Lord_Vanya - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Cause at 30 you should have some new gear to toss on thats better/as good/close to as good as that first temp set you get. For a while pwi will feed you new gear. Some duration and some not. Thats why they said get to 30. Also yes, technically even if you have 2 comps I believe your only allowed to have 2 characters on at…
  • Only time i worried much about channeling gear was the stuff I kept in bank for when my Veno went taming haha.
  • Um, nothing in all honesty. I was given a super exp stone as a Bday gift once. But thats the end of it b:chuckle
  • Best way to get trolls. Say no trolls plz b:chuckle But honestly it just depends on what you like. Neither is really "Better" for everyone. Its all personal opinion. I like both myself. But FW seems to be less cash shop dependent...Well, For now. We know how it goes. More CS needed as the game adds things. So play around…
  • second accout or just you know, suck it up over a few hours time difference and make a character on a different server with the same account.
  • Read stickys please. They announced they're having problems sending the DQ points. You'll still get them from NPC selling the items. But you cant redeem them just yet. Please be patient they're fixing it As fast as they can. b:victory
  • http://pwi.perfectworld.com/dqrewards however right now the sites having some trouble with redeeming DQ points just hold onto them and watch the forums for when its fixed I suppose.
  • I've seen maybe 3 sins who are really amazing at pvp. And a lot of sins who try to copy said sins and fail horribly from the look of it. But then, those great pvp Sins I've know /seen actually Practice the perfect Combo exc and saving moves if something goes wrong. and they dont just stealth back out either. I think its…
  • I dunno. I see both sides to this one. just today we let someone tag along on my FB for his BH he needed a hand with. I also learned why people say Seekers are underpowered fails but that aside. My seeker was 36 with under lvled skill at the time cause I hadnt made a stop off in town for ages. This guy was 46 and usuing…
  • Atm for me Mystics. So much freaking KSing! Its insane >< 2 Mystics in one spot cause more KSing than I've ever seen from a PACK of Venos with Tank pets. b:sweat
  • I can see Putting Duration Stat on the lower freebies from the stash. But I dont think it should apply to something that people have to PAY for. b:shocked thats like Buying Fashion from the Cash shop that Vanishes in a few days. total BS
  • hmm, I suppose they expect in a few days you have enough time to get 4 lvls to get that Quest >.> Least thats the only thing that makes sense >< Not saying its exactly a good thing to do tho.
  • I dunno I'd rather just pay for the rare item I might want, than have to pay 12 dollars a month when I may not want anything at all for a year at a time. So unless that one item is gonna make it worth that 144 dollars I'd have put in No thanks b:chuckle
  • Can a Properly Built Seeker Play tank? sure probally can do a decent enough Job. Will a Seeker replace a Barb for big runs? Nah I doubt it. Not unless they get some major skills added later or something. Replace Barbs? Dont see that happening as is.
  • Its nothing new for spiffy flying gear from the Stash box to have a duration stat. Other than the elves the other races Never got any flying gear until lvl 30 when they did a little Quest for it. The Supply stash did however give you a nice upgraded Aero gear at lvl 40 that lasted one week. I assume we still get a Quest…
  • Honestly it just seems like one more way to lure some cash out of people. Continuing a tradition of being Vauge and rather misleading about things that are hyped up. Or maybe just poorly carrying things out when they announce them. But yes, Some people dont see things the same way. Some see a game as a place to have fun.…
  • Being unable to log in will he still be able to? He cant log into the website or forum. and for as much as I know you have to get to to your account to send a ticket. Please correct me if Im mistaken on this.
  • Problem is, if your working on achievments some are that you have one of every class to a certain level on ONE account. I guess some people (and possibly myself) are going to be changing servers if they wanna avoid the cash shop on this one b:cry yay for one more way to press players to CS
  • Have no idea what you like in an instance. Just saying what people who oracle lvl tend to be like as a whole b:chuckle But yeah. since 95% of the time its true. Players assume it will be true of you as well. thusly if people think your lvling that way, your less likley to get accepted into Squads and are more or less going…
  • 9 times out of 10 its not so much they cant use there skills so much as 1) they tend to have crappy gear for thier lvl Due to not making the coin/selling/exc that they get from just playing. and end up just...well lacking 2) All the ones I've ended up in faction with or Squaded with are total failures in Instances. (yes…