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And the maint. extensions begin LMAO



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    robin74robin74 Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    And we are extended again for another hour?
    Another hour and a half.
    Notice that break for UTC time is now at 5,5 hours, it's only PST which is still not updated is stil lat 5 hours.
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    dystopiandaydystopianday Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Really? Warcr
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    iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Really? Warcr
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    gruven999gruven999 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    It smells to me that PWE here is also hugly involved. Beside STO and CO the games are not developed by Cryptic. So its quite possible that the PWE system is loading extra fun into this server mess.

    Regarding lag...I complaint recently about it, and you know the answer was...run a file verficiation and start the games through the broken ARC Games client. Sure...I have steam purchased via Steam use Steam...and for STO I should use another lol client of a game company.

    Not in a 1000 light years. If you have a game live on steam take care its playable otherwise remove it and compensate the customers.
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    wilai29#4617 wilai29 Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Really? Warcr
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    derkesthai#1386 derkesthai Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Is the winter event done after the servers come back? I was missing 40 Q pictures -_-
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    aoax10aoax10 Member Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    You never do testing on the main server, you do testing and overhauling on a "TEST" server before you do it to the main server, then you tell your playing/customer base that the server will be down for a overhaul and give them real answers not childish things like "we are working on the warp core" are 15 year old's Role players running this company or something?

    ^ This. And one of the things you are taught when dealt with customers is professionalism.
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    jsck82jsck82 Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    And you do a major overhaul and testing of the software on your servers how often?

    And your customers would notice if you dropped to half-capacity to swap hardware out, right?

    Fair point, but on the flip side of that, we're not talking reduced capacity, unless you count reduction to zero in that.

    If they need the time for updates, that's fine. Just give reasonable estimates on the timeline. Then, you make people HAPPY being being up and running "early" instead of late. And if on occasion, it does run over... less people will be irritated.

    They should pay attention when Montgomery Scott talks about how he makes Kirk think he's a miracle worker ;)
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    painfullylargepainfullylarge Member Posts: 174 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I would rather them just announce "down until 2300 UTC" and leave it at that. none of this "let's move it back an hour at a time" Bull****.
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    raventomoeraventomoe Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    *Shameless plug incoming* Read the fanfic I am writing that I have linked in my signature. *End Shameless plug*
    "The Multiverse, the ultimate frontier..."
    Thus begins...Lyrical Trek
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    bemlegabemlega Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    And you do a major overhaul and testing of the software on your servers how often?

    And your customers would notice if you dropped to half-capacity to swap hardware out, right?

    You Craptic Defence Trolls all are citizens of Hy-Brasil, are you?
    Can't see total failure if it spits in your face for half a dozend consecutive times.
    You really deserve this game. 8-P
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    elgibaldelgibald Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    koyvar wrote: »
    Is the winter event done after the servers come back? I was missing 40 Q pictures -_-

    Yes it is. On the bright side you'll get the Winter Wonderland Event prize on day one of the forthcoming Winter event :)
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    leod198leod198 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    koyvar wrote: »
    Is the winter event done after the servers come back? I was missing 40 Q pictures -_-

    N e e e d something friend?;)

    You can purchase the rest with Lobi. As long as you have the project slotted.
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    psychoplattpsychoplatt Member Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    jsck82 wrote: »
    They should pay attention when Montgomery Scott talks about how he makes Kirk think he's a miracle worker ;)

    That assumes they have a clue about Star Trek - take a look at the most T6 ships and u know they have not
    nice u wasted so much time in your sig - i do not see it anyway :)
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    bansheedragonbansheedragon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    koyvar wrote: »
    Is the winter event done after the servers come back? I was missing 40 Q pictures -_-
    Sorry to say this, but yes its over now.
    I know its frustrating to have missed by so little, but you will have to wait until next winter event.
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    derkesthai#1386 derkesthai Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Sorry to say this, but yes its over now.
    I know its frustrating to have missed by so little, but you will have to wait until next winter event.

    But it said noon PST in the original announcement, which is in a bit over an hour.

    Meh. I got home from work for this early so I could get mah ship :(
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    olessiusolessius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    First-time poster on these forums, and I'm not really planning on doing much talking, but I sort of just wanted a place to vent my displeasure with the way things are being handled here.

    Extensions. Again.

    And once again, we get nothing but "cute" faux-RP bullcrap that tells us absolutely nothing and shows absolutely no respect for our time. Because for me, this is primetime. These are the hours during which I game, and when I do so, I'm usually playing STO. For me, this was going to be a pleasant evening spent by the computer, sipping some scotch and playing around with my new ship. A ship that I paid for with actual money, because I felt that STO deserved it.

    I'm also a subscriber, because I felt that STO deserved it.

    But beyond being a STO subscriber and a person who apparently receives undue enjoyment from buying virtual goods, I am also an MMO veteran, and speaking from experience I'd like to point out that in other games we'd usually receive some sort of reconciliatory gift for constant failures such as these. It wouldn't necessarily be very big, but it would be enough for the devs to show us that they understand and respect the fact that we pay for a service that they've failed to deliver.

    And in STO we get nothing. Worse than nothing - we get evasion. You kept me from enjoying a service for which I pay and you aren't even considerate enough as to tell me why or to give an actual apology for your weekly failures to keep your word and to stick to your deadlines, and to me, that reeks of disrespect. Disrespect for my time and disrespect for my patronage.

    Not cool, Cryptic.
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    gruven999gruven999 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    radakill wrote: »
    ...Your point?

    So your saying this is just par for the course?

