I'm one of those "nearing sixty" Original Trek fans and I like these ships!
(physically, not mentally)
Which is proof that you *understand* the idea behind Star Trek.
Some would believe that I'm just mental...
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Cochrane does a pretty good job of explaining the idea behind star trek in first contact ...
Nah, he explains the idea of having the LICENSE to make movies to make money. Which are still better than most other license-Money-grabbing movies nowadays.
Also, First Contact. If only there was a cinemasins-video about it...
I can under the dislike for it being in a lockbox, i got lucky with mine and free zen i get a month. I have both the Jj ships and they are good fun ships.
That's the only problem I have with those 2 ships. ALthough I'm not a fan of the KT universe ( it's not Star Trek period) I do love the ships. I would have bought them off the C-Store but from a lockbox? Not a chance. Or from the exchange? I don't have the time to farm millions of EC. That's the only hate those ships get from me.
If you really really loved them, you'd make time to farm the EC.
Your formating has me completely and totally confused.
Blame the forum. It has a text limit.
I initially broke calidhris' post down to little chunks that I replied to, colonelmarik then quoted the whole thing with their replies in bold, I replied to those in blue, the colonelmarik replied in italics and I replied in bold because the forum wouldn't let me change colours for some reason. Then it broke my quotes open.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though. JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
Personally, I have nothing against JJ-Trek nor the KT ships.
The movies are action oriented because they need to appeal to a wider global audience. The global market is pretty important considering ticket sales are on the decline in the US. A lot of people have not watched TOS or TNG where the many of the episodes involved a lot of discussion and exposition. Doing that in a movie is not going to attract a lot of viewers. To paraphrase Chris Pine, action and explosions have universal appeal while cerebral discussions do not.
As for the ships... while they are generally nice, I will likely bother to acquire them. Since they are not C-Store ships, they are not unlocked for the faction when you acquire one. The least expensive KT Heavy Cruiser I saw was around 400m EC. For simplicity sake let's just say 1 master key costs $1 and can be sold on the Exchange for 6m EC. That means I would need to purchase 67 keys ($67) to acquire one KT Heavy Cruiser. If I wanted all 4 of my Fed captains to have that ship, then I would need spend $268 to get 4 ships; assuming no price fluctuation.
Abrams Trek is divisive, and that is the case because it splits the fandom into those who love Star Trek the way it used to be.
Wrong, you're doing that to yourself.
There are plenty of us out there that like both.
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Chill out, CBS aren't taking your pretend spaceships away. The existence of new things does not remove or invalidate what has come before.
But it does remove the possibility of getting more of the sort of thing that 'came before'. The Star Wars EU was hit with the same kind of 'this will never be continued, ever' as the prime universe most likely has. (If the new series doesn't go back to the prime universe, then Kelvin it is, and I can only pray CBS doesn't repeat Abrams' mistakes.)
I know right! The EU is gone forever! And they totally got completely RID of Grand Admiral Thrawn even!
Oh wait ... they didn't.
Read the part you bolded. The existing stuff may still be here, but there will never be any more of it. It's actually been argued that Star Wars took the harder hit because Legends was actually still ongoing and had stories outright canceled, whereas the prime universe was and still is just sitting on its laurels waiting for a miracle to happen.
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
man, ship is just a ship, either if that was "alternative reality" ship, altered timeline ship, just perfect for specific storyline.
remember that final episode of ST:TNG's "All the good things", see that captain "Riker" run next version of Enterprise with 3 nacilles? that was alternated timeline, now that doesnt exist, because Riker may not be Captian or Admiral in current reality universe, but Cryptic could make one.
(i know we have 3 nacilles ship version and i have a few and not currently active).
so, anyone can get any versions of ships when they want, and other players can't force other players not to play specific ships they hate to see.
as that black guy, "Finn" from Star Wars, he said, "Just deal with it", and move on
these ships are here to stay, either for role play or for collection of ships, pokemon style, gotta get them all! LOL!!!
