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  • Played this both before and after all the improvements. Great quest, excelent attention to detail and very enjoyable story
  • Version: 1.04: (Live) - some text adjustment Also, now Eligible for Daily Foundry! yay!
  • ive noticed this too, also if you change the "invert if statement" thing
  • Kharon Coilbone is my main hero, Tiefling Guardian: Front - Back catch phrase: "..."
  • I would love more reviews on mine :) Save the Princess! NW-DBA7YIURL More info here: http://tinyurl.com/NW-DBA7YIURL
  • Save the Princess! NW-DBA7YIURL more info here: http://tinyurl.com/NW-DBA7YIURL
  • yeah mirimero, I am aware of that issue, its something to do with publishing im afraid. They work in the foundry, its when i publish and the pathing information is generated. I try to move them a little more each time I publish, but no luck so far :P
  • agreed, I have a rather large conversation too. Zahinder, you can scroll while dragging a crosslink (dont lett go of left mouse, click middlemouse) but its still a pain
  • I am spec'ed as a Conqueror, so I can't really comment on the feats. but I definately agree with your suggestion of Mark(tab), It is way too hard to tank large groups, so having a area taunt would be great. As for Guarded Assault, I agree there too, the numbers are way too low on that one, its pointless to use.
  • In Story dialogs, i want to be bale to use "Enable When" and "Dissable When" choises like Dialog Reached and Component Complete, currently this is only available if the dialog is not part of the story. I understand this limitation is because we could make a dialog tree that is potentially "unsolvable", but if you do, you…
  • What he said.. yeah.. everything, dude you are spot on. Also I would like to add: Every room needs to have the lighting option "unlit", there are some now that dont have that. Also because of this, we need more lights (lamps, lanterns, more windows, etc) And we need to be able to change the strength/range of all light…
  • Version 1.03 has now been published - added some more lore about the quest items (in dialog with Sam) - fixed position of Gusts on Air Temple - changed bosses AI's to suit their appearance better - fixed angle/direction of teleporters
  • Imagine having a playerbase of say... 1m players. say half of them use the foundry.. Right now, that means 5m foundry missions saved on their servers. Now imagine no cap... how do you think their servers would react to that? I do agree that 10 Quests is a little tight, especially if you want to make a good campaign. What…
  • No foundry fixes? Im glad you are fixing problems as fast as you can, and that you roll out fixes as soon as they are ready, but these patch notes seem really short sometimes... the last one only had one fix :P Im curious, when it comes to fixing bugs, do you have separate teams for "Game" and "Foundry"? Also is your…
  • This would be great, there is a scale slider in the Costumes tab, it would be great if this slider could be a little better, something looking like this: small medium large giant *---- * A checkbox for making an Encounter have Godmode (i want some guards and monsters fighting in the background, and dont want them to die)…
  • Agree, also to make the "disappear when" not be permanent, i.e. have a wall invisible when standing close, but visible when from far, you can do this now by having it disappear when "component reached" on a marker in front, and then having another wall in the same place "appear when" a marker is reached on the other side,…
  • Just have to agree with everything you said :) Comming from Worldcraft/Hammer, UnrealEd, 3D Studio and Unity, the "3D" mode aka. Preview mode, is really weak for what it could be... and most of the work is just interface programming, not actual new features.
  • Something i just realised would be great. Destroyable objects Basicly select any "detail" object, and let it be destroyed, i.e. have a health bar. No loot (except optional quest item), no xp. Can be used as an objective (or not) Also have a similar to "component complete" so we can have things happen once it is destroyed.…
  • I want this too! Like the Cragmire Crypts dungeon and the Wolf Den dungeon, with the bridges that move into place. Also on that note, the "invisible" walls from Cragmire, that fade when you get close :D I havent tried, but I noticed that "Depthfade Black" is visible on my map... you could try having them placed above the…
  • Good post and good solution. I really like your idea with a XP/min solution, it would also encourage new Quest designers to space out encounters a little As for placing chests, in one of my posts somewhere i suggested that there is a limit to the number of chests per map (say, 5?) And then that the chest reward has some…
  • Both those things have been mentioned before, but its allways good to have more opinions on the matter, and see that more people are interested in it :) One thing that has really annoyed me many times when Playing Foundry missions, is that when I finish the Quest, and open the chest, I accidently press one of the WASD keys…
  • On the bosses note, the Devs have said that bosses are harder to implement that imagined. Are they thinking of bosses like Dragons and Beholders? Because I dont want bosses like that, I could never justify having a dragon in my 1-3 hour campaign, dragons need epic campaigns of a few days of playtime :P When I say boss, i…
  • trying "Villain's Menace" again now at a higher level (39) and yeah, it is alot better now, its just such a shame that it is your first daily, and sucks at low level :P
  • I had this problem too, it seems that houses dont have the white qube
  • place the portal as a Detail item, do NOT make it the exit. Set the portal to Appear When the last objective is complete. Now go to Detail, search for "Invis" and select an Invisible Interactable (I use Invisible Interactable Spheare 80x80 I believe (servers are down, cant confirm)) Use this Invisible Object as your exit.…
  • at higher levels you get cloaks with good stats, you can replace the appearance of these
  • They could just scale the reward... something like: (number of maps * avarage duration * avarage stars) / number of Chest/harvest nodes placed = reward value I would even say that if the Quest is or has been featured, the reward value would be higher The Auther has no way of setting the rewards for chests and harvest…
  • Sorry for the double post, but I just encountered something I would like to have: Enemies dont willingly walk on traps.. I have seen this used in XP grind levels, to trap enemies in a tight environment. Changing this so that they DO walk on traps could be advantagous to help remove some XP grind maps. Also, it would please…
  • Use temporary objects. If a cirtain objects requires an inventory item, have a temporary object in your scene that gives it to you. That way you wont have to "do the whole quest" to test the endgame. Also place temporary stairs or ramps, these help you get through obstacles faster. I use these alot as i tend to enjoy…
  • Version 1.01 has now been published - Fixed some typo/spelling/grammar - moved teleporter at end of Dungeon - removed interactability with useless cells in Dungeon - changed stairs in Dungeon - changed Tower exit to 'horse and cart' instead of cave - fixed some animations - Changed final Boss encounter, should be harder…