I've been having issues with this since the Winter event patch went live, for the first week I could barely get in let alone rubber banding all over the shop ISP - VirginMedia Geo Location - UK Date + Time of Day - 10pm -1am GMT everyday since Winter patch- had great fun with a Romulan character repeatedly slapping his…
On VirginMedia here and it was out of action around 5:30 this evening, I can now get in but it's not terribly happy about the whole shebang. Hopefully a sign as I can now get in they are starting to resolve the issue
I've been pulling 2 a day, 1 from each mission. Not sure if there is an easy way to start them or they are on a timer, currently hopping instances to find them.
It isn't very clear you need to get a wrapper mission from the guy in the command centre for the ground zone. I helped do captures in three zones and helped kill 2 Vrexs last night before I found that out.
The romulan plasma weapons do seem to be messed up altogether but s&g seems to be the worst for the obsessive point of focus behaviour although I detected it in some other ground missions. Although i was pointing the wrong way i could fire over my shoulder. I was able to complete as an engineer by dropping turrets to get…
Given this a few tries now and the most effective counter is to load up on the wide beam and piercing rifles (now those are gonna get hit with the nerf bat) and run to behind to the tholian's spawn point before they appear, let them run into the bowl which they will do if not aggro'd and then open up. The bowl seems to…
I agree anything below sub-commander feels like a push over up til then but I wiped 4 times with a science toon (please can I have any kit that isn't the rubbish sonic doodad as the kit reward from the station locker). I admit I'm not the worlds best player by a long chalk but I've played long enough that I felt the…
Had fun and games with them last night, mostly it was the huge aoe radiation clouds, the Boffs just thought they were orange candy floss and kept running into it. May have been my imagination but I could have sworn all three of the last spawn generated them making for a huge death zone the Boffs loved to frolic in... until…
Went on tribble last night to test out the new science power arcs and decided to click on new character for a laugh, I now have a level 10 Romulan and bags under my eyes :) No email, nothing in the junk mail folder either, very odd but looks like my plan to grind for my MkXII adapted MACO gear has been shelved.
They need to get you a special title 'Repetitive patience' the text could read "This captain got caught in a time loop and had to explain the same concept again and again and again and again and again and again and again....." :D
I did think the first time I saw it that it will appeal to the 10-13 year olds who have never seen a real pair, rolled my eyes and moved on. Sexist? meh, sexual objectification? yes. Sad adolescent fantasy imagery? Top marks!!
I don't have any problem with new LTS getting all the rewards at the same time as there is no question the will be 'subbed' for that time. I do feel the titles should remain time based just to keep the achievement side of things, going to hold off using the veteran title for another 13 days personally. Also at 1100 days…
Loads of lag but playable the twitchiness makes the tholians even more other worldly :) Enjoying the missions but stuck on closing doors, have a stack of the codes but can find anything to disable with them
WTF second time I've posted this morning and it reverted to the quick reply text grrr 2nd attempt: Had to add 'the' to the front of my name but never been a huge poster so no big deal, I am liking some of the message to pwe names appearing. Wonder if the mods will do anything about them :)
WTF forum why you eat my post? Sad to see you go, been loving the Doff system and you can bet the next caretaker won't have the love and devotion to it that the creator had. Good luck in your new job, special thanks for the effort you put in hunting down our Tribble Doffs who went AWOL
And where has the local time zone setting gone? Never seen a forum re-iteration that makes things worse before, different yes but this just looks like it was rushed out the door to meet a deadline :frown: