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samb0wski Arc User



  • I was just playing Installation 18 and found a bug. I am playing as a Fed Vice Admiral. And the bug exists when I get to the room with the 4 Test Subjects we have to help. I went around the room and spoke to the other 3 Test Subjects and after the conversation each transports away. Then finally I speak to Rianna Khev and…
  • I was just playing Installation 18 and found another bug. I am playing as a Fed Vice Admiral. And the bug exists when I get to the room with the 4 Test Subjects we have to help. I went around the room and spoke to the other 3 Test Subjects and after the conversation each transports away. Then finally I speak to Rianna Khev…
  • I went for the Kumari Class. Very nice escort. I prefer offence to defence. I find the Kumari class to be ideal. I don't use the wing cannons as often as I should. But even without these with just Dual Heavy Cannons up front the Kumari deliveres a devestating broadside.
  • Just out of curiosity. I fly a Kumari class as well. Right now I've equipped it with 4 x Phaser Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XI 1 x Quantum Torpedo Launcher Mk XI Consoles: 4 x Phaser Relays Mk XI I get a pretty good punch from these weapons. I also tried using Tetryon Dual Heavy Cannons but then I decided to swap them for Phaser…
  • I'm starting to think that flying a Mirror Ha'apax class isn't the best thing for me. Its simply not a ship that packs a punch. I think its better to sell it off and go for another type of starship.
  • I just turned Commander, and so I got the chance to finally get my hands on the much vaunted D'deridex Class. However one look at the Turn Rate on that ship and I decided to stock to the Mogai class Heavy Warbird I am currently operating. That D'deridex is so slow in turning, I bet almost any other starship can run rings…
  • Another question, is it useful to have a Tachyokinetic Converter? And where can I get one from?
  • Thanks for the suggestions guys. I will drop that Phaser Wing Cannon and the Transphasic Torpedo in favor of 2 more Tetryon Dual Heavy Cannons. I have torpedo spread and high yield III so I will keep that Quantum Torpedo Launcher. And I will try to get 4 x Tetryon Pulse Generators. I dont know if I will have the cash to…
  • Thanks for your suggestion. So are you saying that having 4 x Tetryon Pulse Generators is better than having the Warhead Yield Chamber, Zero Point Quantum Chamber, Prefire Chamber?
  • I like using Ship Names that are slightly different from the regular names. My Tactical Escort Refit named USS Crimson Sunrise, named after a Glorious Heritage Class ship from the Andromeda universe. My Assault Cruiser the USS Midian Breach, again named after a Glorious Heritage Class ship from the Andromeda universe. You…
  • I've been having problems since last night. Its worse right now. Tried logging in now and it gave two different errors. Once time it says Server Timed Out after just typing in the username and password. The other time it went up to the character selection page and when I selected my Federation officer it started loading…
  • Again thank you so much for all the great advice guys. Now I am more confused than ever as to what ship to invest in. But looking at all the advice I received from everyone I think I will wait till I have the 20K fleet credits I need to purchase the Fleet Patrol Escort for the time being. After when the time comes to…
  • Thanks for your feedback lasonio. I've decided to go for the Fleet Patrol Escort. Just hope I can get the fleet credits to buy one. Only got 10k fleet credits right now :)
  • Thanks for all the fantastic suggestions everyone. unangbangkay how much does the Fleet Patrol cost? I barely have 10k Fleet credits to my name. Wonder if I could afford one?!?
  • Thanks a million ooiue. I was looking at replacing my captain level Defiant Refit with a T5 Escort. Your comparison will go a long way in helping me make up my mind on what to get. Cheers! :D
  • Thanks Cynder2012. I play a KDF character too. Can you tell me where the location for this War Zone is? I'm only a Commander rank with my KDF character. Will my basic Bird of Prey have a chance :D
  • Thanks f2pdrakron. Can you be a bit more specific on the Stamrunner, what is the actual name for it? Where can I purchase it from? Are you talking about the Heavy Escort Carrier? [/QUOTE]
  • baudi I am still using that Captain level Defiant. The ship I have brought unfortunately when I was promoted Rear Admiral was a Assault Cruiser. And unfortunately I find that the Captain Level Defiant has more firepower than the Assault Cruiser, though I have to admit that the Defiant doesn't seem to survive for too long…
  • Complete agree about the Andromeda names. I alternate between two ships. The Tactical Escort Refit named USS Crimson Sunrise, The second is a Assault Cruiser the USS Midian Breach. I still also have a Galaxy Class starship that I don't use anymore. Named that one USS Eric Hartmann, after the WWII Ace of all Aces, Eric…
  • Woodwhity but I bought it for Zen from the C-Store.
  • I'm proud to serve with the 13th Battle Group. Xenovi is there any possibility of focusing on upgrading the Shipyard to get it up to level 3 as quickly as possible? I will pump in everything I got to help upgrade it faster. Thanks.
  • Thanks again kapla1755. According to that wiki site 'The number of Fleet Ship Modules required to purchase a Fleet Ship will vary based on the ship, other ship unlocks on your account, and other factors. For example, if your character already owns the tier 5 C-Store version of a ship, then the respective "Fleet Retrofit"…
  • Sorry cant help you with the weapons layout but damn you are so lucky. Christmas day you say. I've opened at least two dozzen Temporal Boxes, Cardassian Boxes and others and never won a ship. Some people have all the luck :D
  • I'm not too sure about this. But a couple of times while I was engrossed in the Space War at the Ker'rat System, I noticed that when my crew were all dead and the Borg transported into my ship, within a few seconds my Tactical Escort Refit just blew up. I'm pretty sure I had ample hull life in almost all the occasions that…
  • Thanks woodwhity. Exchange as in the one at Starbase 1? And where do I have to go to get those Fleet Modules? And after getting them do I automatically get the ship or it has to be crafted or something?
  • While the Son'a ships do look nice. I think they would have to somehow incorporate them into the storyline to make those ships available. It would be really cool if they could make the Scimitar Class as a playable ship :D
  • Thanks for the advice Kapla1755. I am using the Tactical Escort Refit at the moment. It is the Captain level ship. I already used the free ship at Read Admiral Level to buy a Assault Cruiser. Will try to buy the Blockade Runner Escort Retrofit. It looks to be the more powerful of the ships you have listed. Isn't the…
  • Thanks Steve. I'm not sure, I will check when I get home. But I could have sworn that my Escort had only 2 aft weapons slots. Maybe I didn't notice the 3rd. But thanks for that layout. Will try it out for sure tonight.
  • I alternate between two ships. The Tactical Escort Refit named USS Crimson Sunrise, named after a Glorious Heritage Class ship from the Andromeda universe. The second is a Assault Cruiser the USS Midian Breach, again named after a Glorious Heritage Class ship from the Andromeda universe. You have to admit that the GH Class…
  • Xenovi thanks for everything. I got in touch with Remo and he sent me a request and i joined the fleet. Havent seen anyone around yet. Right not doing the Romulan missions. So i'm based around Starbase 24 and thereabouts :)