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rialgi Arc User



  • Haaa I payed them for life and I was way over an 1000
  • I am a life time member and I been queued for an hr. They need to get the server space back fron the new dnd game
  • free ha I have a life account.. not that it is what I complaining but my lil baby asleep and don't get a chance to play often...... had the same prob with wow lol
  • with STO yes others no....... is sto that bad on recovery
  • Are they giving any time frame.
  • Shareholders! Yep! thanks!
  • Yep #1 half&half, Animal stile! dubbled and stacked! and Super size that 7UP. cause us SBOs' don't pay enough tax, and get told all the time how to spend hour hard earned money. earned for the Goods and survices we provide! Webdeath, cool sig, and %85, who says I don't murder anyone for that, after all I drive a car, smoke…
  • Thats not cool! maybe my job choice of Admin was not a good one. I should have ben a programmer when I growup, that way I too can make choices based on absolutly whatever doesnot make sense. Is that PD torp firing normal sized torps? HOW! that makes sense Hey ship buildes at starfleet command, or whatever replicator they…
  • The Ship Creator Programmer Dude, says he just hands out a 1000 hitpoint bonus here and there and really doesn't think about what he's doing! Oh wait that would mean they/He would have to come up with a ship design system that works. Warpcores, we don't need no stingkin warpcores. i do find it funny that the Lockbox ships…
  • Awe Man you did not go there! The SFU is not Neotrek! Believe me, I have had more than a few WT....S from SFU to Trek, Point 1 is consistency, SFU is that in spades. Trek is all about whos story is being written at the time. Mr. Rodenbary was a Passifist, the SFU is Not. That is after all StarFleet Battles. This is Trek.…
  • Public fleet controled by Cryptic! Perfect idea, they could even call them STARFLEET, and the Klingon Deep Space fleet!
  • yes they fit don't say anything, some ones going to cry that My stocker has to meny guns on it? Auto turret, PDP, stealth mod...quad phaser cannon and either FLT'Torp or TRI'Co. not to mention an engine from one fighter the shield from another, the deflector, still in testing stage. any ideas?
  • To all the Grasshoppers, The smell of baked frish bread maybe a wunderful thing each morning; however, Replicators spit it out fully formed! Rapid fire seed time! Run to that job to work for nothing, Except the joy of Klingon DeepSpace Fleet BLASTING! The proliferation of war means IT Baddly continuously excitingly…
    in rules... Comment by rialgi June 2012
  • Well I think for Class its the Constitution: Why? "ST II. like some others Starships that are Iconic, trampfrators. Stile. This thread prooves we need to be able to rank up hour Ships. Here 90% are saying the Fav ship is the one that does the most damage, takes the most damage, or blowsup the most things. Few are saying…
  • Thank You! was starting to write this down and Well, Really Thanks!
  • one question and a request? First isn't that phaserlance a weapon on a ship really made for team play? And what are the stats for the Gal'R? Personally My playstile is not stand there and take it until superweapon blowsup the target, However one of my buds most certainly likes 10KM shoot move back a little shoot move back…
  • Thanks anyway, Markets good. Fleece them all so we can hear about it later. Good luck
  • What could we say bad about PWE. There the Hoastest with the mostest, bestest? certainly prolifically agresively opertunistic, sorse of Trek we've Never seen! And thats Grrr'ate! Funness with the oneness! Its all the falt of the DOFFS' packs. if this is the last please all remember Me?
  • can I buy one of those off You? Did the same with 2 gamma packs two bugs in a roe! man there went my Loto ticket.
  • Hey I'll totally take credit for the 400M bug, Promise you that 500M Frators' not mine, if it was I'd sell thousands of them for 1Mil a piece and retire. Its a real good ship for a player who likes to trundle round Doffing and making things to sell. As before Next payday, perhaps?
  • I think the best thing I've heard all day was the 6pack, now some Duty officer time I could like. After watching white green blues and purples, streamming on by, its the frators job, to not make the peoples cry! Besides I did get a drink with one of my Doffpacks, cool! and no Tuffie, awe well, next paycheck, perhaps, Even…
  • Design powerfully, create with Flare.
  • James Earl Jones is the voice that scared the lights out of me as a kid. Although as a STO Captain? Its all good until the Boffs' phaser strike misses. 400 others just weighting to take their place. Salma Hayek, Cheech Tobi Keith, Howerd Sturn, Sean Connery, The Govonator, Rosalind Allen, Way too many too choose from.…
  • I've not ben here long enough to understand to whom is truly Useful, however, Some are truly way more intertainment! I'll vote though for the user with the live long and prosper handle. Allthough I just saw someone with like 90+ posts. in two days? thats allott of things too say.
  • Really guys, its way easy for us to say/post/complain, when its the Devs' that spend there time looking at Code so we can have fun. then spend hours blowing stuff up. Thank you too all the Devs' game testers and even each of us in the STO community who have Constructive things to say and play in the times we live.
  • You know I'll probably get banned for saying this. However I am so Super tired of seeing people more than a few times a day post HOWMUCH they hate aspects about STO. Lockboxes, promo packs, EVAILL Devs for making us GAMBLE! Freaken GROWUP! Take responsibility for your own actions and just simply do not buy the Freaken…
  • Funny thing is for a while I have no Csp either, then when for a late fothers day present My Son decided to get me a lifetime membership, with out asking me! PWE took the money for the LTM, gave me back the correct number of Csp, but will not let me either perchase more, and did not give me the 400points I am suposed to…