourself in that group that is your own problem.
I wonder if the hardcore Klingon fans would be happy if instead of the Klingon Empire, you got the Klingon Commune, led by Alexander. Who's mission is to spread peace and love and strike against the awful tyranny of the Empire.
Uhm....except that is exactly what we have now, juggling between making cocktails for over-stressed Feddie merchants, taking orders from rebellous Gorn and chasing bunnies and picking flowers on New Romulus for our arch-enemies.
How does Romulans being as Romulans always have been prevent that?
You do realise the Romulans have allied with others whenever it has convened them, in shows like DS9 and other media like Star Trek Armada.
The classic Romulans wouldn't hesitate to join Omega Force and boot the Borg in the backside, they'd just make sure things would end with an advantage for them.
I don't see why the Republic would be any different.
Romulans are Romulans, the only real difference is the Republic is willing to play nice with the Federation and KDF both if it means an advantage against those who would subjugate them, such as Sela.
Literally the only thing the Romulan Republic need sacrifice is a certain amount of its xenophobia. I haven't seen any Romulan yet, not even D'tan, who advocates folding under the Federation.
Well I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed it sounds like they sugar coated them to make them into the "good guys" which takes away from the Romulan culture we know and love.
I mean lets say they did the same thing to the Klingons , would people really want to play the Democratic Republic of Klingon Allied Nations as much as the Klingon Empire , I think not. They could still pull off an imperial senate like the Romans but I fear it's just going to be some sugar coated lolli pop land filled with Federation propaganda.
Well either way I'll be playing them but if it's the latter it won't be my preferred narration of Romulan culture.
Maybe, but if Starfleet and the Klingons are insistent on being that soft, I can see the Romulans tagging along to see what tech they can take from the Borg.
like you said if it some how serve the will of The Star Empire cough cough Romulan Republic's if i most call it that on paper
Romulans are Romulans, the only real difference is the Republic is willing to play nice with the Federation and KDF both if it means an advantage against those who would subjugate them, such as Sela.
i will willingly serve her if my ships prefix is IRW and i don't have to share Federation dogma and views
I was refering to your statement that "Cryptic has given a lot more to be disappointed over than happy about right now".
yeah, and the part I said I was happy about was getting faction...almost msot everything esle does nto please me, your point being? keep in mind that this is after years of there not being a Romulan Faction at all.
And where did I exactly put words in your mouth? I said "some of you Rommies". If you found yourself in that group that is your own problem.
In context with the previous sentence it was pretty darn explicitly directed at me (as well as a cheap shot at any Romulan fans who dare to disagree with Cryptics idea)
Uhm....except that is exactly what we have now, juggling between making cocktails for over-stressed Feddie merchants, taking orders from rebellous Gorn and chasing bunnies and picking flowers on New Romulus for our arch-enemies.
Right, and you obviously don't like it, and feel strongly enough about it to complain. I don't want to see that happen to the Romulans either, which is pretty good grounds for complaining, I think. And keep in mind that our KDF characters are still KDF, and not 'Klingon Farmers Market' , still have a fair amount of missions where they can act brutal, are getting mission content 1-20 tailored for the KDF perspective, can still dress like KDF, and at least get to have the IKS in front of their ships. As bad as the KDF may have it in certain areas, the Romulans have it worse.
Borg tech is ugly and defective
I have always said (check back if you like) that Borg tech should not be used especially not in starfleet
its not regulation
And Seven was a walking corpse she has missing internal organs and a calculator in her skull
Plus she is half swiss army knife
Replay the mission you will discover they were involved in a betrayal under a renegade intel officer
yeah, and the part I said I was happy about was getting faction...almost msot everything esle does nto please me, your point being? keep in mind that this is after years of there not being a Romulan Faction at all.
In context with the previous sentence it was pretty darn explicitly directed at me (as well as a cheap shot at any Romulan fans who dare to disagree with Cryptics idea)
Right, and you obviously don't like it, and feel strongly enough about it to complain. I don't want to see that happen to the Romulans either, which is pretty good grounds for complaining, I think. And keep in mind that our KDF characters are still KDF, and not 'Klingon Farmers Market' , still have a fair amount of missions where they can act brutal, are getting mission content 1-20 tailored for the KDF perspective, can still dress like KDF, and at least get to have the IKS in front of their ships. As bad as the KDF may have it in certain areas, the Romulans have it worse.
You completely miss my point. The way I see it, five days ago at least 50% of the people on these forums did not believe that Cryptic are capable of delivering a faction and that it would be just another FE.
