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Legacy of Romulus Dev Blog #35



  • deathkgtdeathkgt Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    umaeko wrote: »
    Sorry, but you don't get to tell me what to do. I'm giving critique and making my opinion heard. Supposedly, Cryptic likes feedback. Here. Feedback. :)

    The Klingon version, at least, doesn't waste any racially-built trait. So you'll forgive me, I hope, if I don't give a damn about it not cloaking.

    This timeship is really a Romulan ship only in name and appearance. Such a shame.

    It's all fair, you're making your opinion heard, and so am I. As for the racially built trait, at least the romulan has a built in SPACE trait, unlike the klingon which is a GROUND trait, so you're point of wasting a trait is invalid. Btw, you don't get to tell cryptic what to do either.
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    We discussed whether or not the Romulan Temporal Ships should have singularity cores quite at length. In fact, I actually built them to have all the Singularity mechanics and Romulan Battle Cloaking...

    <yadda yadda>

    It was a tough call. We knew that some people would want prefer the ships to have Singularity Cores and some people would prefer for the ships to have Matter/Antimatter Cores. Ultimately, we made the decision that we felt would be the most balanced, consistent, and appropriate to the IP.
    I don't have any horse in this game, but I REALLY appreciate you explaining the "why".

    You see, that's the problem with this game lately is that most of the changes and nerfs come with no explaination of the "why". I appreciate your explanation. While I might not agree with it in its' entirety, I'm satisfied. Thanks.

    I just had to quote this. I agree so very much, badname834854.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
  • symetreus69symetreus69 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Romulan side needs more science vessels, something love to skim over and ignore. While the Romulan timeship is great not making it a warbird with a singularity core severely cripples the usefulness to Romulan players. Here's why:
    1. Consoles - We can't use any of the warbird consoles on it. Mogai console would have been nice on MU timeship.

    2. DOFFs - The Romulan deflector officer gives a boost to exotic damage after using a singularity power. Great for science but unfortunately it's rendered useless for romulan players in this case.

    3. Cloak - Romulans get a racial for cloaking hence isn't this ship kinda screws over the racial.

    I'm pretty sure dev's won't change anything, but at least they gave us a 'why' explanation earlier something we almost never get. Dev's also probably won't read this post but we can always hope for better stuff in the future.
    Lifer since headstart!
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The ships look great, kudos to the artists.

    As for the M/AM Core, Singularity & Battle Cloak issue.

    On the one hand, I appreciate their reasoning.

    It was something of a balance pickle to solve, and the KDF part really threw a monkey wrench into it.

    On the otherhand, while this ship might have been powerful once it's basically par for the course with the types of options Romulans have.

    On top of this it doesn't let them use their biggest advantages or unique aspects, BOFF traits, Captain Traits and even general traits around singularities.

    The Temporal Sci at least brings something special to Roms, a full on Sci ship with an amazing boff layout, shield mod and a great console.

    The Temporal destroyer is barely par for the course with the types of options Roms have with warbirds, has a truly awful (and I mean awful) console - one that is so bad it's actually a liability to use in any capacity.

    So parity wins, uniqueness and practicality lose.
  • umaekoumaeko Member Posts: 748 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    deathkgt wrote: »
    Btw, you don't get to tell cryptic what to do either.

    Really? You just had to pour oil just to get the last word like that? *sigh*

    I'll tell them that I don't feel they made the right call here. I'm hardly the only one that believes so. To Cryptic, this tells them something: identity is an important part of a starship and they've successfully implemented singularity cores and cloaking as part of this 'Romulan ship identity'. Despite the complaints over the performance of a singularity core, removing it now feels 'wrong'. Remove the cloak on top of that, and then what you get doesn't really feel like a Romulan ship at all.

    Do I think they dropped the ball on something that could've been great? Yes. But I think the protest that rose from this thread in itself was worth airing. Whether they do something about it, or not, has me now beyond caring simply because I got rid of the Temporal Science Vessel I was saving up. So, the matter is closed for me.

    I'll keep winging around in my Fleet T'varo. It's not like I wasn't already satisfied with it. I was just charmed by the idea of actually using my science captain in a heavy-duty romulan science ship - but lacking a cloaking device, it's not romulan to me. Might as well be a vulcan temporal ship (reunified romulan/vulcans by that point?) or some other alien-ship-of-the-week for all I care about it now.
  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited August 2013
    deathkgt wrote: »
    As for the racially built trait, at least the romulan has a built in SPACE trait, unlike the klingon which is a GROUND trait, so you're point of wasting a trait is invalid. Btw, you don't get to tell cryptic what to do either.

