devil85 Arc User


  • i do not understand your logic.. It should be defender is being constrained? You get ganked by 3 faction, each faction only needed 80 of their elite. Where as the defender have to disperse the elite to separate TW. Yes the maximum attackers can send in is 240 at a time. The defender can send in 200 at most. It is…
  • oh ya we all knew sabrina is Legend's lap dog. Go doggie
  • Why did KengKong get banned?
  • A faction with 10k refund. Many faction bid and showed up in TW. They got banned because they have 10k refund. KengKong is a good example. Now we have a 10k refund overbidding Nef without any ban. Very nice work GM.
  • Haha i should make a poll. Who thinks fake bid will happen again next week? b:laugh Btw I saw sabrinafox in archo. Nice job GM. now fake bid is not an offense anymore. People~~ do fake bid! b:victory
  • Because Highlife$ isnt doing a fake bid? I see a lot of nothing ''will be done'' and ****. Legendary stop pulling out all ur alt to vote for nothing will happen. I hope GM is REALLY not biased. ban sabrina at least. She must be so scared that legendary will lose or it is a fake bid. simple Tho i hope GM can check FC log.…
  • Ooh sorry i didnt finish ur post. Cos i think its a waste of time... Its not about nef bidding them back or not. Its about Legendary becoming so low they resort to fake bid. News~~ an insider told me Legendary admit they did it in their faction chat after the fake bid. LMAO. I'm dissappointed. w00t I think legendary did…
  • aw.. i tho it would be a hot topic. I guess everyone knew its the truth so theres no need to argue?
  • Yes, i do. The problem is, can you actually kill them? I doubt an archer will stand ground & melee fight. Maybe a mage or cleric would lmao. Are u suggesting u can 1 hit them with skill? Or chase them for 30 min for a lvl 90 barb to kill at lvl 70 archer. Not discussing about how to pvp using armagedon. Just telling those…
  • Erm.. u do realize that barb doesn't have a 100% stun skill, no sleep skill, no seal skill, and only spark or use 2 spark for armagedon? You also realize that vit barb cannot kill anyone by spamming skill attack. So basically barb = armagedon. You want them to stand there, use armagedon and then let you kill him?…
  • woot.. stop QQing. Veno send nix and hide, archer hit and run, mage seal and kill. Bm chain stun, cleric sleep spark. LMAO. Dont blame the player, blame the game. If you dont wanna lose then dont pvp noob b:shutup So barb be a true barb u QQ, being a weird barb u QQ. why dont you try a barb and keep ur xxxx shut
  • they must be busying grinding b:cry
  • b:laugh is it really illegal to get funded by other faction? if it is not, then who cares! calm down TheDan and Sager. b:thanks This post has gone too far off the topic. b:shocked The question was, why do people think that any faction would make a fake faction to bid on themselves. If there is no answer. Then we shall end…
    in Seriously? Comment by devil85 May 2009
  • lol, why would Legendary pay for 500k to make a fake bid. There are tons of fake bid.. that means Legendary would have to pay for millions! these fake faction belong to neither nef nor legendary. If i'm legendary leader, i would rather pay for regicide or SW so that they can attack everyweek lmao b:pleased (if that is…
    in Seriously? Comment by devil85 May 2009
  • I'm not crying at all. I'm just wondering why people would world chat --> "Is it that boring to make a faction to attack yourself". I mean these fake bid doesnt hurt any faction, both nef or legendary. From my understanding (someone told me) you get 90% refund. So i think its weird for people to think some faction would…
    in Seriously? Comment by devil85 May 2009
  • Is that because you speak weired language too? Thats why you cant understavd b:shutup
    in Seriously? Comment by devil85 May 2009
  • you are funny. I'm crying for fake bid on nef or legendary? Yup, dont tell anyone I'm crying for fake bid on them b:sad
    in Seriously? Comment by devil85 May 2009
  • b:chuckle what does QQing means? does it mean facts? b:thanks I just find it funny for those who think that nef would make faction to attack themselves.. I dont see the logic lol.. and they WC about it! weird b:chuckle
    in Seriously? Comment by devil85 May 2009
  • I also feel that GM has biased hate against larger faction. I really think they are not professional. GM in most games do not have individual name. They have GM0001 or GM0002. That is more professional imho. b:surrender
  • Thats it.. I'm moving to private server b:bye
  • **** PWE look at charm pack. They said wait and nothing happen. Now they said wait for official announcement. There wouldnt be any. They dont wanna rollback because the noob put tons of money to get free money. The plan is to let us forget as time goes by. **** this company
  • If they are smart and should be rewarded, what can you say to those nice players who didnt try to benefit from this bug as they fear of getting ban and expect a rollback? are they at fault not to exploit the game and should watch those who did spend the money?
  • I think the fair play he meant is "oops they got lucky" The GM gave them money. I guess it is ok if GM give his/her friends money?
  • Tehfishy it is not a rumor. You are probably one of them too.
  • well. i know some who made 1.5billions b:shocked
  • They did one hell of a **** job. What about those who got away with 2 billions?
  • Me too.. if no rollback, i'm quitting. They made too many mistakes and covered up very very badly. They always ignore the player and choose the most beneficial option for them. It wasnt the 15hr of grinding from the good player that they r trying to protect by not rollback the server. It is their profit because lots of ppl…
  • It isnt the economy that worries me. It is those who got billions that can afford the perfect gem and weapon. He can have all the skills and the firepower to **** the game up. He can also buy anything and everything that he wans which means he can influence the server and make 1 faction that is super strong. I consider…
  • agreed.. an epic fail