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  • You people complain to much, I'd understand if you were paying a monthly fee for a game subscription but you're playing for free. Just give them time to fix it, go watch some TV, or play another video game until the server's back up.
  • funny how the server is down yet on the client when you first open the game it says it's up.
  • I'm sure they'll get it back up soon, just give them time. At least they are doing something, unlike other game companies I could name....
  • I agree 100% I would love to play a moon elf without having to pay $60 dollars. Not everyone has that kind of money, and many of us are having trouble with money due to the economy and such. At least it's not as bad as the ridiculous price for the Drow Renegade.
  • Yeah the Shantae games are great. Hopefully they make enough money to get funded, they need to raise another $34,694 in 13 days. Here's hoping they make it.
  • I want to see Ranger, I've always liked the archer class in RPGs, nothing like sitting back and turning monsters and other foes into neat pin cushions with arrows. ^.^
  • I am very much looking forward to seeing everything that is coming in the future, not only with Fury of the Feywild but everything after, it is very exciting.
  • I'm hoping they add the new classes as well as the new elves so I can play a new race, and new class. Other than Moon Elf, I seriously want to play Drow, and while I know if I buy the Hero of the North Pack I can play Drow Renegade, I don't have that kind of money, if they had drow available as just a race for 15 to 20…
  • Of the classes I want to see the Most, Ranger, Warlock, Paladin, Bard. Any other class will seem like a copy of any other class currently available. Paladin could be seen as similar to Guardian Fighter, but with holy based attacks, and possibly healing, Assassin a copy of a Rogue, Barbarian could be seen as a copy of the…
  • I want to see Bard, and Swordmage.
  • Wish they had given us Ranger from the start but ah well, I can wait.
  • I would liked to have seen basic classes then advance classes that can be worked into the game, like you would start as a basic spell caster then through a quest or item you choose an advanced class. For example a spell caster either becoming a Control Wizard, or a Warlock, or a priest type either becoming a cleric or…
  • Looking forward to it, to be honest. I'm a huge fan of Moon elves, being one of my favorite Faerun elf races. They are a beautiful, and mystical race, so I will be making one once they are available. I do hope to see some information on the new classes coming soon.
  • I'm willing to bet that when the Drow race is available for all (not the Renegade) Someone will make a Foundry Quest based on War of the Spider Queen. I'd love to, but since I've only read the first 3 books (Recently ordered the last three) and am currently re-reading the first book, I wouldn't know how to do the story and…
  • The longer it takes them to go from Open Beta to Live Release the better the game will be as a whole cause they can make sure that everything is done, all the races, classes, areas, quests, frankly I would love to see an evil side with a city, and quests for that side, for those of us who want to play an evil character,…
  • I'm hoping when the Drow race is available that Menzoberranzan is one of the starting areas for Drow players, so we can have Variety with two major cities in the game, Neverwinter and Menzoberranzan.
  • That's amazing!