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rpg4ever Arc User



  • Hate to burst your bubble, but what richandrews said can happen, not likely, sure, but it can, as others have been having pretty much same thing happen, including myself, as for the game itself being compromised a friend of mine and i use to play a game about 5 years ago that, i kid you not, was TRIBBLE so bad that the…
  • My thoughts exactly, its not like we're in the star trek verse where we have a job for the heck of it.
  • i had mine TRIBBLE into last night as well, it was qtcnafvt582@hotmail, im starting to sense a pattern here...
  • Thanks for the link.
  • don't know if it had the ip, i'd have to look, but it does have there email, what i was wandering was, how do i contact them to tell them the problem and the email?
  • It would still be dx9 compatible once its all working in dx11, if we so choose, correct? not all of us have an os that can do 10 or 11, so i really hope so.
  • Wow, lot more then i thought, or would need lol, thank you all very much for answering my question.
  • Heck, I have a friend who said he'll come back to sto for the sole reason of being able to fly it, so, yeah, i'd say some will fly it regardless, and i know ill at least play the free one you'll get at tier-4.
  • I said i was half tempted to, not that i was, plus part of its likely i was extra mad last not because i found out about the wipe by logging in and finding everything gone, i had to search through multiple pages to find the announcement, and i was in general having a rather rotten pass few days with attending to various…
  • I read it too, a VERY long time ago, and i admitted that i could have forgotten or missed, and wanted to know where it was so i could see it, sorry ive i sounded snarky or made it sound like it was your fault, so please don't make it sound like i was. if it happened more often it wouldn't be so much of a surprise, but…
  • Please tell me where it says that, i don't ever remember seeing where it said that, i'll admit thers a good chance i either missed it or forgot, seeing as how long it would have been when i read it i can honestly say i dont remember seeing this in "the fine print".
  • I posted this as a response on a thread where someone was understandable and justifiably upset about this wipe, but ill post it here, since i figure cryptic will be more likely to see this, here goes: "Except they didn't wipe with the free to play update, since i still had characters from before then, and i know it was a…
  • Except they didn't wipe with the free to play update, since i still had characters from before then, and i know it was a test server, but this is still stupid, i had long ago stopped just porting characters over and instead been just making them to test them, and ive spent hours and hours playing on it, worst of all i was…
  • yep, problem is still there for me too, i'd delete and remake but who knows if it will happen again, plus im hoping to get my old comp working soon which might make a difference. oh yeah and if this helps, the comp im on now is windows 7. also has anyone deleting tribble and downloading it from scratch? dont want to try…
  • I'm having the same issue since last night, after trying to leave the station ran by ferangi, like others, its just my romulan, i know its in beta and there's gonna be issues, but please at least you know about it and are working on it cryptic. also i'd advise waiting a bit on deleting your character, a similar then…
  • I agree, I too had more or less the same issue, only reason i was able to complete the mission was after dieing about half a dozen times, it glitched and acted like i had defeated the tholian.
  • Where you plan on walking to? cryptic headquarters?
  • According to the sto wiki, if im understanding it right, mark 12 tricobalt torps have a base damage of 14300 per hit. I've never been big on pvp since im terrible at it, but i know for a fact that plently of cruisers get over 50k hp, heck, my escort has 40k, so im not doubting with the right build that its possible to crit…
  • thanks for letting me know, that answers both questions, not only is it down, but it sounds like its also an issue i should report, since it deosnt just time me out, its actually crashing the sto launcher.
  • Is tribble still down? ever since i tried to update on 03-26-2013 ( i hadnt yet read it was down) its been crashing, when i first updated, it got 25% then froze, crashed, then ever since it wont update at all, just crash, and i just want to know if this is normal when its down, if it even is still down, which reading the…
  • There's so much to say, but I'm to lazy, so i'll summarise, for the whole trojan horse thing, klingons got there cloak tech from romulans too, so why haven't the romulans gone in and blown up all the klingon ships. Cloaked ship survivability, off the top of my head, i cant recall a cloaked ship being destroyed in one hit,…
  • It will be up when its up people, at least you can play the rest of the game, years ago i played a game where it was down for almost an entire month and i didn't see this much whining. I mean yes, i know a lot of people only play sto for the foundry now, and some of the gold members feel its owed to them to have this up…