An excellent post that I agree 100% with. Players that can't play during TA/Cosmic Primetime are basically screwed. This is oh so very true. And I like this suggestion a lot.
CO is dumpster tier for competitive gaming. Go play an actual esports game that has more than 10 players even caring to compare their epeens with each other. Then you might make a claim on anything. But be prepared to get your **** handed to you by Koreans.
Even Ranged PvP builds use that combo. That is how overpowered Defense scaling with Juggernaut and Wardicator (works with guardian too) is. It also helps greatly against knockback. The 75% cooldown hate is just superrandom, when there is other stuff that needs looking into too. Its way overboard and feels like someone is…
If you want to shut this game down just do it and spare us more nerfs that will drive away the playerbase. Because that is the feeling I get from this completely over the top nerfs. Nerfs should be mild adjustments and not wrecking ball tactics.
My 5 cent: 75% kills INT and leaves STR/CON (which should be nerfed too then, big time, juggernaut anyone?) and maybe some dodge builds as viable. Dear devs, please stop intentionally destroying this game. Thanks. Don't go overboard on nerfs! This is TERRIBLE TERRIBLE TERRIBLE TERRIBLE! Maybe big letters will help. THIS IS…
I've really had it. Not only does this game get nigh zero content updates. Now only the terrible ones get implemented. This game has a more mature audience than most other MMO's, and while I never objected to the idea of lockboxes per se, those messages (THAT CAN'T BE TURNED OFF WHATSOEVER!) are more than just a little…
Please don't add those admin messages for lockbox drops, or at the very least make it an option to disable them. Those obnoxious things are one of the major reasons I stopped playing NWO an STO. They are just obnoxious and are the worst kind of advertisement. NOBODY likes those messages! I repeat: NOBODY! And the fact they…
Its not P2W, its Pay2Customize. The only Win aspect of the game would be PvP which is pretty much just bragging rights in this game and can be done by a f2p player with dedication. Someone has to pay for the Devs Ramen noodles. If you fail to see that, you are living in a dream world, and this game would not exist.
Yes, absolutely. Champions Online is the best thing since sliced bread and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Rumor has it El Dorado is hidden somewhere in this game. Also spend money and tell all your friends.
Thanks for removing all the rewards from this mission Cryptic. This allows me to completely ignore this alert, so I don't have to be constantly reminded how bad my vehicles are now, and frees up time for many other games. Only being mildly sarcastic here.
I have no problem with most of the changes Cryptic did. I cannot recall that Prototypes were on sale in the Zen Store. I think the vast majority that exist were farmed in the Nighthawk Event, and they still bring unique features and are valued highly. Legion Gear is still the second best gearin the game and far from…
This is such incredible nonsense it blows my mind. Way to alienate your playerbase with over the top nerfs. THe first nerf was justified, and I didnt say a peep but this is just ridiculous.
This signed a hundredfold. Many of the vehicle mods aren't fully funtional. Most weapons and mods are just terrible and and the few that are performing well are nerfed into the ground. I spend a ton of ressources and yes also actual money into improving my vehicles. I even bought an R9 Upgrade mod for Biosteel (those 3000…
I wholeheartedly agree. What Cryptic North did surrounding the anniversary is amazing work all in all. Like the new content a lot. Aside from the aforementioned gripes (BoP Action Figures and overall low drop rate) the event mission is a lot of fun. Other than that I would love to see a change in theme for the next…
I must say I didn't expect all that much and am positively surprised. This is the best Non-Alert mission in ages, and certainly something different. It was fun to figure out what to do and where to go next and I liked the setting a lot. I wish the transition of the story would be done a bit more detailed, but I think with…
Microman, because he would make an excellent lighter. Jokes aside, Redsnake for the exact reasons mentioned. And Sapphire, because her show needs more Pyro. Edit: Nobody mentioned Sparkly Vampire yet! Teach him a lesson how he is supposed to act in sunlight.
Happy with the changes as long as you don't start implementing those dumb admin messages a la "Herpyderp has aquired awesome lockbox lootz". Seriuosly, I hate those messages in NW and STO, and its one of the reasons I don't enjoy playing these games so much. These messages are frikkin obnoxious.
For me this worked now. Right Click the Quick Launch Icon. Under Properties, select "Run: Maximized". The exe itself doesnt allow you to maximize for whatever reason.
Now that the numbers have been debunked, we support the notion of closing this thread. We also propose the notion that Cryptic employees address us as "Your royal highnesses" since the customer (us) is king. Furthermore we demand the Blood Moon be renamed into "Blue Blood Moon" in commemoration of our our fantasticness.…
Thanks for testing this Ayona. I got the same results basically. As for Speed Charge, it seems to not decrease the Charge Time of Charged Powers, despite the tooltip of the appropriate weapons saying so. I reduced a charge power from 5 seconds to 4.4 but didnt see any difference. Maybe that is broken too. Healing seem to…
Can Incendiary Rounds be used in any regular alerts? NO Can Incendiary Rounds be used in Gravitar? NO Can Incendiary Rounds be used in Adventure Packs/Comic Series? Mostly NO So basically you demand the nerfing of a very expensive weapon, that can barely be used in any of the most played content. What were people crying…
Very nice video with tons of useful advice and explanations for newbies and vets alike. I'll propably use this as a blueprint to make a Shadow Colossi tank at some point, looks like fun. As for the haters... they're gonna hate I guess.
Hey, at least trailturtle is communicating with us and some feedback gets through. I am hopeful in regards to the upcoming alert for instance. We've been through worse I'd say.
What has been said, and also: 1) Go to the gym or Grond will think your punches are like snuggle from baby kitten. 2) Put on your best costumes or Grond might find you as boring as rival mmo. 3) Have one team member stay in MC, and make him retell all the Grond jokes made in zone chat to keep the troops morale up.…
This game lets you play any hero you can imagine. Because there hasn't been enough hard content lately many oldtimers are leaving. I still have hope, because this game has amazing potential.