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What do I do if I think my account has been compromised?



  • charliescot25charliescot25 Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This happened to me a few years ago. It has been on Guild Wars just early Xmas, minding my own business until one night, I was locked out of my account for nearly a week!...yes a week. I eventually got back into my account because my pw changed. They stole everything of value, although the've never deleted my characters though which is strange...

    After that, I never played it since.. Because I knew for a fact that whoever TRIBBLE my account? Would come back to finish the job next time. I bought GW2 and played the beta, yet I am still weary playing that game now because of what happened the last time.

    To this day now and playing STO. I have never had my account TRIBBLE since launch...I also have a very good complex password and I change it every so often.

    Sorry to hear about your account TRIBBLE. Don't go on websites that look too easy or anything. Keyloggers are one thing...but them guessing your password would be your own fault.
  • bpharmabpharma Member Posts: 2,022
    edited May 2013
    In a VERY long podcast Gecko did mention about hacking and how to go about resolving it. If you contact PWE customer support you only have to prove you are the owner of the account. They should be able to see if you were TRIBBLE and find out. They can then attempt to restore any and all items/characters that you have lost.

    Either way contact customer support is the only thing you can do.

    It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
    A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.

    Has damage got out of control?
    This is the last thing I will post.
  • madajmamamadajmama Member Posts: 50
    edited May 2013
    Never ever share any info account or email based.When i was younger..or should i say naive i fell for a trap while playing other online game(i learned a lesson hard way).Never trust any1 when it comes to ur personal info.In this game i saw fleet leaders share their account and see what happens?fleet gone/account pass changed/bank robbed..etc.Same thing will happen to ur account guys/girls..I'am sorry for ur loss.. tho i suspect its somehow ur fault..i would start investigating ur friends ^^'

    Also the reason i can see''account got TRIBBLE ''is because of those mails in game u get.(effing bots started mailing me before 2 weeks)I know this because i got them too..saying some STO credits blah blah link to site blah blah..u get there u get keylogger.The names are always diffrent,asuming those are TRIBBLE accounts more then created accounts.

    Also the funny side was..once..Devs from other game made a homepage picture(to test how many of players would fell for it)saying''tons of free points'' and click here button.Do i need to tell u like 30%playerbase fell for it??Spamming forums with''wth hackers got into charge of game'',,,,,''why that button dosn't work'' etc..

    Its sad how many players fell for manyyyyyy cheap tricks..

    Also very sad thing is that more and more ppl will start threads about missing accounts
  • pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited May 2013
    Hi Captains,

    We take these situations very seriously. If you have received a notification that the email address on your PWE account was changed, and you were not the one who initiated the change, please take these steps to secure your account:
    1. Log into your account and change the email address back to something that you control.
    2. Change the password to something that is strong and unique.
    • The password should be between 6 and 14 characters.
    • A mixture of lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and numbers is recommended.
    • The password should NOT be the same as one you have used in the past or used on
    another account you have.
    3. Contact Customer Support if you need further assistance by sending an email directly to customerservice@perfectworld.com.
    • The subject line should read "Compromised Account".
    • Please include your PWE account name, in-game @Handle name, and original email address that was used when registering the account so we can quickly identify you.
    • Please send only one (1) ticket about this and avoid submitting duplicates.
    General guidelines to keep your account as secure as possible:
    • NEVER share your user name or password with anyone else.
    • NEVER use the same user name or password on multiple accounts.
    • NEVER visit sites advertising gold for sale in our games


    Brandon =/\=
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I thought about it a lot earlier today, and I'm feeling like the problem might not be the players, but a security compromise on their, as in Cryptic's, end. They've been having all this trouble with the Account Server recently, along with releasing Neverwinter. I'm wondering if in this confusion, somebody found a way to use a breach of some sort, to cause these problems.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • sfc#5932 sfc Member Posts: 992 Bug Hunter
    edited May 2013
    mimey2 wrote: »
    I thought about it a lot earlier today, and I'm feeling like the problem might not be the players, but a security compromise on their, as in Cryptic's, end. They've been having all this trouble with the Account Server recently, along with releasing Neverwinter. I'm wondering if in this confusion, somebody found a way to use a breach of some sort, to cause these problems.

    ALL SERVERS have had NW stress.

    This would mean that more players would be crying out that their accounts are compromised. You have no idea what's going on at Cryptic, do not make ridiculous assumptions like that if you do not know what is going on.
  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ALL SERVERS have had NW stress.