From what I've seen of the people who hate the Abramsverse movies they are the same sort of "everything old is better" people that I remember from back in the 80's who spewed similar hatred of TNG when it first aired.
Of course it's not just the new Trek movies that get such hatred I see the same thing said about gaming as well, people looking at new games and saying that they're worse than older games back in the days of the NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Atari, Odyssey, and others. Believing that was some golden age of gaming, most of the people I have those conversations with aren't old enough to have had to grow up with those systems. For every gem on those older systems there were a dozen steaming piles of filth that make the worst games of today look like masterpieces.
So It's just the same kind of hipster edgelords that have always been around who must hate everything and anything that is new.
Really this kind of juvenile ingrained divisive hate is common within any long-run multi-generational fandom. You will find it here, you will find it in Star Wars, you will find it in Videogaming you will find it in Transformers.
Chill out, CBS aren't taking your pretend spaceships away. The existence of new things does not remove or invalidate what has come before.
But it does remove the possibility of getting more of the sort of thing that 'came before'. The Star Wars EU was hit with the same kind of 'this will never be continued, ever' as the prime universe most likely has. (If the new series doesn't go back to the prime universe, then Kelvin it is, and I can only pray CBS doesn't repeat Abrams' mistakes.)
I know right! The EU is gone forever! And they totally got completely RID of Grand Admiral Thrawn even!
Oh wait ... they didn't.
Read the part you bolded. The existing stuff may still be here, but there will never be any more of it. It's actually been argued that Star Wars took the harder hit because Legends was actually still ongoing and had stories outright canceled, whereas the prime universe was and still is just sitting on its laurels waiting for a miracle to happen.
I suggest you watch the trailer to Rebels season 3.
Then come back and tell me how they've gotten rid of the EU completely.
I'm one who likes most all things Trek. TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, JJTrek. You name it, I've watched it, and it has entertained me. I took the movies as what they were-an alternate timeline where things didn't go quite like they did in TOS. So? It's an alternate timeline with slightly different ships. I didn't focus on 'mistakes' or 'lens flare' I simply watched the shows and movies. None of them were perfect and all can be considered canon.
Not that I want those big, honkin' ships. I don't. But I've seen plenty of people who do. I would never disrespect one of them by sending nasty /tells or leaving a team because one of them was flying with me. That's just outright wrong and says a lot about the person who did it. None of it good.
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.
Like echatty said, I the same like all of trek in one way or another. No need for people to be "trekist" against the new series. It might not be the trek all of us grew up with, but cbs and paramount both allowed it so i consider that their blessing to say "yeah thats star trek" and it is what the current generation will grow up with. All this split universe making people emotionally unstable is kinda silly (seriously, I fear some of these people will need some serious psychiatric assistance over this). Its just an entertainment IP.. and the new stuff is part of it. It would be like somebody (and many, MANY people do although i consider it one of my favs) saying Voyager shouldnt be a part of it either. If you dont enjoy a particular part of the game, just dont do it. In reality besides the lockbox theres exactly ONE mission that requires you to interact with the new timeline, which you can skip.
Chill out, CBS aren't taking your pretend spaceships away. The existence of new things does not remove or invalidate what has come before.
But it does remove the possibility of getting more of the sort of thing that 'came before'. The Star Wars EU was hit with the same kind of 'this will never be continued, ever' as the prime universe most likely has. (If the new series doesn't go back to the prime universe, then Kelvin it is, and I can only pray CBS doesn't repeat Abrams' mistakes.)
I know right! The EU is gone forever! And they totally got completely RID of Grand Admiral Thrawn even!
Oh wait ... they didn't.
Read the part you bolded. The existing stuff may still be here, but there will never be any more of it. It's actually been argued that Star Wars took the harder hit because Legends was actually still ongoing and had stories outright canceled, whereas the prime universe was and still is just sitting on its laurels waiting for a miracle to happen.
I suggest you watch the trailer to Rebels season 3.
Then come back and tell me how they've gotten rid of the EU completely.
