Which Pet?

lordxionv Posts: 1 Arc User
edited January 2011 in Venomancer
Okay there are two categories

1st- What are the best HIGH ATTACK/DPS pets for ground pets and air pets?

Pls dont mention tank ability i just want attack strength here.

*NOTE* Do not mention a Nix pls i know Nix is best

Tanking: Shadou Cub vs. Glacial Walker

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

I heard GW is better for tanking but its slightly too large and the shadou cub is faster and cooler IMO.

If i stick with the cub will there be a noticeable difference and how much will it affect my tanking?

Pls dont bring price into pretend i hqave infinite $

Post edited by lordxionv on


  • LenieClarke - Heavens Tear
    LenieClarke - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,275 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    ground DD pet: either the varicose scorpion or the dark wanderer. there's not much difference once you level them up, but they both need some skills tweaking.

    air DD: petite sawfly, with the cloud skatefish a close second. again, you'll want to think about their skill sets at least a little.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Heaven's Tear alts: KenLubin, Sou_Hon, JudyCaraco --- level 5x chars.
  • lordxionv
    lordxionv Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    ground DD pet: either the varicose scorpion or the dark wanderer. there's not much difference once you level them up, but they both need some skills tweaking.

    air DD: petite sawfly, with the cloud skatefish a close second. again, you'll want to think about their skill sets at least a little.

    What skills would you recomend?

    Say i will be using them for duels and pk later

    Also the air will also be my air quests pet
  • LenieClarke - Heavens Tear
    LenieClarke - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,275 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    lordxionv wrote: »
    What skills would you recomend?

    Say i will be using them for duels and pk later

    Also the air will also be my air quests pet

    i know exactly nothing about PvP, not even duels, so i can't really recommend anything there. for PvE, you want a bash or elemental bash on each, at least; you may want a debuff to increase damage dealt on the target, as well.

    for instance, i put bash on my dark wanderer and use that as the default skill. i'm planning to replace its pierce (physical defense debuff) with howl (magical defense debuff) since i'm usually DD'ing myself whenever i use the thing, and i keep my own ironwood up as a phys def debuff. the skatefish comes with two bashes, which is plenty, but its only debuff is slow, which isn't much use except for pulling; i'll likely end up putting howl on it, also.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Heaven's Tear alts: KenLubin, Sou_Hon, JudyCaraco --- level 5x chars.
  • Mauntille - Heavens Tear
    Mauntille - Heavens Tear Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I don't pvp much, but from my limited experience and from what I've heard from others, you'll want Flesh Ream (for the bleed) and Pounce (for it's stun).

    Pounce is a rare skill though, so it's generally easier to get a pet that already has it.
  • gelnd
    gelnd Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    DD pets: give 'em bash, and ele bash or flesh ream, and howl (a debuff that increases your magical damage). I have threaten (decreases mob's phys attack) as my fourth skill, tho you would want pierce if you intend to go demon at 89, in case ironwood doesn't debuff.

    Tanks: The cub is a good tank, I use one myself. But the walker is slightly more resilient, and deals noticeably more damage (which comes in handy with aggro keeping). I'd recommend at least putting bash on your cub... I removed pierce when first experimenting with mine, and I believe that's the commonly removed skill to make way for bash. Eventually I decided to follow in the footsteps of another poster here and forget ream, pounce, and tough, and taught him roar, tough, and threaten. The reason for wiping tough in the first place and reteaching it is to put bash as the default skill.

    I don't pvp myself, but I've heard you want ream (does full damage, while the other skills have reduced damage in pvp), and that pounce can come in handy for its stun. I found pounce rather useless myself in pve, so as I mentioned already, so I removed it to make way for more useful skills.
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    lordxionv wrote: »
    What skills would you recomend?

    Say i will be using them for duels and pk later

    Also the air will also be my air quests pet

    I would recommend pking without a Nix and there better tanking pet than the ones you mentioned.I would get good luring pet for instances and let the Barb do the tanking.it doesn't matter what you have in the persistent world even the good ole C-Mag will do.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Aniella - Harshlands
    Aniella - Harshlands Posts: 729 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    DD Pet bets free pet u can get for Air is Petie sawfly,Cloud skatefish have same patk but alot lower deff.(That scrope do more dg then petie BUT can't be used in air..Dg diff is just 50-100d XD)

    U can make those pets better by put in skills

    idea 2 a pvp build 4 pets o.o

    Flash ream:
    Do Pdg Over time, do alot on AA,LA

    Howl :
    Make u do more dg w ur skills!-Take down magdef!

