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  • Yes , with Zen store mounts each character you make can claim it, so if you have 10 characters ALL can claim and use the mount and any new characters created in the future after purchase can also redeem the mount and use it too. When you purchase it, you go to the Zen store in game on any other characters and find the…
  • nope i not running ARC, still on same game download, except for patches from open beta, never had any DC or crash issues in the past, but since todays patch , rubber banding everywere, dc'd a few times in CTA a few times, and getting 'server not responding' like every minute or two on any map and zone
  • Mount is BoP, Green , Rank 1
  • Same here endless 'sever not respondings 'in every map, but realy bad in CTA. game crashed 4 times for no reason too. Every body in every group all say having same issues, so its not at my end for sure. i never had any issues at all prior to patch, now its everywere, zone chat is full of players with new and old issues…
  • Event is a lag fest,, sever not responding 50% of the time. :(
  • Nice to have a mount reward, but would be even nicer if we had somewere to store mounts, like what is available for companions an active, ilde store in the inventory
  • If you was already in the game prior to event starting try reloging
  • Thanks and i'm sure alot more players can relate to it than what people might think. As for race change, this thread is about base ability scores, race change is a whole new topic realy I also see some posts saying the base ability scores dont make that much of a difference, and i know you can off set them slightly with…
  • My reasoning behind my own belief a full ability score reset should be in the game is: Many players will download this game just to 'have a look' and 'give it a go' they pick a class they think they will like and will more than likely not take much care in the character creation steps, all they want to do is get into the…
  • Agree, that is one way of doing it, But IMO to change the cost of guild tab purchase to one of gold, instead of AD would be alot easier to implement, everything is already there in game, just needs a currency change for the Tab
  • ^^ nps, i have mentioned this a few times since open beta, but alas nothing as ever been said about it. Like my post above my idea was to make guild banks tabs purchasable with gold, as there is already a guild gold deposit and also this would not have any efect at all on the main currency in the game, AD
  • Yes and no, to be honest i think its too late in the game now to 'catch' up, all info, tooltips, explanations should have been done during alpha, beta, and proof read, it is suprising how many toolotips, just dont make sence no matter how they are read. I think the bigest problem is the game itself is not static or stable,…
  • Not quite true there are skirmish events daily, which last an hour and can reward 1000 rough AD, you can run them as often as you like during any time of the day but during the skrimish hour you can put quite a few runs in and obtain quite a large amount of rough AD plus armour enchant shards
  • I am not sure about a means to trade AD, there is no need realy. However one thing that does seriously need looking into and changing is the Guild bank new tab system, the only way to buy new guild bank tabs is through AD, and there is no way for guild members to contribute or deposit AD into a guild fund. A guild is all…
  • Thanks for checking up, to be honest i did try this a few months ago, i was strongly led to believe gender could be changed, but i soon found out it could not. Even though i was told on these forums i could by some one who should have known. On neverwinter wiki, were most Mods and devs direct players for info, it says, and…
  • Agree and this is what this thread is about 'base ability' scores. Race change is a whole different topic.
  • There is no "local guild, temple, college, etc" to retrain 'skills' and 'abilitys', never has been, in this game there are 'powers' (abilitys) and 'Feats'. are you sure your playing the same game ? There is only ONE way to retrain abilitys and feats, you have to PAY. you have to buy a retrain token with either Zen or AD.…
  • Race should not be changable.. RE base abilitys scores. You should not have to pay/ work or have to do anything to change base ability scores due to the fact that what they actualy do and how they contribute to your character is not explained in any way shape or form at the character creation stage. It just says, x, y and…
  • Yes orange damage is your critical damage, if its orange you have proc'd a crit, that is why orange damage is always higher numbers than your 'normal' damage
  • the very same can be said for the game too when existing content undergoes 'major' changes, the content is then 'new' and the old content is 'deleted' You have only got to look at the Draco fight in CN now compared to when it came out and Devs actually agreed on these forums that the 'pushing' of mobs was an intentional…
  • Only thing is, this is NOT D&D, and NOT meant to be a 'example' of it, its is a completely different publisher and company, it uses the D&D banner and certain D&D features in the game under licence. Neverwinter is a complete new game, NOT a 'folow up'
  • not realy a question with a certain answer to be honest, everybody plays differently, everybody enjoys a different type of class. Lvling is pretty fast in this game, you can get to lvl 5 in less than 30 mins, which gives you a basic idea of how the class works. roll a few and try them all at least to lvl 5, i would advise…
  • This is my point, the game changes unpredictably and all out of control of the player. and the player does not have the ability , paid for or not to adjust their character to suite the changes fully. why should the player suffer due to class changes out of their control You could roll today the 'perfect' CW. best race ,…
  • yes i agree, but when choosing race, you are given quite clear indications in the creation menu at what abilitys each race has, and to be honest race abilitys dont realy make as much a diference as the base ability stats do unless you are realy going for a min max build, and in that case you would do some research first,…
  • Agree with this ^^ I know one of the most common answers is , you should check a 'guide' Well according to a recent reply from a Mod in another thread ANY post older than 30 days should be classed as 'dead' and more than likely is 'out of date'. Yes there are class guides on these very forums, but how many of them are less…
  • I beg to dissagree here, every single class in the game has been through quite a few major changes since open beta, and most have had major changes more than once or twice, the "game's origins" may not have changed , but the way each class works within the game has changed dramaicaly since Open Beta. most if not all have…
  • Agree here, some of the feat and powers have pretty vague tooltips some dont realy give any idea at all how they work or which powers and feats work with which abilitys, it can be very missleading and you never know what they actually do until you put points in them, and then its too late to go back..... unless you pay. An…
  • I have always felt the game should give you a free respec on hitting lvl cap, 60, they send you a box of 'gifts' but these imo should include a respec token Lvling up a new chararcter is all about learning the class and character, many choices of specs and abilitys, feats etc are usualy bassed on trial and error and as so,…
  • It seems same thing as happened with the 'red circles' marking danger areas not in the correct place or of correct size, which was 'apparently' fixed a while ago, is now also back...
  • Yes it is easier with a guild group, but it does not hide the fact that all instances have bugs and issues, guild group or not content is still broken.. many just dont want to play 'broken' content, its just NOT fun. People play a game for fun and entertainment, NOT frustration.