And I suggest you stop missing the point entirely. Yes, Thrawn is coming back in Rebels (which, given the success rate of that team, actually manages not to fill me with dread). Yes, they've brought back various other EU elements like the Immobilizer-418.
This does not mean they have not decided to stop making any more 'Legends' stories. This does not mean they have not canceled stories that were already being written, sequels to ongoing arcs that will now never be wrapped up! This does not mean they have not actively consigned Legends to complete stasis! (EA's TOR-era cash cow notwithstanding. Obviously they have free reign so long as they bring in millions.)
The only difference between the fate of Legends and the likely fate of the prime universe is that Legends was still evolving - which makes the whole thing even more painful. (And I say that as someone who barely paid attention to the stuff.)
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
And I suggest you stop missing the point entirely. Yes, Thrawn is coming back in Rebels (which, given the success rate of that team, actually manages not to fill me with dread). Yes, they've brought back various other EU elements like the Immobilizer-418.
This does not mean they have not decided to stop making any more 'Legends' stories. This does not mean they have not canceled stories that were already being written, sequels to ongoing arcs that will now never be wrapped up! This does not mean they have not actively consigned Legends to complete stasis! (EA's TOR-era cash cow notwithstanding. Obviously they have free reign so long as they bring in millions.)
The only difference between the fate of Legends and the likely fate of the prime universe is that Legends was still evolving - which makes the whole thing even more painful. (And I say that as someone who barely paid attention to the stuff.)
It really is a bit more of a reboot/remake than a continuation of the old EU. Roles, actions, characters etc got shuffled around, new characters introduced for certain parts, while other characters/plotlines got excised completely (sorry Kyle Katarn). So while Disney canon may have Thrawn now, it's unlikely that his arc will be the same as from the books...EU Thrawn was most important after the battle of Endor, but the new EU largely threw out the Imperial Remnants in favor of the First Order, instead his story arc looks like it's going to be before the battle of Yavin. So it could end up being radically different, like how Khan was used in STID compared to WOK.
That implies it was dead, it wasn't, it was hiding out until someone who could do stories / plotlines in a way that wouldn't polarize the Trek community or **** all over what everyone knew and accepted came along, ie- somehitng not that 'enterprise' drivel that they had to turn into a holodeck mess to avoid getting lynched.
Jerky Jerk shot that in the chest with a shotgun and then zombified the poor thing, resulting in the brain-dead, gooey mess that we got lumbered with to 'revive the franchise'.
Well maybe if they had STORIES that were interesting and meaningful rather then who is **** who and where when they should be doing something else, cheap sex appeal is a lazy and ****-poor way of writing.
Really sad thing is that people actually like that stuff, then again he did that Lost thing, where even the writers had no clue what was going on and pretty much had to rewrite history, physics and who-knows-what else to get it to work, thank the stars I never watched it, I'd have gone nuts trying to make sense of it.
If he wanted to not pollute the timeline, should he not have taken action against someone who was very interested in polluting it?
How? Did he have full interstellar newsfeed on that (from what I've seen) desolate iceball? If not how did he know Nero was around until mr. high-school brat twitface dropped in and told him?
Meh, like was said earlier, a convoluted mess of a storyline, heard better from nursery kids.
Very true, who said it was dead? I know many movie and TV series go on a hiatus to give time for better technology, better story to come out, etc. Godzilla for an example went on like 3 hiatuses until Toho brought him back out, in his 50+ year career.
As for JJ Spoof Trek, it went on hiatus to come back in something really horrible. The worst ever!
Well lets see... Nemesis basically ended the movies. and Enterprise being cancelled ended the Franchise for tv series. Yeah if they weren't making new shows or movies it was dead. Like it or not JJ revived it.
Series that uses cheap sex appeal? Most of the TV series did that. Green Women in TOS. Deeana Troi in TNG. Leeta in DS9. Seven in VOY. T'Pol in ENT. Trek trys to appeal to nerds and that 18-35 year old audience. Which is most of their audience.
