If I were to venture a guess, the developers made it so that you can't accidentally discard your bags. So, I'd say you're stuck with it. I could be wrong, though.
If you don't have help, I wouldn't bother until you're level 70. Also, the Common Cause dailies got the same buff with mod 6. I just got to the point where I could solo that content.
Yeah, this game is full of things like that. It was weeks before I realized that you could click on a stack of ID scrolls and then go through and identify things rapid fire.
If you go to the VIP screen in Inventory and press X, it'll bring up a menu. It at least works with teleporting to the Moonstone Mask. That's all I can do, as I'm a lowly rank 3. I think there's probably another more convenient way.
It's bittersweet, man. I'm looking forward to new content, but it'll be a sad day refining my current artifact gear. Particularly my main hand. It's been with me for so long, ya know.
Thanks for the alternate method, Rockstar. i've got several alts who are itching to get there hands on some master aschemists... as soon as my scourge warlock is done with them.
I've gotten two from the Coffer of Wondrous Augmentation from the vault of piety. Odds are extremely low, though. That's with seven characters getting one coffer per week each for a long time, now.
> @attorn97 said: > I had this happen to me, but it was my fault. check again which buttons you are pressing. to use the artifact, its left trigger and A I believe. I was using left trigger and the d-pad. You may be doing the same thing. Yep. I went through this for a day or so. It's left bumper and B.