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  • Actualy i find that to be very usefull since the campaigns are launched in a order and one after another the old ppl playing this game went through hell completing them. And only to find a 1 month player come in and have the same GS and boons as he has. The porpuse of the linking quests is to force ppl to work on all…
  • Biggest failed fight EVER!!!!! Textures failed to load for minutes ...the lag and the textures bug made this so unplayble. The ground was always RED, stun for 30 sec, 98% of the time i was staring at a power point presentation without any caption for at least figure out what it is about. The only time the lag went out was…
  • I dont know where in hell u saw an option of login by handle, but maybe, and i say that without knowing anything about programing, maybe u put the same thing everywhere. My ingame handle is @borisadrian, and so is my chat name borisadrian, but my username and email are very different and only with those 2 i am able to log…
  • i also think that this bog its on account related issue. Almost all my guild members got theyr piece of Black Ice gloves,but me after farming 3 days almost 8 hours each... no luck for whatsoever. No epic stuff, no gloves, nothing. and i got so sickk of runing those same Encounters every time ...i finaly gave up. Unlocked…
  • I think u get my ideea...no use of posting hundreds of images. But that happens everytime i go in a populated area or when dragons spawn in Well of dragons. Also its funny how the floor dissapears and it seems ur walking on thin air. Tried to reduce the graphics quality and set it to low and mid for better performance, but…
  • I play NW since it first launched and like you i only do PVP and dailies. Anything else is just plain boring to me. I spend almost 85 % of my online time on PVP matches. A piece of advice: if u realy enjoy PVP,dont go in the dark side and start pumping stuff into you. Geting past the 19k GS it will ruin all the PVP u know…
  • I am playing Neverwinter since it release and i consider myself a pvp player mostly because inspend 80% of my online time in domination matches. I only have 1 char and plyed 1 class alone from the beggining. Sure i have tried some other classes but only to study their weaknes and close look at theyr skills. I curently have…
  • No way in Hell ...if u want more HP, go slot Radiant in defence or stack it up from multiple ways,feats,boons everything.... if u give a GF 3x HP u will get the big ones woth 130k HP. Put that in a team with a cleric and good luck winning something. or if u wana see a realy immortal GWF...up hies hp just double... not 3x…
  • I was just pointing that my internet conection is realy not the problem here ... since i have tested and used my realy good internet conection sever times. not expecting to DL with max speed, but 7 bytes ..cmon its realy lame. Now launcher not even starting ffs i get that foolish error:
  • After 30 minutes of struggling to patch i finaly got ingame...waited for another 10-15 minutes to load protectors enclave and when i though im finaly off the hook, i started the new q and open the Well of dragons map...that was fatal. 40 minutes and the map didnt open. its going sio fkn slow i feel like geting stuff from a…
  • Actualy u are very wrong. When u look at PVP it stands for Person versus Person and not person versus air or ghost. If u are a TR and u only hang on the stealth, then ur crapy one. TR's stealth its not meant for to be ur ONLY skill, like u sayd: no stealth = death. U are very wrong my friend. Every class has something…
  • Thats exactly what i had in mind, if they already have a conflict between 2 camps its easy to make 1st winner the owner of it and start off with an advantage and beside runing around in circle a nice castle with some turrets or something to defend it. And u have a nice tipical strategy of attack and defend...ppl would most…
  • And before any of u ask or comment, im a 14,5k CW and i have more than 30 matches of PVP / day. I only play this game for the PVP. And no im not a class hatter or dont have a problem with any person on that party or on any. No personal grudge or whatsoever. But i think the PVP should be more divers than this, like more…
  • Mount a sleigh and slide to win. Twilight run here i come!!
  • [QUOTE=valiant4ever;6735601 * The quest giver double clicks on the Valindra Tower Key in their inventory * This brings up a quest which the quest giver accepts * The party then queues for Valindra's Tower Dungeon * Upon entering Valindra's Tower the quest (found in the quest givers journal) can then be shared with the…
  • I realy must agree with all the guys who in theyr opinion say the queue is messed up. But also the ppl who say that matching GS is wrong, and wont even the balance. Im a crapy CW with 9,7k GS but i win 85%of the games i play and 90% of those games i come out 1st or 2nd, even if the game is lost im still there on top. And…
  • Something is definitly wrong. I finished the patch on Neverwinter Preview shard,the client window closed and the the game should have started...but after waiting 5 minutes, nothing happened. i started a new one thinking i did something wrong and the same thing. I opened task manager and there were 2 processes game…