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Anecdotal Ranger Story

kestrelhawkerkestrelhawker Member Posts: 103 Arc User
edited June 2015 in The Wilds
Anecdotal Ranger Story

Rangers do get a lot of … hate? Maybe is more that we are just dismissed A LOT! But more and more I am finding that we are a just too damned cool. Last night I ran with a few buddies, we were One Pathfinder Trapper, two Stormwarden trappers, and a Cleric. Picking up randoms here and there. First we farmed Pirate King’s a few times but our Cleric really wanted to get his head piece. “So, what you are saying is that you want to take a party of three rangers and a cleric into Spellplague….? Right … ok I am in.”
Started the dungeon, Great weapon fighter pops in …. Tries to vote out one of 3 rangers … the one with the lowest GS. He dips out when the vote fails. Blowing through the spawning pools.

Guardian fighter pops in … pops right back out again. Make it to the first boss, Trickster Rogue pops in, fights with us for a few seconds, pops out again. Cleric pops in … Votes to boot our cleric, 2 of our party didn’t take time to read whom was voting whom out … our cleric is gone, damnation! After all it was his idea, we boot that cleric and wait for our cleric to luckily hit our instance. Boom he is back! Continue moving.

Just before we make it to the second boss Warlock pops in, “Ok let’s see how long he hangs out with us”. Make it to the gate for the final boss “Ok, this dude seems as crazy as we are, lets invite him to our Xbox live party.”

So then the set up. The warlock and the two Stomwardens are in charge of DPS on the boss. I, the Pathfinder, get to deal with the mobs and peeling. Boom we are in, clear the first mobs, boss it up, I start gathering the mobs for kiting . Spreadshot, Fox Cunning, Constricting shot, Hindering shot, “Oh boy they mad now!” Hindering Strike, Steel Breeze, Fox shift … “Nope I was wrong, NOW they mad!” Rinse and repeat quite a number of times and clearing the adds. Cleric: “Hey man, I’m going to drop astral shield so that you don’t have to run around like that.” Me: “Have you had to heal me yet?” Cleric: “No… no I haven’t.” Me: “I stop moving and you will have to scoop me up off the floor.” “Stick and Move! Stick and Move, always shifting through a fight.”

We kill the boss... not a single death, no wipe, easy peasy ..
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  • trappy1026trappy1026 Member Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    I love running with other HRs, makes quick work of most dungeons
  • kestrelhawkerkestrelhawker Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Yea man,
    I went into Spellplague thinking that we were going to be a disaster. Funny thing was the night before i did it with 3 wizards and a rogue ( i was on my cleric), but I was so skeptical that of weather or not it was going to work with our setup . I was so wrong too, we made short order of most boss fights.
  • strictlyevilstrictlyevil Member Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I've said for a long time that HR is a very viable class to have in a dungeon. The problem isn't so much the HR class itself as it is the Archery tree that people seem to have a problem with.
    Ancient 18.8k CW | Ancient Heals 18k DC | Ancient Tank 22.2k GF | GT: XGC Army
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  • birdisthemanbirdistheman Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I've ran spellplauge and caverns of Kundar (you know what I mean haha) With 3 trappers, rogue and cleric before (all of us together of course, no way this would be allowed in a pug) and it was pretty much the same thing. SW and PF don't matter for a trapper, just subtle difference, not enough to make a scene about.
    Cleric was slightly upset, mainly because the 4 of us never stopped moving and no one could tell where anyone else was. Just whirls of death on the screen.
    It was a good time and lots of fun.
  • kestrelhawkerkestrelhawker Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    "Whirls of death"
    That really does sum it up .

    Trapper really seems to be the best of both worlds. You are in the think of it , managing SEVERAL mobs at one time, Dancing through them, cleaning up. Did 40 mil damage in Frozen heart that way.

    Archery is nice if this game was set up for such a thing, and Single targeting a boss with an archer is not a bad gig really. For archery to work you need to be with a group that understands your role and compensates for it. and the Archer should know "Okay, I caught a lot of aggro I should set up so that whomever is pealing can do that for me". I would Totally do an archery spec and love nuking and rebuffing single targets ... but i get a rush being trapper and dancing through a fight using both my bow and swords.
  • mylyf2mylyf2 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Love The "Whirls of death"

    since switching to trapper it has been awesome..
    joined a group halfway into Epic Lair and still finished second above another Hunter who must have been archery as he was just hanging on the fringes shooting everything with his bow.. After we finished he was messaging me about the spec I was running... Hopefully he will switch from archery to Trapper..
  • shazza53shazza53 Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I like to read these encouraging threads. I am a new Stormwarden Trapper - just made 53, and things are coming together. I have been playing as a DC, GF, or CW and I confess I thought HR's were weak :(. I was wrong :).

    Fastest time through the CTA has been with 2 HRs, 1 CW, and 2 TRs. ... (I know this CTA is not a good test, but still ...)
  • kestrelhawkerkestrelhawker Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Shifting is your friend ... I topped out most of the CTAs i jumped in on this weekend , i would also make a fund game of it seeing how far i could get before the rest of the group caught up to me .
  • shazza53shazza53 Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    You probably could have solo'd it ...
  • kestrelhawkerkestrelhawker Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Yea but i couldn't convince my friends to run in with me and stand back to let me give it a shot . they have short attentions spans .
  • katozeekatozee Member Posts: 42
    edited June 2015
    I know when I was speed running the CTA with friends, after that first boss person I would blast open the gate, I would rush to the wizards rooting everything on my way. Kill the wizzards and be at the boss before the rest of the team had finished with the mobs just after that blown up gate.

    Full team of 60's I would be netting 2.6mil and the rest of the team would always be uner 700k. So yes you can solo it.
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