    Pet Get 1k more patk

    Nice skills can stun + make pet get 25% higer Atk rate!

    This will cost u 20-22m <_<
    (can also get free by do Dragon teple event)

    Ps Those rare skils are rly worth it XD many ppl say its waste.. well this build isnt! tried on privat server. xD

    But at higer lvl u can farm herbs and sell 3k each!( lvl 89+)
    I make 3,3m a day by farm herbs in hell
    Farm 1hr a day tho <_<*

    QQ If i did Crazy stone at 3x AND not 6x, i had been lvl 105 now!
    Didnt know about Bh/CrazyStone before lvl 6x LOL
  • Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear
    Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,681 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    DD Pet bets free pet u can get for Air is Petie sawfly,Cloud skatefish have same patk but alot lower deff.(That scorpion (u killed that word way too much , but this isnt my point) do more dg then petie BUT can't be used in air..Dg diff is just 50-100d XD)

    U can make those pets hell alot better by put" those skills in"(Can use this build ON all hige patk pets XD)

    why use this buld? cuz its give pet a better dg. But also make u do better dg aswell!

    Flash ream:
    Do Pdg Over time, do alot on AA,LA

    Howl :
    Make u do more dg w ur skills!-Take down magdef!

    Pet Get 1k more patk

    Nice skills can stun + make pet get 25% higer Atk rate!

    This will cost u 20-22m <_<
    (can also get free by do Dragon teple event)

    Stun is Pounce ( refer to the actual name pls ) , also on most servers , these skills go for more than 30m lately , most go for 40+) . Also when u say Dragon Temple , u always forget to say that this is PVP area , which is sth that the OP may not want to participate in (he may prefer PVE or World PVP), or doesnt knwo at all ( be more informative)

    Ps Those rare skils are rly worth it XD many ppl say its waste.. well this build isnt! tried on privat server. xD

    U failed here , sorry , Private server ??? what that has to do with PWI , situations here are different , the only thign is that u can get stuff easier , that doesnt mean that priv.serv. aren't a bit tweaked. Also putting 2 rare skills in 2 pets that will be killed easily by any single AoE attack is half waste , u better spend the money on ur own gear. Want rare skill ? put only 1 on it , claw , and spend the other money to get a better weapon (refine shards etc)

    But at higer lvl u can farm herbs and sell 3k each!( lvl 89+)
    I make 3,3m a day by farm herbs in hell
    Farm 1hr a day tho <_<*
    Finally sth i can agree about , though go farm a bit more , wouldnt hurt

    in green letters
    <--- MALE Veno ..... Moved to G W 2 or maybe not completely , don't know ...... PW addiction
    {That TT xbow chain is one that describes someone's bowel movements after having too much spicy food. A loud **** (Thundercrack), then a burning sensation (Flash Fire), followed by an explosion of multi-colored poo-confetti (Blinding Radiance). Excellent...} By Quilue
  • Aniella - Harshlands
    Aniella - Harshlands Posts: 729 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Phoenix_Eye u say rare scrols are exepsive? lawl its not rly. if u don't have money for it, but other ppl have -.-
    BUT there is ppl that can get all they want w/o cs :D(weedland give ya more fun)

    No, its not expensive if u know how 2 buy them at rigth time <_< XD

    have read and talk w about peps that got stun for 3m and bless for 1 coins...

    well DD pets can be used in pve and pvp! XD for grinding:P

    lawl its better pay 20m for a good pet.. then 70-80m >_>

    if u get bless in dragon teple u have like 60m in no time :D and stun-claw can also drop there FOr free ^^ well i rarly get pked there LOL, i understad if u walk and are close 2 ppl XD

    My pet is not 1 hit XD >_> lawl anyway. how is stupid and put their pet in an aoe XD

    Privat server is much the same just at higer rank and lvl. The biggest CS r9+ are like rank 1 on a privat server. but pets are still same there o.o in way they grow.

