eniac Arc User


  • Thanks a million, Aryannaveno! You're a hero!
  • Finally got through a33.dds and the rest of the patch, by retrying a few more times. Many, many thanks to Aryannaveno for uploading elements and tasks. I wouldn't have made it without those. Also thanks to Darthpanda for all your answers to our posts on this issue. It's nice to have someone there who cares about us and…
  • I too am stuck again, this time the a33.dds file. I'm afraid only the official manual patch will get us past these files. As for the official website being slow, I imagine that's because it's on the same type of server configuration as the patch server which is giving us so much trouble. Notice that this forum always works…
  • I have no trouble downloading from sites hosted on cheapo ISPs like ICD Host and Canaca, or playing games on a server my friend hosts on his PC using a cable modem connection. Are they all really doing something so complicated? If so, then please at least make the automatic and manual patches available simultaneously. I…
  • Agreed, it's so blatantly obvious it must be intentional. I think it's the devs' idea of fair play. After all, you get a free hit when you start combat, and another free hit while the monster runs toward you (assuming you have ranged attacks). The poor critter should at least get one free hit as it dies. I used to think…
  • I noticed a ranger "helping" my cleric kill a skellie warlock in shining tide woods last night. I outdamaged her and got credit. She sent me a pm, "Like you didn't notice I was going after that monster." I just laughed and went about my business, since I hadn't even SEEN her before I attacked. People need to realize that…
  • No kidding! Surtr, next time before you post about a new patch and tell us, "If you have having issues with the auto-patcher, there are manual patches available at http://www.perfectworld.com/download/client" maybe you could check and confirm that it's actually there? b:sad
  • Evidently PWE uses the same flaky server software for the manual patches that they do for the auto patches. With IE my download crawled along a while, then broke in the middle. :( But everything changed when I used download accelerator software. With Getright set to accelerate using 4 segments and resume after 1 minute of…
  • A friend helped helped my gf and me by emailing us elements.data and tasks.data but now we're stuck on icon_guild.dds and our friend can't find that file anywhere. Help! Please give us a manual patch, or we'll never be able to play again!
  • When EverQuest introduced mounts, people figured out they could just use them to sit on and meditate for higher mana regen while fighting monsters. That wasn't intended, but this exploit became so widespread that the devs accepted it as part of the game. In PW, werefox/venomancer luring appears to have achieved the same…
  • Thanks again, Ryuuzaki. With lots of restarts, I managed to coax the patcher through all the files this time, but it's good to know we can always count on you. You're a hero!
  • More info that might help the devs: I used URL Snooper to find out what file the patcher was trying to get when it got stuck on tasks.data. I tried to download that file using IE and GetRight, but had no luck. IE thought it was finished after only 231k, and GetRight got bogged down at about 110k out of 4513.8k. My…
  • Yup, it's the same old problem as during CB. Patcher got stuck on elements.data. After numerous restarts, I finally got to tasks.data, where it's stuck again. My girlfriend suffers the exact same problem, so I can't believe this is all that rare. Devs, if you can't find the bug in the patcher, please at least give us…
  • If PWI is paying attention to this forum, I hope they realize what's happening. When the tide of public opinion turns, it turns swifty and irrevocably. Look at how Flagship Studios plummetted from industry darling to closure, in large part because they changed their subscription policy from a one-time purchase (as was…
  • Thanks a gazillion, ryuuzaki! I too was stuck on the elements file, but your manual patch saved the day. Resuming the download did not help, and my Internet connection is rock-solid, so I have no idea what's going on. :confused: I sure hope this won't be a problem every time there's a patch, but I'm willing to install…
  • Alas, this appears to be permanent, since the other regional versions of the game also only allow male werebeasts/barbarians and female werefoxes/venomances. Perfect World's designers still have the outmoded, unenlightened mindset that there are professions better suited to men or women. Sorry, but in order to play the…
  • A family sharing an internet connection via router is the norm these days, not the exception. Indeed, my girlfriend uses a rural wireless ISP that shares IP addresses between multiple users in a similar way. Banning accounts simply on the basis of shared IP addresses would thus be so mind-bogglingly foolish that I'm sure…
  • Thanks for the correction, karmelia, and for the links, stryke! Good information. Subsidiary vs. subsidiary or subsidiary vs. licensee, it still seems kinda strange to me.
  • I suspect that PWI's reasoning was that those who can't possibly get the free Zen at this late date have still received what they were promised--a chance to try the Closed Beta--while those who can get it receive an extra bonus. No one loses, so everyone should be happy, right? Unfortunately, human nature doesn't work that…
  • Agreed, it's quite confusing. Both versions seem to claim to be the "right" one for English-speaking Europeans. And then there's the Malaysian English version too! I suppose everyone will need to pick the version that has the best ping times for them and features they want. For me the choice looks pretty easy since I'm in…
  • Perfect World upholds the antiquated, sexist, politically incorrect notion that certain professions should be unavailable to certain genders. Thus, to play the strongest soloing, pet-owning class, I am forced to play a female even though I am male. :( How about bringing PW into the 21st century? Let males be venomancers,…
  • I agree wholeheartedly with the original poster. Count me as voting yes, change it! Archosaur just doesn't have the majestic, dignified sound of Ancient Dragon City.
  • Frequently, when I go to the www.perfectworld.com website, elements of it don't load. Most commonly, the top part of the screen (including the navigation bar for "NEWS / GAME INFO / COMMUNITY / DOWNLOAD / FAQ / SUPPORT") doesn't show up and is just a big black area. When this happens, I can still get to these forums by…
  • If you go to perfectworld.com (instead of www.perfectworld.com) it displays a page that just says "It works!" I urge you to fix perfectworld.com so it redirects to www.perfectworld.com the way everyone else's web sites do. When I first came here I thought the site had been ****. :) Edit: Coming back a couple of hours…
  • Found it on page 35, and it worked! I can play! Thanks so much to kithy for supplying the file, and to magoo for telling me about it. Seeing players helping each other like this gives me great hope for the PWI community. Thanks again!
  • Adding my voice to the many who are having problems. My patcher gets stuck on the elements file like other folks'. I got the client using the direct downloader from the perfectworld.com site itself. I'm running Windows XP, tried turning off Windows Firewall altogether (since I'm protected by a router), and made sure my…