I don't get why we have to see random people's multi color spam and not have the option to turn it off while we are trying to read squad chat or guild chat or if we just want peace -.- There are many other ways to make money without bothering other players so much.
I've never been so pissed about something pwi did -.- I have whispers only on all day to avoid GC/WC spam but now i have to see this.
Be able to search in AH with name of item!
Taboo for lead b:thanks
Yes! I've been thinking of this too :D Also something else that would be nice that I forgot to mention in my previous post.. To be able to buff all faction members as if they are in your squad. Would be very convenient for TW :D
It's in your mailbox.
Ok then instead of making a new thread, I'll post some suggestions here: -Object fading, especially trees. It's very annoying, either you're in archo at the daily npc's or somewhere outside and suddenly you find yourself in a bunch of trees and can't see what is near you or where you're going. So it would be nice if big…
Can't really say about the new classes, but I know mage is really really hard, especially at lower lvls. Almost like clerics, but clerics at least have a load of bad **** buffs and heals.
I'm veno but I'm not a guy :(
I use both. Sometimes tame for faster, but it requires you to go close, so sometimes its inconvenient.
Awesome song :o
<--- Veno with herc.. I wanna say that I'm offended, but it's so damn true b:embarrass
I was an absolute noob at these games and didn't know which class to pick, so i googled and read that venos are OP b:avoid
Too bad I've never seen you out of SZ.
Aww damn I'm late.. Oh well, happy new year then b:laugh
I vote for saveless :3
Bloop show your face ffs b:angry
Rpk? I pked kos and people were like you bish im gonna get you kicked out of KD/**** you and your OP bird QQQQQQQQQ.. It gives me a headache b:surrender
I sometimes regret going sage, cause demon ironwood rocks as well as foxform's speed and sage spark is kinda lame b:surrender But i will always love the sage chi skill b:thanks
Pwease make this every weekend b:thanks
It's so annoying.. Then they get pissed when you refer to them as "her" >.>
Remake QQme b:victory
No, sometimes brambling everyone is a bad idea. Like never bramble a cleric, except for TW, cause when he heals he will steal aggro and then he won't be able to lose it <-- barb's job.
I don't know if you're asking about pvp or pve... I wouldn't waste the time in pvp.. In pve you just gotta know which bosses/mobs regenerate hp. I use it in 3-1 and both fb89, where the bosses regenerate hp and makes them harder to kill especially if you're soloing or not many people in party.
Ugh, ground mobs at swamps = not good for a veno.. Most of them are in the water, but if you go in your pet dissapears.. Also, you steal aggro cause your pet (obviously) is like 10 lvls lower than you. Go back to dreaming cloud and grind on some lower lvl mobs for a bit, till you get ur bear closer to your lvl. Then lvl…
Start grinding on bats. They're easy for a veno and don't aggro much. I stayed there till i was 70.
Why so much drama? Isn't this what we all wanted? Enjoy it b:pleased
Don't. When someone accelerates and tries to fly away from your birdie that's how you catch them b:pleased
I love it.. When you'r soloing TT and you can't stop spam healing to use skills, you use this, for it doesn't have channeling time.
nuuuuuu the monkeys are ****