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  • Just wondering if you even read the patch notes for the test shard that stated you could go to a vendor and get RAD for the BoP epic gear that drops. If you did then I am wondering what the issue is.
  • Wow, so what... a cleric can solo almost everything. I was playing in the beta when we did not have righteousness and i was doing instanced content with only my healer comp and not having any issues at all. I am not saying that I like the changes I am just saying that I kind of understand what they tried to do with them.
  • What does the ability "Into the Fray" do?
  • I am just wondering why when EVERYONE says buff the GF everyone thinks damage. All they may need is a buff to be able to hold threat more. That would be something that would only effect PvE and would help to have a tank type person in the game.
  • The hard part about posting things like this on the forums is we don't know the back story. Was he sitting around after the other team got up by a hundred points? We just don't know what is going on in the match to base our answers or responses on.
    in PVP abuses Comment by grtaylor May 2013
  • What does the foundry have to do with any of this? As far as I am aware it is on a separate data stream than the game. That would mean you can very easily do a wipe of the shards and not have any issue with foundry things. Not that I am for or against a wipe.
  • To put the topic to a point I have not seen one reason that would justify the ignore on the daily (if someone could let me know what one it was)
  • Yup, something like once every other fight or so... I don't count that as very long at all for a one shot skill. Now, for a skill that does say... half my health or so, than that wouldn't be to bad.
  • The issue is some classes only have that stat in order to absorb some damage for them. GF and GWF both are made to take hits, they need the defense stats in order to be able to do that as they have no way to dodge or get out of that burst damage. I think a nice easy fix as I said would be to just remove the defense ignore…
  • Have you ever had to fight 2 clerics standing on one point it PvP? If you take that debuff away it would be the same thing as that. Now, I am not saying that the debuff doesn't suck, but we need a different way to figure out how to heal in PvE
  • When your in combat I do not believe the campfire heals you... just to say that would mean that you may be one of the ones doing this.
  • /sigh... here we go again. Just because you don't like to PvP or whatever does not mean this game is a PvE game...
  • Not to be rude but hop down off your **** high horse. I don't ever remember this game being stated as a PvE game, the end zone... of instance has to be won in PvP or has some PvP aspect to it. It is obvious to.. well, I thought... everyone that the dev wanted to have PvP as part of this game. And before anyone says…
  • The GWF has more bugs than that, the class itself is a step down from all the others. Your SHIFT ability with every other class either negates damage or reduces it. On the GFW... nope half the time even if you sprint out of the red circle you still take damage. Oh wait when your sprinting you cant attack... but you still…
  • The big thing about restarting your computer is it closes down all background programs that my be running on your bandwidth. If you are pushing close to your max bandwidth your router can handle on one output and than a program (Neverwinter or something else) asks for more it just cant do it.
  • This is not the first time something from a class has changed with no notes or post about it. The first big one was with the GWF and everyone was saying the same thing. Just need to learn to play the new class cause it is very unlikely that it will be changed back.
  • I'm sorry, this is at level 60.
    in Glory Issue Comment by grtaylor May 2013
  • I had this happen to me anytime I tried to connect to a party. The only thing I found out after many talks with game and internet people was to unplug router and completely shut down my computer and do a reboot on both. Has worked for me so far.
  • I think what he means is when doing any quest that was an instanced section everyone in the group has to be going and at the location for it to start/allow you to enter.
  • Maybe I missed it in the notes or something but I don't find anything in the notes saying anything about any class buffs/nerfs. If they did do something it would be nice to be able to see what they did.
  • Well to your calling bs, if you read more of the start of this thread you will see that the numbers don't mean anything. It was stated by an admin to something along that same line. It was also stated that they are working on a fix for the log in so calm down give it a day or so for this BETA game and we will all be ok.
  • Odd that you are mad about this... has been stated in the packs that this was the case since they started... Oh well. Need something to ***** about I guess.
  • It sounds strange but I almost always crash out and have my modem reset when I try to join a party. Or invite a party.