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jsck82 Arc User



  • For sure. But... one can hope :D Still hoping it gets a fix soon, I'd like to complete this string
  • still having this issue, after patch day. Hoping it gets a fix?
  • Not sure if this should go here or elsewhere, but this mission appears to be bugged when the *redacted* show up, twice now my ship has stayed at red alert, preventing progress through the mission. I just closed the client and am relogging now, I'll see if I can pick up where I left off. I was able to, and was no longer at…
  • Many thanks, I'll give it a go.
  • My MU science ships don't have the slot either. Are we only getting these on new ships, or are they supposed to become available as of the patch?
  • Fair point, but on the flip side of that, we're not talking reduced capacity, unless you count reduction to zero in that. If they need the time for updates, that's fine. Just give reasonable estimates on the timeline. Then, you make people HAPPY being being up and running "early" instead of late. And if on occasion, it…
  • There was a quote of him saying that on the day or days that it was a ship, it would be a kdf one AND a fed one, so there is at least one ship :)
  • That is a mistake, you CAN fly any zen ship of your ally,until Subadmiral (level 40). The ships at 40-50 are restricted to that faction only.
  • Awesome. I have yet to buy anything KDF side, but now I can get a couple ships over there? Or at least one? Awesome! Fed side, the ships wont help me much as I have most of the LT level ships, but the gesture is definitely nice. This goes a long way to restoring some faith in this company, that not everything is solely…
  • Armor and their resists are extremely useful, particularly to a tank. My FAC has a minimum of 25% resist, and higher to some, and I am not particularly outfitted with armor, and my survivability is significantly higher because of it. Even with diminishing returns, armor is extremely useful stuff to have, again, as a tank.…
  • I've thought about this recently myself. One of the ideas that I've come back to consistently requires a mild overhaul, but I think it would benefit the game, and help to define the role of each ship. That being said... its not perfect. 1. First, add a spot in for "Armor" item types, to all ships. For the example here,…
  • As a Federation player, I wouldn't mind a BoP conversion for us, with the same weapons (or equivalent) and limitations. Having made LG recently flying BoPs, these are extremely powerful ships, despite their limitations, once you get them set up nicely. I don't necessarily want a clone of the BoP, but it's been shown…
  • As a thought for the potential for moving the year to 2410... http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Nexus Even in canon, the nexus is back in Feddy space in 2410. Lots of potential there. As for rank increase, that needs to be done, and they have talked about it. Hopefully it moves to something more than talk :D
  • They should. Even from a simple income issue. Less marks (due to failed optionals) means less pressing need for dilithium, as the requisition projects take longer (they add up pretty quickly). Less pressing need for dilithium means a few less people buying Zen to convert. That aside, it should be enough for them that a…
  • Regarding the TOS: Section 10, User Conduct. PWE may take any actions and impose any penalties we deem necessary to discourage and punish any violation of these terms or any other illegal or inappropriate conduct, all without prior notice or warning. The determination as to whether a violation has occurred and who is…
  • So to summarize... it seems the general idea here was "Let's make a beautiful Romulan ship, then let's take away everything that made it Romulan, except for appearance.". That's like some of the Ford Mustangs from the late 70's, early 80's. You know, the ones with the Mustang 5.0 style body, and a 4-cylinder under the…
  • I agree with that, and I do agree that cruisers and science ships could use a boost to their damage; I just don't agree with the proposed fix. And the Gal-X is an entirely different issue or selection of issues, but let's just say I agree there ^_^
  • And as it was stated earlier, you can 1. Remove a beam, and install a second torp, or 2. Utilize a kinetic cutting beam aft, which has a 360 degree firing arc, improving the foreward arc as well as the broadside. I fly cruisers as well as other ship types myself, and I do not find that they need a 5th weapon slot fore. I,…
  • That isn't what I said at all. What I said was that it starts an arms race, the goal being to buff a specific class. What results is that other classes then need buffing to maintain the desired balance, which then starts the cycle over again. That gets nowhere. You can see that mentality through many, many posts in this…
  • An additional weapon for free on one type of a ship results in an arms race, and I am opposed to this concept. Look at it this way. The Escort is up at the top of the hill for DPS right now. Cruisers get a free weapon slot to address this. Fixed! Awesome! Now... what about that Atrox? And other sci ships? The Atrox does…
  • Nevermind that the KDF-only BoP that is completely customizable, what with it having nothing but Universal boff slots. As for the HEC and the KDF getting nothing? * All of the LG rank ships, with the exceptions of the Bortas and Guramba are 500 zen cheaper than the fed VA ships. * KDF gets a #FREE# carrier at rank up. *…
  • So the Hideki class (DS9: Tribunal, Call to Arms), Vulcan fighters (ENT: Awakening, Kir'Shara), Vaadwaur fighters (VOY: Dragon's Teeth, The Void), Talaxian Fighters (VOY: Basics, Pt. II), Scorpion class (Nemesis), Rakosan fighters (VOY: Dreadnought), Maquis fighters (TNG: Preemptive Strike), Kyrian fighter (VOY: Living…
  • Regarding fighters not carrying weaponry above their size class. In canon, at least 2 examples of shuttle craft (Class 2 shuttlecraft (VOY: Dark Frontier) and the Romulan Shuttle (DS9: In the Pale Moonlight, DS9 Technical Manual)) are armed with photon torpedoes, as well as energy weapons. The Peregrine is, in cannon,…
  • Well, I would dispute that on the grounds that the Peregrine fighter is warp capable. There would need to be something else more definable that only a shuttle has that a fighter doesn't, such as, perhaps, scientific instrumentation, and a crew compartment?
  • This might not be my top, but here are some that I would like to see, in this post I will address the Nukara missions almost exclusively. 1. Green (when active) Red (when inactive) outline on EV suit power button. 2. 1-2 second respawn timer in Tholian missions (I've accidently respawned a few times as I tried to activate…
  • Re the spawning and replacing... Is this meant to say that if I have a total of 3 stalkers out (1 in squad 1, 2 in squad 2, on the same hangar), that my live pet(s) will be replaced if i spawn another set of 3? IE, just looking at one squad (assume squad 2 is missing 2 fighters, squad 1 is also), if using that info, I…
  • Too bad for us Fed side players that we don't have a single faction-specific carrier that can launch a frigate :/ Aside from that, the "free" pets (peregrines and anything else that is blue, and costs like 4K ec) seems to pretty much suicide as often as possible. My Danubes do ok, and only sometimes suicide, and the…
  • Fair enough.
  • Why make a seperate website? We could use the forums. Just include the username@handle, and what mission. At least if nothing else, we'd have a wall of shame, and they would be able to tangibly see some of the offenders.
  • I don't see a problem with them, but what I see a problem with is that we should be forced to resort to ONLY private queues, when a system could be implemented to deal with this issue, and resolve the problem, without needing to.