    QQ If i did Crazy stone at 3x AND not 6x, i had been lvl 105 now!
    Didnt know about Bh/CrazyStone before lvl 6x LOL
  • Mauntille - Heavens Tear
    Mauntille - Heavens Tear Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Rare scrolls can be expensive. I've seen people succeed at selling bless scrolls for 83mil. (Not worth it, but you'd be surprised how often people buy things that are overpriced.)

    Last time I checked prices on HT, Bless went for around 30-50mil; Reflect, Strong, and Protect went for 10 mil to 25 mil; and Bloodthirst (might have been Bloodhunger) was going for around 40 mil. (I don't recall seeing Pounce, although I'd assume it's probably on the cheaper side. Same with Claw, but it's probably on the more expensive side.) Now that isn't a lot of money for someone who is high level and knows good grinding/farming locations or to a merchant, but it is a lot to an average or casual player, especially for a single pet skill. Yes, it's possible to get lucky with prices, but it's also possible to get lucky and get a Scroll of Tome from packs - possible, but don't bank on it.

    Why not just stick with the Shadou Cub? It comes with pounce, a very nice skill for both pve and pvp. It's conveniently on a great tanking pet. Plus it's much cheaper than 20 mil. Hate to burst whatever rose-colored bubble you're in, but no pets are 20 mil these days. Rares will go for 2 mil or less; Legendaries are on the scale of 80-160 mil depending on fluctuating prices of SoF/PF; common pets sell for practically pennies (all well under 50k).

    You can't tell a low level to go farm dragon temple. It's a pk ground and I don't care how skilled you are, a level 50 is no match for a halfway competent level 100+. There's too many skills, attribute points, and weapon differences to make it any way fair. If you are new to the veno class but not new to pwi, then yeah, farm dragon temple on your high level main. But don't think for any chance that the top pk factions on the server will just let some lowbie dig chests because they want to get better pet skills. Why would they? Kill the low level in 1 shot (2 if you're weak or they're strong), dig the chest, sell and profit.

    And walking in dragon temple? Isn't it underwater? Don't you have to swim?

    Almost pets can be 1 hit in the proper situation. Plus who said you send your pet into the aoe? Ever think of TW? Players can center their aoe wherever they chose and there are plenty who look to take out nix's with their tempest, barrage, <insert aoe skill>.

    PWI is a very different game in low levels as it is in high levels. On some private servers, you start at around level 110 with all G14 (I think, don't remember, but it's close) gear. Things are also easier to obtain on private servers. It's apples to oranges. PWI doesn't just give you 200 mil and say "Go have fun!" Private servers give you a let up from the beginning. Private servers also have their own versions of other things, such as insta-cast wizards (fixed/bannable on some, still working on others from what I hear).
  • Aniella - Harshlands
    Aniella - Harshlands Posts: 729 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Well Good pets are expesive that , how pwi works, it slowly slick ur food money :O But they hasn't stole mine yet >:D WHAHAHAH

    (That build w Bleed-howl-claw-stun is not a lowbe can be able 2 get unless he/she Cs XD but at lowbe lvls pets dg don't realy matter either.
    BUT at higer lvls its easy get those sh11t likes this :3 ur gear wll cost , ** alot more XD like 30m-50m for wep..gear each piece at 95+ <_< )

    Well it work 100% use normal pets + rare pets.
    I used a wolf-kitty-kolwin 2 i got my complete pet build XD ----Used normal pets in 80 lvls XD
    *And howl-flash ream cost 50k- 100k at ah >_> its good skills*
    But no need mess w skills at lowbe lvlzh XD best start think about that later in the game*

    I didn't told him 2 do it at lower lvl but may at 80+-90+
    It sux pk/duel at 3x -7x anyway >_>

    Well at higer lvl u can farm 10m in 1 week <_<* so whats the prob?...lazy :P

    Dragon teple is 60+, But well w i do dragon teple i use go there NO1 use 2 be XD U can walk there 2 :D on the big stones XD

    Shadou Cub is good use at lvl 20+, but well o.o u can't use it in air xD

    On the Weedland(harshlands) scrolls are 2-10m bless is as expensive as allways 50-60m.