    This would mean that more players would be crying out that their accounts are compromised. You have no idea what's going on at Cryptic, do not make ridiculous assumptions like that if you do not know what is going on.

    He wasn't making an assumption, just voicing a possibility. However you are making an assumption that this hasn't affected more people. There's always a lull in active players in between seasons, some people simply get bored or finish the new content and then switch to another game while waiting for more new content.

    It's very possible that affected accounts could go unnoticed because of this, or people that only have time to play on the weekends, or even people that decided to take a break while Cryptic sorts out the server issues.

    No offense intended towards Cryptic but with all the server failures lately it would be a golden time for a hacker to compromise their security because the server is already in a compromised state because of hardware failures and it could go unnoticed as just being part of the hardware failures bringing down the system.

    Not saying that's what happened, just saying that it isn't completely impossible, as you said noone outside of Cryptic knows exactly what is going on, so don't criticize someone for making a "ridiculous assumption" when you yourself did exactly that.
  • andrewrobert1andrewrobert1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have also been TRIBBLE by the looks of it 3 days ago. This seems to be a problem at the minute as numerous people are saying the same thing. I had 15 characters of which 13 got deleted, 27000 zen stolen and about 1500 mining claims that must have been deleted with the characters amongst many other things.
  • gfreeman98gfreeman98 Member Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    2. Change the password to something that is strong and unique.
    • The password should be between 6 and 14 characters.
    • A mixture of lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and numbers is recommended.
    • The password should NOT be the same as one you have used in the past or used on another account you have.
    Check, 13 chars. :D

    I would expand on that last point, make sure your STO password is different from any other password you use for any other reason. e.g. your email acct, your bank/credit card, etc.
  • disposeableh3r0disposeableh3r0 Member Posts: 1,927 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You could also use negative passwords, typed on the other side of the login box...........
    As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?

    Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln

    Occidere populo et effercio confractus
  • matridunadan1matridunadan1 Member Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    2. Change the password to something that is strong and unique.
    • The password should be between 6 and 14 characters.
    • A mixture of lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and numbers is recommended.
    • The password should NOT be the same as one you have used in the past or used on
    another account you have.

    GRC's Perfect Passwords.

    WARNING: Best make sure you will never forget it, since if you do not even Q can help you. :D
  • rpg4everrpg4ever Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ok so something is going on today, can you log a support request to pwe so we can show them something is up!

    i had mine TRIBBLE into last night as well, it was qtcnafvt582@hotmail, im starting to sense a pattern here...
  • richandrewsrichandrews Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i got hold of branflakes the community manager.
    He got my support ticket looked at and they said:

    While it is our hope to be able to restore your character to a previous state, it is not always possible. Restoration of a character is not guaranteed. There is no certainty as to what state the character will be in once restored, or if it will be possible for us to restore it at all.

    They are all asleep now so I will have to wait until late afternoon to see if they can act on this.
    So far 3 posters in this thread have suffered a hack attempt in the last 24 hrs....i think someone found a back door to PWE if they are getting hold of usernames/passwords and getting past the account guard!
  • richandrewsrichandrews Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i got hold of branflakes the community manager.
    He got my support ticket looked at and they said:

    While it is our hope to be able to restore your character to a previous state, it is not always possible. Restoration of a character is not guaranteed. There is no certainty as to what state the character will be in once restored, or if it will be possible for us to restore it at all.

    They are all asleep now so I will have to wait until late afternoon to see if they can act on this.
    So far 4 posters in this thread have suffered a hack attempt in the last 24 hrs....i think someone found a back door to PWE if they are getting hold of usernames/passwords and getting past the account guard!

    Have you logged a support ticket to cryptic?
  • gfreeman98gfreeman98 Member Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yeah while a nice conversation piece, the fact of the matter is you'll never be able to use those. I've never seen any website that accepts that long of a password, and many sites don't even allow non-alphanumeric characters.

    When someone has been "TRIBBLE", it's usually not the case that brute force was used to crack their password. More likely is their password was discovered by malware, either infecting their local machine or on a compromised site, or by phishing. This is why it's important you don't use the same pw for everything.
  • donutsmasherdonutsmasher Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    following through the only way to break in is:

    They know my email address and pass.
    They know my pwe name and pass (different from mail username/pass)

    They log into pwe web site, it emails a code to me.
    They access my mail and get the code, delete the code and remove it from deleted items folder.
    They log into pwe site and change my email address.
    They open a game client and it emails them a code.
    They use the code and log into the game.
    Steal all my stuff, delete the characters.
    Back to the pwe site, account guard, delete the web browser and game client they used to cover their tracks.

