A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
I don't buy zen, so extra dil for upgrades and fleet needs is always welcome.
This is how I see it. The market went way out of reach for me. Now its a "rich man's game." This will help boost some upgrades I want. My DR is stuck on getting the Andorian weapon set, so that will be used. My other needs a couple weapons upgraded for their ship. Then they can get started again on missions.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Actually I'm all out of dilithium (spent a couple of hundred thousand of it on keys to get some extra lobi for the Vengeance). So for me this event is much needed
Last I saw, it was actually headed the opposite direction; it was at 470:1 (with a few hundred Zen even available at 467:1) a few minutes ago, and was hovering at 480 when I first logged in today.
Last I saw, it was actually headed the opposite direction; it was at 470:1 (with a few hundred Zen even available at 467:1) a few minutes ago, and was hovering at 480 when I first logged in today.
The horror!! We need more DIl to the exchange, stat!!
The more Dil the better as far as I'm concerned. Sitting on 2m and if I work the game this weekend I'll end up with over 3m. The vast majority of which will never end up on the exchange as I have plenty to do with it.
I do think they really need far more Dil sinks like fleet holdings etc. But the exchange issue has a lot to do with people hoarding it and waiting for some magical drop in the rate. But then something comes along (which ALWAYS happens every few weeks) and they rush to the exchange to get Zen and drive up the price to a point where it can't recover in the lull periods. People should be constantly exchanging some Dil for Zen over time to keep things more even.
As for this event, the timing is consistent. Dil weekends often occur just before an upgrade weekend. In the words of one long time player, Cryptic giveth and then taketh away.
I think this would be a wise thing for Cryptic to cancel now, even if it's last minute. The last thing we need is more inflation! And yes I am one who has a lot of old dil mining claims and of course need dil like everyone else, but I care more about greater good in the long term as that still benefits me more.
I think this would be a wise thing for Cryptic to cancel now, even if it's last minute. The last thing we need is more inflation! And yes I am one who has a lot of old dil mining claims and of course need dil like everyone else, but I care more about greater good in the long term as that still benefits me more.
The damage is already done. Cancelling this dilithium weekend would be closing the barn doors after the cows have gotten out. The difference between 480 and 500 dilithium per Zen is 2/3 of 1 zen per character per day.
This is an MMO, not a Star Trek episode simulator. That would make for a terrible game.
You know what might be another useful dilithium sink? Allowing us to buy some of the C-store services for a set price of dilithium.
I rarely buy things like extra boff slots, ship slots, doff slots or even bank slots as they're way too expensive given that you need to buy multiple of those on each character separately. For the last couple of years, I've preferred to just send stuff to inactive characters and make some room that way. If I could, for example, a 250 Zen service on 1 character for, say, 500.000 dilithium (which would be the price when the exchange rate were 1:200) then that would be worth it for me.
It could also increase sales for Cryptic, as I can't imagine I'm the only one who doesn't want to spend hundreds of Zen on each character separately and mulitple times for the same service. This change could thus motivate people to spend on things they otherwise wouldn't have bought.
Alternatively, what might help is moving some of the less popular <T6 ships to the dilithium stores.
I bet also they will do some sort of sale next weekend during the upgrade event. Is it too soon for the new ships to go on individually?
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
There's no point in cancelling the dil weekend. The damage is done and the amount of dil we already have is only part of the problem.
Demand & supply.
Everybody has & gets dil, everybody wants zen for new ships & shines and only a microscopic small minority sells their zen. Low zen supply on the market = high price.
As a LTS who has been long payed out in form of monthly stipends I'm quite happy bout that.
Financed my TOS-guy's mk12 UR gear with my 500 zen stipend from july.
its still unrefined dilith and you are still pretty much all limited by 8k a day refine limit
so remind me how stokpiling even more dilith waiting for a betetr times to be refined will hurt the economy? O.o
I'm gonna guess your kinda new... you know all the things that have reduced or no bonus from dil weekends. they used to, but some people hoarded and waited to do them till the next dil weekend while complaining it's "useless" to do them otherwise. same thing happened with marks. people hoarded banks full of mark boxs.
this has been your insight into the history of sto for the year. we hope to see you again next year!