    When i pk , its rare that they use aoe or kill pet first o.o happen 2,3% of 100 times XD

    On that privat server i was on, u start as lvl 1 XD and u don't be like lvl 150 in 1 day -.-. And it was just r8-9 there o.o and nirvana/warsoul... g16.

    QQ If i did Crazy stone at 3x AND not 6x, i had been lvl 105 now!
    Didnt know about Bh/CrazyStone before lvl 6x LOL
  • Mauntille - Heavens Tear
    Mauntille - Heavens Tear Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Well Good pets are expesive that , how pwi works, it slowly slick ur food money :O But they hasn't stole mine yet >:D WHAHAHAH

    Oh yes, I and everyone else who has a legendary and/or pets with legendary skills spent all our RL money on pets. That's why we can't afford food or an apartment/home or a computer or internet connection to see these forums and play the game. Please think.
    (That build w Bleed-howl-claw-stun is not a lowbe can be able 2 get unless he/she Cs XD but at lowbe lvls pets dg don't realy matter either.
    BUT at higer lvls its easy get those sh11t likes this :3 ur gear wll cost , ** alot more XD like 30m-50m for wep..gear each piece at 95+ <_< )

    Bleed = Flesh Ream; Stun = Pounce
    People are hear to learn, don't make it confusing for them.

    Flesh Ream and Howl aren't rare skills, which is what we were talking about. The thread is geared at lower leveled/starting players, probably in the 20-30 range. I did say that money is easy to make later on, or did you miss that? 30-50mil for a weapon is cheap if the weapon is any good anyways.
    Well it work 100% use normal pets + rare pets.
    I used a wolf-kitty-kolwin 2 i got my complete pet build XD ----Used normal pets in 80 lvls XD
    *And howl-flash ream cost 50k- 100k at ah >_> its good skills*
    But no need mess w skills at lowbe lvlzh XD best start think about that later in the game*

    What "work 100%"? Give context to this. Are you talking about pk? pve? Teaching a skill to a pet? Being able to cash shop and afford your meal ticket?

    Pets and build are different things. A good pet, normal or otherwise, will compliment you regardless of your build.

    Why not develop skills at low levels? Don't people get pets specifically because the skills they come with are higher than what's available? Don't people add things like Threaten and Tough to free tanking pets to make levelling easier?

    Oh yes, let's gimp ourselves because gameplay up until level 80 means nothing. Not everyone plans to ge to 80+ in a week, ijs...
    I didn't told him 2 do it at lower lvl but may at 80+-90+
    It sux pk/duel at 3x -7x anyway >_>

    So...bullet to 80+ and have 0 experience fighting other players and then go pk? Yeah, makes sense.

    I'm not saying always be white/red if you don't want to, but experience is good if you're interested in pk'ing.

    And a side note, duel =/= pk. [Before you flame me, no I don't think you're saying this. I just want to make the distinction.]
    Well at higer lvl u can farm 10m in 1 week <_<* so whats the prob?...lazy :P

    Uh...10mil in a week (especially as a veno) is kinda (and by kinda I mean very) low...
    Dragon teple is 60+, But well w i do dragon teple i use go there NO1 use 2 be XD U can walk there 2 :D on the big stones XD

    50, 60, not much of a big difference when compared to 100. As for walking, I'll take your word for it, it's been a long time since I've been online during dragon temple and I don't remember much besides fighting underwater.
    Shadou Cub is good use at lvl 20+, but well o.o u can't use it in air xD

    Did I ever say you could use it in the air? OP was talking about land and air pets, the Shaodu is a good land option. Pretty sure your "wolf-kitty-kolwin" can't fly either. The level 20+ thing is a bonus too. Plenty of people don't want hercs or rocks to do their tanking. While I don't agree that this is the most efficient choice, I do respect it. The Shaodu is one of the top tanking pets. If memory serves, it even out performs the Armored Bear (tamable at 80) until about level 90.
    On the Weedland(harshlands) scrolls are 2-10m bless is as expensive as allways 50-60m.

    Dissing your own server... nice.

