I think Tacofangs posted in one of the other threads on this topic, that they would love to have male characters dress up in female costume options and so forth, but it's a monumental undertaking for them in terms of programming.
I imagine that in the unlikely event that they did implement this feature, you would be charged Zen (or an obscene mount of Dilithium) for the privilege in order to make up the cost of said monumental undertaking.
I think Tacofangs posted in one of the other threads on this topic, that they would love to have male characters dress up in female costume options and so forth, but it's a monumental undertaking for them in terms of programming.
I imagine that in the unlikely event that they did implement this feature, you would be charged Zen (or an obscene mount of Dilithium) for the privilege in order to make up the cost of said monumental undertaking.
Evidence for that are some of the bugs in new costume releases we've seen for females wearing female costumes, like with Trill legs disappearing when wearing the Leeta shorts.
They apparently need to tweak each costume piece by species not just by gender.
Still, I suppose they could pick one or two costume sets to start with, and maybe a couple of hair and makeup styles. That would let those players who really want cross-gender styling do it.
I'm all for letting people dress their captains and boffs however they like including off-duty uniforms (bikini / speedo bridge crew!) but I understand Cryptic only has so many resources to devote to costumes and they might have to get CBS / Paramount approval for some choices.
I completely fail to see the OP's entire justification for thet posting outside of trying to stir the pot up. With th e chactergeneratio you can change a charecter to look pretty much anyway you want. If your MTF ot FTm or whatever just pick the gender toon you wants and go from there. It's the bio that counts. So yeah OP utter fail in your grasping of what you can do here.
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
I find it funny that the vast majority of people pervert this statement that was meant to describe a sacrifice somebody gave of his own will and out of devotion to cause and loved ones. It's not meant to justify the surpression of minorities.
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
The OP is reacting to an environment in which gender identity is being stressed, even though it's being stressed in the direction of gender indiscriminate instead of toward one of the two biological sexes. It is currently 'in the news' and those who do not identify as one specific gender or the other are trying to gain equal representation, (as opposed to statistical representation,) in order to normalize the condition of being gender 'other' or sexual preference 'other'.
An example of 'Equal Representation' versus 'Statistical Representation' is to have an LGBTQ++ character in every TV show, while a statistical representation would place that at about 1 per 10 or fewer characters, (in which case, shows with small casts could have none at all, and yet still be fairly representing the LGBTQ++ community.)
Don't get me wrong: I don't mind that people want to see other people like themselves on TV and movies or in a computer game. I think it's great when someone can see someone like oneself represented openly, and thus feel less like an outcaste. I am dead set against anything which makes any human feel less valuable than another, be it religious intolerance, political conformism, racial bias, or sexual inequality. I am intolerant of intolerance!
But I come again and again to the same conclusion. Why is this being put out there in a work of fiction? Does the character's sexual preference or sexual identity have anything to do with the story being told? Or is it a digression included only for the sake of being inclusive? (I consider this the lowest form of inclusiveness, and when it's done with a stereotype instead of a real character, it annoys me. Stereotypes are far more harmful to the 'cause' of equality for all because they belittle the group thus stereotyped.)
So, I go back to the basics:
1) In our world there is sexual dimorphism. That means there are two sexes, and often there are huge differences between members of each sex, regardless of sexual identity or preference. The character creator in STO reflects this well.
2) A character born male and transgendered to female will appear, given the medical technology of the day, to be a female, and vice versa. The character creator in STO reflects this well, aside from the gender tag itself, which can be thought of as phenotype rather than genetic gender. The Biography section can explain any confusion with a simple, "Sex: Transgender Female" line right above eye color and below height and weight.
3) A very rare, (1:4500 or fewer,) condition exists in which children are born with traits of both sexes. More commonly, there is a condition in which a male has additional X chromosomes. In either case, sexual dimorphism is less exaggerated in these people. The character creator in STO allows scaling of body types to permit more feminine appearing males or more masculine appearing females. While less than perfect, (try creating a small-breasted female, for example,) it is not difficult to do in the creator. So, gender neutral or gender ambiguous appearing characters are very possible given the tools.