    I think your point is invalid, since there is no area of ground combat which renders the Klingon trait useless. :P
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
  • symetreus69symetreus69 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The Tholians stole it (like they did the KDFs) when they were stripping most of the technology, and existing Romulan Cloaking Devices are unable to integrate with the Temporal ship due to its advanced nature :(


    Brandon =/\=

    Yet somehow we can integrate any deflector/shield array/engine/weapons/pretty much everything else but a cloak won't work... How... convenient?
    Lifer since headstart!
  • ficrficr Member Posts: 235 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I was unaware of this, I'll look into it.

    I brought it up on the Master list of KDF issues a while back. It's listed as a Space Trait but the bonus doesn't show up on ship.

    Bottom line, KDF Fleet Roms are the only way to get a space bonus.

    Ex-CoH players, Please add the chat channel "CoX STO"
  • ficrficr Member Posts: 235 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Oh when I saw the stats for the Rom time ship initially I was excited, then I realized no cloak.

    I'll pass. For me, KDF and KDF-Roms are all about cloak. The only non-cloak ship I use is a carrier against the Borg.

    Ex-CoH players, Please add the chat channel "CoX STO"
  • linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I like the designs of these ships. I wish we were able to buy them from the c-store. Nice job guys.
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    We discussed whether or not the Romulan Temporal Ships should have singularity cores quite at length. In fact, I actually built them to have all the Singularity mechanics and Romulan Battle Cloaking and changed it later on in the design process - so, it's not an issue of laziness or copy and paste.

    We chose to go with the Matter/Antimatter core for a number of reasons.

    1. Precedent. The Klingon Temporal Ships came with identical stats to the Federation counterparts and did not have Cloaking (unlike the Klingon veteran ship, which did have Cloaking in exchange for lower shields).

    Giving the Singularity mechanics and Romulan Battle Cloak to the Romulan ship would have made them the only distinct model, which may have come across as unfair to Klingon players. That would have left us with the options to keep the Klingon version as-is and potentially leave Klingon players feeling left in the dust, or to give the Klingon ships Cloaking and cut down something in exchange - which might have frustrated *other* players, who didn't like their stats being changed later.

    We also could have buffed the Federation version in some way and given the Klingon version Cloak at the same time, but that would set a dangerous precedent for power creep, and the Temporal ships are already very powerful.

    2. Continuity. By the Battle of Procyon V in the 26th century (ENT Azati Prime), the Federation has allied with many of its former enemies, notably the Klingons and the Xindi. (http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Battle_of_Procyon_V)

    While Romulan ships are not specifically seen on screen in that battle (and a 300-year old Nova design is), the rise of the Romulan Republic and its relationship with the Federation make it logical to assume that in the distant future, Romulans will be sharing technology with many species, including those with warp cores.

    3. Players have been asking for Romulan ships that do not have the lower base Warbird power levels since the launch of Legacy of Romulus. These ships allow us to provide that as an option that makes sense within the IP.

    It was a tough call. We knew that some people would want prefer the ships to have Singularity Cores and some people would prefer for the ships to have Matter/Antimatter Cores. Ultimately, we made the decision that we felt would be the most balanced, consistent, and appropriate to the IP.

    Like I say, if you dig around Trek canon, you have:

    Temporal Displacement Drives (Engines, in use by the 31st century)
    Chrono Deflector (Deflector, developed by Klingons)
    Temporal Shields (Shields, developed by Voyager)
    Temporal Core (Used by the Krenim and the 29th century Starfleet)

    I think that could all add up to an entertaining reputation set, maybe with Walker from Temporal Ambassador as the point contact.

    Temporal Core in particular I could see being both a curse and an asset that unlocks singularity style mechanics on time ships but at a cost of some kind. (Ideas: delayed cooldowns -- you are messing with time, chance at a T-core implosion if the energy isn't harnessed and pumped into one of the specials.)
  • mrvoodumrvoodu Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    so we get the ships from temp lock boxes right? yet they dont drop in game? so how exactly are we supposed to get the boxes? buy them with ec off the exchange? so in other words, the ships are junk skins copy and paste. you hate the bad job you done on them you also made sure to make the box not drop in game? i agree with that. i would not make the boxes drop either if i were ashamed of this ship as you all who created it either. i tell you what. look at your bottom line and see how much money yo lost with this "ship" btw where is my romulan carrier?
  • wayofderawayofdera Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    We discussed whether or not the Romulan Temporal Ships should have singularity cores quite at length. In fact, I actually built them to have all the Singularity mechanics and Romulan Battle Cloaking and changed it later on in the design process - so, it's not an issue of laziness or copy and paste.