    Not buying it. Plenty of developers out there that dont go through this charade every time they patch. ArenaNet, Blizzard, Sony, EA, heck, pretty much everyone BUT Cryptic.

    Major overhauls should have already been done on the test server prior to the patch, so that takes testing out of the equation. And who does a major overhaul EVERY week anyway?

    Were you serious with this or just making some attempt to flash your t i t z at the devs?

    Every week the same praise.....maybe today I'll be able to play ONTIME...not off time.
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    cdnhawkcdnhawk Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    11 pages, and not ONE "Star Trek Offline" comment? I am deeply disappointed.
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    domisthemandomistheman Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    olessius wrote: »
    First-time poster on these forums, and I'm not really planning on doing much talking, but I sort of just wanted a place to vent my displeasure with the way things are being handled here.

    Extensions. Again.

    And once again, we get nothing but "cute" faux-RP bullcrap that tells us absolutely nothing and shows absolutely no respect for our time. Because for me, this is primetime. These are the hours during which I game, and when I do so, I'm usually playing STO. For me, this was going to be a pleasant evening spent by the computer, sipping some scotch and playing around with my new ship. A ship that I paid for with actual money, because I felt that STO deserved it.

    I'm also a subscriber, because I felt that STO deserved it.

    But beyond being a STO subscriber and a person who apparently receives undue enjoyment from buying virtual goods, I am also an MMO veteran, and speaking from experience I'd like to point out that in other games we'd usually receive some sort of reconciliatory gift for constant failures such as these. It wouldn't necessarily be very big, but it would be enough for the devs to show us that they understand and respect the fact that we pay for a service that they've failed to deliver.

    And in STO we get nothing. Worse than nothing - we get evasion. You kept me from enjoying a service for which I pay and you aren't even considerate enough as to tell me why or to give an actual apology for your weekly failures to keep your word and to stick to your deadlines, and to me, that reeks of disrespect. Disrespect for my time and disrespect for my patronage.

    Not cool, Cryptic.

    1Million thumbs up
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    origcaptainquackorigcaptainquack Member Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    why should you be disapointed by anyone not posting about star trek online being down. we gotten use to it. they dont know what they doing. but we still play.
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    gruven999gruven999 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    You believe someone will show up?

    Until now I only got faced with some drones...and that remindes me a lot where PWE the current publisher is coming of. The way and disrespect they care us with is somekind speaking a lot about this already.

    I'm not US, but somehow I remember that I got cared always quite well by US companines, even if not is excellent and brilliant but mostly with respect which is sometimes missing in good old Europe. In STO this seems to be totally different...service like stoneage and I guess even in that time frame someone who made a deal was caring more then in compare to here.
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    caleb143caleb143 Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    what do you know? 11 am and still dead...
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    psychoplattpsychoplatt Member Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    olessius wrote: »
    First-time poster on these forums, and I'm not really planning on doing much talking, but I sort of just wanted a place to vent my displeasure with the way things are being handled here.

    Extensions. Again.

    And once again, we get nothing but "cute" faux-RP bullcrap that tells us absolutely nothing and shows absolutely no respect for our time. Because for me, this is primetime. These are the hours during which I game, and when I do so, I'm usually playing STO. For me, this was going to be a pleasant evening spent by the computer, sipping some scotch and playing around with my new ship. A ship that I paid for with actual money, because I felt that STO deserved it.

    I'm also a subscriber, because I felt that STO deserved it.

    But beyond being a STO subscriber and a person who apparently receives undue enjoyment from buying virtual goods, I am also an MMO veteran, and speaking from experience I'd like to point out that in other games we'd usually receive some sort of reconciliatory gift for constant failures such as these. It wouldn't necessarily be very big, but it would be enough for the devs to show us that they understand and respect the fact that we pay for a service that they've failed to deliver.

    And in STO we get nothing. Worse than nothing - we get evasion. You kept me from enjoying a service for which I pay and you aren't even considerate enough as to tell me why or to give an actual apology for your weekly failures to keep your word and to stick to your deadlines, and to me, that reeks of disrespect. Disrespect for my time and disrespect for my patronage.

    Not cool, Cryptic.

    ^^ thats - a shame i not can use english words so eloquent
    nice u wasted so much time in your sig - i do not see it anyway :)
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    fsj2fsj2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Cryptic and the STO team have done a great job keeping this game going for 5 years. I am very grateful that at 53 and retired DAV, I can have a great hobby that doesn't cost much. And my wife is happy I don't spend a fortune on boats or four wheelers to do it. It takes a lot of work and money to keep STO going. So, as a free to play MMO you should be happy it's still going and it's only going to be down for a few hours. It could be much worse.
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    dystopiandaydystopianday Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    radakill wrote: »
    B and S

    I played WOW for years and extended down periods were rare.

    Same with any other game Blizzard runs.

    You think you need a sub with millions of players to work it out? How about ArenaNet? No subs their games are lifetime for free, yet somehow, they manage to keep their games updated, running and virtually bug free.

    Ain't BS bro, every... Tuesday morning, I believe? WoW was down for 6 hours or so. Probably still is, I'm not sure, haven't played in 3 years.

    Of course, Blizzard rarely missed its schedules, but it still happened.
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    sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Is being down about 1/14th of the time acceptable for a product or website?
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

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    darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Ain't BS bro, every... Tuesday morning, I believe? WoW was down for 6 hours or so. Probably still is, I'm not sure, haven't played in 3 years.

    Of course, Blizzard rarely missed its schedules, but it still happened.

    Compare the rarely of Blizzard to the always of Cryptic...
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