What's missing? A tag in the character creator saying 'Gender Other' or any of a host of other labels given to those who do not want to be listed as one of the two sexes, and some costume options.
While adding the other options to the gender label might not be a bad idea, the question of its real value is questionable. I'm not talking about the people themselves, but the utility of having to create a menu of names to reflect the many varieties and styles of labels for 'other' gendered characters which would be useful to less than 10% of the playerbase as opposed to spending that same development time creating content useful to 50% or more of the playerbase.
As for costumes: I do hope STO spends more time on costumes for everyone. TOS females can choose pants, and TNG Males should be able to choose skirts. This is far less about gender assignment, though, and more about customization options. Males in many societies wear robes, gowns, and skirts of various kinds, and the option to wear a kilt or a thawb should be available, regardless of your stance on men in dresses or women in pants. By the same token, I know many women who would never voluntarily wear the TOS miniskirt, and a variety of other options should be available from Mrs. Troi's flamboyant gowns to the drab and utilitarian Star Trek Jumpsuit.
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
I find it funny that the vast majority of people pervert this statement that was meant to describe a sacrifice somebody gave of his own will and out of devotion to cause and loved ones. It's not meant to justify the surpression of minorities.
As a non op female to male trans, I think it's a pretty neat idea Now for my own characters, mainly Cassy and Mel, I say they are (in Cassy's case, she's from a species that has 'male' and 'female', but but look and sound like girls, just different plumbing, and she's a 'male'. Mel's a transgender Romulan) simply wearing what's called "gaffs", which are essentially panties which 'hides the goods', as it were. Normally I don't use em and go natural, but in those places where a girl like me's not likely gonna be welcomed, I use em to blend in. In game, just picture Cassy and Mel doing that.
An in game tailor option to unlock restrictions pertaining to gender would rock, bu t I could see that being a headache in programming. Would be awesome to see what folks could make if that were the case.
Example; I had to color the First Contact costume to look like the Voyager one until I obtained that specific costume unlock for myself. Imagination.
I know what you mean, but comparing uniform styles to gender identity isn't the most understanding of positions.
And I think identity is something a lot of people here don't quite get (generally, not just this topic). Most people don't realise the impact the potrayal of identity in the media has. Imagine growing up as a kid watching TV, along with everyone else, and seeing that every time someone like you is on screen that they are a servant, a criminal, dumb, the person who dies at the end, the sidekick or - in many cases - just never even mentioned. The hero of every story is someone you don't identify with - they are someone else and you are - at best - in the background being some out dated cliche; much like you end up being treated in real life. Then imagine a show comes on screen where for the first time someone like you is visible and treated with respect, maybe even the hero. I can tell you, that feeling is amazing. It makes a huge difference to you growing up. It made a huge difference to many people watching Star Trek as children. People like Whoppie Goldberg for instance. Please don't dismiss every attempt at including a minority as some token PC rubbish that doesn't matter because "who cares", "it doesn't matter" and "how is this relevant to the story". You never really realise how much it matters until you are that kid watching the same kind of person win the day every day of the year then one day you see yourself on screen and for the first time in your life you believe in yourself and have hope that in the future things will get better. Even if you still get shouted at as you walk to school, you stand a few inches taller and aim higher, because you have hope. I'm sure someone can explain better than I, but my point is please don't assume this is all bull - people get passionate about this because it matters.
After listening to your emotional version of 'Hollow Pursuits' I shut off my game and thought about how addicting and unpredictable imagination could be if it began to define your life. But as I continued to read more submissions, I began to realize this thread was just another cleverly choreographed drama to make a statement. "I wonder how Tuvok would of handled this scenario if put before him?"
The data fields in the character info are supposed to display the character's creation parameters and other internal information relevant to the game engine. Separately, players have a free-text field where they can type whatever they want for roleplaying purposes.
Allowing players to alter the data fields so they display something other than the internal parameters of the character would render those data fields completely meaningless. Therefore, if any data field is made player-editable for any reason, it may just as well be removed completely. Players can, after all, type any custom information they want to display into the free-text field.
Since you already have the ability to type custom gender information into the text field if you want and you couldn't practically hide the internal parameter of which gender you chose in the character creator even if it wasn't shown in your stats because it's evident from the graphical representation of the character itself, this thread seems like a pointless exercise of semantic nitpicking.
