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  • Character class: HR Trapper 14k Age: 26 Past MMO: 5 Years WoW Gt: Birdistheman TZ: EST
  • Also, (not a bug per say but still a need to know) If running a stance switch build, encounters timers will get bugged out and be way behind the actual CD for the encounter. Thus, you can't rely on the timer itself (usually only happens when switching to melee for me) Just have to do it to see if it'd ready, if not use a…
  • I do the same thing Kato If their health drops below 1/2 on first hit, I know they are going to die, so I jump to the next group I'll stay if the next group is a ways away, just to finish off the rotation and get my stacks
  • Send me a message on xbox (Birdistheman) I'll be on and off tomorrow. If you know a time you'll be on, or if I happen to see you on I can help you get started.
  • No worries, just look around a bit as others probably have the same questions as you do. If you don't find anything, then feel free to create your own. Makes everything easier on everyone.
  • You should look through the forums a bit before posting this. As there is a few. But here http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?875931-Drisdhaun-AoE-PvE-Build
  • Artifact bow definitely, which one you need depends on you though As far as mogging it, just wait till you upgrade it. Starts to look a little better. I was gonna mog mine until I went to rare, and decided it wasn't that bad. But the uncommon versions, omg are they nasty
  • I've ran spellplauge and caverns of Kundar (you know what I mean haha) With 3 trappers, rogue and cleric before (all of us together of course, no way this would be allowed in a pug) and it was pretty much the same thing. SW and PF don't matter for a trapper, just subtle difference, not enough to make a scene about. Cleric…
  • I don't pvp, so won't be getting the profound set. 20% faster sounds very nice. But I'm not to worried about that. Since with Steel breeze Im never out of stamina, so I can constantly dodge, a 20% increase isn't really needed (for me) What are your stats to have 40% crit? I have 35% with 20 wis and 3.2k crit. Just…
  • Honestly as a trapper, all 4/4 gear bonus suck. I'm doing 2/2 for warden and whatever tier 2 stalkers is. Now I'm over capped for arpn sitting at 25% before adding str to it. And crit is 3.1k (had it has high as 4.2k, but theres only a 2% difference so) Recovery for a trapper means nothing at all. Could do forest set, but…
  • Edited I messaged you yesterday on xbox 14k HR (Have 3 60s, but only want my HR Right now) 4 Years exp on WoW Would just like to talk to you about it for a bit, to see if its what im looking for. P.s. Im always hidden online, so just let me know if this is alright, and I can message you if I see you on.
  • I believe this class needs a buff. But only in the archer and combat paragon areas. (Also, needs actual class specific drops in epics, but thats another argument) I've play both of these and they don't stack up anywhere near the trapper. Barely played the combat any, but played as archer alot. Tried AoE and Single target…
  • I do understand that what drops is random I'm more so talking about ALL drops in general. Not in a particular run. If you go look at the dungeons on the wiki and look at the boss drops you see that according to them, Rangers just don't have class specific drops in dungeons. This aspect is what I find unfair and just…
  • I just have a very general question. Just got my first hunter up and running and started doing epics. So my question is...Are there any drops from bosses for Hunters (Class specific items)? Looking around at loot tables created by other people, i have noticed that the other classes get usually between 2-6 drops every other…