    Now thats a load of effort to just get EC and dilithium, and requires them to know 2 sets of logins and passwords.

    The alternitive is that there is a back door somewhere letting people get pwe usernames and password, plus a way to bypass account guard.

    Either way its worrying.

    You know what is so much more likely?

    You allowed someone else access to your computer or passwords and they did this to you on purpose or you did this yourself in some bizarre ragequit style maneuver.

    All this talk about people hacking multiple passwords, or performing a mass breach of PWE's servers...yeah right, what a load of nonsense. All that effort and for what? What exactly would they do with all that Dilithium and all that Zen?

    Since neither of those two are transferable between characters outside of an account it would be utterly useless to anyone but the account holder. So what exactly would they steal? EC? Some non-bound consoles? OK, that's really worth all that effort to steal isn't it?

    Here's some solid advice. Stop lying, don't be stupid and don't let anyone else use your account in future. Oh and don't leave the notepad you have your passwords written down in just laying around, that's just asking for trouble.
    Sig by my better half.
  • madajmamamadajmama Member Posts: 50
    edited May 2013
    Here's some solid advice. Stop lying, don't be stupid and don't let anyone else use your account in future. Oh and don't leave the notepad you have your passwords written down in just laying around, that's just asking for trouble.

    Abit harsh,but true story.Since those bots keep mailing..That was the day ppl started with''i lost my account''

    I have so many accounts on other games,,pwe games etc..and u know what?None of them got TRIBBLE..same goes for facebook/email..

    Simply because no1 beside me knows the username and password.Not even the walls :cool:
  • richandrewsrichandrews Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You know what is so much more likely?

    You allowed someone else access to your computer or passwords and they did this to you on purpose or you did this yourself in some bizarre ragequit style maneuver.

    All this talk about people hacking multiple passwords, or performing a mass breach of PWE's servers...yeah right, what a load of nonsense. All that effort and for what? What exactly would they do with all that Dilithium and all that Zen?

    Since neither of those two are transferable between characters outside of an account it would be utterly useless to anyone but the account holder. So what exactly would they steal? EC? Some non-bound consoles? OK, that's really worth all that effort to steal isn't it?

    Here's some solid advice. Stop lying, don't be stupid and don't let anyone else use your account in future. Oh and don't leave the notepad you have your passwords written down in just laying around, that's just asking for trouble.

    Hi Donutsmasher.

    I have worked in the IT industry for over 10 years so I know about security.
    I run a firewall on my router.
    I run a firewall on my pc
    I run corporate anti virus on my pc
    I run anti spyware tools on my pc
    I run a peerblocking tool to monitor inbound and outbound connections
    All my mail, forum, gaming account passwords are different
    All my mail, forum, gaming account usernames are different
    No accounts details are in documents (written or digital)
    My pc is passworded and remains off unless I am using it.
    My gaming laptop is only used for STO and basic web browsing (mostly this forum) any other sites I visit are done on my iPad or Win Mobile.
    No one has ever been given my account details and I do not log into any games or mail systems on other peoples devices.

    I have never had an email, forum or game account get compromised before.

    I did say in my post the hacker went through a lot of effort for very little..They could have purchased items on the exchange and mailed them to another character?
    They could have used my dilithium to buy zen to buy keys and send them to another character?
    Very little reward for breaking into my account.

    And they managed it without triggering an account guard email that some unknown browser had logged into my account...as im not the only one in the last 24 hrs to report a hack attempt I think PWE has security problems.
  • donutsmasherdonutsmasher Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hi Donutsmasher.

    I have worked in the IT industry for over 10 years so I know about security.
    I run a firewall on my router.
    I run a firewall on my pc
    I run corporate anti virus on my pc
    I run anti spyware tools on my pc
    I run a peerblocking tool to monitor inbound and outbound connections
    All my mail, forum, gaming account passwords are different
    All my mail, forum, gaming account usernames are different
    No accounts details are in documents (written or digital)
    My pc is passworded and remains off unless I am using it.
    My gaming laptop is only used for STO and basic web browsing (mostly this forum) any other sites I visit are done on my iPad or Win Mobile.
    No one has ever been given my account details and I do not log into any games or mail systems on other peoples devices.

    I did say in my post the hacker went through a lot of effort for very little..They could have purchased items on the exchange and mailed them to another character?
    They could have used my dilithium to buy zen to buy keys and send them to another character?
    Very little reward for breaking into my account.