It's a bunch of BS . Enough of this topic is outside in RL but now that's not good enough so it shows up here in a game forum. If you are a male that identifies with a female, make a female character and then write whatever you want on the bio to substantiate that belief, same goes with a female to male. Pretty simple solution without all the complicated SJW terms that always makes things worse.
"There is iron in your words of death for all Comanche to see, and so there is iron in your words of life. No signed paper can hold the iron. It must come from men. The words of Ten Bears carries the same iron of life and death. It is good that warriors such as we meet in the struggle of life... or death. It shall be life." - Ten Bears (Will Sampson)
It's a bunch of BS . Enough of this topic is outside in RL but now that's not good enough so it shows up here in a game forum. If you are a male that identifies with a female, make a female character and then write whatever you want on the bio to substantiate that belief, same goes with a female to male. Pretty simple solution without all the complicated SJW terms that always makes things worse.
Technically you are right. For technical reasons and the required modifications that may or may not even be supported by the engine this workaround is probably the functional better alternative for people that wish to see such a feature as it is unlikely. Your attitude however is repulsive. Telling people that their identidy is BS and imply that the discussion makes everything worse is really inappropriate.
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
My first and only female character is an alien, I fancied that she was a shape shifter, that way I could play around with what races I wanted her to look like, Klingon, Romulan, Deltan ect. and switch em up when I got bored.
Well I decided to draw some inspiration from another Roddenberry franchise and make a Talon character from Earth Final conflict. If You're not familiar: The Talons in that show were very androgynous, they were neither male nor female, BUT they were played by female actors as a matter of course.
So I made one of my Character's outfits as androgynous as I could, boob slider as slight as I could ect. ect. More manly build ect.
Anyway, when the character was heavy with female attributes and dimensions, and I made the character walk, she walked well, like a female would.
The less female character attributes, and the more androgynous I made my character and she started to walk, well, MORE in a manly fashion.
This wasn't my imagination . Not sure if it still works, but try it for yourselves.
No dude looks good in a speedo, speedos don't flatter the male form. But its your call and choice.
Same sentiment applies in the briefs vs boxers debate I can't believe I still have with my wife..... yet she keeps buyin the those fancy briefs, which sit in the drawer unused.
It's a bunch of BS . Enough of this topic is outside in RL but now that's not good enough so it shows up here in a game forum. If you are a male that identifies with a female, make a female character and then write whatever you want on the bio to substantiate that belief, same goes with a female to male. Pretty simple solution without all the complicated SJW terms that always makes things worse.
Technically you are right. For technical reasons and the required modifications that may or may not even be supported by the engine this workaround is probably the functional better alternative for people that wish to see such a feature as it is unlikely. Your attitude however is repulsive. Telling people that their identidy is BS and imply that the discussion makes everything worse is really inappropriate.
I find your translation to what I have said to be murky at best, I stand by what I say and make no apologies for it.
"There is iron in your words of death for all Comanche to see, and so there is iron in your words of life. No signed paper can hold the iron. It must come from men. The words of Ten Bears carries the same iron of life and death. It is good that warriors such as we meet in the struggle of life... or death. It shall be life." - Ten Bears (Will Sampson)
Female Orions have the better trait for some builds.
Hot looks?
The "run around in bikinis" -trait.
One wouldn't expect such to be a sought-after racial feature, or indeed a racial feature at all, but apparently some mischievous Risan wizard has cast a great curse on all other species in the universe that prevents them from wearing swimsuits except on his homeworld.
He spared the Orions because he was dating one at the time.
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
I find it funny that the vast majority of people pervert this statement that was meant to describe a sacrifice somebody gave of his own will and out of devotion to cause and loved ones. It's not meant to justify the surpression of minorities.
It's not meant to justify the suppression of anybody. It's an ideal. One that shouldn't be forced on anyone unwillingly for any reason.
There are two forms of sacrifice: One you make yourself, the other you do to somebody else. One is ethical and the other is decidedly not. There's no other definition and I think we ought to obviously rule out the second one here.
