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Humble request: lower cost of appearance change pre-60

fyendiarfyendiar Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 39
edited June 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
When I look at the cost of changing the appearance of items it is clear it is only balanced around endgame where you will use the same items over a long period of time so the cost is a good investment. However before endgame you change gear far more often than you gain the AD to pay for the change in looks. This results in it being a feature only for those that have rich mains or intent to buy AD through the zen>AD exchange.

I have a strong feeling that not too many will spend real money to be able to keep a nice appearance throughout leveling so I don't think the money making from zen purchases is the reason. It feels like an oversight and I humbly request that the appearance change option prior to lvl 60 is balanced around the kind of AD such a character would have.

I know it is a minor issue and that many other things are more important to fix sooner rather than later, hence the humble part of the request. :)

Thanks for reading.
Post edited by fyendiar on


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    ganjaman1ganjaman1 Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    fyendiar wrote: »
    When I look at the cost of changing the appearance of items it is clear it is only balanced around endgame where you will use the same items over a long period of time so the cost is a good investment. However before endgame you change gear far more often than you gain the AD to pay for the change in looks. This results in it being a feature only for those that have rich mains or intent to buy AD through the zen>AD exchange.

    I have a strong feeling that not too many will spend real money to be able to keep a nice appearance throughout leveling so I don't think the money making from zen purchases is the reason. It feels like an oversight and I humbly request that the appearance change option prior to lvl 60 is balanced around the kind of AD such a character would have.

    I know it is a minor issue and that many other things are more important to fix sooner rather than later, hence the humble part of the request. :)

    Thanks for reading.

    Good idea , actually I was thinking of lowering the costs for appearance change at all levels .
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    fyendiarfyendiar Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 39
    edited June 2013
    ganjaman1 wrote: »
    Good idea , actually I was thinking of lowering the costs for appearance change at all levels .

    Thanks, the reason I only ask for the change in regards to pre-60 gear is because I can understand the high cost and investment required for gear you will use for quite a while. I reckon most endgame gear will last you long enough to make it a worthy investment, which is not the case while leveling.
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    ganjaman1ganjaman1 Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    fyendiar wrote: »
    Thanks, the reason I only ask for the change in regards to pre-60 gear is because I can understand the high cost and investment required for gear you will use for quite a while. I reckon most endgame gear will last you long enough to make it a worthy investment, which is not the case while leveling.

    Let's face it , T2 gear design is straight up horrid :D
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    fyendiarfyendiar Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 39
    edited June 2013
    ganjaman1 wrote: »
    Let's face it , T2 gear design is straight up horrid :D

    That may be so, but it is gear you will use for quite a while..or at least I don't reckon T3 gear coming any time soon. So even, or maybe because, T2 looks terrible (tastes differ, not counting the bugged items), it is worth it to spend a lot on looking good. Asking for all gear appearance changes to be cheaper is overreaching I am afraid. They will want and the ingame economy probably requires big AD sinks, so when we would ask for all changes to be cheaper they would far more be inclined to ignore the request.

    Of course most would like everything to be cheap, but I wouldn't want the game to become too easy. The change I am asking for only affects the time period in which you simple do not have the AD to be able to use this feature. So changing only the cost pre-60 would benefit all and would not make the game easier in any way. MMO's these days are easy enough as it is, or so seems to be the general opinion to which I agree even though I am an alt-aholic. :)
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    midnightmaladymidnightmalady Member Posts: 44
    edited June 2013
    The cost of ALL AD purchased items/services need to be assessed. It makes no sense for Mount Training II books to cost 768k AD if you can buy a T3 mount off the AH for 600-700k. Likewise a rank 5 enchantment shouldn't cost 30k+ AD to unbind when it only cost 15k AD on the AH.
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    jormunrekjormunrek Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Couldn't agree more.

    The only thing that I've allowed myself to purchase pre-release was some extra character slots, but once the game does release there are going to be things that I could foresee myself considering. But I won't pay the same price for a pet for one character that I paid for a Carrier for ALL of my klingon characters. Or pay more for two pets that I paid for THREE adv. cruisers that I paid for all of my federation characters.

    Many of the single use and per character items are way out of whack on the pricing in my opinion. Not just the pets/mounts, that was just the first comparison that came to mind this early in the morning. ;)

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    kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The cost of ALL AD purchased items/services need to be assessed. It makes no sense for Mount Training II books to cost 768k AD if you can buy a T3 mount off the AH for 600-700k. Likewise a rank 5 enchantment shouldn't cost 30k+ AD to unbind when it only cost 15k AD on the AH.

    Can't really balance the service prices against the AH - those prices are always variable and are set by the players. (And really, rank 5 is reasonably low - I can't see people wanting to bother unbinding those things. Just overwrite them. 7+ on the other hand....)

    But yeah, the mount training prices need work - and not because of auction house prices, but because they're terrible even by zen store prices. Upgrading a single mount to Tier 3 costs 2.8 million AD. Even at the worst possible zen exchange rate (500:1), this is 5600 zen. And you can buy a T3 mount (for all your character, not just one) for 3-4k, far less than the upgrade cost for one mount.
    At the current exchange rate (270:1) it's even worse - 10.3k zen. Enough to buy 2-3 account-wide T3 mounts.
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    fyendiarfyendiar Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 39
    edited June 2013
    kiralyn wrote: »
    Can't really balance the service prices against the AH - those prices are always variable and are set by the players. (And really, rank 5 is reasonably low - I can't see people wanting to bother unbinding those things. Just overwrite them. 7+ on the other hand....)

    But yeah, the mount training prices need work - and not because of auction house prices, but because they're terrible even by zen store prices. Upgrading a single mount to Tier 3 costs 2.8 million AD. Even at the worst possible zen exchange rate (500:1), this is 5600 zen. And you can buy a T3 mount (for all your character, not just one) for 3-4k, far less than the upgrade cost for one mount.
    At the current exchange rate (270:1) it's even worse - 10.3k zen. Enough to buy 2-3 account-wide T3 mounts.

    I agree with this absolutely, but please let's try to keep the conversation on in game economy only and not add the cash shop to it because that deserves...well,... about a thousand topics all by itself because it is so costly. Please let's keep this topic on AD cost of thing vs the ability to gain AD.

    Thank you.

    P.S. Please don't take it personally that I picked your post to ask to keep it on AD instead of cash shop, I agree with your post and you just happened to be the last comment that combined the two that made me choose your post. :)

    P.P.S. Just in case someone thinks it: I do not wish everything for free, I spend just under 300 euro on this game already and don't regret it, found it expensive, but decided to spend it anyway. It is not about getting things easy or for nothing, it is about being able to get thing in the time you need it and currently we are not able to make enough AD during leveling to warrant the cost of the gear change pre-60.
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