    Which scrolls are 2-10mil? Scroll prices vary from server to server. I said rare scrolls *can* be expensive, not that they always are. You can find some noob that doesn't know the worth of what they're selling and get steals, but I wouldn't rely on it.

    You keep changing your figures too. You've said:
    Flash ream:
    Do Pdg Over time, do alot on AA,LA

    Howl :
    Make u do more dg w ur skills!-Take down magdef!

    Pet Get 1k more patk

    Nice skills can stun + make pet get 25% higer Atk rate!

    This will cost u 20-22m <_<
    (can also get free by do Dragon teple event)

    So they're 20-22 mil, and now 2-10 mil? And Bless if 50-60 mil? Either make yourself clear or don't post. You're not helping people who are here seeking help.

    As a side note, I'll gladly sell you Howl or "Flash ream" for 20 mil. I'll even give you a discount and sell it to you for 5 mil.

    Regardless, OP didn't list which server they're on. You don't know that they're on Harshlands so you can't just say the scrolls are cheap.
    When i pk , its rare that they use aoe or kill pet first o.o happen 2,3% of 100 times XD

    Never said they'd position it on the pet, but if you're going after multiple targets, why not try to get a nix or two in there as well? It isn't inconceivable.
    On that privat server i was on, u start as lvl 1 XD and u don't be like lvl 150 in 1 day -.-. And it was just r8-9 there o.o and nirvana/warsoul... g16.

    Depends on your server then. Either way, private servers are nice places to experiment and are close to pwi, but generally aren't identical and are therefore impractical for making some kinds of comparisons, particularly those relating to the economy and availability of items.
  • Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear
    Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,681 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Phoenix_Eye u say rare scrols are exepsive? lawl its not rly. if u don't have money for it, but other ppl have -.- ( if that has to do with me , arguement is fail , it doesnt matter whether i have money or not , it has to do with the fact that rare scrolls on nearly all the servers ARE over 30 million
    BUT there is ppl that can get all they want w/o cs :DDid i mention Cash shop w/e (weedland give ya more fun) no comment on this one , i have brains

    No, its not expensive if u know how 2 buy them at rigth time <_< XD

    have read and talk w about peps that got stun for 3m and bless for 1 coins...

    Can u introduce me those people then ? I would like to talk with them about that ( no flame intended)

    well DD pets can be used in pve and pvp! XD for grinding:P

    lawl its better pay 20m for a good pet.. then 70-80m
    If u mean legendaries , again i never mentioned them , though a Nix in this case with it's grinding ability would make more than a buffed sawfly could do , still 20 million can be spent on gear , 5 million (to max common skills is more logical IN MY OPINION >_>

    if u get bless in dragon teple u have like 60m and 60 million is cheap huh , again u prove my own argument in no time :D and stun-claw can also drop there FOr free ^^ well i rarly get pked there LOL, i understad if u walk and are close 2 ppl XD

    My pet is not 1 hit XD >_> lawl anyway. how is stupid and put their pet in an aoe XD what if a cleric comes from the back and Tempests ya , or a BM HF in TW or World PK , i didn't mean SEND ur pet in AoE ( again i have brains) , i meant u and ur pet is caught in it

    Privat server is much the same just at higer rank and lvl. The biggest CS r9+ are like rank 1 on a privat server. but pets are still same there o.o in way they grow.
    Who talks about pets ? i talk about prices , concetrate on what im saying

    Answers in green

    Edit , after readign ur other post i think Maunt replied to it accurately , exactly what i would say.

    a friendly note for the sake of all us here , pls aniella , if u are here to post sth , make it be useful and not half - informative combined with false facts. If u want to troll , dont come here , in threads where people want to learn and need proper advice . i dont mean that ur a fail as veno , but u need to learn what is happening around u in this game , and not presenting different opinions , thus creating a mess.
    (if ur excuse for all this i is *cool off it is just a game* , my answer will be that it is a game , a way of people having fun , and some guys want to excel at it as a personal achievement.