The US Constitution was framed to preserve individual freedoms ("the needs of the few"). And yet, it does not say that the entire country must conform to the whims of a minority. The republic is meant to function on the basis of 'the Will of the People'. Not 'People' as in only those people we agree with, but all American citizens of every sort coming to a reasonable consensus that's consistent with our nation's Constitution. That would be the many.
All of which is completely immaterial to an online game about a fantasy sci-fi world.
If gender were really the non-issue that certain people claim it is, then we wouldn't care that the game's legacy code makes no allowances for anything except the base male/female. It is what it is and people can role-play whatever the heck they want, freely. I play a female character sometimes, but it doesn't make me a woman or anything other than what I am. I don't feel compelled to read so-and-so's bio to find out they're role-playing an asexual alien. Like everybody else sane, I will most likely operate on the basis of what I see -- that so-and-so is a (Sci/Tac/Eng) officer in the (Fed/KDF/RR) carrying a big honking rifle and wearing some funky variation of a normal uniform. I don't have to read their bio in order to team up with them and play the game.
To suggest that the Devs are somehow lax or insensitive (I assure you they are not) because they won't bend over and make accommodations for a small number of outspoken forumites who do not reflect the majority -- is not only doing their cause a disservice, but it's hypocritical nonsense. If gender is truly inconsequential then people should stop crying about a label that exists to facilitate programming the game and generate character appearance within a reasonable set of norms.
Opinion logged. People can reply if they want, but I'm done here.
Female Orions have the better trait for some builds.
Hot looks?
The "run around in bikinis" -trait.
One wouldn't expect such to be a sought-after racial feature, or indeed a racial feature at all, but apparently some mischievous Risan wizard has cast a great curse on all other species in the universe that prevents them from wearing swimsuits except on his homeworld.
He spared the Orions because he was dating one at the time.
It's not meant to justify the suppression of anybody. It's an ideal. One that shouldn't be forced on anyone unwillingly for any reason.
There are two forms of sacrifice: One you make yourself, the other you do to somebody else. One is ethical and the other is decidedly not. There's no other definition and I think we ought to obviously rule out the second one here.
One it isn't an all encompassing morality. If asked about minority rights, I am certain Spock would have a different phrase.
But your over broad definition really goes against what they were trying to emphasis in the show. And remember after, Kirk counters that the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many. Again pointing out that, the initial quote isn't an all encompassing standard.
As for what the OP seems to want. I don't think it's doable, in a business sense.
It would be much easier, as some have already stated, to pick the gender your character chooses, and then use the text field to explain things. Or for more gender-neutral-looking characters, the character creator is quite versatile.
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.
I think the OP suggestion is reasonable. As far as development time goes, this is an MMO. Not a one-hit and forget computer game. MMO's evolve. So evolving character creation - specifically the unlocking of gender identity nuances - would be consistent with growing the game. The principal here is no different than adapting AoY costumes to apply to their T6 version starships. That wasn't necessary either and took coding time. But they (the Devs) chose to provide time to evolve the game from it's original structure.
I'd also point out - if this is already within the thread I missed it - that Dev time was taken to remove the choice of four genders in the character creation of Andorians.
(/\) Exploring Star Trek Online Since July 2008 (/\)
Before this goes much further, I want to remind people that the last time the LGBTQ++ community was represented in game, the forum devolved into a flame war over it.
Please Note, I am fully in favor of representing the LGBTQ++ crowd, I just don't want to see another flame war over it like over the klingon couple already in game.
The OP is reacting to an environment in which gender identity is being stressed, even though it's being stressed in the direction of gender indiscriminate instead of toward one of the two biological sexes. It is currently 'in the news' and those who do not identify as one specific gender or the other are trying to gain equal representation, (as opposed to statistical representation,) in order to normalize the condition of being gender 'other' or sexual preference 'other'.
An example of 'Equal Representation' versus 'Statistical Representation' is to have an LGBTQ++ character in every TV show, while a statistical representation would place that at about 1 per 10 or fewer characters, (in which case, shows with small casts could have none at all, and yet still be fairly representing the LGBTQ++ community.)
