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I am done with the battlezone - too many moochers

newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
Mods this is not a 'command credit' issue

The issue is working your tail off capturing the battlezone as a group of 3 or 4 people then 10 others that were standing around afk suddenly come to life to fight the V-rex boss battles.

To make matters worse - you can be at one end of the map having battled for 40 min and the V-rex spawns but you can't run fast enough to get to the zone before its killed and you don't get any cyber implant credit - sorry this is bad design.

Once most people have enough Dyson marks I expect the battlezone to be a deadzone.

This is becoming a major issue - and I am not one to complain much - so that says something.

Also the running around is getting to be too much - especially in the city section where there are not enough bridge connections and you spend half you time back-tracking.

Perhaps I may go back if they fix some of these issues - a player should have part:icipated in the capture of X(I would say 4 min) amount of areas to qualify for the boss rewards - that is fair.

Edit: after feedback I came up with a solution that would fix the zone hopping issue where people hop around looking for zones almost completed:

After a zone reaches 75% captured a lock is put that prevents any new players from coming into the zone until it resets. The lock could also be lifted if a player leaves as real life and disconnects happen. After the 75% capture Mark I don't think more player help is needed and this would divert any new player or any hoppers to zones at less than 75% capture which actually need the help. This way the people that worked to get it to 75% and then completed get the rewards they deserve and other players are diverted to maps that need the help. I think this is the fairest solution.
Post edited by newromulan1 on


  • longasclongasc Member Posts: 490
    edited November 2013
    You have a point there!
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    You must be doing something wrong. I have never once seen the first rex go down before I could run to it. The areas aren't that big. Usually, there is even time to hit another rex after killing the first. Sometimes all three. It depends on how the players are spread out between the 3 areas.

    If you really are having problems with that, the control meter is visible at all times. Just make sure you're near the boss sector when its about to fill.
  • battykoda0battykoda0 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Not that I don't agree because I agree 100%, but I have found a pattern to run to minimize this.

    Always keep an eye on the overall control meter. When it is getting close, make sure you are at the closest capture to the boss spot in your area. If you notice that you have captured everything that you have been on so far by yourself, then do this. If it is too far away, damn the torpedoes and full steam ahead. I figure if you capture both cannons and both cap & holds solo, then no one is doing anything in your area. Run to the boss and wait there.

    Another tactic is to not retake the transporter over and over. When the area is about to be captured, leave it red. That way, no one mucking around in the command center waiting for the boss fight is going to beam in and kill the boss while you run over. Of course, you are not going to beam over to the 2nd boss either but hey, you got one. EDIT: But be prepared to hold off the Omega stealing Medics solo while trying to avoid V-Rex affection. If you die, you aren't getting back either.

    Of course, this is not much better than the feigned AFK boss mobbers but it is much better for you. It only took me once to be blocked from any credit to change my game plan. I hate playing that way but I don't want to play all day for someone else either. If there are other things being captured and I can tell others are busting it on the ground doing it, I will cap up the end. Teamwork... in this zone, it does have an I in it.
    Wow. There is a new KDF Science ship. I'll be!
  • paulymanpaulyman Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Yes the map and the control bar can be very helpful. First off use the map. If you see the control bar almost completed and there is a red zone with the blue symbol in it showing that it is about to be allied controlled move towards the V-Rex.

    No the city does not have a lot of connections in it but learn to navigate it. The transporter is not always the best choice to get where you need to go. Remember that most areas can be accessed via the outside ring. I find it easier to get to the V-Rex from the command center than the transporter in the city.