    And they managed it without triggering an account guard email that some unknown browser had logged into my account...as im not the only one in the last 24 hrs to report a hack attempt I think PWE has security problems.

    Which is again why I say it is utterly unbelievable that someone would go to the trouble of hacking you, some random stranger of whose account they could have no possible prior knowledge and thus not have any clue how much Zen/Dil/Items/EC you own.

    What is much more likely, as I already pointed out is that you either shared said account details somewhere, perhaps with a friend, or you pulled a ragequit maneuver and deleted your own stuff which you now regret and want to undo. I've seen both of the above scenarios play out dozens and dozens of times over the last 10-12 years, and this has the same "smell" to it.

    Now honestly, which does seem more likely? Super hackers have cracked open the account guard system and chose you and maybe one or 2 other people to TRIBBLE over; whilst also going through the tedious process of setting off at least one of the account guard triggers so you would get that email(which most likely involved actually going through the whole process of changing emails etc etc), and only then, after all that work can they find out just what useable goodies you have on your account.

    Or is it that you and the other fantastically tiny number of people with the same issue either messed up their own PC security, or were daft enough to let someone else have/see their account details?

    You are not in a movie. Angelina Jolie is not attempting to access your mainframe and Neo is not fighting for you.
    Sig by my better half.
  • richandrewsrichandrews Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ok you have your opinion of this, your entitled to that and as you dont know my PC habits first hand I have no way to prove what happened to you....so i think we should just leave the convo at that.

    btw I never understood rage quitting or throwing away a game because i lost of messed up.
    For me win or lose gaming is entertainment.

    Once I sold 10 particle traces for the price of 1. I laughed at my stupidity, my fleet loled at me, i carried on playing.

    Once on a stf my entire team refused to fight and watched me run back and forth across KIT Elite killing probes, killing cubes.
    Once i realised they were not playing fair I just parked my ship and let the mission fail
    Big woop gotta wait an hour for the mission to cool and I can try again, no reason to rage out.

    On a old RPG i once teleported to a site of a huge battle before checking If I had a spare teleport to escape again....
    I was trapped for about an hour getting killed, respawn, killed, respawn killed, losing XP each and every time.
    Signing out would not help as I would just sign into the same place..
    I had to phone a friend and ask him to get the guild together to fight their way to me and give me a route out.
    They had a good laugh at my expense but I carried on playing like nowt happened.

    If a game gives you rage why play it?
  • syberghostsyberghost Member Posts: 1,711 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    And they managed it without triggering an account guard email that some unknown browser had logged into my account...

    That almost always indicates one of two things:

    1) The hack originated from a system that was already authenticated, I.E. a system from which you logged into the account.
    2) It was your email that was TRIBBLE, and the hacker used the account guard code and then deleted the emails.

    Note that these things ALWAYS look like there's a rash of them, because there are always people getting their accounts compromised for any number of different reasons unrelated to the game companies, and when one of them sees a post, they all respond.
    Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
  • sideswiperyansideswiperyan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    syberghost wrote: »
    1) The hack originated from a system that was already authenticated, I.E. a system from which you logged into the account.

    There is one small problem with this point. Changing your account email address does not trigger an account guard verification. I've just tested it with my work PC, which I've never used to log into either the game or the website before.
  • syberghostsyberghost Member Posts: 1,711 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There is one small problem with this point. Changing your account email address does not trigger an account guard verification. I've just tested it with my work PC, which I've never used to log into either the game or the website before.

    Logging into the game subsequently, however, does.
    Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
  • sideswiperyansideswiperyan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yes, but you seem to be missing my point.

    By logging into the game website, you are able to change the account email address. This action does not trigger an account guard verification. Once the change is complete, which strangely requires verification of the new address only, any future account guard verifications will be sent to the new address only. Can you see the slight security flaw here? ;)
  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yes, but you seem to be missing my point.

    By logging into the game website, you are able to change the account email address. This action does not trigger an account guard verification. Once the change is complete, which strangely requires verification of the new address only, any future account guard verifications will be sent to the new address only. Can you see the slight security flaw here? ;)
    The STO site does what every website does: notifies if you your email address has been changed. That gives you the opportunity to correct the situation.

    Account Guard does it's job as well, it notifies you when another computer is trying to log into your account.

    Thus you have 2 different notifications that something is amiss - and thus 2 different opportunities to take steps and/or contact Support and nip it in the bud.

