Thinkalot - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • Our psy (when i was on my sin) just used black voodoo, and used Earth Vector to stunn the mobs. We ran without a BM, just 2 sins, barb, wizzie, cleric and psy. (randoms) The only one that died was other sin cause of a lagspike (orange circles). Psy with black and earth vector works perfect. And she didn't take aggro. A…
  • HA sin .... 0.0 So far not seen one, and imo more disadvantages then advantages. You have higher pdef you have wayyy less dmg output meaning you have wayy less return from Bloodpaint Less dmg = fighting longer = taking more hits = more repair and more chance to die. And although your pdef will be high, not all mobs are…
  • Rank 10 melee : APS increase from 5.0 to 7.0 with a 90% chance of "self-inflict". Rank 10 Arcane : Channeling reduced by 90% and increase skill cooldown by 30 sec. Rank 11 : the same as rank 10, but with added bonus of a full set giving -50% "enemy visibility". (Simply means you can't see sh.t.) b:victory
  • As the OP on this, i can clearly state that i have a high lvl cleric myself. That being said, i ALWAYS carry rezz scrolls just to minimize the downtime in an instance. There is nothing more annoying being in an instance, by example, like a BH69, where the tank (at a certain lvl) can't stay alive on Pole without purify for…
  • 0.0 Why such a long post when it's simple to accomplish : Use Fists. Explanation : When i'm in SQ with a barb, i switch to 3* fists that i picked up cheap in AH. When i spark (demon) and i see i DO take aggro, i don't spark anymore, otherwise i just keep on hitting for a decent amount and avoid getting hit all the time. IF…
  • "There's not enough barbs...." A while back you could also see QQing about "there's almost no clerics to be found...." , seriously, i wonder how people even play the game.... In the fac i'm in we only have 2 barbs available , when they're on, and not on an alt. And even then we just do fine. Clerics ? We got 2. Of which…
  • I got em both since i like to have all my skills. Personal preference i guess. Healing Trance : only use it in Cube of Fate "100sec stand" room. Otherwise i never use it. Condensed Thorn : never had any reason to use it, looks good but that's about it. If you wanna save cash, don't get em. Otherwise, personal choice.
  • Personally, i used the Leg.69 one till i got 80, used my TT60 (which i had) to make TT70 bloodlusting tongues and from those the Hook&Thorn. L69 at +3 will last you till H&T(80). And H&T (refined well) will last you till 99. Your rank4 chestpiece will also last you till 90. Esp when you want more aps. (It has the same…
  • A simple breakdown : If you want to make money, don't go sin. Reason : 1. sins are squishy, esp at early levels. You'll probably die a lot if you don't have good gear. 2. the only way to make money, is to save money. being a sin without bloodpaint you'll spend a lot on pots. Basically : ANY toon you start costs cash in the…
  • At the moment, i don't care much about Faction Bases and all that surrounds it. But i do like to comment on some idea's/thoughts. 1. Faction bases should indeed be "harder to get", otherwise every single Tom, **** or Harry can start a fac, spend a bunch of cash and get a base. 2. The problem with the faction bases you can…
  • Both Sage and Demon have their advantages and drawbacks. This : However is not so true. Even Demon sins need good gear. Most that choose demon want to spark endlessly to attain as much APS as possible. You cannot reach that with average gear. Think about a lunar cape, the wristguards, TT99 stuff...Tome.....etc etc. BOTH of…
  • True, at lvl 80 SP starts to add up. At 89 i had nearly all my skills maxed out and got some demon skills (and had the 79 skills) as well. No need to panic, you'll have enough SP when you need it.
