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Will the Romulan get a perfect Cloak?(working as Intended)



  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'm done. You've convinced yourself that your own wants are more important to the story than the story itself.

    When you're ready to have an adult conversation based on the facts of the game's lore, and not your own irrational demands let me know. Until then, keep living in your wonderful self-delusion that everything you want should given to you on a silver platter for no other reason than you want it.

    this is how i feel, good way of putting it..
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Imagine how horrible PVP would be if Feds couldn't cloak!

    they didn't for a good while to
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • lordagamemnonb5lordagamemnonb5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    This reminds of of some Star Trek humor I read on a Starfleet Command (the game) forum that probably applies here:

    "The Federation, at the earliest oppurtunity, will sign a treaty that will end up TRIBBLE the Federation and Starfleet over in the future."

    Just an attempt to add some humor.
    sollvax wrote: »
    Soldier with Rifle = military asset
    concealed sniper with rifle = assassin/terrorist

    The sad thing is that he actually believes that.

    So I guess US Army Sniper School is out of the question for my career options. :(
    I'm done. You've convinced yourself that your own wants are more important to the story than the story itself.

    When you're ready to have an adult conversation based on the facts of the game's lore, and not your own irrational demands let me know. Until then, keep living in your wonderful self-delusion that everything you want should given to you on a silver platter for no other reason than you want it.

    There is no such thing as an adult converstion with her; you either agree with her over 9000% or you aren't worthy of being on the same forum as her.

    No room for compromise or seeing things from the other perspective.

    Then again it is a common trait for the hardcore trekies; the picking a choosing of what lore to follow and what lore to ignore, and then trying to argue that lore can't be ignored.
    How the Devs see Star Trek, apparently:
    Star Trek: The Original Grind
    Star Trek: The Next Grind
    Star Trek: Deep Space Grind
    Star Trek: Voyage to the Grind
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Pvp without fed cloaks would be balanced , fair and honourable

    The Federation WINS without cloaks

    with them it merely hides
    Live long and Prosper
  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    so i hate to do this lol, but im gonna get back on topic

    a good romulan cloak to me would be a battle cloak that has no cool down.

    further more, i feel like the burst damage bonus should be larger than the cloaks already in the game, however, to balance it, you would need to make it have a disadvantage. and i dont really know what that is.. maybe make it take a debuff to targetting or something for the same amount of time it has the damage buff.. or maybe a longer recharge rate on the weapons power after it fires.. for a set amount of time..

    lets face it, in the show, romulan cloaks were superior, its what they were known for..
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Heh.... Honor in battle? such a medeival concept. A fight to the death should always be no holds barred.

    Honor is for duels and contests. In real fights, it's a liability.

    EDIT: I like the idea of giving Romulans Phasing Cloaks. Thus giving them a high damage resist temporarily after decloaking.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    daan2006 wrote: »
    they didn't for a good while to
    Wait, how can that be? That would have been horribly imbalanced. How would the federation even find the Klingons with all those cloaks. Luckily the Feds had Fed vs. Fed PVP as a way to avoid such imbalance.
  • rpg4everrpg4ever Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    There's so much to say, but I'm to lazy, so i'll summarise, for the whole trojan horse thing, klingons got there cloak tech from romulans too, so why haven't the romulans gone in and blown up all the klingon ships. Cloaked ship survivability, off the top of my head, i cant recall a cloaked ship being destroyed in one hit, disabled, badly damaged, yes, but not actually blown up, there are phaser sniper rifles in sto, and look to be of federation design, plus sniper rifles are often used by not snipers, but a designated marksman for the purpose of cover fire, not assassination, not even gonna try to reason with you calling swat snipers terrorists.

    As i recall Rikers problem was not with the cloak, but rather it broke the treaty, especially since he uses it in all good things, and when the fed usally uses cloak its a case of oh snap where in too deep, retreat, or just to avoid a fight in the first place, so it doesn't seem not starfleet anyway if used to avoid a fight.

    The unbalance in pvp is why i haven't played in a pvp match in over a year, fed or kdf officer.

    Gene was the whole reason for the feds not getting cloak, as he was the one that found it sneaky and that they had nothing to hide, although as we've seen time and again, the higher ups are often sneaky, and once others had say over the show, the fed seemed to be using cloak when convenient ( such as the defiant, observing prewarp civilizations).

    In short, i agree with the people that find it silly and stupid to uphold the treaty since they are, for all intents and purposes, are at war with whats left of the romulan empire, thus its purpose is now defunct, that said, if they decided to make it so that the president says no cloak, then theres no point in arguing it, though i wouldnt be surprised if he meant an early demise at the hands of section 31 if they felt that cloak was important enough.

    Also its very convenient for cryptic, wanna have a cloak for a fed character? you can!, but you have to use the c-store to get it, so more money spending.

    As for the original meaning for this post, i agree, it would be nice, but i dont see it, or it would prove that it is possible to do, and if it where possible, there would be a FLOOD of complaints from kdf ( and what fed players that do have cloak) to have it as well, as they should to make it fair, unless of course its only available on a c-store ship, then i can see it being ok.

    ..., guess that wasn't much of a summery, but still shorter then if i replied to everything i wanted to.
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