honestly a whole season of episodes dealing with, say a rogue Ferengi trying to sell stolen alliance technology to small fringe powers or even boost low warp/pre-warp civs to build their own alliance from scratch would fit the bill.
bribe the lower decks people to animate one in the background of an episode. Any appearance of a ship in a show seems to dramatically improve the odds of it appearing... except maybe the marquis/voyager kitbash and that was an April fools appearance
I think the best twist would be its not really mirror Wesley as the evil emperor - its the prime Wesley. He's bouncing between universes pretending to be good in one and the dominant evil in the other. He's everything wrong with humanity that Q ever accused us of with too much power.
I just use the phoenix packs for tech upgrades, and when available upgrading starships with the -x upgrades when available. Occasionally tribble or bridge officers but really tech upgrades still seem to make the most sense for gear
honestly if you were going that route I would say a campaign where the ship pulls you back to the era it originally served for some missions. like 3-5 missions in TOS era or the Original series Movie era (post ST VI? lots of possible content on tensions and follow up from the first accords - on the other hand a campaign…
usually the bad event rewards end up working out ok for one of my alts. Might be bad for the main-of-the-moment but when starting a new alt and filling slots what was unappealing suddenly becomes useful
Disco Connie is a great carrier, and Cardassian Science Intel ship is also a LOT of fun IMO. both have borderline dreadnaught weapon layouts with 2 full hangars for pets and can punch pretty good even without the pets. Cardie ship can cloak, which is really not something i tend to use often but nice to have,
i think it could be really good. i could also see the RP crowd just LOVE it because it feels like a Trek thing to do: responding to a distress call. DPS chasers can show off the DPS, social types get to be social, kind of win-win.
If its a PC wioth the black screen issue - select force verify on options with the laucher to clean it up. Then remember to do that every patch day and you'll be fine. Its a touch annoying but sure beats fighting with the black screen
There are only 2 kinds of ships - account unlocked (good) and character unlock (expensive) know what bucket the ship you want fits in and plan accordingly. For me, i'd avoid it because I am biased only for account unlocks because I like my alts having the same ship as an option. That is clearly my bias and I might be…
Definitely feeling wait and see. The 10th anniversary bundle was dang near perfect - lots of ships that reflected various Star Trek series. The 11th anniversary I was a little reluctant at first but the legendaries were the ships i liked to play and the klingons getting some legendaries was nice. right now its all "eh?"…
That definitely sucks. Protostar is one of the better looking ship designs of late from a non-STO source. I would expect the "small Starship mafia" would be all over the chance to pilot one. (Because having a ship that can turn and take hits is always nice) Also the whole industrial replicator shuttle building mechanics…
I suspect you might just need to run everything on lower settings for it to work. Yes a newer video card might be good (assuming its not a laptop) but if you turn off enough stuff you might be able to limp through and work
Humans as a klingon faction race. After all these wars some humans are going to figure out maybe a more bellicose faction is a better home for humanity. Better yet - Terran empire refugee/defector as part of the empire with escapees from the mirror universe finding life in another empire more comfortable/familiar than the…
Well if they do the next legendary pack like they did the last one, Akira Nebula for the Fed ships and then 2 more klingon or maybe Romulan/Cardassian/Dominion would leave a lot of great options out there. Maybe Legendary Galor and Bug ?