Don't get me wrong: I don't mind that people want to see other people like themselves on TV and movies or in a computer game. I think it's great when someone can see someone like oneself represented openly, and thus feel less like an outcaste. I am dead set against anything which makes any human feel less valuable than another, be it religious intolerance, political conformism, racial bias, or sexual inequality. I am intolerant of intolerance!
But I come again and again to the same conclusion. Why is this being put out there in a work of fiction? Does the character's sexual preference or sexual identity have anything to do with the story being told? Or is it a digression included only for the sake of being inclusive? (I consider this the lowest form of inclusiveness, and when it's done with a stereotype instead of a real character, it annoys me. Stereotypes are far more harmful to the 'cause' of equality for all because they belittle the group thus stereotyped.)
So, I go back to the basics:
1) In our world there is sexual dimorphism. That means there are two sexes, and often there are huge differences between members of each sex, regardless of sexual identity or preference. The character creator in STO reflects this well.
2) A character born male and transgendered to female will appear, given the medical technology of the day, to be a female, and vice versa. The character creator in STO reflects this well, aside from the gender tag itself, which can be thought of as phenotype rather than genetic gender. The Biography section can explain any confusion with a simple, "Sex: Transgender Female" line right above eye color and below height and weight.
3) A very rare, (1:4500 or fewer,) condition exists in which children are born with traits of both sexes. More commonly, there is a condition in which a male has additional X chromosomes. In either case, sexual dimorphism is less exaggerated in these people. The character creator in STO allows scaling of body types to permit more feminine appearing males or more masculine appearing females. While less than perfect, (try creating a small-breasted female, for example,) it is not difficult to do in the creator. So, gender neutral or gender ambiguous appearing characters are very possible given the tools.
What's missing? A tag in the character creator saying 'Gender Other' or any of a host of other labels given to those who do not want to be listed as one of the two sexes, and some costume options.
While adding the other options to the gender label might not be a bad idea, the question of its real value is questionable. I'm not talking about the people themselves, but the utility of having to create a menu of names to reflect the many varieties and styles of labels for 'other' gendered characters which would be useful to less than 10% of the playerbase as opposed to spending that same development time creating content useful to 50% or more of the playerbase.
As for costumes: I do hope STO spends more time on costumes for everyone. TOS females can choose pants, and TNG Males should be able to choose skirts. This is far less about gender assignment, though, and more about customization options. Males in many societies wear robes, gowns, and skirts of various kinds, and the option to wear a kilt or a thawb should be available, regardless of your stance on men in dresses or women in pants. By the same token, I know many women who would never voluntarily wear the TOS miniskirt, and a variety of other options should be available from Mrs. Troi's flamboyant gowns to the drab and utilitarian Star Trek Jumpsuit.
I just want to know why we *still* have BOffs where the Male version is "better" (read the choice to pick for a Trait) of the two. Why can't all BOffs of a Species/Race have the same Trait? The one that springs to mind is the Romulan Operative - most folks will tell you to get the Male for certain builds, as he is the "better" of the two due to his Trait.
Ummm. you seems to be implying that Romulan Operative is a male only BOFF trait for romulans.... I can tell you that is untrue..... Female Romulan Boffs can have Romulan Operative as well, and male Romulan Boffs can also not have Romulan Operative.
I imagine that in the unlikely event that they did implement this feature, you would be charged Zen (or an obscene mount of Dilithium) for the privilege in order to make up the cost of said monumental undertaking.
Evidence for that are some of the bugs in new costume releases we've seen for females wearing female costumes, like with Trill legs disappearing when wearing the Leeta shorts.
They apparently need to tweak each costume piece by species not just by gender.
Still, I suppose they could pick one or two costume sets to start with, and maybe a couple of hair and makeup styles. That would let those players who really want cross-gender styling do it.
I'm all for letting people dress their captains and boffs however they like including off-duty uniforms (bikini / speedo bridge crew!) but I understand Cryptic only has so many resources to devote to costumes and they might have to get CBS / Paramount approval for some choices.
I find it funny that the vast majority of people pervert this statement that was meant to describe a sacrifice somebody gave of his own will and out of devotion to cause and loved ones. It's not meant to justify the surpression of minorities.
