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  • Sadly this system is to reward only those that are able to play every single day, tbh I don't like that one bit. It may not be a big deal since the rewards are not so big, but still it doesn't feel right. Ah well, this game has so many problems and is still in such an unfinished state that this is barely worth mentioning.…
  • It all comes down to taste really. Some love this system because it means they don't have to "waste" (in their eyes) time on crafting manually. They love the fact that they can send out minions to do their bidding even though, it's just text on your screen. Others, myself included hate this system because we like to…
  • I have yet to see proof of a purple version so I am guessing just a bunch of trolls.
  • Yay for it being back up, just too bad they didn't use the downtime to fix the foundry characters so you can test more easily. Ah well, maybe in a few months or so...
  • I am still trying to wrap my head around the difference between this open beta and the launch. Will the classes suddenly become complete and have their paragon paths? Will we suddenly be able to buy training tomes for our companions? Will there suddenly be actual variety in gear? Will we finally get customer service (been…
  • Skeletal Dog Rank 1, Striker Hit Points: 2,179 Bite: Deals damage to target foe. Takedown: Bites the legs of the target, knocking it down if the dog has combat advantage. Companion Offense Slot Companion Offense Slot Companion Defense Slot Item Slots: Neck, Neck, Neck Power: 8 Crit: 8 ArmorPen: 8 --- You buy the white…
  • Maybe it's just a crazy idea, but when a game is launched as open beta, unfinished, bugridden and let the gamers spend real money on your game...maybe expect an immense amount of tickets and perhaps make sure you can handle it? I don't know, maybe I am just crazy, but it seems like something even a complete and utter…
  • You mean all those guys that are convinced you only have a 5 second memory and repeat what they just said all over again? They are just mindful *grins*.
  • I agree with this absolutely, but please let's try to keep the conversation on in game economy only and not add the cash shop to it because that deserves...well,... about a thousand topics all by itself because it is so costly. Please let's keep this topic on AD cost of thing vs the ability to gain AD. Thank you. P.S.…
  • That may be so, but it is gear you will use for quite a while..or at least I don't reckon T3 gear coming any time soon. So even, or maybe because, T2 looks terrible (tastes differ, not counting the bugged items), it is worth it to spend a lot on looking good. Asking for all gear appearance changes to be cheaper is…
  • Thanks, the reason I only ask for the change in regards to pre-60 gear is because I can understand the high cost and investment required for gear you will use for quite a while. I reckon most endgame gear will last you long enough to make it a worthy investment, which is not the case while leveling.
  • It started to speed up later on for me so the 1.6gb patch was downloaded, started the game to check if everything worked and close it again. And then the launcher opened up again and started downloading a 3gb on top of the 1.6gb patch I just finished! *so confused* quick edit: it seems to go fast though, already 10% while…
  • It takes quite some time to level up a craft, so even though both is wise, I'd advice to go with focusing on one first. That said I don't know how worthwhile leatherworking is at 60, while leveling only the pants and shirts are useful. Leadership has the up-/downside (depending on your preference) that it also gives you…
  • Soon. Sadly in the world of mmo's that means between now and the end of time unless it gets canceled. Having devs or mods say "soon" has lost all meaning because of past experiences. Without an ETA we know nothing and even then it's not clear. The only sort of ETA that has any meaning is when they say which patch the tomes…
  • I had the same, when I disabled on-demand patching it started patching again (now at a wopping 3% *sigh*). No idea if it actually stops the app from hanging after the patch though, but at the mighty awesome download speed on a saturday we get I think I may have the answer around next tuesday...
  • I decided to use the auction house through http://gateway.playneverwinter.com while playing the game. It takes some alt-tabbing to see if an item is indeed much better than the one your character has equipped, but at least the AH works correctly in it. Sorting works fine, being able to only look for a certain lvl range…
  • Other than the looks and the fact that the neverember guard can get to lvl 25 I have not noticed a big difference between them. Both seem equally able to keep aggro and both are single target tanks. I have not notice any change in survivability between them either. Once the training tomes are introduced the only…
  • Thanks for this, and thanks to the others that keep this topic friendly. In regards to the option to preview companions, and mounts for that matter, the option is there. You can see the different looks inside the shop when you click on the picture if it has a looking glass symbol on it. The problem with this companion is…
  • Last I checked we are playing a fantasy game, last I checked in fantasy the combination of shields with such cheap looks don't usually combine with the kind of armor he is wearing, last I checked even low level guardian fighters are using shields that match the outfit much better. Why do you feel so personally attacked by…
  • I'm sorry, but it is you that keeps referring to how things were in reality. I am talking about how fantasy characters generally look like. You know, the world in which tanks do wear full plate and manage to run and even swim with it on. Btw ain't you agreeing with the person you quoted? He wasn't talking about the actions…
  • First of all, please stop with the name calling, there is no reason for it. Second my problem with the shield is not simply because it is wooden, but it looks like a simple wooden shield that fits a wooden sword. The type children would play with. Most shields were indeed make of wood, but did not look like this. As I said…
  • Sadly it does not which is why I feel so cheated.
  • https://www.google.nl/search?safe=off&q=medieval+shield&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47244034,d.d2k&biw=1500&bih=922&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=nl&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=bHurUdNdobjRBYrggOAN It's all about looks. Warriors in as much armor as the neverember guard is do not, would not be wearing the toy shield without any…
  • Thanks for the tips regarding the companions! I will try that the next time. Still remains the main problem though of being unable to add powers and such to your character once bugged.
  • The fact that the foundry characters don't have access to the basic companions is in my eyes a big oversight as well, but one problem does not make another problem right. Even with the lack of a companion you can at least get a notion whether or not the difficulty is around what you want it to be. That is if you have a…
  • It's a no-brainer that with lower prices you sell more stuff. The problem is to find that sweet spot where you as a company make the most money from it. As it stands now it feels to me that the prices are way too high and their profit could be a lot higher if they lowered them because they would sell more. The problem is…
  • Indeed. I don't mind spending money on this game since I already spend just under 300 euro on it, but this is just a slap in the face. What the heck are they thinking? We have to spend real money and not a little either to not even upgrade the ones we have, but to buy new versions of them that can only reach a bloody 5…
  • Every pet, including the Zen pets have the option to unbind, sadly the option is not working atm. It costs AD to unbind them and then you would be able to trade them. I don't know whether it is just bugged or they haven't been able to find a way to exclude the pets that came with the founder packs AKA the account bound…
  • There are runestones that have life-steal on them, problem is that they are for defense slots while this companion only has one of those, the other two being offense. However what to use on those offense slots? Not sure either of her abilities can crit, recovery and power don't seem to affect her abilities either. So what…