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
its still unrefined dilith and you are still pretty much all limited by 8k a day refine limit
so remind me how stokpiling even more dilith waiting for a betetr times to be refined will hurt the economy? O.o
It is all based on the perception of the current supply of Dil whether it is refined or unrefined. The more Dil there is the less valuable it's perceived value is.
I suppose a real life analogy could help provide some clarity... Oil. The price of goods is affected by the price of oil. The higher the price of oil, the higher the price of goods will be. The cost of gasoline and all other petroleum fuel is tied to the price of oil (per barrel). It affects product prices because the cost of fuel is baked into "the cost of product sold" which is a financial term people will see when looking at the financial statement of a business to determine how profitable or unprofitable the business is. Simply stated all goods sold around the world has to be shipped to their destination. The higher the price of fuel, the higher the price of the products need to be to cover the shipping costs. Also, plastics is derived from oil so plastic good fluctuates with the price of oil.
Let's just say the average price of gasoline in the US is $2.00. If a major oil refinery somewhere in the world exploded due to some type of accident, the price of oil will immediately increase based on it's refining capacity. This in turn will lead cause the price of gasoline to immediate increase as well, say to $2.50. The amount of gasoline that is currently in the supply chain does not change, but for the immediate future the supply of refined petroleum fuel will decrease... unless other oil refineries around the globe picks up the slack, assuming they can do so.
On the other hand, if a large oil reserve was discovered just offshore of Brazil, then that could cause current price of oil to fall, thus potentially decreasing the price of gasoline from $2.00 to $1.75 because the perception is that there a larger supply of untapped oil than previously thought even though full scale oil production from that reserve will not take place for another 5 years.
its still unrefined dilith and you are still pretty much all limited by 8k a day refine limit
so remind me how stokpiling even more dilith waiting for a betetr times to be refined will hurt the economy? O.o
It is all based on the perception of the current supply of Dil whether it is refined or unrefined. The more Dil there is the less valuable it's perceived value is.
I suppose a real life analogy could help provide some clarity... Oil. The price of goods is affected by the price of oil. The higher the price of oil, the higher the price of goods will be. The cost of gasoline and all other petroleum fuel is tied to the price of oil (per barrel). It affects product prices because the cost of fuel is baked into "the cost of product sold" which is a financial term people will see when looking at the financial statement of a business to determine how profitable or unprofitable the business is. Simply stated all goods sold around the world has to be shipped to their destination. The higher the price of fuel, the higher the price of the products need to be to cover the shipping costs. Also, plastics is derived from oil so plastic good fluctuates with the price of oil.
Let's just say the average price of gasoline in the US is $2.00. If a major oil refinery somewhere in the world exploded due to some type of accident, the price of oil will immediately increase based on it's refining capacity. This in turn will lead cause the price of gasoline to immediate increase as well, say to $2.50. The amount of gasoline that is currently in the supply chain does not change, but for the immediate future the supply of refined petroleum fuel will decrease... unless other oil refineries around the globe picks up the slack, assuming they can do so.
On the other hand, if a large oil reserve was discovered just offshore of Brazil, then that could cause current price of oil to fall, thus potentially decreasing the price of gasoline from $2.00 to $1.75 because the perception is that there a larger supply of untapped oil than previously thought even though full scale oil production from that reserve will not take place for another 5 years.
problem with that analysis here though is that you cannot do anything with unrefined dilithium apart from refining it on the very character that you got it
just like if every single oil deposit out there had single refinery attached to it with all refineries having exacly same refining capacity and no way to bypass that refinery to get the oil itself - only being able to take refined product out of that refinery
do you really think anyone would care if under that refinery is huge deposit or double that huge?