    There's no way to prevent a hack. If someone wants to hack you they will hack you. All the systems can do is try and make you aware there's a problem so that you can take the steps to make sure it goes no further.
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If a game gives you rage why play it?
    That is the question that is impossible to answer. :)

    There have been so many rage-quit threads on the forum over the years that Cryptic's policy is to not even allow them now - once they're seen they're immediately closed.

    Gamers are a passionate bunch. If you spend enough time reading game forums you'll see hundreds of posts from players threatening something if X isn't rectified immediately. Heck, just look at all the posts on the forum about the maintenance over the last week. I bet I can find at least a dozen post from people swearing they'll never spend another penny on STO or play it again just due to the down-times this week.

    The reason Vulcans decided to start suppressing their emotions was due to out-of-control gamer forum rage. Really. It's canon. :D
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • sideswiperyansideswiperyan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    The STO site does what every website does: notifies if you your email address has been changed. That gives you the opportunity to correct the situation.

    Account Guard does it's job as well, it notifies you when another computer is trying to log into your account.

    Thus you have 2 different notifications that something is amiss - and thus 2 different opportunities to take steps and/or contact Support and nip it in the bud.

    There's no way to prevent a hack. If someone wants to hack you they will hack you. All the systems can do is try and make you aware there's a problem so that you can take the steps to make sure it goes no further.

    Account Guard does not provide notifications in all cases. It does cover game logins, as well as activating features on your account (ie, redeeming CD keys from retail boxes, the Del Taco Promotion code, etc.) and STO Gateway.

    It does not however cover changes to your account email address or password, and herein lies the problem. It is entirely possible for someone to maliciously log into an account, trigger an email address change, and then log into the game without the owner of the account receiving notification of anything beyond the email address change, by which point it is usually too late to prevent anything from occurring.

    Most other games and services that I use that have a similar verification code system require you to provide a verification code prior to allowing an email address change. In the event that you've lost access to the email account associated with your game/service account, you contact the service providers support department, and prove that you are the original owner of the account usually by verifying a security question (eg, "Who was your first teacher?"), payment details, or less common now a CD key used to register your account.

    Yes, it's not possible to prevent account breaches 100% of the time, however it is possible to put in road blocks to make it as hard as possible. At the moment, Cryptic's road block isn't actually that effective.
  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Account Guard does not provide notifications in all cases. It does cover game logins, as well as activating features on your account (ie, redeeming CD keys from retail boxes, the Del Taco Promotion code, etc.) and STO Gateway.

    It does not however cover changes to your account email address or password, and herein lies the problem. It is entirely possible for someone to maliciously log into an account, trigger an email address change, and then log into the game without the owner of the account receiving notification of anything beyond the email address change, by which point it is usually too late to prevent anything from occurring.

    Most other games and services that I use that have a similar verification code system require you to provide a verification code prior to allowing an email address change. In the event that you've lost access to the email account associated with your game/service account, you contact the service providers support department, and prove that you are the original owner of the account usually by verifying a security question (eg, "Who was your first teacher?"), payment details, or less common now a CD key used to register your account.

    Yes, it's not possible to prevent account breaches 100% of the time, however it is possible to put in road blocks to make it as hard as possible. At the moment, Cryptic's road block isn't actually that effective.
    Again, Account Guard does not cover changes to your account, but the website covers that. If your password or email address is changed you are notified. Thus you can take the steps to deal with it.

    In other words, as long as you're using a real email address you instantly know if someone tries to change your password, change your email address, or log into your game. And you can take instant steps to stop them - as the emails provide a link stating what to do if you didn't authorize the change.

    That's all any system can do.
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • richandrewsrichandrews Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    Again, Account Guard does not cover changes to your account, but the website covers that. If your password or email address is changed you are notified. Thus you can take the steps to deal with it.

    In other words, as long as you're using a real email address you instantly know if someone tries to change your password, change your email address, or log into your game. And you can take instant steps to stop them - as the emails provide a link stating what to do if you didn't authorize the change.

    That's all any system can do.

    Its just a shame it happened at 6am whilst i was still sleeping!
    I logged in at 7:30am to find everything gone!
  • usiell#2598 usiell Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    honestly dont know if this is related

    but for the last couple of days, my security programs have been going a little nuts about the error reporter program in STO

    specifically, they all report that there are ''suspicious modifications'' to the program

    now, i havent crashed out of STO in quite a while, so i have no reason at all for the program (error reporter) to be running like this

    most times its come up, i havent even been in STO so far that day

    think its related?
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