I don't dislike the JJ movies as movies, only the underlying concept of a remake in itself. If you're going to create an all new movie with an all new cast and an all new plot not continuing any existing storylines, in an all new style intended for an all new audience, IMHO you should have the decency to give it an all new name to go with it. Giving it a famous name just to cash in on the famous name seems a little dishonest to me.
If they'd actually called the movies "The Kelvin Timeline," this whole controversy wouldn't exist.
But Star Trek it is and now it's in STO. Ironically, the Kelvin Timeline stuff actually fits into STO much better than it fit into canon Trek. Flying ships from an alternate universe is, after all, par for the course here.
It wasn't a remake, just like Jurassic World wasn't a remake of Jurassic Park. It's a fresh start that breathes new life into the franchise, while at the same time maintaining everything that has come before. Reboot? Yes, but that's not a bad thing.
The simple facts are the people that make the money decisions saw the response to Enterprise and Nemesis and, instead of listening to the legitimate complaints about certain aspects of the story telling in those, decided fans were just bored with Trek and wanted something new. Executives don't understand the franchise, they understand dollar signs. Could they have made the same money by continuing to make Prime Universe movies? Yes, but there's no way anyone could have convinced them of that. So if it wasn't JJ trek it would have been something very similar, or just no new Trek at all.
Executives, to me, are BEAN COUNTERS, who THINK they got talent. They are also the same folks who, when intelligent shows or films are suggested "WE understand what you are trying to portray, but the audience wont"....such egos. I remember Ralph Bakshi talking about this very topic in one of the commentaries of his films, Wizards, I think it was.
All I see made since 2009 was just flashy "pew pew!" leave your brain at home popcorn flicks like Transformers and the million or so super hero flicks out there.
And guess what, most of the masses WANT THAT. Amazing how that works.
Perhaps for a time - but it can't/won't stay that way forever. And sometimes stupid precedents are set. Look at 'The Dark Knight' for example. Horrendously popular, and almost every superhero movie subsequent has tried to follow the 'dark and gritty' feel of it, with wildly varying degrees of success.
I daresay one of the reasons that 'Deadpool' was so popular was that it didn't attempt to be like anything that came before.
Actually the basic formula is this. Besides making the movies action packed they're doing something the earlier movies and shows never did. Make them human and fallible.
Hell I loved man of steel because it showed Kal El making mistakes, learning, not being this caricature but a CHARACTER. I mean don't get me wrong Christopher Reeves Superman was damn good, but superman showed mostly no emotion at times and felt flat. Why I liked 2 better, showed superman bleeding.
Also why I liked the Christopher Nolan movies, Batman bled, he hurt, he fought.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Chill out, CBS aren't taking your pretend spaceships away. The existence of new things does not remove or invalidate what has come before.
But it does remove the possibility of getting more of the sort of thing that 'came before'. The Star Wars EU was hit with the same kind of 'this will never be continued, ever' as the prime universe most likely has. (If the new series doesn't go back to the prime universe, then Kelvin it is, and I can only pray CBS doesn't repeat Abrams' mistakes.)
I know right! The EU is gone forever! And they totally got completely RID of Grand Admiral Thrawn even!
Oh wait ... they didn't.
Read the part you bolded. The existing stuff may still be here, but there will never be any more of it. It's actually been argued that Star Wars took the harder hit because Legends was actually still ongoing and had stories outright canceled, whereas the prime universe was and still is just sitting on its laurels waiting for a miracle to happen.
I suggest you watch the trailer to Rebels season 3.
Then come back and tell me how they've gotten rid of the EU completely.
Actually they have. Now the writers for the cartoons and movies are simply cherry picking what they like and tossing the rest like for example Bane. The bane in the cartoon is not the same as from the origin story written about him. And who knows, Revan may still show up in the cartoons, but that makes Revan Canon, but not everything about him so.
It's not surprising that the new SW writers are borrowing from the EU stuff. Glad they are bringing in Thrawn.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
And I still see the hate train moving along. God all you "purists" who want to hold onto the past make me sick. Again think this is what Gene Roddenberry wanted?