    There is not a single pool of loot that you must share from. You get the same loot if 10 "leechers" help you kill the V-Rex as you do if you solo it. Relax and have fun. Spend less time worrying about what everybody else in the zone is doing and you will have a much more pleasant gameplay experience.
  • omegaphallicomegaphallic Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I tend to prefer fighting on maps that already have like 14 people to start off with, I've never run into this problem as the max players are 20 on an instance so at max 5 afkers can join in on the battle. Then when the timer is up I move onto the next map with a boat load of players.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    You get more marks by capturing control points than they get by standing around. Just laugh at them.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    You get more marks by capturing control points than they get by standing around. Just laugh at them.
    And Dil. The Rex fights are a pittance compared to what you get for capturing each point in a section.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited November 2013
    Yes keeping track of the meter would help - but here is what happened today:

    In the park section I captured the omega gen which is on the exact opposite side of where the V-rex spawns - the outskirts and the city have a spawn closer to the center

    So about 7-8 afkers beam into the park and the beam in is close to the V-rex spawn - by the time I get there these cyber implant moochers - which can be turned into dilithium I think- have killed the V-rex and I get no credit.

    So yeah to that poster above - they ruined my game. Was it my fault for busting my butt and getting caught at the other side of the park while they all just waited for me and a friend to do the hard work and miss the drop - I guess so because that's how this zone rolls - right??
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Actually you are wrong, there is a couple of exploits with Rexes that allows players to easily farm Dilithum.

    But I agree with the OP, it's getting stupid. Just this morning I was running between spots in the Outskirts and there was like 4 people just waiting for the Rex to spawn. When it did, I returned and they were gone. :(

    Then you got the Transporter campers, waiting for easy credits. Then those stealing Credits without doing a single thing. And of course how stupid flawed the system is where you hardly have to lift a finger to get credit.

    More and more people are using these lame tactics that I'm willing to bet we can forget about any future Territory Control in STO. And with nothing in the patches except sound effects for picking up those stupid pink balls, looks like the Devs are overlooking this. Which is ironic since they nerfed Tour the Galaxy and the Foundry farming.
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited November 2013
    Actually you are wrong, there is a couple of exploits with Rexes that allows players to easily farm Dilithum.

    But I agree with the OP, it's getting stupid. Just this morning I was running between spots in the Outskirts and there was like 4 people just waiting for the Rex to spawn. When it did, I returned and they were gone. :(

    Then you got the Transporter campers, waiting for easy credits. Then those stealing Credits without doing a single thing. And of course how stupid flawed the system is where you hardly have to lift a finger to get credit.

    More and more people are using these lame tactics that I'm willing to bet we can forget about any future Territory Control in STO. And with nothing in the patches except sound effects for picking up those stupid pink balls, looks like the Devs are overlooking this. Which is ironic since they nerfed Tour the Galaxy and the Foundry farming.

    I think you are referring to Markhawk about the dilithium thing? Yeah people are exploiting the heck out of the V-rex by just waiting for others do the work and then beaming in for the credit - cryptic needs to put a stop to this and require that players have capped at least 4 small points to get the cyber implants at the end. That would end this abuse right there.
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Solution #1: Only give rewards from V-Rex kills to those who have captured at least one non-transporter area in that instance in that round.

    Solution #2: Give command credits automatically in inventories when a group takes control of an area.

    Solution #3: Remove the dilithium rewards from the transporter area captures(but not the marks), as the reward of giving the ability for backup to beam in should be enough to warrant transporter capture.
  • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    There would be an easy way to counter this behaviour:

    Everbody who participates in capturing a zone automatically gets [total amount of credits/number of participants]

    Players must participate in the capture of at least 2 zones in order get any reward for fighting the V-Rexes.
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited November 2013
    szim wrote: »
    There would be an easy way to counter this behaviour:

    Everbody who participates in capturing a zone automatically gets [total amount of credits/number of participants]

    Players must participate in the capture of at least 2 zones in order get any reward for fighting the V-Rexes.

    Eventually the problem would correct itself as most people who got enough marks will just stop going to the ground zone then it will be harder and harder for people to mooch as no-one will be doing anything - then sadly this great New type of content becomes useless - as it is hard to get players to come back to content once they stop/are fed up.

    The key is to stop problems before too many players get fed up and stop participating.
  • abcde123123abcde123123 Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited November 2013


    Lads, srsly, why does always have to be NERF NERF NERF in your minds?

    The problem with the battlezone is that the rewards are unbalanced. you get somewhat 10 marks and non exciting amount of dil for capturing the area, and then you get serious marks and serious dil for final bosses.

