well as someone pointed out - make use of the snowmen just now for both types of pets. out of xmas season, I think the flying worms down beyond the Tideborn main city were the place to level flying pets. Presume this is still the case.
If you look beside the teleporter in each city there is a stone with a quest marker over it. click on that and choose the mission to go to the fb19 cave and when you exit you will be back in starter area in konton. As a tip for new players/returning players on new characters. Before leaving the area, go to New Quests tab…
If the majority of people were like me, they used this opportunity to raise alts they had all but given up on to 95+ and so already have a fair grasp of the game. Yes there will be those who went from level 1. Just as there were those who charged cash and bought their levels in FC runs from a higher level. Back to topic.…
once you have completed each culti as normal, visit the mailbox and refresh your Book of Time from the pack, it gives various bits of gear etc.
also do you have an empty mission slot to allow the ticket to process?
Bug: Level 20 VIP Flyer Exchange - No Flyer for Nightshade from Wang Tsai
SweetieBot please analyze me! And Merry Xmas
I agree. we already apparently have several 100+ of the new race. I dont think FC Hyper is really needed.
Sparkie I am sure this is way down the list of things to be fixed but I see the Notice box on the character select screen is still referring to the release of New Horizons, as opposed to the current update. As are the forum headers.
It's generally LA, so wouldnt be far away from that for an Assassin
given we seem to have got parts of PWCN, is there any chance they have a lower character per account limit than we do?
yup cannot re-access tickets directly due to this warning, however if you follow the link from the email you get you can then view/update the ticket.
remember the sage/demon question is no longer a decision you have to live with (although fairly expensive to change and reskill)
^^this is correct the gifts are given out for the games anniversaries not individual player anniversaries. You will have to have been playing from before certain date in the previous year to be eligible for the mount gift. This was I am sure all detailed in the forum post or the linked news post as i recall. The…
not wishing to disparage my tolling brethren's learned advice.. if you have multiple weapons for which your character has the stat points (str & mag or str & dex) to wield then yes you can switch them out easily enough by dragging their pictures from your inventory window onto one of you action bars, then simply click to…
i smell a dead thread rising... if you must raise this issue again do it in a new thread not one that is almost 4 years without a post.
really? is that your final answer? sure you won't call a friend? earliest Archosaur subforum post (subforums are created when new servers announced usually) - March 2010 earliest Raging Tide subforum post - December 2009 (just in advance of Raging…
oh and i checked back my mails from pw and the only survey ones i have are the ones you get when you haven't logged in in a while. In those emails PW include the survey questions they want you to answer (why are you no longer playing in this case). There is a submit button at the bottom of the email. I do not have any…
it's quite easy to fake the address that's visible the <> in fact i am allowed to do that and send mail using my domain address from my ISP mailbox. Anyways by following this instruction you should be able to see the headers in a similar fashion as i have posted above. To see the full email…
bella not used hotmail in a very long time, but hopefully somewhere in the tools there should be a way for you to view full headers on the email. then you can check if the from address has been spoofed in any way, i.e if it does not originate from or something along those lines I would give it a wide…
cupboard stone? you may be cheaper buying tokens and getting from pwi agent. 40 tokens (soo between 400K and 500K depending on token price on HT) still cheaper than boutique if i recall pricing correctly
^^this. I was surprised when i sold some tokens and got a 10mil big note instead of coin. but i noticed it in my inventory (big white ticket kinda stands out)
I think what you are looking for is called pvp. ijs.
well it must be PW that is at fault. the fact that it works on our high end rigs must be an aberration. or magic. yes magic. Also playing it on my crappy old 9 year old laptop the game never crashed as i recall - ran slow at times sure but then I didnt try and run the game at max settings on a rig that couldnt cope with…
i play on windows 7 home premium on a laptop 8GB with radeon hd 6650M 2GB on board. Not had a single crash even with settings at max, and in Arch on DW at US primetime, or in Raging Tide, earthguard or Morai (these areas which use upgraded models from the rest of the game). You may want to check your graphic card drivers…
I hope he at least buys me dinner first. <<not that sort of veno. b:shockedb:surrender
unfortunately for archosaur it was opened not long after raging tide - a lot of people had moved from the older servers to raging tide (when tideborn were released) for a new start and chance to be big fish in small pond (at least for a while) - anyway archosaur has always suffered as a result in terms of population…
thats 6 words Buff... if you put F2P since first day. thats only 4.. technically
I'll bite. as long as I can have my nix and herc out at the same time as well.