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kryptkpr Arc User



  • Two separate posts now on the same issue, some people are fine,(bro in game w/o issues) many are not. Cryptic really needs to wake up and get their TRIBBLE figured out, I play 6 online games and this is the ONLY one that I have any kind of connection issues with, even after updates/patches, after 5 years and the amount of…
  • Two separate posts now on the same issue, some people are fine,(bro in game w/o issues) many are not. Cryptic really needs to wake up and get their TRIBBLE figured out, I play 6 online games and this is the ONLY one that I have any kind of connection issues with, even after updates/patches, after 5 years and the amount of…
  • This is what happens when you do not properly test your 'fixes' on a live clone before implementing them. This is the norm though, im surprised that anyone is able to be in the game at all, would be nice if they actually learned from all the time they have done this but alas that will never happen and we the players will…
  • Title: Joining the fight. Photoshop .psd available upon request.
  • This is a repost of my original with some changed wording and added quotes & comments. I think that there are alot of very excellent comments and suggestions being made both for and against their X2 update. I am not against this update, i welcome it, we need new content to keep our game going and to keep existing and…
  • Ok, first off I have to say thanks for giving us free stuff, it is something that you don't have to do and it is a great gesture on your part. We all love free things, that being said I have to point out the negatives about the givaway: First off, the Fed ship being givien away this year was already given away last year in…
  • Ok, first off I have to say thanks for giving us free stuff, it is something that you don't have to do and it is a great gesture on your part. We all love free things, that being said I have to point out the negatives about the givaway: First off, the Fed ship being givien away this year was already given away last year in…
  • This is a repost of my original with some changed wording and added quotes & comments. I think that there are alot of very excellent comments and suggestions being made both for and against their X2 update. I am not against this update, i welcome it, we need new content to keep our game going and to keep existing and…
  • This is a repost of my original with some changed wording and added quotes & comments. It is long but all relevant. I think that there are alot of very excellent comments and suggestions being made both for and against their X2 update. I am not against this update, i welcome it, we need new content to keep our game going…
  • I completely agree, we begged and begged for a KDF skirt, we finally get one and its in the outrageously over expensive Lobi Store where that one item for a single toon costs more than half the ships do. Its actually quite pathetic :/
  • No offense to Flash, and in part to Chaos's statements, anyone sporting bikini's off risa, wearing tails, Borg bits, Fed clothes as a KDF Romulan, or any other combination of these or other observed 'hacks' is pure and simple exploitation, and should be punished. It doesnt matter how or why the person or people are doing…
  • I have one max lvl crafter out of my 8 toons, but after PWE obtained the game, and the addition of the non-replicatable TRIBBLE I have not been back to craft anything else. If they really want to fix or revamp crafting and do it right , get rid of the non-replicatable TRIBBLE, absolutely NOT have Doff's have anything to do…
  • having an issue with launcher timing out, it simply will not connect. I can load and browse any web page, youtube, the movie site i use, and play any of my other 6 games without issue, STO is the only one not working. Been having issues ranging from white/multi color plaid textures, horrible lag/rubberbanding, random DC's,…
  • This whole ARC thing is a complete waste of time and an irritation to those of us that ONLY want to play STO and have NO interest in playing any other PWE game. We want our STO we do not want STO melded with 1, 3, 8+ games like steam. Concentrate on fixing the bugs that you ALL know about instead of pushing something down…
  • @docsven, gain a few more ranks to open up ship slots then claim. For the giveaway, its nice to see that they are giving us ships, it is very generous, HOWEVER, they yet again have not matched the Fed/KDF items, Fed's have 3 fighters that could have been given to match the KDF fighter, BUT since the KDF is badly lacking in…
  • I for one am glad to see them making an effort, it's a great gesture and something never done before, HOWEVER I have to agree, since it was stated that Romulan players would get nothing as they were 'too new' a Fed outfit for day one should have been countered by at least something KDF of the same value, yes it would have…