Now, that they actually managed to pull out a whole 1 to 50 faction, you say that they have given you a lot more to be dissapointed over than to be happy about. There is no rule that said there had to be a Romulan faction in STO, you know?
On another note, just as you say the KDF are getting 1-20 mission content tailored for the KDF perspective, I can say that the Romulan Republic will be the same devious, spying, backstabbing, decieving evil guys you all grew to love - just under another name.
My point being that 3.5 days after the whole thing was announced and 2 months before it's released we still have absolutely no clue what they plan to do with either leveling content of the KDF or the way they have the Romulan Republic shaped out.
I know you'd prefer to have the actual RSE in this game and honestly so would I.
But, we have compliments from J.J. on that I supose.
The current "New Romulan Empire" is so generic. If their campaign is going to be anything like the feel-good, touchey-feely-happy people from New Romulus, it is disappointing. Before in Star Trek, the power groups were sharp contrasts.
Federation - Goodie two shoes that the audience is most familiar with. The "Good Guys," Roddenberry's knights in shining armor. All throughout Star Trek, the main characters strive to maintain the ideals of the Federation and Starfleet, sometimes at an obvious disadvantage due to making the right choice.
Klingons - Warlike, aggressive; They live for conflict and a chance to gain honor in battle. There is no honor greater than victory, and there is no better death than to have fallen in a well fought battle. Many times they have had conflicts with both the Federation and the Romulans. Blood enemies from long ago with the Romulans, conflict with the Federation has been more frequent. Their attitude can be summed up like this:
"Pity the warrior that slays all his foes." - Klingon Honor Guard Manual.
Romulans - Deceptive, masters of secrecy and surprise attacks. We know that they're related to the Vulcans but do not adhere to the same ideals as their cousins. Knowledge of the Romulans had always been terribly inadequate for their rivals all throughout Star Trek. Always something of a mystery because of their secrecy. Their deception and spygames have been extremely prevalent from TNG onwards, and the deception has not always been done by the Tal Shiar. After all, these are the people that originated Cloaking technology. It is also the point of origination for the quadrant's premier intelligence agency, the utterly ruthless Tal Shiar.
But what do we have on New Romulus? The Reunificationists are in charge, and they might as well be unarmed farmers. Only the Remans have any spark in fighting when it needs to happen. We have the Romulans allowing their longtime rivals setting up camp in their territories. Heck, they've let their blood enemies, the Klingons waltz through Romulan space at their own leisure, doing whatever they want.
What's wrong with the New Romulan Empire? It can all be summed up with what's going on with their new homeworld. You're getting water, plant, rock samples. You're catching hairy pigs with antennae. They're not even able to maintain security within a few hundred meters of their capital. Hell, they don't even send out security patrols. It's their rivals that protect them. It's their former enemies that keep watch over them. It just looks so pretty and happy at New Romulus. The only things missing from that planet is a pretty rainbow with flying purple and pink ponies. And a Unicorn. It's magical there.
Sorry guys. I don't like what's shown of the "New Romulan Empire" because they're so generic and passive. Give me the "Romulan Star Empire" any day. The Romulans need to reconsolidate and kick their filthy rivals back out of Romulan space, and send some raids into the Federation and Klingon Empire for good measure. Their rivals need to be taught a lesson for taking advantage of the Romulans at their weakest point in their history.
Borg tech is ugly and defective
I have always said (check back if you like) that Borg tech should not be used especially not in starfleet
its not regulation
And Seven was a walking corpse she has missing internal organs and a calculator in her skull
Plus she is half swiss army knife
Replay the mission you will discover they were involved in a betrayal under a renegade intel officer
What you say is not canon. Big surprise.:rolleyes:
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
I have no desire to play a goody-two shoes faction that is what the federation is for, the appeal of the romulins to me is that they are the villains of star trek.
I have no desire to play a goody-two shoes faction that is what the federation is for, the appeal of the romulins to me is that they are the villains of star trek.
I agree, I was really hoping to play as the Star Empire and hopefully these Romulans aren't tied to the New Romulans very much at all. The new uniforms are okay but I will always want the ones from Nemesis and TNG.
Thanks for putting words in my mouth, I *do* play KDF actually, contrary to whatever notions you have that might be convenient. One of the only things about the upcoming update I am enthusiastic about is the new KDF content announced.
A full on villain faction may be all right, but then you would miss out on all the reputation items from Omega and Romulan.
I would rather be fighting for D'Tan and get those shinies.
