experimental proton weapon is to low on dps it cant out dps total damage of cutting beam and cutting beam is rear weapon while experimental proton weapon is fore,my cutting beam done over 10-12% of my damage while proton weapon 10%

it need to be 360% degree to or have higher dps by 50% to can be close to dps of other fore weapons
but this 10% is allready with cannon rapid fire 3 it done 4-5% whit no skills and some 5-6% with them so 10-11% total but on cutting beam skills dose not work and it done over 10-12% and proton proc all most never proc
It is a PROTON weapon. Meaning you have to boost your proton damage for it to do boo.
Try making a Proton-Centric build using Protonic Polarons and all the Voth gear, including the Voth Tac consoles and Rep gear. You WILL sing a different tune my friend.
Edit: Your Crit Rate is your Crit chance, Not Severeity FYI.
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
Problem being that there are no tactical consoles, last I checked, that boost Proton damage directly. It only can be boosted indirectly through "beams/cannnons" consoles which are weaker.
Also Polarons are ONLY useful in an energy drain build and the direct to hull damage of these is insignificant compared to Romulan Plasma or just raw critical damage from Antiprotons.
While this weapon does have a powerful ability with the full set it is otherwise a drain on total DPS I am afraid and generally the Protonic Polarons are also next to worthless. If you are running an energy drain build then Polarized Disruptors or Fleet Polarons are superior. If you are not running an energy drain build then you should not be using Polarons to begin with.
On the other hand on the ground everytime the proton proc goes off your looking at a 100 damage hit to health, which is about 10-20% of your targets health depending on the target. Hardly what I would call balanced. The excuse of space crits being higher is not valid, using the gambling device plus ground traits a tactical officer can get his critical rate over 30%, and thats without boffs in omega sets.
The idea of using the +proton damage tac consoles from the rep is rediculous, they are only +20 to base weapon damage, on a 5 tac console ship your sacrificing +60 to your base damage (Using fleet tac consoles) just for the proton damage increase. That is not a good trade off, not good at all.
They need to either buff the experimental proton weapons damage by allot or make it 360 degree weapon so it can be used in place of a turret, who's dps it about matches. Another solution would be to make proton weapons available, not just proton procs, so we can do full proton weapon setups and with proton damage consoles instead of this split damage type nonsense.
If nothing is done then the experimental proton weapon is going to be one of those one we see on a ship and shake our heads.
Shame they are polaron based, which for me, I wouldn't use
I'm pretty sure there are Voth rep consoles that boost Proton damage and accuracy.
this console give only 20% some and 10% to proton weapon so i would lose dps of all weapons by 40% to give 40% boost to proton one my dhc dose over 30% of my dps while proton only 10% or 3 times less even 4 tac proton consloes would not help it to out dps 1 dhc and proc is bugged looks like i never seen it to proc this extra damage
Punctuation; is, great! You' should- try/ some.
You can get some insane torp damage with +photon tac consoles, 2-piece honor guard/adapted maco, the 3-piece experimental proton set, and the ferengi lobi console. The experimental proton weapon can also use beam overload, giving you a shield stripper for your torpedos.
I really have no idea why people believe that the tac consoles add much damage. 7-8% total increase, last I checked. Four 2.5% Acc mods should do at least that much extra damage if not more, especially in PvP...
Also, the proc is based on criticals, so if your crit chance is high, your proc rate is going to be high. If you're hitting on alpha for a 25% crit rate, it means that one out of every sixteen hits will proc -- more than twice as often as a normal weapon proc.
it works like this on proton weapon to ...so i would lose 40% bonus from all weapons to give 40% to proton so i wold lose 120 dps x2 on dhc and some 60dpsx3 from my turrets to give 130 dps to proton weapon i know how tac consoles work
130 DPS is nothing. Accuracy is king -- hit boost, crit boost, crit damage boost. You're basically just losing [Dmg] modifiers. Also, with the Accuracy boost, you're gaining more procs. I might have to make a build based around this when I hit T5 just to stomp people.
It's only the new fleet consoles that will obsolete this build.
Onto the topic at hand, get the Proton Particle Stabilizer and the Gravimetric Photon Torpedo and you have yourself a great weapon in the Experimental Proton Weapon.
The bolded part is of course your opinion, and it is not a fact, by the way. Just because you think it's useless doesn't make it true. Oh and in case you conveniently forgot, the weapon is extremely useful against the Voth.
I parsed my regular loadout (3 DHCs/1 Torp/1KCB/2 Turrets) in eSTFs a few times before I got the Exp Proton Weapon. Once I got the Exp Proton Weapon, I swapped out one of the DHCs for it. The weapon does less damage than one of the DHCs, but my overall damage went up by around 1k DPS.
The reduced power drain and increased critical chance (from the 2-item set bonus) appears to have offset the damage decrease in that one weapon slot.
You are wrong actually.
I have unlocked the stores within the Dyson Rep. They do not offer Antiproton based space weapons, that the Voth use. They offer Protonic Polaron, the same as in the rep boxes.
The only way to get true Voth weaponry, is too gamble on scam boxes.
This is a shame, as the other reps offer the correct weapons that the species use.
Thanks, I was wondering about this. And of course the higher the crit chance. The more valuable the exp proton would be. By itself, it is trash....anyone that care about damage can see that
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
There are consoles that boost Proton damage but that can only be found sometimes in the boxes that you get when you fill a one of the rep projects in the new rep system.
I've have a couple of very rare tac consoels that boost Proton and quantum torp damage but to be honest the consoles are not much to talk about, sure they can boost 2 damage types but its 20% for the Proton and even less for the 2nd.
imo that's basically what they were going for.
except with a different base weapon type and no DOT obviously.
afaik you don't get things in the boxes you can only get in the boxes (unless they are blue cause all the store versions are XII purples).
ps. sry for the double post i screwed up.
I thought that's what the Dev's WANT us to do. Specialize in having a different set up for each enemy? Personaly, I hate having to do this and I'm always looking for a set-up I can take everywhere. But that's just me.
I have purple mk XII tac consoels that boost Proton Damage that I been getting out of the rep boxes since I hit T3 in the rep and I also been getting Purple versions of the junk science consoels has well.
Use the one hour rep project has much has you can and you will increase your odds of getting the Purple consoels
I should be hitting T5 in the rep this week and then I'll be passing rep tokens along to my all my alts so I can do it all again
this consoles dose not work on it tested beam and cannon consoles