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oldkilldare Arc User



  • can't you buy these in the rep store later ? afaik you don't get things in the boxes you can only get in the boxes (unless they are blue cause all the store versions are XII purples). ps. sry for the double post i screwed up.
  • it maybe helps is you think of the proton damage proc and the consoles and set bonuses that affect it as akin to plasma burn damage and plasma burn boosting through certain... consoles and set bonuses...that has been "all the rage" in some quarters recently... imo that's basically what they were going for. except with a…
  • i think you need to watch that episode again. i will say just one thing about it: if "doctrine" is so "engrained" why did the council of Elders feel the need to stop Voth society from ever hearing of Gegens work ? there is a fundamental difference between supposedly not wanting to hear something and not being allowed to…
  • what like if you had bought a pile of fed Leechs when they were under 200k.. :P
  • the original design intent for Klingons was for them to be much like Creeps in LOTRO. not a faction at all but something for feds to do if they fancied temporarily playing a pvp focused alter ego. tbh they were lucky they got a city. they could have easily ended up with just a "choose your class/weapon" interface akin to…
  • i dont understand. surely fleet tactical consoles can't be sold on the exchange ? and if they can't be...well its probably not going affect tactical console prices on the exchange that much. because you're assuming the market for both items are the same...which they aren't. not in their entirety any way.
  • Elder Scrolls Online is going to be a big game because it's Elder Scrolls Online...i mean c'mon Skyrim is the only western game ever to get 40/40 in Famitsu...Elder Scrolls is a genuinely massive international brand...that and it's a near perfect candidate for a console MMO...probably the first that will pull such things…
  • conan, warhammer, and fallen earth are operating but almost dead....especially fallen earth which was basically the eve of ground combat....there probably less than 1000 people by the fans own estimation playing fallen earth atm...they are literally expecting the switch to be thrown any day now. i am disinclined to count…
  • PVP MMOs fail for the following reasons: developers overestimate demand based on noise a new game is developed to pander to all their apparent desires. hype builds prior to the games release and prospective players taunt their existing games devs and denizens about how much better their new game will be. game launches…
  • eve, ****, conan, warhammer, and fallen earth do i get a cookie ? could probably list more if i thought about it how about shooter only ones ? firefall, world of tanks, planetside 2, tribes, and destiny (although that's not out yet and they keep trying to deny it's an mmo) extra cookie ? no cookie ? :( edit -for some…
  • not everyone is in a fleet or even wants to be. not everyone is rich enough to consider mk xii purples "cheap". rep gear, while nice, does not fill every want or desire. people do crazy things like fly non-optimal builds because they like certain beam colors... some people still want normal antiprotons cause the Voth ones…
  • dil cost pretty much killed crafting stone dead. its completely stupid atm that you can basically buy a console or something for near enough the same amount dil but to craft one you need piles of mats (which represent invested time) as well. there may be hope however because that dil cost was added (to up the grind) by a…
  • on the other hand you can't be all things to all men. and while you should maybe give your weaknesses some attention you should also play to your strengths. not even WoW is all things to all men. damn game has had 3 times as many people people try it and say "no" than were playing it (at the time) according to Rob Pardo in…
  • that's not true. there are sites which track MMO populations and many of them go up as well as down depending on various factors. it's not all /\_ as you suggest this game is one of them and is a FAR healthier state than it has been at many points in the past. indeed there were, in my estimation, easily more people playing…
  • i know some people give him a lot of stick but i actually think he's steered the game to this point rather well under pretty difficult circumstances.
  • ye i know :s if it pans out anything like what i wrote i hope they compensate the authors involved healthily. Valve would hire them ;) but then i did basically say they should somehow let the fans make the content in my very first "dear john" to STO so i can't really say to much about that... at the same time the STO team…
  • *very quiet voice* actually the doff system was basically one guy working on an idea mostly on his own and is just a big grind of a "collect cards" game... there is apparently going to be a move to incorporate the foundry more closely into the game. Sthal has been talking about each planet people beam down to while…
  • ALL MMOs have "grinds"...its a question of how well they can make the "grind" "fun"...how well it is "camouflaged" behind the players level of enjoyment of what s/he's doing. there are no "end game" activities in MMOs that aren't "grinds" from a certain over analytical pov : "high end PVE" is a grind of gear, often…
  • i wasn't aware we had actually had ground pvp atm :| well...maybe just a little...not something my conscious mind counted as a playable option tho...
  • thanks for the answer :) even if its not what id have preferred to hear :( kind of bummed out now...borg shield looked TRIBBLE on it too and that was my initial aim...the Reman ship materials were a fall back idea...i don't like its shiny finish atm and wanted it to look more matt and Borg-y...
  • it might just be my memory play tricks on me but i'm pretty sure i've been seeing redesigns of some of the Dominion NPCs and do-dahs on maps featuring the True-Way while playing through some episode reruns recently. if i'm right it may be a sign they are working on new Dominion/True-Way content. after all after seeing…
  • do you get the ship materials with this ? normally if you buy the playable Reman unlock you get two ship materials that can also be used by Romulan captains on your account. i have a Romulan captain and i kinda want those ship materials. sooo...do you get them with this rep unlock of playable Remans ? :eek: also if anyone…
  • what if you buy the unlock as silver, sub for a while, and then go back to silver ? i ask because that's what i'm doing atm. as for the OP, my feeling generally is there should possibly be some form of overflow mechanic. there is in other F2P games. if it makes you feel any better i stand to lose 1/2 million to a million…
  • well he was talking recently about a much closer in game tie in with work coming out of the foundry (i think it was in relation to "exploration" content). if that happens you'd get a good bit focus on the foundrys functionality one would think.
  • its quite obvious to me, given how the developer interaction "to save pvp...or not..." went and how they keep introducing "whacky consoles", abilities and new and better fleet stuff willy nilly now that they've pretty much given up on allusions towards "balanced" "skill based" "one on one" space PvP...instead preferring to…
  • this is actually not a bad suggestion. the foundry is basically a stripped down "user-friendly-ised" version of their own "tools" software. classically pvp map creation software for FPSs and the like is basically the same thing. but it would require a lot of leg work first...including the creation of (hopefully mutiple)…
  • yes, because there were no "hard" video games ever before, during and after the birth of internet multiplayer "PvP"... if you want "hardcore PvP" go play EvE...which like most PvP focused MMOs topped out at less than half a million players...
  • i see no reason some form of active participation/auto kick & time ban system couldn't be put together. there are numerous similar mechanics in various MMO PVP Battlegrounds similar to the Voth ground zone that could be sources of inspiration. and if STO does make more ground zones like this that are PVP (and i for one…
  • yes, yes, very good. "Ugg make firestick go boom". here's a gold star, you can go back to sleep now and i'll be sure to wake you when Galaga 2.0 wins Game Of The Year.
  • i would very much support Battlegrounds like this in STO. i think they would fit both thematically and now systemically. the only real major tweak needed being the automatic isolation of separate instances "zone" channels and to my mind that could be seemingly be accomplished with some very simplistic scripting of the…