lordxionv Arc User


  • Thanks so much PWI. Im leveling much faster and quests are easier. Now as a low lvl sin i don't have to meditate so much after every kill because i kill in 3 hits. I only take a few damage each kill. Thanks again for great blessing.
  • This is exactly why i posted this. I am a lvl 22 sin and i have wanted to pk a while. The only problem is that at 30 i will still be at a major disadvantage because everyone is 80+ and i would die in a second. That is why i made this to let low lvls get to have fun pvp battles with others in their lvl. Also, this would be…
  • I am enjoying the great feedback i am getting. Keep it up and can we get some admins to comment on this idea pls.
  • Great ideas I only play Perfect WOrld and tried WoW once... IT SUCKS!!!
  • Theres an arena? Would it be possible to persuad the devs to open it? Even though i prefer my pvp war idea. Who voted no? Pls say why
  • Is there any way to have the devs themselves look at this. It would be a great idea i think so many people would enjoy? Also it seems to have great support i dont know why they won't put this into the game.
  • If we can please get enough support maybe the mods will look at it and even the GM's there is always the possibility.
  • Well as i said the numbers can change i just put something that sounded reasonable. Well when you talk to NPC to enter you pay 50k and are auto-teleported to the battle place. You cannot go with your squad unless they just happen to get in the same one as you. Also the teams are radomized so if you are squadded it doesnt…
  • From what ive heard at endgame to be a good sin u must be 5aps also to get into squads. Is this actually true? Can you also recomend me a LOT cheaper gear guide to aim for endgame. This is way out of budget i was thinking 30mill max XD. Also psl note i will probably enter pk mode too :D
  • On sanc i tried to get shadou cub because i hate the GW size and there were many venos there. Apparantly they all agree that two(will leave unamed) dominate the spawn with -50% channeling and one of them always get it never anyone else. I cannot nearly aford a cub and want one so catching one is my only way to get one. I…
  • Pls CUT the fighting. Can i also get more info on shadou cub vs GW pls?
  • What skills would you recomend? Say i will be using them for duels and pk later Also the air will also be my air quests pet
  • I know its 4:45hrs after the servers have been reset and then every 12 hrs after that. What i want to know is the CURRENT spawn time for them in sanctuary because i dont know when the servers reset.
  • Noobish question- Whats rubberbanding?
  • how do i buy a pre-spured mount? And is anyone in sanctuary willing to sell me a 10m/s+ mount thats spured for cheap?
    in Mounts Comment by lordxionv January 2011
  • how much do spurs cost in coins and where can they be bought besides the botique? how do i filter them in the AH?
    in Mounts Comment by lordxionv January 2011
  • Thanks for all the helpfulness.
  • ok thanks ill level instead :D
  • Not what i meant. I mean like what should i do to make alot of money quickly(i mean like 100k in a few hrs). Should i farm or what and please be specififc.
  • :O over 100k for 20 hay Thats insane!!! You get the quest at lvl 8 i think and im a lvl 14 those prices are too much I have over 1 mill rite now but its noit worth 100k+ for one pet bag. Looking to see if anyone on this forums might sell me 20 hay for like 50k
    in Hay Comment by lordxionv December 2010
  • Im gunna go vit until 50 and then pure mage :D BTW, is purge worth getting?
  • So if i do already know how to play is vit useless? I rarely ever get hit and make sure my pet keeps the aggro or im gone. The only time i take damage is when i kill underwater creeps without a pet
  • ok but where is the place to buy hay if im too lazy lol i dont know where to go
    in Hay Comment by lordxionv December 2010
  • i only have 2 pet bags and like 4 pets will anything happen if i revert pets back to egss to use them separately?
  • hey is there a way to quick travel? im in the gate of antiquety and need to go all the way back to city of lost
  • The drop rate is INSANELY low is there a place where i can buy 20 hay for cheapish?
    in Hay Comment by lordxionv December 2010
  • LoL lvl 10 and i still havent got it :O Im such a noob saved up 8k so farb:surrender BTW, how much do they sell for now?
  • my name is Lady_Venox and i play on Sanctuary so any invites are gladly welcomed :D
  • lol every answer brings more questions. Whats mats? Also i recently learned about mounts. How do i make one of my pets a mount and can i also use my mounts to battle? Also are you selling any cheap tomes? and can you invite me to a guild?
  • tyvm mauntille. What is TT btw?