    The obvious solution that for some reason escapes your minds is to increase the rewards for zone capturing. This will ensure participation.

    As for afkers, why don't you try afking the zone waiting for the boss battle, and then check how much dil and marks per hour it earns you. The problem with punishing afkers it will punish the active players in the first place, because they do this zone to get marks/dil for time invested. Nerf rewards and it's gonna be another dead zone. Like Nukara.
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited November 2013


    Lads, srsly, why does always have to be NERF NERF NERF in your minds?

    The problem with the battlezone is that the rewards are unbalanced. you get somewhat 10 marks and non exciting amount of dil for capturing the area, and then you get serious marks and serious dil for final bosses.

    The obvious solution that for some reason escapes your minds is to increase the rewards for zone capturing. This will ensure participation.

    As for afkers, why don't you try afking the zone waiting for the boss battle, and then check how much dil and marks per hour it earns you. The problem with punishing afkers it will punish the active players in the first place, because they do this zone to get marks/dil for time invested. Nerf rewards and it's gonna be another dead zone. Like Nukara.

    Lol - are you one of the afk - zone hoppers that makes 20+ cyber implants per hour hopping zones and just fighting the end boss?? Because if you are not then what problem do you have with requiring people to have participated in the capture of at least 3 map points out of what - 24? I don't call that a nerf - just a participation requirement - seems kind of fair to me.

    You post seems like a flame baiting one to with the reference to 'noobs' whinning
  • oldkilldareoldkilldare Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    i see no reason some form of active participation/auto kick & time ban system couldn't be put together.

    there are numerous similar mechanics in various MMO PVP Battlegrounds similar to the Voth ground zone that could be sources of inspiration.

    and if STO does make more ground zones like this that are PVP (and i for one hope they do) it would be worth getting such a system in place well before player Vs player on such a field.
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    You know, people don't just join in at the beginning. People join in the middle and, yes, near the end. That's what happens when you play in an open zone. Frequently I've zoned in with a team just before the V-Rex spawn. Are we supposed to sit at command and wait for the reset?

    No, we're gonna go kill dinosaurs. And if you don't like it, maybe you should be done with the battlezone.

    Edit: and another thing- the Battlezone has high rewards in marks and dil because of our feedback that too few people would play if it wasn't rewarding enough. You want to change that now? No, you want to destroy the zone so no one else can have fun because your panties are twisted about afkers.
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited November 2013
    You know, people don't just join in at the beginning. People join in the middle and, yes, near the end. That's what happens when you play in an open zone. Frequently I've zoned in with a team just before the V-Rex spawn. Are we supposed to sit at command and wait for the reset?

    No, we're gonna go kill dinosaurs. And if you don't like it, maybe you should be done with the battlezone.

    I and several friends are done without changes and I suspect that list will only grow. And if you think the beaming in when most points are captured vs people afk and zone hopping - is the norm maybe you have not spent lots of time there. But I am sure cryptic has some kind of metric data to find out. Obviously they should only make changes after a thorough investigation.

    I will ignore your flame bait panties comment.
  • blassreiterusblassreiterus Member Posts: 1,294 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Mods this is not a 'command credit' issue

    The issue is working your tail off capturing the battlezone as a group of 3 or 4 people then 10 others that were standing around afk suddenly come to life to fight the V-rex boss battles.

    To make matters worse - you can be at one end of the map having battled for 40 min and the V-rex spawns but you can't run fast enough to get to the zone before its killed and you don't get any cyber implant credit - sorry this is bad design.

    Once most people have enough Dyson marks I expect the battlezone to be a deadzone.

    This is becoming a major issue - and I am not one to complain much - so that says something.

    Also the running around is getting to be too much - especially in the city section where there are not enough bridge connections and you spend half you time back-tracking.