    Ty , Phoenix_Eye
    <--- MALE Veno ..... Moved to G W 2 or maybe not completely , don't know ...... PW addiction
    {That TT xbow chain is one that describes someone's bowel movements after having too much spicy food. A loud **** (Thundercrack), then a burning sensation (Flash Fire), followed by an explosion of multi-colored poo-confetti (Blinding Radiance). Excellent...} By Quilue
  • Aniella - Harshlands
    Aniella - Harshlands Posts: 729 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    He ask for whats the best air pet! and he said NOt NIX!
    Yeah it must be petie or that scatefish...
    It was somthing else 2. lets come 2 the point. stop waste time on usless **** talk lawl.

    I well here u can see the DG on lvl 100 pets:


    I put under that build, 2 show may later u can make those pets better by just put in few skills. And i never said YOU must get those scrolls. its was a idea.

    Its fact u can't change it o.o
    Rare scroll on weedlland(harshland ) are not as expesibve as ur server, cuz its more cash shoppers there(that make ppl have alot more coins).

    If u read more around on the forums u can see ppl that have got..scrolls for... XD
    Well u talk only abour ur options, i talk about things i have read and heard >,..,>

    Mauntille u take things so seriously. i whrite that as a ironic. If u look more close about ppl that spend like 500dollar a week(few but yea the are some that have so much 2 waste XD).

    That i mean "w work 100%" is cuz u are able 2 kill mobs and do quest w no probs.
    As i told ya before "Flesh Ream and Howl aren't rare skills" No they are not, But as" free" skills they are good. There is ofc alot more usefull skills.

    Well i say my server cuz its the server i play on, i know its diff price and playstyle there. It had been no point talk about ..a server u never have been on LOL xD
    I only hard that its much CS at Lost city and few others...

    Phoenix_Eye i don't pk in that way.<_<
    And in my view u talk- like u know everything.I know no1 here can know this game 100%. u must do mistakes 2 learn new things! Those who know most must be those how have tried it out. If u haven't u can't talk like u have*<-- Just something i want 2 say, cuz its how i read ur texts

    I don't troll , i give ideas- this is not my personal text- its from that i have heard and seen.

    plz think more other way before replay this!

    QQ If i did Crazy stone at 3x AND not 6x, i had been lvl 105 now!
    Didnt know about Bh/CrazyStone before lvl 6x LOL
  • Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear
    Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,681 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I do think , i never told him to get the nix , the time u think i wasted on w/e talk took me only 3 minutes , and the importance of it was big , as again ur trolling behavour here ignored it , but that isnt my problem anymore , i have brains and i use them to be useful and to mess people in the end. i talk about things i have come across as well , however i havent met any singel person here ( except u ) that believes that rare scrols are easy to get with coins , again as maunt pointed , people who dont know their use and put them for really low prices are jsut a rare occurance.

    i didnt say u PK that way , i explain what i meant , again u didnt paid attention ......

    What can be more useful than FR in PVP , or bosses with ? lvl (dmgs is helpful) ,or a mag debuff , these skills are easily applicable and they are also easily available , unlike skills that sometimes u wait days weeks or months to come across . ........

    it's not replay it's reply , the fact that ur english isnt perfect doesnt mean u can freely kill the language .................

    i do think , fact is , do U think ??? b:bye
    <--- MALE Veno ..... Moved to G W 2 or maybe not completely , don't know ...... PW addiction
    {That TT xbow chain is one that describes someone's bowel movements after having too much spicy food. A loud **** (Thundercrack), then a burning sensation (Flash Fire), followed by an explosion of multi-colored poo-confetti (Blinding Radiance). Excellent...} By Quilue
  • Mauntille - Heavens Tear
    Mauntille - Heavens Tear Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I could go point by point again, but seeing as how my last post was effectively ignored, I have no reason to.

    I don't "take things so seriously" in general. You should see our faction chat; I'm generally making people laugh.

    However, I dislike it when people who actually go looking for advise and actually think about things (instead of just thinking they know everything and becoming fails) are met with inaccurate or misleading information.

    "Well u talk only abour ur options, i talk about things i have read and heard >,..,>"

    I speak from my own experience as well as the experiences of the people I know and trust. Venos are a unique class in that there are many ways to do well with them. While my personal biases are well known, I don't think everyone has to follow my scheme of doing things. I like to provide insight and hope that some of it is helpful, but I'm not going to tell you how to play a game.

    My point about comparing prices across servers is that you can't say that something is worth X amount without any context. Prices fluctuate with time, availability, and location.

