Regardless, I've spent over $1000 on PWE over the past 4 years on all of their games. I occasionally go back now and then, I would like to keep my game accounts unbanned. It's the only reason I dropped the charge-back.
I already tried this, guys. Basically, they'll tell you that the items from your founders packs have already been used within the game and cannot be refunded. They'll also threaten court action if you try and charge-back... they'll also permaban all of your game accounts, regardless of sub level.
I don't think they meant account sharing, but one character to play when his friend is online and one to play when his girlfriend wants to play, the purpose being to stay at the same level and same content.
Customer Service is out of the office until Monday morning PST, unfortunately, you'll have to wait until then. It may be because it's such a large sum of money, it's triggered the fraud prevention systems.
I actually hated the fact I couldn't use my companion in a full group in SW:TOR, it ruined the game for me. Companions here are nowhere near as strong as SW:TOR companions... which use full player gear, and here they use a couple of items. I love the companion system here and I don't think it should be changed.
Possibly it was something overlooked by the developers? In general MMO etiquette, you only need on items for your class and/or profession, anything else you greed or pass. Those who do not abide by this unwritten rule are generally shunned, blacklisted and in some cases reported for ninja-looting. Imagine if you really…
People who earn their own money have the right to spend it on whatever they wish. Personally, I wish I could take back the $60 I spent on Skyrim, I didn't like it at all.
This. Please. I was so annoyed by the armour and mount clipping, as well as the effed up animations D: I <3 my tail, but not when it's being this violent.
The queues basically stop the servers from overfilling. Each shard will have a maximum amount of concurrent players, before things get too laggy. This value is hard-coded into the server-side of the game. When the concurrency reaches this cap, queues start. With this maintenance, they're increasing the server concurrency…
Why add more servers when the most likely outcome will be a lower concurrency of players in a few weeks? It's wasted money. The same thing happens with every single MMO launch: * Game launches. * Servers cap. * Queues build up. * Publisher adds more servers. * Concurrency goes down. * Servers become deserted. * Game…
Yeah, it's not good :( PWE should've made this more clear for those in Europe. Edit: In an action MMO, where dodging/blocking and/or moving about is required, 180 ping is the difference between dodging and dying. If this was a point-click MMO, I would be saying the same as you...
Question: How could the Neverwinter devs make the LFD (group finder) social? I'm pretty certain they wouldn't remove it, and I actually like the feature, but I do agree with most that it takes away from the social aspect of games. So, how could they make it social?
I did not know this, thank you very much! Edit: In the Launcher, on the top left, there's some links. There should be an "options" link. Click it and it'll open a little options window, the Proxy drop down is in there.
When registering a PWE account, you choose a display name, which is used for the forums and CORE Connect. It's a layer of defence against hacking attempts as they will not know your username. Also, if you're referring to a different name to your original Cryptic handle, that can't be helped as PWE have 10's of millions of…
Rusty Hearts paid for avatars are not classed as characters within the game, they are merely cosmetic skins with no additional stats and use the same weapons as their character (ie. Roselle and Frantz). As for CO, I haven't played it, so I don't know the facts about that one.