f22araptor Arc User


  • which rebird order is for lvl 62? and is it hard? ah and i have much coins/gold so i can afford much zhens
  • mmh i dont do so much grinding, often i make Zhenning. Does the inverall beetween hits effect to skills to (barrages)?
  • my best friend is cleric, i'm archer. I'm often with him, and we can grind very well togheter. i deal dmg, the cleric ltl bit dmg and heal me. u can say what u want, but it works good
  • WASTE OF MONEY!!!! 1 baby pet is more than 200k, often 250.. Save ur money for other things, like a mount or flying mount, thats my opinion
  • ah, pets can be knocked back (that is the minimum). But a not high lvl archer could really need knockback on PK!
  • u want a baby bear??? ah and these pets are over 1 mio, so 700k is a BAD price ah and baby pets are useless and if u really want a baby pet , buy elysium/snow hare they are sweet too.
  • omg this barb looks like a transvestite
  • do they have so good stats or just add ons( if yeah, which)
  • it is not all, but all in all it is http://pwcalc.ru/pwi/?char=db70d10da4a0ff62
  • so could i use soulsmasher for grinding?
  • hehe i saw a really refining freak.... he refined a lvl 2 bow+12 , and that without dragon orbs^^
    in My Bows Comment by f22araptor July 2009
  • Swift: Physical attack 459-1070 Physical Attack +72 (addon) Refine (3) +42 _______________ max Dmg: 1184 Solar Physical attack 465-1085 Physical attack +64 Refine (3) +48 ______________ max Dmg: 1197 If u have the money, solar is better, it also add +145 HP and slow ah and i have also a solar with +5 and 2 imma garnet
  • why are this leg bracer for 8 mio so good? why are they worth getting? Ah im lvl 6x i have solarslayer, wind and the clouds(soon), genie shins, dark shinguards of hedes(soon) and i have 2 rings (1 with crit hit + (dropped by a normal vll 60 mob)) and 1 with crit +1(also dropped))
  • that could be from your general summer (stahs) wep you are now so strong like a lvl 51 player (attack) if u are lvl 50
  • "You make to low damage, i get aggo" (to an archer)"Please tank the mob" "I'm a Light Cleric" (Lvl 90 Cleric with lvl 42 leg light armor) (At a wraith attack)" Buffs, 100k" "Waa i'm so slow" "Heal me, heal me"
  • mmh archers have problems with meele, barbs problemes with ranged. we just have 2 stuns, and just aim low has a high chanche(stuning arrow too, but just at high lvls) to keep the distance we run or fly. sorry that is the spirit of archer: kill the mob/player, till he reache u. And i think its damn that knockback arrow…
  • ok when u cast blazing arrow it will add 40% fire dmg(if the skill is lvl 10) to normal arrows, that mean arrows without a skill. It hold on 10 minutes, then u have to recast it. it also effect to xbows and slings. with spark eruption i think too.
  • archers maybe have to pay much for ammo, but they can get molds cheap. cause no other class uses bows(just maybe really a few BMs or like that) and light armors are weared just by archers and some clerics. so we can save money at the wep/armor molds/drops
  • Final Boss^^ joke ah there is not fb 49, but a fb 51
    in Molds? Comment by f22araptor July 2009
  • mid mats are sold good, caus u need them for usub. i often sell my mid mats as usub, so u get more costumers i noticed.
  • i needed 2 for crimson horn : soulsmasher (TT80GOLD VERY VERY NICE, gloom(lose 5%mp, greatly increase attck(like single spark eruption). I 'm just lv l 65 but i get mine for 2 mio each ( cheap price i think). u need 18 usub, 20 klunky swaords, 10 fengs iron bar and 2 goldne spriit for crimson horn ( look…
  • i had luck caus i get much weps from my leader (archer) i got moonlight bow, lightcatcher, sinister, stash wep and the prenetator. Atm i use solarslayer, i already have wind and the clouds, and (caus it was only 4,5 mio) crimson horn soulsmasher^^ lightcatcher was a cool wep, but u rarly can see it
  • i have solarslayer, its better. it hase more dmg and also a slow effect
  • knockback on a ranged wep can be usefull for archer too! hehe u sell this bow?
  • kirin for example is 45 gold (fullspurded) and u can buy it fullspurded for 3,5 mio (lesser than 35) gold so krinin loose much price. HH is still 4,5 mio, like Battlecat, this mounts dont lose price (like boa too). Panter u can get fullspuded ( u can spurd him twice) for 2,5 mio
  • pls feel free to write a comment
  • yeah my MJ, u made good songs
  • not archery are not needed, ppl like BLANKA are not needed^^ i hate ppl who give out real money for RPGs, and a lvl 40 barb dont have to say sth. caus he dont know what an archer is hey Randoms: ELVENPOWERb:chuckle
  • cleric is very very important: heal, revive buff, my friend is a cleric and we play often toghether. and i'm much stronger with buffs than without. so yeah u need a cleric i think
  • i have 19 magic, that is to much, isn't it ? i wanna buy a reset note and set it to 9, that must be fine or?