I don;t think so, because just as with dilithium in game - as long as refinery keeps going on its full capacity everyone are happy, and with that huge deposit already that refinery won't drop the output anywhere during our lifetime.....
its still unrefined dilith and you are still pretty much all limited by 8k a day refine limit
so remind me how stokpiling even more dilith waiting for a betetr times to be refined will hurt the economy? O.o
I'm gonna guess your kinda new... you know all the things that have reduced or no bonus from dil weekends. they used to, but some people hoarded and waited to do them till the next dil weekend while complaining it's "useless" to do them otherwise. same thing happened with marks. people hoarded banks full of mark boxs.
this has been your insight into the history of sto for the year. we hope to see you again next year!
I'm here for year and a half, and thats why I don;t get where is all that drama coming from >_>
That has to be the stupidest idea, allowing c-store purchases with dil. You think the devs rent can be paid with dil? If you do not want or unable to pay money into the game grind yiur dil for the rest of us who can.
I have a sneaking suspicion that this weekend may be aimed to help new players, brought in by AOY, simply acquire more dilithium for its own sake. The effect it has on the zen market could only be a secondary consideration in this case (however highly it ranks with veteran players.)
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Title says it all. We have a glut of dilithium in the market. Extra dilithium event could be put on hold awhile.
Dilithium is needed for other things besides trading for Zen.
Why should I have to grind for peanuts for in-game projects and upgrades, just because currency speculators and alt-o-holics destroyed the exchange rate?
As someone who sells Zen for dil and never sells dil for Zen, I am okay with this. Keeps the exchange rate high on the Zen side and means more stuff I can throw into leveling fleets I am part of.
You know what might be another useful dilithium sink? Allowing us to buy some of the C-store services for a set price of dilithium.
I rarely buy things like extra boff slots, ship slots, doff slots or even bank slots as they're way too expensive given that you need to buy multiple of those on each character separately.
So you have been saving up dilithium? Haven't bothered converting it into zen because you think it's "inconvenient" to make multiple purchases of some useful thing for different characters?
How freaking difficult is it to buy some zen and purchase whatever for a character when you log them on?
You would be willing to do it if the currency was dilithium, but then you want to set the exchange rate artificially low.
It could also increase sales for Cryptic, as I can't imagine I'm the only one who doesn't want to spend hundreds of Zen on each character separately and mulitple times for the same service. This change could thus motivate people to spend on things they otherwise wouldn't have bought.
Alternatively, what might help is moving some of the less popular <T6 ships to the dilithium stores.
It wouldn't increase "sales" for Cryptic in any meaningful way.
You might get more stuff that you wanted, but Cryptic makes no money and less dilithium was removed from the game if they did it your way, meaning that more people would still have more dilithium to allow them to get more stuff from the C-store without spending any real money and they would have less that they would want to buy.
Horrible idea.
Use the dilithium to buy zen if you want something from the store.
That's what it's there for.
That has to be the stupidest idea, allowing c-store purchases with dil. You think the devs rent can be paid with dil? If you do not want or unable to pay money into the game grind yiur dil for the rest of us who can.
Damn leechers
There would still be an option for people to buy Zen to get that dilithium faster. It's really not that different from adding uniforms to Fleet stores.
You're talking to someone who has spent literally thousands of euros on the game btw.
That has to be the stupidest idea, allowing c-store purchases with dil. You think the devs rent can be paid with dil? If you do not want or unable to pay money into the game grind yiur dil for the rest of us who can.
Damn leechers
There would still be an option for people to buy Zen to get that dilithium faster. It's really not that different from adding uniforms to Fleet stores.
You're talking to someone who has spent literally thousands of euros on the game btw.
They would not be able to make the same money if the C-store were tied to dil rather than zen, because as it stands right now dil value is tied to how much dil is flooded into the market and the prices are fixed on zen... if it were based around dil then the price would be fixed on dil and as such the store value would not be subject to price fluctuation. The current system makes the most sense from a business standpoint.
That has to be the stupidest idea, allowing c-store purchases with dil. You think the devs rent can be paid with dil? If you do not want or unable to pay money into the game grind yiur dil for the rest of us who can.
