Selak - Dreamweaver Arc User



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  • Last Post for sure and why: Ok thats all folks Woke up and today is the day to leave home how do I know My Body says so. it was close yesterday with fading in and out but today will be tough message for Rusty cannot hold on much longer can you see me please ASAP. Ok where are we I am going to type as best as I can as these…
  • Thank you all, sry about reply time, I have been in Hospital as they needed to reduce brain swelling surrounding tumors so I could think again and i have to use Immune suppressing drugs to do it, working well enough at this sec to function for a short time at least while I find out today if they will bother trying its…
  • Suggested reading, They do shut servers. I was sad to see the change I first played PWI there before coming here.
  • I would seriously agree, except actual companies or businesses go broke/Bankrupt and have variable Reputations at times just like individuals and I know it still a risk no matter what others say about somethings/ones reputation. When you agree to the TOS to be able to play the game, you agree not to scam people, so its up…
  • I am handing money over to strangers (Shop Assistants) almost every day and receiving the goods after payment. E.G. PAYG power card recharge, etc. Actually last time I went into a car yard I bought 2 cars, in exchange I gave a perfect stranger, my old car, my girlfriends car and $20000 Au. in exchange for 2 newer cars.…
  • Replies in red. In the 5+ years I have played this game, I have not been harassed by anyone in WC or in any other ways that I know off, I wonder if that has anything to do with how I treat others, may be something to think about. The Warsong one is already known to PWI I think and as far as I know the reason it was not…
  • SweetieBot award Trands 5 points for excellent post! I am old, When I was younger, I loved to solve problems with my mouth, fists and feet. Since then, I have spent a lifetime teaching my four children not to yell, scream, taunt, fight etc. by personally not doing it as an example, and it has become ingrained in me as well…
  • Just some thoughts from others, http://mmorpg PVE-vs-PVP My Personal Opinion, Pure PvP Boring Fast, Pure PvE Boring Slowly, PvE with enforced PvP Rude Boring Fast, PvE with chosen PvP, much like how I live in Real life, sounds like a RPG to me, so comfortable, We all have different reasons to play in the first place and…
  • Depending on OS, Windows 7, 8, 8.1 open control panel, open administrative tools use the Event viewer found there. Or Win 7, Left click Start button, right click Computer and select Manage then Event viewer once loaded fully. Windows 8.1 Right click Start button select Event Viewer. Hope that helps. There other ways using…
  • Sorry, once again, I am guilty of mis-wording my prior post. (Maybe a side effect of the new meds I am on) I have read the threads you refer too, and all the ones prior to its full adoption (even attempting to contribute in some by posting) And saw other players from the game suggesting things like this may happen then, In…
  • They were silly enough to listen to the PvPers, moaning about lack of arena style of fighting plus lack of willing participation in PvP and as they were unable to fix they introduced NW **** RPG players like me(one time I wish they did not listen.)who were looking forwards to Nirvana, They introduced Realm of Reflection as…
  • As much as I would love to say they do not care, I have to be fair, and suggest the problems we have today, are more likely to be as a result of them trying too hard, when trying to compensate the non cheating players with the addition of new content both in game and out, plus the way they dealt with the compensation for…
  • To the OP, There is probably very little to be gained asking that question now as most people who objected to botting probably do not play now nor read the Forums any more. I did not leave for this but rather the lack of punishment for cheaters, but the choice to use an in game Bot, was just another straw to break the…
  • I remember most of the above, Till I took an arrow to the knee/flipper from PWI. As to Tokens not being worth less than 20K, I respectfully disagree, I sold Tokens of Luck from packs to catshops for 9.5k to 11k near Banker at West Arch. on Dreamweaver and bought them from 10.5k to 12.5k range from the very same catshops at…
  • I think the important bit here is The Dev team is in China which makes sense since some of the code at least was written in Chinese. It would be nice if they could have a Western team who could actually alter the code, rather than just translate text, but they would have to be able to fund it in the long term as the…
  • At $180 for a year of game play in the game I mentioned, and as you quote 2 months to raise a char to end game, I could and have raised 6 chars to full endgame gears at a much lower cost. lol,
  • The game myself and the OP from the other thread mentioned, play at times, the same game as mentioned in that thread (Sir_Rusty and I are RL Brothers), costs at most $15 aust per month if you choose to pay that way, its cheaper for longer periods, you still cannot buy the best gear in game or even the mats, you must farm…
  • This is a personal opinion, I think that a lot of the normal coin sinks were nullified with the ability to bypass parts of the game, as an example before crafting books were added to the boutique, I could earn just about enough coin/mats from normal questing to cover the costs needed to craft all the things needed to…
  • 11062 OPKossy, Just curious is your signature meant to be 3D?, I was uncrossing my eyes like I learnt to do for viewing stereographic molecular models in Chem and I just noticed your 4 dancing girls become 5 with the one in the middle forwards of the back ground, Thats Cool. I had to double check because I thought I was…
  • Hi KrittyCat, Long time no see, lol. As to the "wave of the future" cool, We all know how destructive some waves can be, lol, eg. Tsunami. And before anyone gets mad about the above statement. Its a joke, I know what Kritty means. b:chuckle Waves can usually be surfed fine, if you want to try.
  • Computer needs format to play game, sounds Technical to me so, Your Manual Here Page 45 for all recovery methods and page 49 to restore to factory defaults in windows and page 52 to recover machine using Acer boot recovery software. Remember "There are no silly questions, only silly answers." Thought I might have been…
  • This suggestion should be put on the wall of crazy but possible, maybe? b:chuckle I suggested this once somewhere before but have thought about it more since then. Ok here we go. Remember this is a mmoRPG and this would add an unusual twist to the RPG bit. An ingame, player driven, PWI controlled, justice system. I know…
  • Thank You Sparkie, I am going to have some very happy friends today. You guys did listen this time, very cool. b:pleased Added Comment: After reading your original post I decided it was time to get Arc and install it, to see how I went and all I can say is it worked great and the new exit function works great too. Thank…
  • Another remnant of the housing system was an NPC on a little island in the sea to the East of Arch, close to the edge of the map, who it appeared once sold/made furniture for mats, (did feel sry for him its a lonely spot, lol) My friends and I were hoping it would be finished one day. He was still out there last time I…
  • removed as necro
  • I know PWI has tried to implement this in game already with the introduction of Moria gear but after playing other games I personally think they did not go far enough. I now think PVE gear should always be totally superior to PvP gear when killing NPCs and PvP gear useless for PvE. I think PvP gear should be totally…
  • I absolutely agree with every word you said and when they can demonstrate that they can deal with cheats effectively I will return with my time and money ingame and find my own way of dealing with Arc, till then I hope you all have fun and will have lots of new exiciting things to explain to an old returning noob if it…
  • Thank you Kossy. This is my personal opinion, requoted from prior post In not giving me the choice it shows that, they just do not give a damn about the users personal wants, what we may want, is not important to the Devs and this is the real problem, when the Devs are telling you whats good for you and not listening to…
  • Simple answer. post #13 My first reactive statement made because of no answer when question asked in the correct stickied thread and in the correct format and where in this post do I quote/refer to anyone, I actually agreed with the last poster and then asked the next most obvious question what does it do then, if not…
  • For a man with so much knowledge it surprises me that you go straight to insults. My original question was posted in a stickied thread for that purpose. Nowhere did I say it was for malicious intent. It was some very simple questions, what info is in the network spikes that is sent every 20 seconds? is it normal? and why…
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