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What is the Arc Client?
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satinavian Arc User



  • Normal stuff is around 100 EC per fleet credit, sometimes 75 EC from special vendors. Dill ist 1 Dill per fleet credit which is not too far from 100 EC regarding contrabant prices, dill exchance and c-store prices. Doffs give 300 fleet credits each, a little less for those "any doff" stuff. Doing the math results in the…
  • Well, in theory it does work. - contemporary number generators take a long time before they repeat themself so there are far more numbers in that lottery than sold keys in total. - your opening boxes are not the only random numbers generated, so you share your RNG with a lot of other processes the anology with buying…
  • I think, it is more the wrong STF. If you look at the numbers it seems Infected as elite space STF is, where all the mark-farmers are - for several reasons : It takes less than 15 mins average even pugged It can't fail even if half the group acts stupid (you might lose optional) It's easy and you don't need to be geared…
  • The TOs problem is, that there is no reason (beside vanity) to try to crit raise epohh missions, because a success gives the same reward.
  • Yes, doing the same with all my newer chars. Before i dicovered epohhs, i was about to give up Rom rep after T2, because it was sooo tedius. Then i finished it with all my chars doing solely epohhs and now it's the same way with my three Rommies. It's so easy. Even if you don't have the right boff from star (and don't want…
  • I am a German player with an English client. Why do i use the English client ? Because there are usually things lost in translations and some examples are pretty awkward. Also chat is in English, so you won't have a pure German experience anyway. But when my English was worse, i might have choosen the German client. I…
  • That might be true, but : - not all minor races were "conquered". There was no real war against Nausicaans, Orions or Lethean. - The military and fleets of the minor races were pretty much absorbed. All those Gorn ships flying under kdf insignia are still manned primarily by Gorn. And the Nausicaan pirates are exactly the…
  • We all know, they did it to be able to not invest to much money in endgame (easier, when everyone has the same) and to be able to use as many ressources as possible from the existing factions. Ofc. they wanted to reuse all the unique doffs and doff missions and mission chains instead of making new ones. And use all the FEs…
  • Assuming, you would find a way(not likely), what would happen ? Most of the calculations are done on the server. You would still get all the "new" equipment stats, enemies, nerfs etc. Maybe you could retain a bit of your own (old) movement calculation and the old interface. But everything else rule-related : you are…
  • I would have assumed the same. But i experience, that the mail is indeed now way faster than before. So maybe their mail-system is really that poorly designed and loses much more performance with many mails/attachements at a single account than with more accounts with a smaller inbox.
  • What has this to do with Fed vs KdF ? They both can be Rommies with the console and as it is restricted to Rom Shiptypes, there is no advantage of being on either side while using it.
  • with jemmy carriers ofc. furthermore, i am sure, Roms will get their own zen-store carrier eventually.
  • It is basically doffs - you can't store them in inventory(how big it might be) - you can't store them in bank (how many slots you bought) - no fleet bank otion either afaik - no account bank (most annoying : you have to use mail for sending from one toon to another anyway) - they need 1 slot per doff You only have your…
  • Like eng on ground, don't like it in space. Ground Eng has lots of simply fun abilities. Which means, you make choices all the time. Space ? Yes, it can survive slightly better... which i not that useful once you learned how to fly the other classes and still not getting blown up. Tanking is useless. Healing others.. can…
  • You see, exactly that is,, what we are complaining about. SWTOR treats f2p like a free trial. And it treads preferred like a paid trial. It wants to push all the people coming with f2p to a sub. That is pretty near to false advertising. People coming from here, DDO, LOTRO, DCUO and even the original PW game itself expected…
  • I fail to see the difference between predetermined and random, as long as the same random number generator is used. As for "is it random at all or is their a threshold for the ship ?", there have been people getting it with the first 10 boxes and other ones opening over 500 without it. So it looks like the result are…
  • Well, had similar problems, but i tried it. Got my gear from space (MK XII HG ground set in my case), had enough experience fighting borg, joined normal ground pug, said, that i was new and it worked well. Seriously, if you have your gear set and modulators and know, how to fight borg on ground, the only thing missing is…
  • Well, as i had a lot of fun with several freemium models (i don't mind paying. But as casual gamer with limited time i don't want a subscription and waste money for maybe not playing. ), i gave it a try, when it went f2p. Bought some points asap for inventory and crafting and being perferred and started playing. It was…
  • Oh, i don't say that a lot of them are not both arrogant and prejudiced and made very wrong decisions. The bad thing about logic and prejudices is, that while logic dictates, you should get rid of them, it is no help at all in doing so. Prejudices form from anecdotal experiences, missunderstandings and not enough…
  • Actually between those two options, i, as a human would sooner use the first one, if i can't have anything in between. The second one lacks all the arguments against the decision (long time consequences, danger, questionable goal of "revenge") and it also doens't express, how extremely stupid i think, it is. How should the…
  • While i still think, that is not intentional and most Vulcans have a problem understanding other beings (like most humans would have a problem distinguishing between a teasing tellarite and a really angry one), i also disagree about what would be respectful behavior. It it really respectful to lie to your allies so that…
  • As long as some players get up to three times the numbers of enemy ships, we will hear different opinions about if this mission is to hard. It simply is broken. Not to hard per se, but buggy.
  • iirc it was 23k Dill. But they have another color than the usual plasma weapons, they match the experimental one. (Still my ambassador with cutting beam, rom exp beam, rom store beam and plasma fleet weapons now looks pretty rainbowish ) As they are arguably roughly at the same level as fleet weapons (one modifier less,…
  • The mission is broken. I did it 2 times. (First time i had to give up after 1 hour because i had an appointment), second time took ~20 minutes in total. What was the difference ? Gear ? Ok, i actually invested some of my captain skill points which i hadn't done since around lv 10. Also promoted and skilled some boffs. But…
  • To understand someones emotions, you have to mirror them. That is the foundation of empathy. Humans even have a certain part of their brain dedicated to mirror other peoples emotions. Unfortunately that mirror-thing does pretty much work like the real brain part. You can't really understand other people, you can only…
  • It's extremely hard. That is not the same as impossible, but spending around an hour at a single space battle on normal when most elite STFs take 15 minutes is not ok. Instead of calling people bad players i would focus on some differences - What is appropriate gear for that mission ? As a normal story mission i would say,…
  • Problem is, they pretty much abolished the only method to exchange doffs for other ones that could be used en mass. Result -> unwanted low quality doffs piled up, prizes went down Then they introduced doff sinks. Which work perfectly but can only be used for certain kind of doffs. Those new sinks even worked so well, that…
  • Basically because it is PvP. Which usually brings a couple of things together : In PvE you will always be able to challange the hardest stuff in second best gear. And in a variety of builds. Also it doesn't harm you, if other players get better or better equipped. In PvP you compete with other players. If other players get…
  • Before you reach cap, everything is easy enough to not even invest time in outfitting your ship. When you reach cap, you choose the ship, you really want to fly. Then you go once through the exchange for some green/blue weapons and matching consoles of level 10-11 depending on how much EC you have. And you are ready for…
  • That one is a horrible idea. Make some people get more unbound stuff in exchange other unbound stuff invites to be abused by people transforming the transactions for other players for a fee or for being in the same fleet. It might work, if the difference is negligible and not worth the time tranfering stuff, but then it…