Ummm. you seems to be implying that Romulan Operative is a male only BOFF trait for romulans.... I can tell you that is untrue..... Female Romulan Boffs can have Romulan Operative as well, and male Romulan Boffs can also not have Romulan Operative.
My fav on the Chronos is dropping Causal anchor, GW and throwin in a Chronometric inversion.... I've also slotted an epic quality Advanced Radiant Quantum from the Iconian set, ans spend 90% of my time immune to damage. My Purple Android Eng doff is trained in Temporal, so that occupies my Hybrid Commander Eng/Temporal…
The market was over-saturated with freefloating-dilithium...... The stuff was practically worthless. This and the upgrade weekend will do a lot to give it some more value.
The Fleet Temporal ships they are talking about are the fleets versions of the T6 Temoral ships (Nautilus, Theseus, Sagittariou and Paladin).... the 31c Temporal ships which are cross-faction (Chronos, Eternal and Outoboros) are already fleet level right out of the c-store.
Seems to have been a gift. In fact.... Can't see how it could qualify as a "Contest" or "promotion" since there has been absolutely nothing marketed about it what-so-ever.... the only reason anyone seems to know is that people who received it told other people that they received it.
Which also does not make sense, heading in naval parlance is an indication of direction relative to a map coordinate system...... 000 being "North". Cardinal coordinates do not imply need for magnetic north/south and can simply refer to general directions in the mapping system.
I'm trying to figure out why the OP made a 23c toon if they do not like 23c toons.... It's like going to a bar and asking for a screwdriver but demanding it be made with cuban rum and coke instead of vodka and orangejuice. If you don't want 23c toon, then roll a regular fed.
Not too shocking when you look at the glassdoor reviews.... a common thread of which and the big bad mark from employee reviews being lack of inter-departmental communication.
If people were less likely to be exchanging their dilithium for Zen, the exchange value would decrease..... starting to happen a bit now, as dilithium value is going up slightly owing to the pending upgrade weekend.... There's nothing wrong with the exchange.... what is needed is more dil sinks so there is less free dil…
The meter is global doffing. I heavily Doff.... unfortuneately a lot of people don't do much if any doffing (I do not know why, it's basically free XP for ranking and specialization) so the meter tends to move slow compared to others.
What do you get with lvl 20 in all schools? You get Title of Master in every category, you crit pretty much every time you make a tech upgrade so you double your output from the same input source whenever you make them...... and your crit chance on crafted items is high where you can easily pull off a ultra-rare without…
Really this kind of juvenile ingrained divisive hate is common within any long-run multi-generational fandom. You will find it here, you will find it in Star Wars, you will find it in Videogaming you will find it in Transformers.
Daniels is messing with personnel records.... They would have to in order to plant temporal adents in the timeline. We can see Daniels was planted at least twice, once in the Ent era and another time in the TOS era.
You could be getting marks for everything by raising birds and monkeys and selling them for marks at Risa.... that is what I have been doing to catch up.
Butterfly effect..... the smallest changes can lead to drastically different results. Take this point, for example..... the James Kirk from the Kelvin timeline is not the James Kirk from the prime storyline, James Kirk from the prime line was never born because his parents were killed...... because the first born son of…
Indeed, my AoY toon is 56 and just started the Cardassian/DS9 story. Already own the Chronos, but working on ship mastery, just got mastery on my T6 vet ship, working on Mastery on T6 Gal-X, also want mastery on the Breen carrier and dread/cruiser at least, and then I will settle into my Chronos.
They would not be able to make the same money if the C-store were tied to dil rather than zen, because as it stands right now dil value is tied to how much dil is flooded into the market and the prices are fixed on zen... if it were based around dil then the price would be fixed on dil and as such the store value would not…
As someone who sells Zen for dil and never sells dil for Zen, I am okay with this. Keeps the exchange rate high on the Zen side and means more stuff I can throw into leveling fleets I am part of.
And it just makes sense from a business standpoint, really...... You're going to do your maintenance when the most number of your technical people are available during the time where you would knock off the least number of users. Currently it does not impact me, sure..... right now maintenance times are during periods I…
This game storyline starts in 2409, 30 years after the happenings in Star Trek Nemesis, and 22 years after Romulus was destroyed by the Hobus supernova and the disappearance of Ambassador Spock.
IMDB is not spelling the name correctly.... the aliens from Andromeda from TOS By Any Other NAme ar ethe KelvAns, not "Kelvins". It's "Kelvans" they are from the planet Kelva.