    Perhaps I may go back if they fix some of these issues - a player should have participated in the capture of X(I would say 4 min) amount of areas to qualify for the boss rewards - that is fair.
    How do you know they were "afk"? Maybe they just finished defeating the V-rex in another part of the battlezone and came to help others that haven't finished defeating the V-rex. It's not a good idea to accuse people of being afk when you have absolutely no proof that was what they were doing.
    Star Trek Online LTS player.
  • philipclaybergphilipclayberg Member Posts: 1,680
    edited November 2013
    This reminds me of the leechers running around in the city in Defera Invasion Zone. They run from one turret to another, remodding them, but doing absolutely zilch fighting. I don't mean when someone fighting has a brief break and notices unattended unmodded turrets ... but ones where someone is fighting the Borg at a turret and someone else just rushes in, remods the turret and runs away. I avoided Defera for a lonnnnng time earlier this year after encountering this over and over again. Long time as in weeks turning into months, until I recently found a teammate that made it fun again despite all the leeches still there (I just warn my teammate whenever I see a leech running around).

    Some users understand what a battlezone is for, understand what teamwork is for (even if you're not on a team, but just helping each other out), but some just see it as a freebie for all the rewards without having to work for them. I wish the leeches would pick on a different MMORPG, so that the rest of us can enjoy STO for why it was created and and why it is continually being added to (bugs and all). But maybe the other MMORPGs don't want the leeches either.
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    capnkirk4 wrote: »
    The dinosaur isn't actually called a "V-Rex" is it?
    Actually, something along the lines of "Bio-Engineered Viriosaurus Rex". Players call it V-Rex for short.
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I think you are referring to Markhawk about the dilithium thing?

    Most likely. Wish we could expand upon it, but Branflakes likely go on a banning spree. :P
    orangeitis wrote: »
    Solution #1: Only give rewards from V-Rex kills to those who have captured at least one non-transporter area in that instance in that round.

    Solution #2: Give command credits automatically in inventories when a group takes control of an area.

    Solution #3: Remove the dilithium rewards from the transporter area captures(but not the marks), as the reward of giving the ability for backup to beam in should be enough to warrant transporter capture.

    Hate to say it, but I agree!

    Credit goes directly into the inventory. And for the sake of teamwork, make it tradeable.

    Get rid of the Transporter Zone rewards or making it that you have to capture an adjacent sector before being able to capture the Transporter.

    V-Rex, I would go further and say at least 3 or 4 sectors.

    Also for the Final V-Rex reward, I would suggest that:

    1) The reward is given for those standing within proximity to the Omega Silo.

    2) Revise the reward so that it's uses actual teamwork!

    Right now, all you have to do is attack the V-rex to get credit. So why not have it that everyone in the zone gets the credit for the kills? And maybe make it challenging in that that zone reward drops depending on the Omega Particle levels?

    That way, you don't have taggers or people clustering to one area, but 3 actual groups attacking at the same time?

    BTW Devs, if you are reading this.............how about altering the minimap so we see where every player is in the zone?
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    You know, people don't just join in at the beginning. People join in the middle and, yes, near the end. That's what happens when you play in an open zone. Frequently I've zoned in with a team just before the V-Rex spawn. Are we supposed to sit at command and wait for the reset?

    No, we're gonna go kill dinosaurs. And if you don't like it, maybe you should be done with the battlezone.

    Edit: and another thing- the Battlezone has high rewards in marks and dil because of our feedback that too few people would play if it wasn't rewarding enough. You want to change that now? No, you want to destroy the zone so no one else can have fun because your panties are twisted about afkers.
    I agree, at least in spirit.

    Besides, I LIKE having people show up to assist with V-Rex kills. Those things are a pain to kill when you only have 2-3 players working at it.

    The idea of requiring people to get credit for capturing x points in the zone is weak IMO since the code for determining whether you participated in a point capture is rather flaky. Seriously, sometimes I'll get the dil and marks for capturing a point, but not have it added to my mission progress as is. Why compound that problem?

