I recently resurrected my GF, looking forward to rumors of a class fix going into Mod 3. Alas, back into retirement. According to the patch notes, "Your Rank is only affected by your wins and losses in Domination." ...Source: http://community.arcgames.com/en/news/neverwinter/detail/5003683-release-notes%3A-05%2F13%2F14
Definitely agree with #'s 2 and 3. #2 seems like just a strategy to keep people buying zen. #3 seems obvious, I don't understand why this isn't an easy fix for Cryptic; it's critical for going back in time to address guild bank issues. I don't personally have an issue with #1, although I do see it for large guilds; I think…
The gateway may be working, but not everyone can get in. Clearing the browser cache does not fix it. If you are unlucky enough to try when server load is apparently high, you don't get in...period. Over the last few days, attempts during the day (ET) seem to be fruitless. I was able to get in last night at about 11pm ET,…
I don't see why this is a bug. If the devs refuse to fix something, wouldn't that qualify it as a 'feature'? Sounds sarcastic, but unfortunately I'm being completely serious. Why is this a bug? Logic seems to indicate it's such, but how can it go on for 6 months now and not be addressed if it's a bug? I know on teams I've…
Did you look at the image or just start typing? DD had 12m left. Regardless, even when DD ends you still get the chest. The rules of DD clearly state that you don't need DD to be active when you finish, only when you start.
I don't agree with this statement, or at least that is to say this has not been my experience. I have several friends who have had their accounts compromised over the years on various MMOs, and they've never had their items not returned. Remember that account security is still subject to compromise despite attempts to keep…
Unfortunately it was open mainly on the days when I am unable to play. I think this is the second time this has happened. PWE seems to favor running these events for only a short time and centered on the Fri/Sat area. This leaves me out. I was able to slide in a single run, but enjoyed it anyway. I'd rather see them reduce…
I don't think Cryptic believes there is anything "wrong" that needs to be fixed. The adds/boss mechanics are the way they are by design. Changing this mechanic would require a change to more than dungeon boss/adds. For example, the DC would have to transition from AoE healer to single target healer, requiring a remake of…
Fair point. I was simply raising that NW has forced me to reexamine being a P2P hater after years of WoW, and Skyrim is the game I most recently enjoyed a lot so I'm going to give ESO a shot even though its P2P. I laid out the $60 founder bucks for this one plus some minor Zen investment along the way, so the least I can…
I disagree completely. If the NW committed to acting as you described (slowing down, fixing bugs, etc) I would agree to a subscription model. Directly addressing ESO you mentioned above, that happens to currently be my #1 choice already for my next P2P game (just have to wait a bit lol). I'm guessing those IGN flamers have…
I'm exactly at the same point myself. After playing since early open beta, I've come to a place where this game is something I'll leave installed and probably hit once in a while when I'm (really) bored, but I'm now back to looking for a pay to play game. I actually like this game and am still secretly hoping it turns…
Same for me. Using IE10, if it helps someone troubleshoot. Very frustrating when I'm away for days on end and want to use the gateway to keep up on profs.
Correct. But... Absolutely not. There is generally loot at the end of most MMOs 5-man dungeons, EXCEPT NW when in non-DD times the chest is dark. Doing an entire NW dungeon outside DD and getting no loot at the end is unusual and disabling.
100% agree. Came to the same conclusion. The wolf is useful leveling and in foundries after that, but not in current epics. The meat of the package is the mount and the bank of AD to get you started.
Yes, 60 DC and 60 CW. The queue times are easily >60m on either toon outside DD. During DD, no issue generally, which means if I log in and miss DD no dungeon tonight. The issue got a lot worse the higher in level I went; @60 its horrible.
One possible alternative is to leave DD, but use it to increase the reward, not have it at all. In other words, i think the problem may be going from no chest without DD to very good chest with it. It discourages players from entering without DD active. How about good chest always, very good with DD. To me DD should be a…
...still can't reduce the dungeon queue below 1-2 hours outside DD, even on a healer. Mr./Mrs. PWE: when are you going to do as promised and merge the shards?? Please??
I sincerely hope you are going to fix the keybind bug (see here, here, and here). An increasing number of players, including me, are out of commission atm.