Damn leechers
There would still be an option for people to buy Zen to get that dilithium faster. It's really not that different from adding uniforms to Fleet stores.
You're talking to someone who has spent literally thousands of euros on the game btw.
They would not be able to make the same money if the C-store were tied to dil rather than zen, because as it stands right now dil value is tied to how much dil is flooded into the market and the prices are fixed on zen... if it were based around dil then the price would be fixed on dil and as such the store value would not be subject to price fluctuation. The current system makes the most sense from a business standpoint.
Not necessarily. Some devs have already said that they're looking at the economy. Even for Cryptic, a high Zen price doesn't have to be purely beneficial. If it disappoints too many players because they cannot get what they want for the price they are prepared to pay, they might lose players.
And of course the very fact that not everything ends up in the C-store in the first place (remember, we still have ships that are paid for with dilithium, we have uniforms in fleet holdings and most if not all gear is paid for with dilithium) and that fleet holdings are added proves that, apparently, dilithium sinks are also wanted by the devs.
and this isn't going to do anything further to the market after the damage the infinity and kelvin boxes already did
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
I still have a couple of alts that needs Dil for upgrades.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
This is how I see it. The market went way out of reach for me. Now its a "rich man's game." This will help boost some upgrades I want. My DR is stuck on getting the Andorian weapon set, so that will be used. My other needs a couple weapons upgraded for their ship. Then they can get started again on missions.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Last I saw, it was actually headed the opposite direction; it was at 470:1 (with a few hundred Zen even available at 467:1) a few minutes ago, and was hovering at 480 when I first logged in today.
The horror!! We need more DIl to the exchange, stat!!
I do think they really need far more Dil sinks like fleet holdings etc. But the exchange issue has a lot to do with people hoarding it and waiting for some magical drop in the rate. But then something comes along (which ALWAYS happens every few weeks) and they rush to the exchange to get Zen and drive up the price to a point where it can't recover in the lull periods. People should be constantly exchanging some Dil for Zen over time to keep things more even.
As for this event, the timing is consistent. Dil weekends often occur just before an upgrade weekend. In the words of one long time player, Cryptic giveth and then taketh away.
The damage is already done. Cancelling this dilithium weekend would be closing the barn doors after the cows have gotten out. The difference between 480 and 500 dilithium per Zen is 2/3 of 1 zen per character per day.
I rarely buy things like extra boff slots, ship slots, doff slots or even bank slots as they're way too expensive given that you need to buy multiple of those on each character separately. For the last couple of years, I've preferred to just send stuff to inactive characters and make some room that way. If I could, for example, a 250 Zen service on 1 character for, say, 500.000 dilithium (which would be the price when the exchange rate were 1:200) then that would be worth it for me.
It could also increase sales for Cryptic, as I can't imagine I'm the only one who doesn't want to spend hundreds of Zen on each character separately and mulitple times for the same service. This change could thus motivate people to spend on things they otherwise wouldn't have bought.
Alternatively, what might help is moving some of the less popular <T6 ships to the dilithium stores.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Demand & supply.
Everybody has & gets dil, everybody wants zen for new ships & shines and only a microscopic small minority sells their zen. Low zen supply on the market = high price.
As a LTS who has been long payed out in form of monthly stipends I'm quite happy bout that.
Financed my TOS-guy's mk12 UR gear with my 500 zen stipend from july.
its still unrefined dilith and you are still pretty much all limited by 8k a day refine limit
so remind me how stokpiling even more dilith waiting for a betetr times to be refined will hurt the economy? O.o
I'm gonna guess your kinda new... you know all the things that have reduced or no bonus from dil weekends. they used to, but some people hoarded and waited to do them till the next dil weekend while complaining it's "useless" to do them otherwise. same thing happened with marks. people hoarded banks full of mark boxs.
this has been your insight into the history of sto for the year. we hope to see you again next year!