I thought the whole premise of Star Trek was "infinite possibilities in infinite combinations". Or did all of you who are screaming, crying and stamping your feet over the KT Constitution forget that? HMMM?
Now as it was brought up on page 2, I'll bring it up here. A ship like this, love it or hate it brings a problem. Tying it to a lockbox when many people do want it is a very frightening trend. I mean tying the Vengeance to a lock-box I get that.
But come on the KT Constitution, should of been in the Zen store.
The hate train will ride for a long time from this travesty. What you expect? For years we wanted the Connie and kept getting the "NO". Now the JJ fans get their Connie.
This is a real PR nightmare to deal with, now with a lot of angry gamers/fans.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
I've heard this story before, and I don't buy it. CBS isn't concerned with the integrity of the Star Trek legacy, or they would have closed this game down years ago. They're only interested in is lining their pockets, which selling us an endgame Constitution would do. Thus, the entire issue perplexes me.
As for the rest, I'm never an a-hole to anyone. People should be free to enjoy the ships if they want to. I just don't think it should come at the expense of those of us who want something different.
Well it would kinda ruin the atmosphere of the game. But thats besides the point. We can't get mad at players when it's CBS who isn't budging. I know people want a T6 TOS Connie, but if it hasn't happened in the last 6 years, It unfortunately probably won't happen.
Now that being said:
I still don't get people gripes with the new Connie.
They needed something to revive the franchise.
Remember Star Trek takes place in the future the 23rd century. Well now all the stuff we have now in the 21st kinda makes TOS look extremely dated. So they had to kinda modernize it. I think JJ did a great job on the first movie, he had to start somewhere and he revived a dead franchise. Without the new movies a new TV series wouldn't be happening. He sparked interested back into the genre.
I don't know how it would ruin the atmosphere of the game any more than people flying Breen, Ferengi, Voth, etc., etc., etc. ships all over the place, all coloured with Reman colours or Tron glowie bits, with smoke trailing here and there...
I mean, it's only the ship that STARTED Star Trek.
If I had to guess... Well its a 23rd Century ship in the 25th Century... Also it ruins the Immersion of being in the future if everyones cruising around in 200+ year old ships.
You do realize that I am flying around in a Tier 6 end-game Daedalus class ship right?
Let that sink in for a sec. Your position is that an end-game TOS Constitution would ruin the atmosphere of the very game that lets me dominate the Crystalline Entity with my end-game Daedalus, a ship that was out of service by the time Kirk took the captain's chair.
a 25th Century Dadelus Class thats made to look like a 23rd Century. Theres a reason they have new skins...
The hate train will ride for a long time from this travesty. What you expect? For years we wanted the Connie and kept getting the "NO". Now the JJ fans get their Connie.
This is a real PR nightmare to deal with, now with a lot of angry gamers/fans.
And the only thing that shows is the fact people don't get the message, never will and are simply spoiled children claiming to be fans.
I weep for Star Trek.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
But... that's because the producers and directors that jumped on the train didn't undestand WHY 'The Dark Knight' was so popular. They just saw a popular movie.
The movie was mostly popular because of Heath Ledger, his performance as the Joker, which was even more hyped because of Ledger's death.
I liked it cause it was a different Batman movie series. And to me this was the better series, as it made more sense and better story telling.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
From what I've seen of the people who hate the Abramsverse movies they are the same sort of "everything old is better" people that I remember from back in the 80's who spewed similar hatred of TNG when it first aired.
Of course it's not just the new Trek movies that get such hatred I see the same thing said about gaming as well, people looking at new games and saying that they're worse than older games back in the days of the NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Atari, Odyssey, and others. Believing that was some golden age of gaming, most of the people I have those conversations with aren't old enough to have had to grow up with those systems. For every gem on those older systems there were a dozen steaming piles of filth that make the worst games of today look like masterpieces.
So It's just the same kind of hipster edgelords that have always been around who must hate everything and anything that is new.
