Kill stealing noobs...

Azguard - Heavens Tear
Azguard - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
edited October 2008 in General Discussion
OK GMs can we please try to be a bit more helpful on this issue?

i mean just today i was ks'd by the same wizard noob twice on different mobs when it was over halfway dead each time. Apparently reporting with screenshots dont help anyway. So what form of proof would you like then? video of the harassing kill stealer?

You claim to care about your players but ignore them when a common issue in every game has which is kill stealing. The only game i've seen that has fixed this is the name is greyed out when its yours and when someone else tries to attack it they just waste, mp,arrows,etc... they dont get xp or anything out of it.

Sounds like a good thing to look into. We dont want another silkroad where Kill stealing noobs run rampant like bots and/or hackers.

Post edited by Azguard - Heavens Tear on


  • vedra
    vedra Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    KSing isn't against the rules. Why don't you just create a squad and qest together? It's a lot easier and faster. You might even make a new friend.
  • deshin
    deshin Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Too many people that whine about KS when it most likely isn't. Casters get blamed all the time for KS since they almost always cast a long setup spell as their first attack. Maybe it was you that KS them. From their viewpoint the mob should be theirs as soon as they start to cast. Very nice it does not work that way since that could be abused

    Even so what did they so called steal if you already had more than 50% damage. You get the kill credit and the drop. Maybe you lost a little XP but it also shortened your battle so its a wash since you can hit the next mob sooner.

    The only kill stealing that I could see is a problem is if someone would wait until you had done almost 50% damage and then blast then mob.

    The most damage method has so many advantages over any of the tagging systems. Tagging can be so abused by a tank that can cast AOE. They just run in collect up all the mobs do a tiny damage and then kill them off one at time.
  • Tsunamiex - Lost City
    Tsunamiex - Lost City Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Hi there, I noticed you play on Heaven's Tear.

    3 letters.

  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Wow I made an archer it seems like ksing is around every freaking corner. Took so long to level because everyone was ksing me.

    I was doing about 50% or more damage, out of no where a cleric or archer runs in, kills it and I dont the quest count o_o.....
  • eniac
    eniac Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I noticed a ranger "helping" my cleric kill a skellie warlock in shining tide woods last night. I outdamaged her and got credit. She sent me a pm, "Like you didn't notice I was going after that monster." I just laughed and went about my business, since I hadn't even SEEN her before I attacked. People need to realize that they are not the center of the universe, and that everything that happens nearby is not a personal affront to them.

    The way I see it, there's no KSing in this game, just people helping people. Either you're helping someone else with their kill, or if you outdamage them, they're helping you with yours. How nice!
  • malkesh
    malkesh Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    KSing happens but is rarely intentional.

    Most of the time it's just a matter of bad timing and/or lag. So if it's only 2-3 Mobs I don't mind, trying to pick for my next target a mob that is clearly not taken and possibly standing all alone.

    I had it happen to me with my Cleric quite often while I was casting. And it happens very often to my Veno - because I have the habit of sending my pet in first (via manual attack) and people ignore it or don't recognize a mob that's attacked by a pet as "taken". People see the pet and come in after it since it looks like a free tank to them.

    If I get some guy that's doing it to me over and over again and not reacting to a polite comment to stop it (meaning clearly not unintentional) I'm just being a baaad Veno, letting my pet pull quite some mobs and when the KS comes in putting it back into my pet-bag ;)
    It's quite interesting how fast they can run (or die) if they suddenly don't get a free tank anymore and have to face 5+ aggroing mobs all alone ;)
  • Twilyte - Heavens Tear
    Twilyte - Heavens Tear Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Malkesh has the right idea. Don't bother the GM's about it, it comes with the "territory". Take matters into your own hands.

    On PvP servers, you have to deal with PK's, be them random or not. On PvE servers, you deal with KS'ing, be it intentional or not.

    My two sons play melee types (one Blade one Barb). And they always seem to get casters or noob archers "leeching" off of them. It's usually because those players don't know the proper tactics for kiting mobs or which skills to use to avoid a physical beat down.

    I usually fly over to my kids area, tell them to take a break and start killing for them until the leecher starts to follow me. I have them "follow" me deeper into the mobs, away from the safety of the perimeter of the mobs. I always use the same long cast time skill to start with (for example, most of the Cleric "lightning" skills works well here), so they get used to know when I am going to attack something.

    Once you see them start their attack spell/arrow, the Escape key is your best friend. Cancels out your skill just before you cast, allowing them full aggro. They now panic, run, and usually realize far to late that you "drew" them into the other mobs only after they have a small army chasing them.

    They usually stop shortly afterwards and find somewhere else to "play". Besides, dealing with them this way sure breaks up the monotony of killing mobs!b:laugh
  • Wrathx - Heavens Tear
    Wrathx - Heavens Tear Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    In Heaven's Tear it's so crowded that unintentional kill stealing happens all the time. When I first started playing this game a couple of weeks ago I couldn't believe how many people were playing. Everywhere I went in the game there was a group of people all trying to kill everything which I pretty much guessed meant they were all doing the same quest at that time. So don't necessarily jump to conclusions about the ks'ing. One of the easiest things to do would just see if anyone wants to join up in a squad. Your quest will go faster even and there will be less headaches.
  • Raerine - Heavens Tear
    Raerine - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I think you're making too much of a big deal out of this. Almost everyone you come across who ks your mobs didn't do it intentionally. Especially with wizards since their casting time takes longer than everyone's else. Ive unintentinally done it to many ppl, and they've done it to me. You just have to let it go and understand that it happens.
  • Zress - Lost City
    Zress - Lost City Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    In Heaven's Tear it's so crowded that unintentional kill stealing happens all the time. When I first started playing this game a couple of weeks ago I couldn't believe how many people were playing. Everywhere I went in the game there was a group of people all trying to kill everything which I pretty much guessed meant they were all doing the same quest at that time. So don't necessarily jump to conclusions about the ks'ing. One of the easiest things to do would just see if anyone wants to join up in a squad. Your quest will go faster even and there will be less headaches.