    Aniella, as for responding to you personally, I'm not trying to troll you. I've merely pointed out flaws and contradictions in your arguments. You very well may be right on some of the points and could provide insight to others. I'm trying to get more clarity out of you. If people can't understand you, why bother posting?

    I would have thought that going line by line as to what you wrote as well as going back to previous posts it would have been evident that I was thinking about what I was saying...
  • Aniella - Harshlands
    Aniella - Harshlands Posts: 729 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I do think , i never told him to get the nix , the time u think i wasted on w/e talk took me only 3 minutes , and the importance of it was big , as again ur trolling behavour here ignored it , but that isnt my problem anymore , i have brains and i use them to be useful and to mess people in the end. i talk about things i have come across as well , however i havent met any singel person here ( except u ) that believes that rare scrols are easy to get with coins , again as maunt pointed , people who dont know their use and put them for really low prices are jsut a rare occurance.

    i didnt say u PK that way , i explain what i meant , again u didnt paid attention ......

    What can be more useful than FR in PVP , or bosses with ? lvl (dmgs is helpful) ,or a mag debuff , these skills are easily applicable and they are also easily available , unlike skills that sometimes u wait days weeks or months to come across . ........

    it's not replay it's reply , the fact that ur english isnt perfect doesnt mean u can freely kill the language .................

    i do think , fact is , do U think ??? b:bye

    AT last every1 can get 1 <_< if they want. my point is not 2 get rare scrolls. it was a idea.. nothing else.

    U don't know the same as i do, and i don't know the same as u either... so why don't realy on ur own text? and stop pull my text in everything o_O u never give HIM the Answers of his question!

    well i only had english in 2 Years!..:P u wnat me 2 talk norwegain ?

    Since i can't whrite 100% eng. is so easy 2 missunderstad m text, cuz i can't whrite all i wnat 2 say. cuz of miss alot things

    QQ If i did Crazy stone at 3x AND not 6x, i had been lvl 105 now!
    Didnt know about Bh/CrazyStone before lvl 6x LOL
  • Aniella - Harshlands
    Aniella - Harshlands Posts: 729 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    If u want more info about pets patk - DG go on PWI wiki. XD i read alot cool info there :O also it show how 2 find out pets grow...in lvl 1-2-3-4--...

    QQ If i did Crazy stone at 3x AND not 6x, i had been lvl 105 now!
    Didnt know about Bh/CrazyStone before lvl 6x LOL
  • lordxionv
    lordxionv Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Pls CUT the fighting.

    Can i also get more info on shadou cub vs GW pls?
  • LenieClarke - Heavens Tear
    LenieClarke - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,275 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    the glacial walker is the better tank, and it's cheap (not rare). however, it's also big, ugly, and --- this gets irritating after a while --- slow. especially after you hit level 59 and your summer sprint has you running faster than the freebie level-30 flyer can move, having that big block o' rock trailing so far behind you gets enervating. once you start using holy path a lot to keep up with the crowd in FB's and BH's, might as well unsummon the glacial walker until you get to where you're going...

    i've never had a shaodu cub, but i'm seriously tempted to grind up the coin and buy one. they're a bit more expensive than i'd like, but they look interesting --- small, convenient, and fast.

    see also: http://www.ecatomb.net/pwi/petstat.php and http://www.ecatomb.net/pwi/pet_database.php for details. the glacial walker's "better" in every way except mag defense and speed (and size), but those can be some surprisingly important shortcomings.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Heaven's Tear alts: KenLubin, Sou_Hon, JudyCaraco --- level 5x chars.
  • Mauntille - Heavens Tear
    Mauntille - Heavens Tear Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    lordxionv wrote: »
    Pls CUT the fighting.

    lol, sorry for that. The veno forum can be quite the arena at times.
    Can i also get more info on shadou cub vs GW pls?