Really this kind of juvenile ingrained divisive hate is common within any long-run multi-generational fandom. You will find it here, you will find it in Star Wars, you will find it in Videogaming you will find it in Transformers.
Very true, many fans was upset how they did the Dino Bots. I wasn't too happy with it. Even changed the names. Just like the latest fantastic 4. They changed it so much it bombed. No fans liked it.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
The hate train will ride for a long time from this travesty. What you expect? For years we wanted the Connie and kept getting the "NO". Now the JJ fans get their Connie.
This is a real PR nightmare to deal with, now with a lot of angry gamers/fans.
And the only thing that shows is the fact people don't get the message, never will and are simply spoiled children claiming to be fans.
I weep for Star Trek.
They can be spoiled or not, it depends. At times a company comes out with something. And many hates it caused what they did to it. As it basically ruins what it stood for. And the company tries to ram it down the customers throats. This is the issue what happened to Star Trek.
Same thing happened to Godzilla. They did the one where they had him attack NY. It was so horrible, and got such bad reaction. That Toho had to step back in and bring out 2000, in hopes to save the brand.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
I've heard this story before, and I don't buy it. CBS isn't concerned with the integrity of the Star Trek legacy, or they would have closed this game down years ago. They're only interested in is lining their pockets, which selling us an endgame Constitution would do. Thus, the entire issue perplexes me.
As for the rest, I'm never an a-hole to anyone. People should be free to enjoy the ships if they want to. I just don't think it should come at the expense of those of us who want something different.
Well it would kinda ruin the atmosphere of the game. But thats besides the point. We can't get mad at players when it's CBS who isn't budging. I know people want a T6 TOS Connie, but if it hasn't happened in the last 6 years, It unfortunately probably won't happen.
Now that being said:
I still don't get people gripes with the new Connie.
They needed something to revive the franchise.
Remember Star Trek takes place in the future the 23rd century. Well now all the stuff we have now in the 21st kinda makes TOS look extremely dated. So they had to kinda modernize it. I think JJ did a great job on the first movie, he had to start somewhere and he revived a dead franchise. Without the new movies a new TV series wouldn't be happening. He sparked interested back into the genre.
I don't know how it would ruin the atmosphere of the game any more than people flying Breen, Ferengi, Voth, etc., etc., etc. ships all over the place, all coloured with Reman colours or Tron glowie bits, with smoke trailing here and there...
I mean, it's only the ship that STARTED Star Trek.
If I had to guess... Well its a 23rd Century ship in the 25th Century... Also it ruins the Immersion of being in the future if everyones cruising around in 200+ year old ships.
You do realize that I am flying around in a Tier 6 end-game Daedalus class ship right?
Let that sink in for a sec. Your position is that an end-game TOS Constitution would ruin the atmosphere of the very game that lets me dominate the Crystalline Entity with my end-game Daedalus, a ship that was out of service by the time Kirk took the captain's chair.
a 25th Century Dadelus Class thats made to look like a 23rd Century. Theres a reason they have new skins...
The exact same thing can (and likely will be) done for a Constitution, come September.
Chill out, CBS aren't taking your pretend spaceships away. The existence of new things does not remove or invalidate what has come before.
But it does remove the possibility of getting more of the sort of thing that 'came before'. The Star Wars EU was hit with the same kind of 'this will never be continued, ever' as the prime universe most likely has. (If the new series doesn't go back to the prime universe, then Kelvin it is, and I can only pray CBS doesn't repeat Abrams' mistakes.)
I know right! The EU is gone forever! And they totally got completely RID of Grand Admiral Thrawn even!
Oh wait ... they didn't.
Read the part you bolded. The existing stuff may still be here, but there will never be any more of it. It's actually been argued that Star Wars took the harder hit because Legends was actually still ongoing and had stories outright canceled, whereas the prime universe was and still is just sitting on its laurels waiting for a miracle to happen.
I suggest you watch the trailer to Rebels season 3.
Then come back and tell me how they've gotten rid of the EU completely.