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An example of 'Equal Representation' versus 'Statistical Representation' is to have an LGBTQ++ character in every TV show, while a statistical representation would place that at about 1 per 10 or fewer characters, (in which case, shows with small casts could have none at all, and yet still be fairly representing the LGBTQ++ community.)
Don't get me wrong: I don't mind that people want to see other people like themselves on TV and movies or in a computer game. I think it's great when someone can see someone like oneself represented openly, and thus feel less like an outcaste. I am dead set against anything which makes any human feel less valuable than another, be it religious intolerance, political conformism, racial bias, or sexual inequality. I am intolerant of intolerance!
But I come again and again to the same conclusion. Why is this being put out there in a work of fiction? Does the character's sexual preference or sexual identity have anything to do with the story being told? Or is it a digression included only for the sake of being inclusive? (I consider this the lowest form of inclusiveness, and when it's done with a stereotype instead of a real character, it annoys me. Stereotypes are far more harmful to the 'cause' of equality for all because they belittle the group thus stereotyped.)
So, I go back to the basics:
1) In our world there is sexual dimorphism. That means there are two sexes, and often there are huge differences between members of each sex, regardless of sexual identity or preference. The character creator in STO reflects this well.
2) A character born male and transgendered to female will appear, given the medical technology of the day, to be a female, and vice versa. The character creator in STO reflects this well, aside from the gender tag itself, which can be thought of as phenotype rather than genetic gender. The Biography section can explain any confusion with a simple, "Sex: Transgender Female" line right above eye color and below height and weight.
3) A very rare, (1:4500 or fewer,) condition exists in which children are born with traits of both sexes. More commonly, there is a condition in which a male has additional X chromosomes. In either case, sexual dimorphism is less exaggerated in these people. The character creator in STO allows scaling of body types to permit more feminine appearing males or more masculine appearing females. While less than perfect, (try creating a small-breasted female, for example,) it is not difficult to do in the creator. So, gender neutral or gender ambiguous appearing characters are very possible given the tools.
What's missing? A tag in the character creator saying 'Gender Other' or any of a host of other labels given to those who do not want to be listed as one of the two sexes, and some costume options.
While adding the other options to the gender label might not be a bad idea, the question of its real value is questionable. I'm not talking about the people themselves, but the utility of having to create a menu of names to reflect the many varieties and styles of labels for 'other' gendered characters which would be useful to less than 10% of the playerbase as opposed to spending that same development time creating content useful to 50% or more of the playerbase.
As for costumes: I do hope STO spends more time on costumes for everyone. TOS females can choose pants, and TNG Males should be able to choose skirts. This is far less about gender assignment, though, and more about customization options. Males in many societies wear robes, gowns, and skirts of various kinds, and the option to wear a kilt or a thawb should be available, regardless of your stance on men in dresses or women in pants. By the same token, I know many women who would never voluntarily wear the TOS miniskirt, and a variety of other options should be available from Mrs. Troi's flamboyant gowns to the drab and utilitarian Star Trek Jumpsuit.
That's pretty nuanced for this crowd.
An in game tailor option to unlock restrictions pertaining to gender would rock, bu t I could see that being a headache in programming.
After listening to your emotional version of 'Hollow Pursuits' I shut off my game and thought about how addicting and unpredictable imagination could be if it began to define your life. But as I continued to read more submissions, I began to realize this thread was just another cleverly choreographed drama to make a statement. "I wonder how Tuvok would of handled this scenario if put before him?"
Allowing players to alter the data fields so they display something other than the internal parameters of the character would render those data fields completely meaningless. Therefore, if any data field is made player-editable for any reason, it may just as well be removed completely. Players can, after all, type any custom information they want to display into the free-text field.
Since you already have the ability to type custom gender information into the text field if you want and you couldn't practically hide the internal parameter of which gender you chose in the character creator even if it wasn't shown in your stats because it's evident from the graphical representation of the character itself, this thread seems like a pointless exercise of semantic nitpicking.
