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  • Ah yes, the maturity factor in your response.
  • This is NOT an exclusive set, they allow you to purchase, offhand, helm, armor and boots once you get into icewind. If it was an exclusive set then none of the gear would have been sold for BI and every part would have to be farmed. They give you 4 parts of the set and tell you to go farm the gloves and the main hand. Well…
  • yeah having both in the collection is kind of lame, since you were only able to get one or the other.
  • Same garbage is going to happen again, they have HEs all over mod 4, if they have not learned their lesson from mod 3 its going to happen all over again.
  • Well, let me step in here for a moment, and this has happened with my guild runs before, we are all the way into FC, close to the end boss in combat a member drops out for what ever reason a pug GF or DC gets added. Fights almost over and he joins for 1 swing and then rolls need on the drop. Hell I want him kicked, even…
  • I doubt they would offer this, however would I would like to see is 2 things added to the game. A transmute merchant, which will give you access to any CTA transmutes that you participated in then sell them for zen (ad sink) same thing with CTA mounts (ad sink).
  • Um how about you stop complaining about PVP matchmaking, and simply queue with your geared main, or take some time to gear up your other characters before entering PVP. Last time they tried to turn on the matchmaking system, the queue times were 30+ minutes to get into one match. Just a side note, you complain about…
  • Has anyone gotten any word or found evidence that this event is coming back? I want my pig mount!
  • It seemed before all these recent patches, when module 3 was first introduced, I got my main hand right away, subsequent patches seemed to have lessened the chances of drops. Especially when they started removing the "boss drops ie black ice" to fix the drawing issue during encounters... IE the missing beholder. Gloves, a…
  • This is a prime example, after you got 2 pairs of gloves, for corrupted and black ice, why do you continue to join epic HE's you end up just lowering the chances for everyone else that are still trying to get their items.
  • I agree, module 4 will be out and ill still be farming gloves and main hand...... If anything if I don't have these by mod 4, im giving up and tossing all of it in the trash.
  • Drop Rate Never Increased, they were either lucky or at an encounter without a mass zerg!
  • No the rate has not increased, they broke a ton of stuff with the recent patch, look on the forums there are 4 things so far I found that have been broken now.
  • 4. raid the raiders, cant collect all the chests, and food to complete the quest - EPIC HE Broken 5. PVP Dom, stomps are not counting correctly I kill someone I stop check the counter for my Icewind PVP, and it doesn't go up, stomp 5 more people it goes up by 1
  • Hey man, I am not going to elaborate in great detail, however you main stats come into play, Most Perma's have a high INT, which allows them to reduce cooldown rates on powers. You never mentioned your base stats, if INT is low you need to respec and move points into INT
  • You know what is funny, I have farmed almost all HEs and still not a weapon or glove on my GWF... for all those who think this is bad, wait until module 4, they are bringing HEs into it, so this has to mean there is another farm fest for armor / weapons that will occur. I am about to give up anyways on the GWF, due to all…
  • Yeah, Its really annoying I am still going trying to get my mainhand and gloves for my GWF... Its really frustrating farming weeks for the gear, seeing numerous encounters being zerged like remorhaz etc. Then people who just stand doing nothing and wham I got gloves... I mean dam it allow us to get the stuff from the AH,…
  • Hey Admins, Mods and Who ever else wants to put in their feedback. The black ice gloves, and weapons are still really not dropping as frequently as one would hope. It took me on my TR to get my black ice gloves over 5 weeks, and that update you did to help out the overall situation to me didn't help on any other character…
  • And to quote you on that screenshot there before you throw my words in a PM out of context. I was seeing if you are interested in joining the guild due to your playstyle etc. I have no way of adding or bypassing the recruiting process. If you were interested I would have directed you to our website just as I have done with…
  • Do yourself a favor, if your looking for tradebars and larger amounts the older boxes give you a better chance. Feywild, Dark and Rusted.
  • I am using the black corrupted belt for my TR, regen, recovery, HP not too shabby
  • The Dragon Mount is not going to be zen store, my guess is legendary lockbox mount with mod 4, and expect EVERYONE WILL WANT ONE and with prices going the way they are 10+ Mil Easy
  • You are 100% correct on the dragon, its a red dragon mount..... really slick looking fingers crossed that it can fly.
  • Hey, Are you talking about the boon itself or bi weapons? I know the BI weapons state there is a chance for BI damage. Which gear are you specifically talking about?
  • I have had the curse of the glove drop based on a forum post earlier, that took me over 5 weeks to get after the nerf patch. However I wanted to comment on the main hand, I got that prepatch and then I got one after the patch. The main hand does not just drop from the beholder, the second main hand drop was from the…
  • I noticed they changed the lizard folk active power when they were showing in the preview his active was a HP bonus now its a healing bonus..... Anyone know if killing this dragon actually nets you kills towards your dragon slayer acheivement?