  • No matter how you look at it, it's going to be very expensive. I started with Regular TT armor, got rank 4 armor, then got -int bracers (bound ones) , then Hook & Thorn daggers. Now i'm at TT90 -int bracers, H&T , Lunar cape , rank armor and a pretty sweet tome lvl 4. 300+ mill for that -int is a bit out of my budget now.…
  • When you're lower level and haven't got the cash (yet) some good npc gear is more then enough. Make sure when you buy it from a catshop or AH (auction house) that it has at least 2 sockets or more when you want to shard it. Keep every single DQ item drop and either sell it to an npc or in a catshop to make more cash for…
  • Same deal here, i never run out of mana on sin, equipped a plat. charm and still over 80%. (although i rarely use skills now, most i do is normal attack + relentless courage or windshield genie skills)
  • Ahh, i didn't know that they had a restriction there....and 100K/pot is pretty expensive, although they ask about half on that on our server. 50K is expensive as well imo. But well worth it. One more thing about sins running out of mana. I think it's a pretty stupid sin that runs out of it, since there are a lot of mp…
  • In my own opinion, NEVER add vit to your build. 1. adding vit only gives you a bit more hp /vit point. 2. any point you put into vit only decreases your DEX. more dex = more damage = higher hp recovery from bloodpaint. (which you always should have on) 3. If you want more HP : shard your gear with citrines. A full dex…
  • lvl 90 Detection pots. Sold in our server nearly daily at W-arch teleport. Never heard of BUYING pots instead of making them ? As if people are gonna waste a genie skill on decreasing mana.... never heard of MP charms either i suppose ? Or the MP herbs ? How FAR does that AoE reach ? 10 meters ? 20 ? 24 ? As far as i know,…
  • As far as i know, you can see BM's coming a mile away. And this is about sins, not bm's. Depending on your level, there are Detection pots, but you cannot use another apo immediately after. So the best course of action would either be : 1. use detection pot, and nuke em, if they try to come close or use shadow teleport,…
  • I see enough members from top facs buying packs like nutters and wearing crazy gear indeed to claim most , but not all, cs like crazy. If you state otherwise, you're playing a different game then the rest of us. Read carefully : spending 14 thousand. not drinking tea. People can do whatever they want with their money, but…
  • fist cleric ? Hmmm. Why not roll a heavy axe cleric or a high dex bow barb ? b:chuckle What peeps do to obtain something silly.
  • Here's a tip for ya : APO pots. 6 seconds of invincibility. SIX seconds. Count, it takes a while. Use AD (3.6 seconds lvl 90 genie), run like hell, apo after 3 counts (another 6 seconds), and try to nuke em with an aoe before he or they go into stealth again. That's a grand total of 9 seconds survival. Most sins or melees…
  • I come from a faction that did TW before the rank hype was starting. Honestly, even then the high lvl facs were already dominating TW. Don't blame everything on rank gear. When members from fac(s) spend THOUSANDS of dollars/euros on a game it's kinda normal that they get the best gear/weapon possible and obtainable. NO one…
  • Cheap : 3* gear , the rank 4 chestpiece (-int). More expensive : TT80 gold bracers (-int) , TT80 leggings and boots, rank4 chestpiece. I personally skipped TT70 , got the TT80 bracers (gonna use em for Generals Bracers) , and got the more expensive stated above. At 90 switch to Generals bracers , rank 6 chestpiece and TT90…
  • Well, so far i've done 1-1 and 1-2 without a problem at lvl 84 (1.54 aps/4.5K base hp) but the TT 1-3 seemed a bit harder. I managed to do it, and my charm ticked only once. As for TT 2-1 , i might give it a go once i lvl again, that way i don't lose exp :) Tried out with and without "Wolf Emblem". Seems to me it DOES make…
  • SO TRUE. I was thinking about buying a cheap mount for my 3rd toon, cause flying at 0.5 aint all that fun, until i got that free pwi anni mount. AWEsome. Then the DQ themselves. I don't grind that much, but the DQ's give me points to buy do-all cards for my cube runs. AWEsome. And indeed, the competitive player is pissed…
  • Now THAT is the big problem when facing "endgame" : what's next. A LOT of people are facing or will face "endgame" very soon (within months). What will they do next when they have all their gear with or without paying craploads of cash for it. I play different toons of different levels. I tried all classes out to some…
  • in my own experience, debuffs are only usefull when you're in sq as second cleric and have time to use em on bosses. They are "sometimes" usefull in TW on some occasions and to help your teammates win a fight or give an extra edge. As for lvling them, level them with extra SP but go for your buffs/heals first. Seals are…
  • Currently i got Holy path (for very long discances/instances/TW) , tangling mire, occult ice and ...something else. I LOVE it. Absolute domain i have on my cleric, its awesome, but not really needed on sins. IF you get ganked you can always tele away or go stealth. Vit on a genie is nice when you want fast regen, but you…