So true.
I actually like the new romulans, and I feel happy the KDF gets new stuff too.
i don't think they would love being like a Federation no more then us romulans are
system Lord Baal is dead
just like the kdf and feds who have been at war for how long now?
system Lord Baal is dead
How does Romulans being as Romulans always have been prevent that?
You do realise the Romulans have allied with others whenever it has convened them, in shows like DS9 and other media like Star Trek Armada.
The classic Romulans wouldn't hesitate to join Omega Force and boot the Borg in the backside, they'd just make sure things would end with an advantage for them.
Maybe they want to use the Iconians to devastate the other powers and then at the right moment they back-stab the Iconians and swoop in to take control.
- Judge Aaron Satie
why "rescue" borged up klingons when you can vape them
Maybe, but if Starfleet and the Klingons are insistent on being that soft, I can see the Romulans tagging along to see what tech they can take from the Borg.
Because D'Tan's faction is allied to the KDF and Feds. Tal'shiar officers , who, as far as in game content goes, still are with the Star Empire, attack these "hippy romulans".
So... I think the KDF would happily shoot the RSE, just as the Federation does, and they would happily team up as Omega force not to fight with the RSE, but to fight the already crippled RSE, and happily destroy it.
I'm sure the Klingons would just love taking all those territories.
Yeah, that sounds like a bunch of kids playing spies trying to take over the CIA. Sorry...but Iconians make the Romulans look like amateurs.
As Any Loyal citizen of the empire knows
Funny you should say that, I was just watching Star Trek Armada cutscenes today and that's *exactly* what Sela does with the Borg.
I certainly hope that there will be some intrigue in this Republic and things will turn out with the Romulans back in the role of power players. I'd hate to see Sela become some generic enemy like Hakeev who we must defeat for FREEDOM.
I was refering to your statement that "Cryptic has given a lot more to be disappointed over than happy about right now".
And where did I exactly put words in your mouth? I said "some of you Rommies". If you found yourself in that group that is your own problem.
Uhm....except that is exactly what we have now, juggling between making cocktails for over-stressed Feddie merchants, taking orders from rebellous Gorn and chasing bunnies and picking flowers on New Romulus for our arch-enemies.
I don't see why the Republic would be any different.
Romulans are Romulans, the only real difference is the Republic is willing to play nice with the Federation and KDF both if it means an advantage against those who would subjugate them, such as Sela.
Literally the only thing the Romulan Republic need sacrifice is a certain amount of its xenophobia. I haven't seen any Romulan yet, not even D'tan, who advocates folding under the Federation.
I Support Disco | Disco is Love | Disco is Life
Yeah right...that is why the RSE tries to research it so badly. Because its inferior and they want to weaken their technological base.
Silly came I did not realise that. :rolleyes:
Sela would make an awesome villian. Like she did in TNG.
Hoever, maybe she could be an enemy figurehead that always escapes, like Dr Evil. Not a simple boss to fight.
I mean lets say they did the same thing to the Klingons , would people really want to play the Democratic Republic of Klingon Allied Nations as much as the Klingon Empire , I think not. They could still pull off an imperial senate like the Romans but I fear it's just going to be some sugar coated lolli pop land filled with Federation propaganda.
Well either way I'll be playing them but if it's the latter it won't be my preferred narration of Romulan culture.
like you said if it some how serve the will of The Star Empire cough cough Romulan Republic's if i most call it that on paper
system Lord Baal is dead
such behaviour would be the work of traitors or impostors
possibly Undine or Iconian agents
Loyal Romulans know that romulan tech is supreme
i will willingly serve her if my ships prefix is IRW and i don't have to share Federation dogma and views
system Lord Baal is dead
thing about that is feds hate roms who do what ever with borg tech but they them self fly around with borg mod out ships are they feds hypocrites now?
system Lord Baal is dead
Its a mission in STO. Don't beleive me if you want to, I don't care.
I personally stole the borg research fromt he romulans.
Humanity, oh yeah! Wait.. you mean Tal'shiar? Whose boss at one time was working for Section 31? Oh... I'm not afraid of them.
yeah, and the part I said I was happy about was getting faction...almost msot everything esle does nto please me, your point being? keep in mind that this is after years of there not being a Romulan Faction at all.
