nicoleluver Arc User


  • Bet you'd be doing the same thing once you turn 90 and tame a Glacier Snowman thingy or whatever. Anyways, people often fail to think of the lag they create since they have high end systems, agreed on that point. I always made it a point to unsummon my pet in a City something like a rule that I made for myself. besides the…
  • Not if you don't have enough money to invest on +5, +7 Refining of all your equipment later game. Without Refined gear, Archers are good as Blademasters with Bows and arrows. If you find it hard to Refine all your Gear above +5, rather pick any other class and have fun with it, instead of Building your archer till Lv 90…
  • assassins would rule pk, bye bye archers, who needs long ranged damage dealers when we can go invisible and teleport lol.
  • i love perfect world way too much to quit playing it. just not perfect world international, but a private server hehe.
  • here is a heavy veno at 90, most certainly the end game build, unless you plan to replace the tt80 green with tt80 gold but the benefits aren't too different, besides, your better off with the tt80 green since it adds a few extra mdef. use of offensive pets like kowlin, sawfly or phoenix is suggested with this build for…
  • I wouldn't suggest you add Grade 9 Citrines to any Lv80 Equipment unless its the best Helm for your level. Save them for your TT90 Green set. Unless your planning to get TT80 Gold Set (Which could act as a nice replacement for your TT90 Green Set but is somewhat inferior to it in some aspects ), You could do away with…
  • Annor's Archer Basics (guide) Take your time reading that Guide, I believe its one of the best Archer Guides ever written, for a Beginner and even for an Experienced Player. Follow her Guide and I assure you you'd know everything that you would want to know about…
  • Grats on pwning all the non-cash shopper noobs that played for over an yearb:chuckle Go you ! b:victory
  • If you are looking for a Character that can 1> Solo (Applies to normal and elite mobs only and not bosses) 2> Own all Mobs like a piece of cake 3> Really Good at PVP too 4> And most importantly, have fun and make loads of money Archers are for you ! Solo - Excellent at Solo. I can say when I played my archer I levelled…
  • ROFL at people who spent 15m - 20m on those horses. Now I can own a Sparkling Horse too b:dirty Thank you PW for giving the non cash shop users a chance to try out Awesome mounts =)
  • 0.0 Makes sense ! Now I know why there is a Kung Fu Master NPC xD
  • I check my list once every 2 weeks, if someone isnt on frequently I just ~Delete~ Them b:chuckle. Its hard being a Veno where everyone wants to be your friend xD
  • Now 3573943 people out there all have mounts, more Lag ftw ! b:laugh
  • Seems they are trying to close away the gaps that exist that let people who play free in this game from making money. Look at this : First they reduced Mold Prices so now all the free gamers are screwed, they either buy molds from others or spend $$$ to get more coins to get them. Second they reduce Mount Prices now so…
  • I would sooo not be surprised to see the Gold Prices at 550K in a week or two b:surrender
  • hehe, I am going to get one b:laugh No more Mr Richy Rich on a white horse b:thanks
  • Ewww Look ugly
  • Its all made so that PAY TO PLAY Users can Abuse FREE TO PLAY Players and drain them of every bit of money they have. Before it was amazing that a person could be self sufficient and get as many as 4 - 6 Legendary Gear on himself once hes 75+ and could level easily to a high level. Now it seems you cant do that anymore.…
  • I'm disgusted by this game and the new Patch, I quit ! b:angry b:bye There are better games out there than this piece of **** ! Enjoy the Lagfest annd overpriced Sales you pay to play morons b:pleased
  • PVP Server for the Win b:laugh Back at you for calling us Carebearsb:chuckle
  • I'm looking for a better game... Kinda got bored with this one. The only reason I used to love Perfect World was because I easily made money and got whatever I wanted even though I never spent anything on this. Seeing that the Game Company wants only players who pay them to play this game, I rather go play another fun…
  • If you cant beat em, join em, enroll a veno and let 99.9% of the Game be venos and lets see the developers & Management reactions to that... I'm doing exactly that... Had an archer Lv 85 but now, I learnt my lesson, Its all about venos... If you arent a veno, your playing this game wrong, go enroll a veno now ! Thats the…
  • Personally I think Vitality helps in levelling especially if your an Axe BM since you need some Vitality while Luring Mobs for AOE Levelling at Lvls 60+. Since I dont know what weapon you use I cant say much. Here is a really good guide that can help you with Weapon Stats :…
  • I scrapped my Lv 80 Archer, sold all the stuff on her and created a new veno, grinded 10m more and finally got herc b:cute And now.... Need to get Nix b:cry I stayed at Lv 60 - 65 at Foxies and grinded on them like hell, I was insane, like I even skipped doing Crazy Stone or any quests and stayed at Lv 63 for 15 Days,…
  • Well, it depends on the person's gameplay preference. You dont really need a TT90 Set to increase HP by refining, you can notice Armor Lv 80+ starting to add sufficient HP once refined. Also, remember that all BMs aim for Lv 90 Berserk Weapons which deals spike damage once every often. A Pure Dexterity Build would add more…
  • Dont go Pure Dexterity at early levels. As a Blademaster you get pretty good HP with every point of Vitality so you are basicly ignoring this Benefit if you choose to go Pure Dexterity Build. Minimum Dexterity for any Lv 80 - 90 Blademaster is around 100 ( Can get 60 Dexterity if you properly pick your Eqp, i.e, get loads…
  • If Built right, Blademaster is the best Class after 90+. With Lv 90 Legendary Berserk Axes, I believe no other class can defeat a Blademaster excluding Nix Venos. Its just that few people have the dedication or patience to get there. b:victory Infact I got a Veno that I want to use to make loads of money and fund my Godly…
  • Pure Magic Veno Build : Lv | Str | Dex | Mag |Skill1--| 5-- | 5-- | 5-- | 2--| 6-- | 5-- | 9-- | 3--| 6-- | 5-- | 14- | Pet Healing(1)Pet Reviving(1) 4--| 6-- | 5-- | 19- | 5--| 6-- | 5-- | 24- | Envenom Parasite(2) 6--| 7-- | 5-- | 28- | 7--| 7-- | 5-- | 33- | Pet Taming(1) 8--| 8-- | 5-- | 37- | 9--| 8-- | 5-- | 42- |…
  • Most Venomancers prefer Air Mobs to level on because of their insane DQ Drops and the fact that Lv 50 Vipents & Lv 60 Foxwings are all non aggro. Here is what I would suggest for your veno : Current level - 50 : Grind on Lv 40 Vipents (Yes that can be a little painful but good drops lie ahead ) Lv 50 - 54 : Lv 50 Vipents…