And I suggest you stop missing the point entirely. Yes, Thrawn is coming back in Rebels (which, given the success rate of that team, actually manages not to fill me with dread). Yes, they've brought back various other EU elements like the Immobilizer-418.
This does not mean they have not decided to stop making any more 'Legends' stories. This does not mean they have not canceled stories that were already being written, sequels to ongoing arcs that will now never be wrapped up! This does not mean they have not actively consigned Legends to complete stasis! (EA's TOR-era cash cow notwithstanding. Obviously they have free reign so long as they bring in millions.)
The only difference between the fate of Legends and the likely fate of the prime universe is that Legends was still evolving - which makes the whole thing even more painful. (And I say that as someone who barely paid attention to the stuff.)
So wait, your point is that the EU is dead, except for all the parts that aren't dead. And that the legends stuff is dead, except the TOR stuff that is continuing. So all this stuff, except the exceptions, is completely and totally gone. For good.
Which is proof that you *understand* the idea behind Star Trek.
Some would believe that I'm just mental...
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Cochrane does a pretty good job of explaining the idea behind star trek in first contact ...
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Nah, he explains the idea of having the LICENSE to make movies to make money. Which are still better than most other license-Money-grabbing movies nowadays.
Also, First Contact. If only there was a cinemasins-video about it...
If you really really loved them, you'd make time to farm the EC.
Pike does a really great job explaining Star Trek and Starfleet in the 2009 film.
Blame the forum. It has a text limit.
I initially broke calidhris' post down to little chunks that I replied to, colonelmarik then quoted the whole thing with their replies in bold, I replied to those in blue, the colonelmarik replied in italics and I replied in bold because the forum wouldn't let me change colours for some reason. Then it broke my quotes open.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
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The movies are action oriented because they need to appeal to a wider global audience. The global market is pretty important considering ticket sales are on the decline in the US. A lot of people have not watched TOS or TNG where the many of the episodes involved a lot of discussion and exposition. Doing that in a movie is not going to attract a lot of viewers. To paraphrase Chris Pine, action and explosions have universal appeal while cerebral discussions do not.
As for the ships... while they are generally nice, I will likely bother to acquire them. Since they are not C-Store ships, they are not unlocked for the faction when you acquire one. The least expensive KT Heavy Cruiser I saw was around 400m EC. For simplicity sake let's just say 1 master key costs $1 and can be sold on the Exchange for 6m EC. That means I would need to purchase 67 keys ($67) to acquire one KT Heavy Cruiser. If I wanted all 4 of my Fed captains to have that ship, then I would need spend $268 to get 4 ships; assuming no price fluctuation.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
You're not the only one...
Read the part you bolded. The existing stuff may still be here, but there will never be any more of it. It's actually been argued that Star Wars took the harder hit because Legends was actually still ongoing and had stories outright canceled, whereas the prime universe was and still is just sitting on its laurels waiting for a miracle to happen.
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
remember that final episode of ST:TNG's "All the good things", see that captain "Riker" run next version of Enterprise with 3 nacilles? that was alternated timeline, now that doesnt exist, because Riker may not be Captian or Admiral in current reality universe, but Cryptic could make one.
(i know we have 3 nacilles ship version and i have a few and not currently active).
so, anyone can get any versions of ships when they want, and other players can't force other players not to play specific ships they hate to see.
as that black guy, "Finn" from Star Wars, he said, "Just deal with it", and move on
these ships are here to stay, either for role play or for collection of ships, pokemon style, gotta get them all! LOL!!!
Really this kind of juvenile ingrained divisive hate is common within any long-run multi-generational fandom. You will find it here, you will find it in Star Wars, you will find it in Videogaming you will find it in Transformers.
I suggest you watch the trailer to Rebels season 3.
Then come back and tell me how they've gotten rid of the EU completely.
Not that I want those big, honkin' ships. I don't. But I've seen plenty of people who do. I would never disrespect one of them by sending nasty /tells or leaving a team because one of them was flying with me. That's just outright wrong and says a lot about the person who did it. None of it good.