    Also, the idea that peeps should only get a reward if they're in that sector of the map when the boss goes down....It sounds good, until you consider that it will TRIBBLE over people who get KOed late in the fight. Yeah, you don't always have to respawn, but every now and then TRIBBLE happens and you get KOed. Losing out on the rewards for a boss fight because you got KOed and had to respawn would utterly suck.

    there's a variety of ways it can happen but one of the more common ones is related to the mini-dinos that the V-Rex spawns. When they spawn they literally appear out of nowhere, and one of their attacks is a lunge variant that will knock you down.... possibly during a mortar barrage....

    Anyways, you get as much dil for capturing a generator, artillery point, etc.... as you do for a V-Rex fight.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    The idea of requiring people to get credit for capturing x points in the zone is weak IMO since the code for determining whether you participated in a point capture is rather flaky. Seriously, sometimes I'll get the dil and marks for capturing a point, but not have it added to my mission progress as is. Why compound that problem?

    Two things likely explain that.

    1) Wrong Sector
    2) You got there too late and didn't get credit. (Think you lose capture credit if the "allies are winning" sign appears).[/QUOTE]
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Two things likely explain that.

    1) Wrong Sector
    2) You got there too late and didn't get credit. (Think you lose capture credit if the "allies are winning" sign appears).
    I'm talking about times where I started the fight to capture a point, but still didn't get credit somehow. these were typically times where I was in the point when it finished.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I tend to prefer fighting on maps that already have like 14 people to start off with, I've never run into this problem as the max players are 20 on an instance so at max 5 afkers can join in on the battle. Then when the timer is up I move onto the next map with a boat load of players.

    If more people are AFK , you have a shot at more boss kills and AFKers don't benefit from those.

    Encounters scale to active players participating.

    Rewards scale to participation.

    In terms of Command marks? It will take you many to do the daily. Don't bother with that daily unless you plan to participate in 3-5 captures and be prepared to sprint to grab marks. If you want to be nice, don't grab command marks when other players are present unless you're doing the daily.

    Try not to get hung up on fairness. In general, the Battlezone is pretty fair about rewards. Don't worry about what other people get. Worry about what you get.
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Anyways, you get as much dil for capturing a generator, artillery point, etc.... as you do for a V-Rex fight.

    I do think you get more in a Vrex fight if your damage output is high. I coiuld be wrong but there seem to be bonuses for high participation.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I do think you get more in a Vrex fight if your damage output is high. I coiuld be wrong but there seem to be bonuses for high participation.
    I know you get more if you hit more than one Rex. But I'm not sure if there is any way to get more than 480 per Rex.

    Yeah, the quest for spending command credits currently requires you to collect 80!

    Which isn't easy. I heard it's getting changed to require you to spend less.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited November 2013


    Lads, srsly, why does always have to be NERF NERF NERF in your minds?

    The problem with the battlezone is that the rewards are unbalanced. you get somewhat 10 marks and non exciting amount of dil for capturing the area, and then you get serious marks and serious dil for final bosses.

    The obvious solution that for some reason escapes your minds is to increase the rewards for zone capturing. This will ensure participation.

    As for afkers, why don't you try afking the zone waiting for the boss battle, and then check how much dil and marks per hour it earns you. The problem with punishing afkers it will punish the active players in the first place, because they do this zone to get marks/dil for time invested. Nerf rewards and it's gonna be another dead zone. Like Nukara.

    I generally agree with this.

    Personally, I think rewards should be split more even;y among objectives. They should skew towards the individual V-Rexes slightly (to discourage intentionally losing control of sectors).

    And then the big reward for finishing the zone should be the daily rep commendation needed. (And weekend warriors might go for multiple completions.)

    Same dilithium and marks totals for a completion but split more evenly among tasks. (Not exactly evenly because that would be a massive nerf to rewards.)
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Alternative thought:

    Upon completion of the zone, you get one Voth gear reward box for every zone you're tracked as capturing.

    I think the boxes could also use some rare cosmetic items aside from the rare cybernetic implants. So, for example, another Voth (or Soloonae) costume set or two, split up into six or so pieces. Each piece has a chance of dropping from the boxes. Boxes are awarded at the end of a zone completion, one box per area you took. Each box having a 1% chance at containing one of the costume pieces.
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