Here is the issue with the beloved CR dungeon. From day one of its release it was broken and never fixed. They tried hard to fix each box but only made the issues present worse over time. When they could not fix it fully they released a new mod that messed it up even more then still with no fix they decided to add scaling…
The idea suggested here would make sense and could most likely work out but the problem with that is how the random ques work. Example lets assume that you ran completed maddness so your locked for lets say an hour and you que up to run another. Now lets assume many are qued for maddness and not enough for others so a…
All I am trying to say is that this same topic has been discussed many times on these forums. Each person voiced their opinions and concerns and each mod the same issues are present. Nothing has changed on that part of the game for as long as the game has been out. I personally do not see it changing. I my self hated this…
If this game took steps to fix that things be different. I agree when I was playing and all that the game really did not teach me nothing about states. Even before mod 16 changed it. The game never really took the time to teach you about stats and caps. When I first started this game I leveled a toon up and gave it what I…
I believe this issue has been part of the game for along long time. Each mod it becomes more of an issue. Knowing this game has been going this long with the same issue I really do not see this issue being fixed. I also believe many people have stated something around the same lines and still nothing has been done about…
All I can say is if a player enjoys the class and spec they play then they will decide to play that spec and class. It is only when a player finds it not worth playing and no run that they will either play another class or spec or move on. It just so happens not many enjoy how the dev team decided to do healers in this…
The ignore list only applies to chat. You will not get any private messages from that user that has ignored you or that you have ignored. That user can not see what text you type into a party chat and the same for you. Meaning you cant see what they say and they cant see what you say. That is all the ignore does really.…
Oh and let me add a fun note to those that ignore people. If you ignore someone all that does is stops their text from showing up in your chat or message. However you will still most likely see that person you ignored back in your dungeon party because ignore does not stop that from happening. To be honest i strongly feel…
The signpost for vip is what anyone would call a easy or faster way to get from point A to point B. it is not needed what so ever for nothing. As far as this issue gos truth be told there are many many ways I can think of that can be used to fix the issue to a degree but each one would only hurt everyone and not really…
I must say played the game for along time and only got 1 from a lockbox. Most people that would toss money at those little boxes in hope of good things I say have at it. I my self do not wish to play a lottery game inside a game. I will open my 1 box per day and that will be fine.
There really is nothing that one can do over this. This issue has been in this game from day one when they decided to do randoms. Any player vip or not can simply walk right out thru the entrance and do what ever they wish while the rest wait around to leave. What the dev team should actually do is force a party to remain…
Any game that has been out for so long must change. With that change comes things that no one likes but companies feels must be changed to further build apon their game. The idea I understand. In fact I am one that enjoys how the game plays in this new mod. What I dislike the most is removing the options that made making a…
What I would suggest is maybe going into the workshop and using the sign post from there. Or actually going to the exit of the map in Pe and leaving that way.
When one faces a lag based issue it is always easy to state it is that of the server and not factor in many other things that can cause it. Look at how we are now. Everyone or almost everyone is now at home and playing. Now assume that so many are logged in and in PE capping the server. This can cause lag. What can also…
my two cents are this. 1 yes working from home sucks and that is how it is for the time being. however when you are a company you must act and be professional regardless of how things are going. miscommunication should really never happen with in a company. if someone some how some where knew 100% that the stuff was going…
The issue with CoDG has always been players not listening or not paying attention to whats being said in the chat. either they can not understand or just dont care enough to listen. Sure most of the time the push and pull is what gets a group to fail but more then most of the time its players that just dont listen.
If I had to take a guess on why the ui can not be modded and why all these things you are saying can not be done then my best guess would be the coding and structure of the coding. most games created with that feature uses uma based coding to allow luna type modding to happen inside their game. This game does not use such…
If one would read back last year at a post that was posted via someone from the company one would surely see that no promise of any class is going to be released. This post was made regarding the coming soon that was at one time in the games creative menu when making your toon. They removed the coming soon part of that…
any unbound item that drops or can be grabbed in the game should be allowed to be posted in the AH and no player what so ever should ask for its removal. Does not matter if it can not be grabbed now or not. If its in game should be allowed to be sold. To the OP I would say do not sweat on it and hang tight perhaps your get…
The real fix to a tank and aggro problem is to create a simple taunt. Not a attack a generate threat taunt that can not be stopped and that is always active and present when ever the tank loses his or her aggro. Most like all mmo tanks would normally have. A ability that would not attack but grab aggro that is always…
I would suggest 3 bondings and as for the gear I would suggest looking at what stats that you do not have capped and go for those. Let that pet help you get your stats capped.
I will also state that at a low level you should not worry much about what to go for and what not to go for. As you level thru the game you will switch out gear like a ton of times to the point where it makes no sense to really care about any gear you come across. It is not until you reach max level and doing the new…
What one must learn when one says server is that this game uses a msql based type coding and we call it server when really its a simple application that is loaded up. We use the program and connect to that msql SERVER / Well code really and it handles what we do in game. Really you can not say the this was due to a server…
The only thing that I would ever want to see returned back to the game is the options I was given for my class when I started playing. That allowed us to do different things so that we all was not copying each others builds. Now each class and spec is a copy of another and its sad. The rest of what was removed I never…
I look at it like anyone person should think about other things and when they reach that point where they can not improve on things like enchants or pets and they have all this AD saved up because well they do not have to waste on stuff like wards or pets then think about a mount. Took me a solid 3 years before any of the…
On this question if knox can not tell you where to go then my advice is to look at the camp and see what is done and what is not done. I would not head right to the new area and not be ready for it. If you have not done the undermoutain then I suggest you start there.
From my memory of reading on the forums i do believe it was posted that the devs have no intention of releasing a new class at any point what so ever. This was also a reason why they removed the coming soon to the class options. They may change their minds but I am 100% sure no new class is coming any time soon.
It is a good idea but the down side is how players play their classes. Example what happens when you enter a queue like that with a tank and 4 dps and 2 are a warlock and cleric and neither of the two wishes to do healer and so the queue fails because of that. To be fair we each play how we wish to play so in this example…
I will agree with the OP but I will also add that asking to get them to change things back to mod 15 is never going to happen and I will also add that it is a bit of a waste to ask for such things knowing it is never going to take place.
I can not fully recall vendors. I have not been in the game for a bit but I do recall that each seal can be transferred into a small amount of Unrefined AD. Perhaps those can to but again cant fully recall where.