    I'll have to admit that on Lost City its not really that much of an issue. The players overall are a bit more respectful over such things. Might be the worry over beign PK's, *shrugs* but in truth i have found out if your polite to your neighbor, they are polite to you.

    New folks sometimes will accidently attack something, and I have been at Wraith events that KS'n is going rampant due to the frenzy of the event. I just smile invite the people close to me in a party and just be careful of what I attack. if someone has it, I call the pet off and let them have it and take the next one.

    and as far as letting leechers training themselves... b:victory ohhh I have "never" done that dears...b:kiss *laughs*
  • Byr - Lost City
    Byr - Lost City Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    New folks sometimes will accidently attack something, and I have been at Wraith events that KS'n is going rampant due to the frenzy of the event. I just smile invite the people close to me in a party and just be careful of what I attack. if someone has it, I call the pet off and let them have it and take the next one.

    i had someone start to KS me at a wraith event. I told him to go away then killed him when he didnt. <3 for pvp servers.
  • Fivefive - Lost City
    Fivefive - Lost City Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Someone attacked my monster by accident and she said sorry. I said I was a bot and it didn't matter.
  • Jagermeister - Lost City
    Jagermeister - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    OK GMs can we please try to be a bit more helpful on this issue?

    i mean just today i was ks'd by the same wizard noob twice on different mobs when it was over halfway dead each time. Apparently reporting with screenshots dont help anyway. So what form of proof would you like then? video of the harassing kill stealer?

    You claim to care about your players but ignore them when a common issue in every game has which is kill stealing. The only game i've seen that has fixed this is the name is greyed out when its yours and when someone else tries to attack it they just waste, mp,arrows,etc... they dont get xp or anything out of it.

    Sounds like a good thing to look into. We dont want another silkroad where Kill stealing noobs run rampant like bots and/or hackers.


    And thats the problem with playign on a PvM server
    Cleric - Member of Unlimited [Lost City]

    Invincible 220/24 Keeper - SC Ring of Destruction (Anarchy Online)
    Invincible 63 Warrior - Genocide (Knight Online)
    Invincible 120 Priest - Leader Primal (Corum Online)
    Invincible1 109 Segnale - Leader Primal Instinct (2moons)
    Jagermeister 80 Priest of Mitra - Primal Instinct (Age of Conan)

    Sub-Leader Primal Instinct Gaming Services Network
    "PKing since Pong"
  • Diamondstar - Heavens Tear
    Diamondstar - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Most people don't do it on purpose... I have however had one who just flat out ticked me off. I am in the habit if someone attacks the same one i do then i squad invite, most people accept and we can kill faster. Its hard as a melee cause you don't know who is casting nearby, and vs versa as a magic user cause someone else might be casting or run in as your casting.
    I had one instance right outside arch of a veno who sicked her pet on one i was melee with when it was near half dead. I invited her and she refused, wisped me thanks but i dont need YOUR help. O.o she ended up out damaging me by far as i have that charater build to tank not do massive damage fast.
    However MOST people are not jerks about it and are willing to squad
  • elizar
    elizar Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Most then KSing i see problem with ppl not wanting to groups and its worst when you do timed quest and there is at least 10 ppl doing same.

    Only thing realy make me mad is high lvl character starting kill everithing around me.
    Its hard to lvl alone as full healing cleric even without those problems.
  • Brimsheen - Sanctuary
    Brimsheen - Sanctuary Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    You get credit for the kill when it's been over halfed by yourself anyways, amirite?
    Souls yearn to live a hero, but even moreso, a soul yearns to die a Legend
    -Brimsheen, Mercenary for hire (16 and rising. My avvy lies)
  • acolyte
    acolyte Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Post screens of the losers on the server section b:laugh So all knows who it is!

    Soon people like that will stop b:pleased
    This game is getting more & more Hostility each day.

  • erethizon1
    erethizon1 Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The original poster's character appears to be level 7 which is probably a large part of his problem. For the first few levels everyone is doing the exact same quests at the same time in the same spot and things get very crowded. Once you get to double digit levels things start to thin out a bit and kill stealing is a lot less of a problem. It will still happen every so often (usually by ranged attackers that start attacking something before a melee gets up to it), but you simply move along and go for the next creature.
  • Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear
    Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Dude ur level 7 FFS(figure it out) and you're getting your panties in a bunch over ks'ing?! Just the fact that you made this post suggests youre the antisocial grumpy type person that always choose to see the worst in others and in fact brings it forth.

    Maybe try to talk to the other ppl around you and party up for quests, or just goto another area. There are almost ALWAYS 3 spawn locations for the same mobs. If somone is REALLY constantly following you and KS'ing you AND you didint bring it upon urself by acting like a **** - click the little GM button at the bottom right and it will get sorted out.

    No more BS drama posts please!