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  • Have you taken the Paragon power Stem The Tide, by any chance? It tends to default you into combat stance if you're not near other players while out of combat.
  • @nitocris83 , do we have any more news as to whether any progress has been made in isolating this particular bug? It's still present, and doesn't seem to be zone or character dependent - although I don't seem to be suffering from it quite as much as I have been earlier in this mod (I haven't tested this extensively mind…
  • I'm running a Pure Thunderhead as well, and only get it displaying on the chest piece at the moment. Has this been logged as a bug?
  • I've been a bit unlucky with this as well, although I'm a little rusty, and have only gone through it twice on Live so far, being somewhat stonewalled on Orcus after breezing through the rest. The weird thing was that some of his attacks seemed to go right through Binding Oath, as well as a Ring Of Impenetrability, which…
  • I remember seeing something on one of the forums, more of a workaround than a solution, I suspect. This was to go into Options and to turn off power name floaters, as an overabundance of them allegedly contributes to lag as well. I believe that I've seen this happen, but I wonder to what extent it's a contributing factor.…
  • An interesting little peculiarity I found with this was that, once you've cleared the crowd out from around the targetted enemy, the poor bugger is the only one within the AoE of Divine Judgement. Okay, it might not be a 'pro' way of doing things, but it's *awesome*, and sometimes that's what matters. I wonder what the…
  • I could be mistaken, but it does *seem* to be working fine with augment pets as, as far as I can tell, they are effectively you in the game engine's eyes. Of course, if I am talking a huge load of cack, and someone can find evidence that it isn't working... Well, what are you waiting for? Get your "down with this sort of…
  • Great minds, it seems. Another one running a Justice build here, although going into Bulwark secondary as opposed to light. The synergy and utility is just epic! Weird things I've noticed: When Echoes Of Light triggers and resets your Encounter cooldowns, you can actually run concurrent Binding Oaths, if you're lucky,…
  • Found another sword-skin Attachment not found. This would be http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Mace_of_Aryvandaar
  • Are there any plans to change how the Temptation Warlock's lifesteal related healing, specifically that which is related to the capstone? From what I grok from the posts that have gone before, there will be occasional spike heals flying round when LS procs. Is this from each attack, or from each tick of damage that is…
  • How are the lucky participants selected? Class balance, first come first served, most creative bribe? draw straws? (Works for me when I DM games) Joking aside, I'm quite, quite keen to attempt to get in on this, most of our guild are UK based, so there could be some impressive abuse of flexible working hours, all going…
  • My brain is now combining Bahamut with the voice of Frank Sinatra Would that make Torm Seto Kaiba? "Screw the rules, I have worshippers!" Anyhoo, background on Bahamut: http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Bahamut
  • Correct me if I'm wrong, not as in the loop as I'd like to be, but this issue is down to an ICD issue on the dragon glyphs, leading to imbalance arising through reflect effects, yes? Would this also proc through either Fey Thistle and/or Briartwine enchantments since you're doing damage there as well? (More of a…
  • I see the potential for a webcomic...
  • I suspect that the DR reduction on Unstoppable won't be final, and that a couple of weeks on the test server will see fit to swing it back towards something a little more reasonable. As Pherrow said, about 25-30% would provide more of a happy medium, while still being enough to mitigate the carefree facetanking attitude…
  • Exactly where my mind was going. I'm not a big fan of the Threatening Rush changes, especially since my respec Powerful Challenge is really making a difference, and I tend to like throwing marks around a lot. The increase in squishiness would certainly encourage a more measured playstyle for Destroyers, who (IMHO) would be…
  • My all-purpose loadout tends to look something like this: DAILY 1: Indomitable Strength DAILY 2: Avalanche Of Steel PASSIVE 1: Destroyer (feated) PASSIVE 2: Trample The Fallen/Bravery ENCOUNTER 1: Frontline SUrge ENCOUNTER 2: IBS ENCOUNTER 3: Restoring Strike AT-WILL 1: Wicked Strike AT-WILL 2: Threatening Rush At-wills…
  • Ello chap! Having followed a load of guides here, as well as popping through a fair bit of game time myself, I finally decided, given I had a free respec lurking around, to turn to the dark side and explore Iron Vanguard prior to module 3. It's made a big difference in several ways, many of which I hope to detail here...…
  • Further lore, as well as some, albeit not much, information as to the nature of Black Ice can be found here: http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Akar_Kessell
  • Another vaguely amused Bilethorn user here, as well. I haven't got round to seeing whether the GWF power Deep Gash triggers the Bilethorn in a similar manner to Duelist's Flurry, given that both are technically 'bleed' effects. It may provide a nice change from all the vorpal going round. Come to think of it, would the…
  • Before we degenerate into any more pointless ad hominem, let's actually get some more facts in play. We can assume that Deep Gash is bugged, that's taken as read. What I can't seem to gather from what has gone before is the *nature* of the bug. If we don't know the nature of the problem, anything we say beyond that is just…
  • These people? Are they all TRs? The symptoms you're describing could also apply to Bait and Switch, which I found was quite hilarious when not being used on me. How the other half live, eh?
  • "In Soviet Neverwinter, Dandruff challenge YOU!"
  • "Neverwinter's endgame: Even dandruff has a challenge rating!"