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
It is all based on the perception of the current supply of Dil whether it is refined or unrefined. The more Dil there is the less valuable it's perceived value is.
I suppose a real life analogy could help provide some clarity... Oil. The price of goods is affected by the price of oil. The higher the price of oil, the higher the price of goods will be. The cost of gasoline and all other petroleum fuel is tied to the price of oil (per barrel). It affects product prices because the cost of fuel is baked into "the cost of product sold" which is a financial term people will see when looking at the financial statement of a business to determine how profitable or unprofitable the business is. Simply stated all goods sold around the world has to be shipped to their destination. The higher the price of fuel, the higher the price of the products need to be to cover the shipping costs. Also, plastics is derived from oil so plastic good fluctuates with the price of oil.
Let's just say the average price of gasoline in the US is $2.00. If a major oil refinery somewhere in the world exploded due to some type of accident, the price of oil will immediately increase based on it's refining capacity. This in turn will lead cause the price of gasoline to immediate increase as well, say to $2.50. The amount of gasoline that is currently in the supply chain does not change, but for the immediate future the supply of refined petroleum fuel will decrease... unless other oil refineries around the globe picks up the slack, assuming they can do so.
On the other hand, if a large oil reserve was discovered just offshore of Brazil, then that could cause current price of oil to fall, thus potentially decreasing the price of gasoline from $2.00 to $1.75 because the perception is that there a larger supply of untapped oil than previously thought even though full scale oil production from that reserve will not take place for another 5 years.
problem with that analysis here though is that you cannot do anything with unrefined dilithium apart from refining it on the very character that you got it
just like if every single oil deposit out there had single refinery attached to it with all refineries having exacly same refining capacity and no way to bypass that refinery to get the oil itself - only being able to take refined product out of that refinery
do you really think anyone would care if under that refinery is huge deposit or double that huge?
I don;t think so, because just as with dilithium in game - as long as refinery keeps going on its full capacity everyone are happy, and with that huge deposit already that refinery won't drop the output anywhere during our lifetime.....
I'm here for year and a half, and thats why I don;t get where is all that drama coming from >_>
Damn leechers
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Dilithium is needed for other things besides trading for Zen.
Why should I have to grind for peanuts for in-game projects and upgrades, just because currency speculators and alt-o-holics destroyed the exchange rate?
So you have been saving up dilithium? Haven't bothered converting it into zen because you think it's "inconvenient" to make multiple purchases of some useful thing for different characters?
How freaking difficult is it to buy some zen and purchase whatever for a character when you log them on?
You would be willing to do it if the currency was dilithium, but then you want to set the exchange rate artificially low.
It wouldn't increase "sales" for Cryptic in any meaningful way.
You might get more stuff that you wanted, but Cryptic makes no money and less dilithium was removed from the game if they did it your way, meaning that more people would still have more dilithium to allow them to get more stuff from the C-store without spending any real money and they would have less that they would want to buy.
Horrible idea.
Use the dilithium to buy zen if you want something from the store.
That's what it's there for.
There would still be an option for people to buy Zen to get that dilithium faster. It's really not that different from adding uniforms to Fleet stores.
You're talking to someone who has spent literally thousands of euros on the game btw.
They would not be able to make the same money if the C-store were tied to dil rather than zen, because as it stands right now dil value is tied to how much dil is flooded into the market and the prices are fixed on zen... if it were based around dil then the price would be fixed on dil and as such the store value would not be subject to price fluctuation. The current system makes the most sense from a business standpoint.
Not necessarily. Some devs have already said that they're looking at the economy. Even for Cryptic, a high Zen price doesn't have to be purely beneficial. If it disappoints too many players because they cannot get what they want for the price they are prepared to pay, they might lose players.
And of course the very fact that not everything ends up in the C-store in the first place (remember, we still have ships that are paid for with dilithium, we have uniforms in fleet holdings and most if not all gear is paid for with dilithium) and that fleet holdings are added proves that, apparently, dilithium sinks are also wanted by the devs.