In context with the previous sentence it was pretty darn explicitly directed at me (as well as a cheap shot at any Romulan fans who dare to disagree with Cryptics idea)
Right, and you obviously don't like it, and feel strongly enough about it to complain. I don't want to see that happen to the Romulans either, which is pretty good grounds for complaining, I think. And keep in mind that our KDF characters are still KDF, and not 'Klingon Farmers Market' , still have a fair amount of missions where they can act brutal, are getting mission content 1-20 tailored for the KDF perspective, can still dress like KDF, and at least get to have the IKS in front of their ships. As bad as the KDF may have it in certain areas, the Romulans have it worse.
(and those Romulans Were renegades)
incidentally there is No Borg tech of any kind on ANY of my ships (and I have over 40 alts)
Borg = Zombie to me
their tech is inferior
they are ugly , slow and did i mention ugly??
I smell a lie. But well, its feeding time so I should keep posting.
Borg tech is better, and I don't think Seven of Nine was ugly.
I have always said (check back if you like) that Borg tech should not be used especially not in starfleet
its not regulation
And Seven was a walking corpse she has missing internal organs and a calculator in her skull
Plus she is half swiss army knife
Replay the mission you will discover they were involved in a betrayal under a renegade intel officer
You completely miss my point. The way I see it, five days ago at least 50% of the people on these forums did not believe that Cryptic are capable of delivering a faction and that it would be just another FE.
Now, that they actually managed to pull out a whole 1 to 50 faction, you say that they have given you a lot more to be dissapointed over than to be happy about. There is no rule that said there had to be a Romulan faction in STO, you know?
On another note, just as you say the KDF are getting 1-20 mission content tailored for the KDF perspective, I can say that the Romulan Republic will be the same devious, spying, backstabbing, decieving evil guys you all grew to love - just under another name.
My point being that 3.5 days after the whole thing was announced and 2 months before it's released we still have absolutely no clue what they plan to do with either leveling content of the KDF or the way they have the Romulan Republic shaped out.
I know you'd prefer to have the actual RSE in this game and honestly so would I.
But, we have compliments from J.J. on that I supose.
Federation - Goodie two shoes that the audience is most familiar with. The "Good Guys," Roddenberry's knights in shining armor. All throughout Star Trek, the main characters strive to maintain the ideals of the Federation and Starfleet, sometimes at an obvious disadvantage due to making the right choice.
Klingons - Warlike, aggressive; They live for conflict and a chance to gain honor in battle. There is no honor greater than victory, and there is no better death than to have fallen in a well fought battle. Many times they have had conflicts with both the Federation and the Romulans. Blood enemies from long ago with the Romulans, conflict with the Federation has been more frequent. Their attitude can be summed up like this:
"Pity the warrior that slays all his foes." - Klingon Honor Guard Manual.
Romulans - Deceptive, masters of secrecy and surprise attacks. We know that they're related to the Vulcans but do not adhere to the same ideals as their cousins. Knowledge of the Romulans had always been terribly inadequate for their rivals all throughout Star Trek. Always something of a mystery because of their secrecy. Their deception and spygames have been extremely prevalent from TNG onwards, and the deception has not always been done by the Tal Shiar. After all, these are the people that originated Cloaking technology. It is also the point of origination for the quadrant's premier intelligence agency, the utterly ruthless Tal Shiar.
But what do we have on New Romulus? The Reunificationists are in charge, and they might as well be unarmed farmers. Only the Remans have any spark in fighting when it needs to happen. We have the Romulans allowing their longtime rivals setting up camp in their territories. Heck, they've let their blood enemies, the Klingons waltz through Romulan space at their own leisure, doing whatever they want.
What's wrong with the New Romulan Empire? It can all be summed up with what's going on with their new homeworld. You're getting water, plant, rock samples. You're catching hairy pigs with antennae. They're not even able to maintain security within a few hundred meters of their capital. Hell, they don't even send out security patrols. It's their rivals that protect them. It's their former enemies that keep watch over them. It just looks so pretty and happy at New Romulus. The only things missing from that planet is a pretty rainbow with flying purple and pink ponies. And a Unicorn. It's magical there.
Sorry guys. I don't like what's shown of the "New Romulan Empire" because they're so generic and passive. Give me the "Romulan Star Empire" any day. The Romulans need to reconsolidate and kick their filthy rivals back out of Romulan space, and send some raids into the Federation and Klingon Empire for good measure. Their rivals need to be taught a lesson for taking advantage of the Romulans at their weakest point in their history.
What you say is not canon. Big surprise.:rolleyes:
I agree, I was really hoping to play as the Star Empire and hopefully these Romulans aren't tied to the New Romulans very much at all. The new uniforms are okay but I will always want the ones from Nemesis and TNG.