And I suggest you stop missing the point entirely. Yes, Thrawn is coming back in Rebels (which, given the success rate of that team, actually manages not to fill me with dread). Yes, they've brought back various other EU elements like the Immobilizer-418.
This does not mean they have not decided to stop making any more 'Legends' stories. This does not mean they have not canceled stories that were already being written, sequels to ongoing arcs that will now never be wrapped up! This does not mean they have not actively consigned Legends to complete stasis! (EA's TOR-era cash cow notwithstanding. Obviously they have free reign so long as they bring in millions.)
The only difference between the fate of Legends and the likely fate of the prime universe is that Legends was still evolving - which makes the whole thing even more painful. (And I say that as someone who barely paid attention to the stuff.)
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
Yup, I think this thread aptly demonstrates that.
Some people don't like JJ Trek, just like some don't like TOS or TNG. It doesn't make us joyless reactionary haters who "don't get Trek".
I'm seeing some ridiculously thin skins here in regard to hearing any sort of criticism towards KT Trek.
It really is a bit more of a reboot/remake than a continuation of the old EU. Roles, actions, characters etc got shuffled around, new characters introduced for certain parts, while other characters/plotlines got excised completely (sorry Kyle Katarn). So while Disney canon may have Thrawn now, it's unlikely that his arc will be the same as from the books...EU Thrawn was most important after the battle of Endor, but the new EU largely threw out the Imperial Remnants in favor of the First Order, instead his story arc looks like it's going to be before the battle of Yavin. So it could end up being radically different, like how Khan was used in STID compared to WOK.
Series that uses cheap sex appeal? Most of the TV series did that. Green Women in TOS. Deeana Troi in TNG. Leeta in DS9. Seven in VOY. T'Pol in ENT. Trek trys to appeal to nerds and that 18-35 year old audience. Which is most of their audience.
I loved Enterprise! And was very upset they ended it too quick.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Actually the basic formula is this. Besides making the movies action packed they're doing something the earlier movies and shows never did. Make them human and fallible.
Hell I loved man of steel because it showed Kal El making mistakes, learning, not being this caricature but a CHARACTER. I mean don't get me wrong Christopher Reeves Superman was damn good, but superman showed mostly no emotion at times and felt flat. Why I liked 2 better, showed superman bleeding.
Also why I liked the Christopher Nolan movies, Batman bled, he hurt, he fought.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Actually they have. Now the writers for the cartoons and movies are simply cherry picking what they like and tossing the rest like for example Bane. The bane in the cartoon is not the same as from the origin story written about him. And who knows, Revan may still show up in the cartoons, but that makes Revan Canon, but not everything about him so.
It's not surprising that the new SW writers are borrowing from the EU stuff. Glad they are bringing in Thrawn.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
The hate train will ride for a long time from this travesty. What you expect? For years we wanted the Connie and kept getting the "NO". Now the JJ fans get their Connie.
This is a real PR nightmare to deal with, now with a lot of angry gamers/fans.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
And the only thing that shows is the fact people don't get the message, never will and are simply spoiled children claiming to be fans.
I weep for Star Trek.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
I liked it cause it was a different Batman movie series. And to me this was the better series, as it made more sense and better story telling.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Very true, many fans was upset how they did the Dino Bots. I wasn't too happy with it. Even changed the names. Just like the latest fantastic 4. They changed it so much it bombed. No fans liked it.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
They can be spoiled or not, it depends. At times a company comes out with something. And many hates it caused what they did to it. As it basically ruins what it stood for. And the company tries to ram it down the customers throats. This is the issue what happened to Star Trek.
Same thing happened to Godzilla. They did the one where they had him attack NY. It was so horrible, and got such bad reaction. That Toho had to step back in and bring out 2000, in hopes to save the brand.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
The exact same thing can (and likely will be) done for a Constitution, come September.
So wait, your point is that the EU is dead, except for all the parts that aren't dead. And that the legends stuff is dead, except the TOR stuff that is continuing. So all this stuff, except the exceptions, is completely and totally gone. For good.
Ok. Got it!