Technically you are right. For technical reasons and the required modifications that may or may not even be supported by the engine this workaround is probably the functional better alternative for people that wish to see such a feature as it is unlikely. Your attitude however is repulsive. Telling people that their identidy is BS and imply that the discussion makes everything worse is really inappropriate.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Well I decided to draw some inspiration from another Roddenberry franchise and make a Talon character from Earth Final conflict. If You're not familiar: The Talons in that show were very androgynous, they were neither male nor female, BUT they were played by female actors as a matter of course.
So I made one of my Character's outfits as androgynous as I could, boob slider as slight as I could ect. ect. More manly build ect.
Anyway, when the character was heavy with female attributes and dimensions, and I made the character walk, she walked well, like a female would.
The less female character attributes, and the more androgynous I made my character and she started to walk, well, MORE in a manly fashion.
This wasn't my imagination . Not sure if it still works, but try it for yourselves.
Same sentiment applies in the briefs vs boxers debate I can't believe I still have with my wife..... yet she keeps buyin the those fancy briefs, which sit in the drawer unused.
I find your translation to what I have said to be murky at best, I stand by what I say and make no apologies for it.
Hot looks?
One wouldn't expect such to be a sought-after racial feature, or indeed a racial feature at all, but apparently some mischievous Risan wizard has cast a great curse on all other species in the universe that prevents them from wearing swimsuits except on his homeworld.
He spared the Orions because he was dating one at the time.
It's not meant to justify the suppression of anybody. It's an ideal. One that shouldn't be forced on anyone unwillingly for any reason.
There are two forms of sacrifice: One you make yourself, the other you do to somebody else. One is ethical and the other is decidedly not. There's no other definition and I think we ought to obviously rule out the second one here.
The US Constitution was framed to preserve individual freedoms ("the needs of the few"). And yet, it does not say that the entire country must conform to the whims of a minority. The republic is meant to function on the basis of 'the Will of the People'. Not 'People' as in only those people we agree with, but all American citizens of every sort coming to a reasonable consensus that's consistent with our nation's Constitution. That would be the many.
All of which is completely immaterial to an online game about a fantasy sci-fi world.
If gender were really the non-issue that certain people claim it is, then we wouldn't care that the game's legacy code makes no allowances for anything except the base male/female. It is what it is and people can role-play whatever the heck they want, freely. I play a female character sometimes, but it doesn't make me a woman or anything other than what I am. I don't feel compelled to read so-and-so's bio to find out they're role-playing an asexual alien. Like everybody else sane, I will most likely operate on the basis of what I see -- that so-and-so is a (Sci/Tac/Eng) officer in the (Fed/KDF/RR) carrying a big honking rifle and wearing some funky variation of a normal uniform. I don't have to read their bio in order to team up with them and play the game.
To suggest that the Devs are somehow lax or insensitive (I assure you they are not) because they won't bend over and make accommodations for a small number of outspoken forumites who do not reflect the majority -- is not only doing their cause a disservice, but it's hypocritical nonsense. If gender is truly inconsequential then people should stop crying about a label that exists to facilitate programming the game and generate character appearance within a reasonable set of norms.
Opinion logged. People can reply if they want, but I'm done here.
Irrelevant to doing the right thing.
One it isn't an all encompassing morality. If asked about minority rights, I am certain Spock would have a different phrase.
But your over broad definition really goes against what they were trying to emphasis in the show. And remember after, Kirk counters that the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many. Again pointing out that, the initial quote isn't an all encompassing standard.
Who suggested that? Now you are just trying to demonize falsely.
That's a matter of personal opinion
Speedos do flatter some male forms, other male forms, not so much.
I would not be opposed to having the option to put my males in speedos if they want to wear them.
It would be much easier, as some have already stated, to pick the gender your character chooses, and then use the text field to explain things. Or for more gender-neutral-looking characters, the character creator is quite versatile.
I'd also point out - if this is already within the thread I missed it - that Dev time was taken to remove the choice of four genders in the character creation of Andorians.
Please Note, I am fully in favor of representing the LGBTQ++ crowd, I just don't want to see another flame war over it like over the klingon couple already in game.
Smartest post in the entire thread.
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Ummm. you seems to be implying that Romulan Operative is a male only BOFF trait for romulans.... I can tell you that is untrue..... Female Romulan Boffs can have Romulan Operative as well, and male Romulan Boffs can also not have Romulan Operative.