I have always like this "idea". What does this idea look like in reality? example: My original gear total is: 6 offensive slots, 4 defensive slots, 4 utility slots. I remove a ring with one offense slot and one defense slot. I equip a new ring with 2 offense slots. How would you establish and illustrate which stones are…
AT-WILLS: I like your idea for Shuriken Toss. Disheartening Strike should be buffed too though. ENCOUNTERS: Good suggestions with Shadowy Disappearance. With Vengeance Pursuit, I think they should list the radius (its actually quite large), and increase its base damage by 25 magnitude. Personally, I love the drop-back and…
What I'm hearing is that the meta is maximum DPS (as long as it's survivable). Soooo... cook the tank class into the meta. While a tank character holds aggro: * The tank receives 10% damage reduction from targets when holding top threat. * All of the tank's allies gain a 10% damage increase against enemies targeting a tank.
Messing with Defense stat would throw the 'balance' off between all stats. I'd rather see something like: Tanks gain up to 20% damage and damage reduction as their threat level increases.
This is bearable if you draw a group with more than one good DPS, unless you also have a player running around opening every shard they can find. Then, you have swarms of adds plus demogorgon at every large crystal battle... and players start to abandon. Then, the only tactic left if you stay is to go from the spawning…
Yes. Rank 14 Flaming is consistently good (deals 7 to 9 percent of your overall damage). In addition, it lowers enemy deflection severity by 4... which effectively gives you and your allies 4% extra accuracy, a stat which is rarely capped.
Bilethorn is finicky. On many builds for many classes it is awful. I only recommend Bilethorn for builds that use a LOT of fast at-will spamming... which will be BiS for those builds only. Vorpal is decent if your crit and crit severity are hitting between 80% and 85% in combat, but really only shines if you are triggering…
There was a Cryptic post during Mod 19 that they were adding more data collection nodes to analyze class statistics, presumably for balance. Over the years I've noticed the following: 1) they wont buff any skill on a class they consider to be top-end in PvP or end-game dungeons. 2) they wont buff any skill considered…
It should require a test with a described condition, a value attained, confirmation, and some support from more than one community member. It is too easy for someone to come on and say XYZ deals way too much damage, when in fact XYZ is average or above average. The trend I see now, is calls to nerf companions that do…
Some interesting suggestions. I believe shadowknife encounters are now very-well balanced, but the paragon still underperforms a little, has one useless daily, and one useless feature. The following would correct all of these issues: Shuriken Toss (at-will): raise magnitude from 60 to 75. Disheartening Strike (at-will):…
@genocide: There is no approximation. They are using a formula. Combined Rating x 15 (15 stats are affected) + direct stats Single Enchantment = 2700 combined stats +300 direct stats = 3000 stat points for 200 iL Double Enchantment = 2700 combined stats +300 direct stats = 3000 stat points for 200 iL Triple Enchantment =…
Arcane Tempest needs to be 15 foot radius on mastery, because the standard ranged version at 10 ft is better than the 10 ft self-centric mastery version. This encounter deals about 3% of total damage in missions, so it's barely effective.
If the collar is equipped at time of refinement... consider the rule that a mythic collar V can only be equipped on a mythic mount. If you have a purple III mount collar on a purple mount and try to refine it, it would break the rule. Try unequipping it, or placing it on a higher ranked mount before refining.
@winteranesti Most players understand that. The question is whether its worth buying for "THEM". Many factors in play. Perhaps $50 costs them $75 right now due to life circumstances. Maybe they already have r15 bilethorn and 10x account bound mounts. Maybe they are saving their money for a 25% bonus zen sale because they…
I've been watching Atropal in ACT logs for awhile, and this mod did not change how it shows up. It comes up as 1 to 3 percent of damage only. This amount is almost certainly coming from the solid damage that it does. In addition, Atropal is supposed to be giving a 10%(max) damage boost. This won't show up isolated in ACT,…
It works in most cases, but I've heard reports that some equipment or skills are interfering with it's ability to proc. It is showing up in ACT for my characters as about 1% of damages.
@tgwolf: make sure you are not at the 20,000 favor token cap. It won't go over that. If so, you need to spend some before you can get more. This burned me on a hunt run once... and i got nothing for the whole thing.
For me, on PC, they are working for the Register quests and for random kills. The overall counter and the favor token counter both went up by 240z for 2 quests and three times by 5z for kills. The tested character has unlocked it obviously, but has not hit the first milestone yet, and did purchase the bonus reward package.
Will Arcane Tempest be considered as "Lightning Damage", and thus affected by Iced Lightning boon? Just tested it. Appears to be non-lightning. It is nice for AoE builds and does knockdown. The 10' radius does not make it a huge damage maker, but it is better than having 2 single target skills in an AoE build, and better…
When I tested Warlord's Inspiration in preview, it did not appear to be working. I posted this there. I never did test it again afterword. I have kids to take care of and work over 40 hours a week and try to play Neverwinter... so any time I have for testing is obviously limited. Someone should test these on the PC builds…
IMO, the following would be a good place to start with Wizard buff: * Swap the positions of Repel and Shard of the Endless Avalanche * Shard of the Endless Avalanche: Now also adds Chill to damaged enemies. * Fireball: Switch the Mastery to same as regular, except also deals double damage to the primary target. * Chill…
Are you sure it's intended? I am wondering if the intention was to start characters at 100%, and then every upgrade lowers the percent until they hit zero. Then your character just deletes itself. If so.. it's still a 'little' buggy.
They need to either modify their whole scaling system (best option imo), or put in some sort of protection for low level characters. Imagine if a first time player invests a bunch of $$$ into the game and buys a bunch of high IL stuff. They might end up weaker for their reward.
I have 4 top-end characters that I run, and only one set of max items. I am sick of transferring those items every week between each character. It is is a pain to unequip 20 enchantments, 15 insignias, 5 collars, and 3 companion gears, move them all over to shared bank slots, then to your alt... then equip them all. It can…
In a different instance, my team defeated Drufi in this position, then, instead of concluding, it sent us all back to the startup staging area to restart the fight. On the second battle, everything went as normal.