    Shaodu Cub Pros:
    - higher m.def than the GW
    - faster run speed
    - better accuracy/evasion: this isn't a really big pro as low accuracy can be circumvented and evasion while semi-helpful isn't as good as raw defense
    - size: this is a big pro for a lot of people as it is much easier for you and others to see around and over your pet; this makes managing multiple mobs much easier
    - Pounce: the little sucker comes with a rare skill that has the potential to stun and increase his attack rate

    GW Pros:
    - higher p.def than the shaodu: melee tankers will be getting hit with melee attacks, p.def is your friend
    - higher hp
    - higher attack value and attack speed: easier for the pet to hold aggro as well as drop your target's hp faster
    - free: as in not a rare pet
    - Roar: not an aggro keeping skill, but something to snap aggro back to the pet in an emergency
    - "Bash": really Icicle, but it's an elemental bash; Bash is the commonly accepted best aggro generating/keeping skill (some debate goes into this vs. Flesh Ream [slower cooldown, damage over time] and Pounce [increased attack rate as generating higher aggro], but Bash is the most commonly recommended/accepted

    It's generally harder for the Shadou to keep aggro due to lower attack speed and base attack value, but in my experience, it's about as hardy as any of the golems. If you're fighting purely melee targets, it will probably take a few extra heals, but most things have mixed magic and physical attacks which seem to balance out the difference.

    While Pounce is an excellent skill to have, it isn't 100% fool proof. Although, since venos don't have as many stuns as other classes, the chance at another is a real perk. The other two downsides to the skill is that 1. the pet only gets the attack speed increase if the stun lands, so it's more or less wasted when that doesn't happen and 2. the cooldown is insane. However, couple Pounce with another aggro skill and you're generally good to go.

    On the other hand, Roar is great in a pinch. Most people have had their "OH ****" moments and stolen aggro from their pet. Roar will snap it back immediately and keep you out of danger. Also, there are times when you may want to use Roar to purposefully bounce aggro around. If a tank (not your pet) is going down and your cleric needs a bit of time to heal them up, pulling aggro onto your pet can give them the brief respite they need to stay alive. Similarly, if a DD goes nuts with their nukes, you can pull the aggro off them faster than some tanks can. Although you'll want to be careful about purposefully bouncing aggro around. Too many aggro resets makes it [nearly] impossible for a tank to keep aggro plus it could confuse and/or freak out your squad.

    Then there are also things like looks that some people put a large weight on.
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    On the other hand, Roar is great in a pinch. Most people have had their "OH ****" moments and stolen aggro from their pet. Roar will snap it back immediately and keep you out of danger. Also, there are times when you may want to use Roar to purposefully bounce aggro around. If a tank (not your pet) is going down and your cleric needs a bit of time to heal them up, pulling aggro onto your pet can give them the brief respite they need to stay alive. Similarly, if a DD goes nuts with their nukes, you can pull the aggro off them faster than some tanks can. Although you'll want to be careful about purposefully bouncing aggro around. Too many aggro resets makes it [nearly] impossible for a tank to keep aggro plus it could confuse and/or freak out your squad.

    Roar has its limits. If a high enough level DD grabs aggro and doesn't stop DDing, roar isn't going to get aggro away from them, as their DDing will be generating more aggro than the roar does.
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear
    Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,681 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    lordxionv wrote: »
    Pls CUT the fighting.

    I do have to apologise for this , but as Maunt said Veno section is arena , not at times , nearly always b:chuckle , fact is that we try to keep away misleading information and keep only the most accurate facts , ( Tip : go to any herc section and see what happens there , ull freak out)

    Can i also get more info on shadou cub vs GW pls?

    I think the other venos pointed out all of the facts for this ,
    Imo , Both pets are excellent for tanking , however if i had to chose one i would prefer the shadow cub , i prefer a pet with balanced defences good hp but much more speed , more speed = reacts better when something goes wrong cause it can run to target faster. As for it's attack Just max Flesh Ream ( every bleed dmg it takes builds aggro on pet = i have tested this) and replce pierce with Roar or Bash , ur choice.

    If u prefer the Walker in the end , jsut max tough and icicle
    <--- MALE Veno ..... Moved to G W 2 or maybe not completely , don't know ...... PW addiction
    {That TT xbow chain is one that describes someone's bowel movements after having too much spicy food. A loud **** (Thundercrack), then a burning sensation (Flash Fire), followed by an explosion of multi-colored poo-confetti (Blinding Radiance). Excellent...} By Quilue