    We chose to go with the Matter/Antimatter core for a number of reasons.

    1. Precedent. The Klingon Temporal Ships came with identical stats to the Federation counterparts and did not have Cloaking (unlike the Klingon veteran ship, which did have Cloaking in exchange for lower shields).

    Giving the Singularity mechanics and Romulan Battle Cloak to the Romulan ship would have made them the only distinct model, which may have come across as unfair to Klingon players. That would have left us with the options to keep the Klingon version as-is and potentially leave Klingon players feeling left in the dust, or to give the Klingon ships Cloaking and cut down something in exchange - which might have frustrated *other* players, who didn't like their stats being changed later.

    We also could have buffed the Federation version in some way and given the Klingon version Cloak at the same time, but that would set a dangerous precedent for power creep, and the Temporal ships are already very powerful.

    2. Continuity. By the Battle of Procyon V in the 26th century (ENT Azati Prime), the Federation has allied with many of its former enemies, notably the Klingons and the Xindi. (http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Battle_of_Procyon_V)

    While Romulan ships are not specifically seen on screen in that battle (and a 300-year old Nova design is), the rise of the Romulan Republic and its relationship with the Federation make it logical to assume that in the distant future, Romulans will be sharing technology with many species, including those with warp cores.

    3. Players have been asking for Romulan ships that do not have the lower base Warbird power levels since the launch of Legacy of Romulus. These ships allow us to provide that as an option that makes sense within the IP.

    It was a tough call. We knew that some people would want prefer the ships to have Singularity Cores and some people would prefer for the ships to have Matter/Antimatter Cores. Ultimately, we made the decision that we felt would be the most balanced, consistent, and appropriate to the IP.

    After reading the post, I was stoked to jump on this thread, to make a "Great job Cryptic!" post, seeing a temporal Romulan Science vessel! However, after reading several posts, and eventually all 14 pages of posts, I realized in my excitement, I missed the part that the ship has no Cloak of any kind, and no singularity.:(

    After reading the quoted post, I, like many others writing on this thread, felt a sense of relief that Cryptic was indeed reading what we wrote, and further, gave a very solid explanation as to the process behind the decision.

    Reading all these posts, it seems clear to me (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong), that two things all players would like to see for the Romulan temporal ship, is a:

    - Romulan Temporal Shuttle
    - Romulan Temporal Uniform

    Continuing to be debated, is the issue of warpcore vs singularity, and cloak vs shields. With the above quoted post in mind, I would like to add a thought or two. First, would it be possible to give the Romulan players the option, when opening the ship box, to either install a singularity or warpcore? The choice would have to be made upon opening the box, and for those that opened the box already, they would get a respect token. Once the choice has been made, it cannot be undone. Those seeking the warpcore with higher power levels, and stronger shields could get the model currently in game. And those desiring the singularity, could get the model, that already exists on the drawing table.

    As for the KDF, a similar option should be given. A respec token, to choose either the cloak or higher shield model. The Veteran model, could maybe be change to offer a new skin?

    If that seemed like going backwards, then an alternative, would be to allow the next set of lock boxes to have rare consoles from the 29th century, that allows ships to function more within their factions known abilities. Again, this might include allowing the Romulans to swap out the warpcore for a singularity, allowing for the battle cloak, but a reduction in shields. The Klingons get the cloak option, but a reduction in shields as well, although to less of an extent. The Federation stays the same, having high shields. A third alternative, as mentioned in the quote above, would be to keep the stats the same, but a rare console in a future lockboxes allows for the additional cloak ability for the KDF and Romulan factions, and additional shields/hull/turnrate for the Federation.
  • jsck82jsck82 Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    So to summarize... it seems the general idea here was

    "Let's make a beautiful Romulan ship, then let's take away everything that made it Romulan, except for appearance.".

    That's like some of the Ford Mustangs from the late 70's, early 80's. You know, the ones with the Mustang 5.0 style body, and a 4-cylinder under the hood? It was all show, no go. One might even go so far as to say it wasn't a real Mustang, just a cheap knockoff.

    I, for one, thought that the purpose of the Romulans was to give the players further diversity to play with, not more of the same. Singularity powers and cloaking are what have defined the Romulans thus far, and, as others have pointed out, the characters have racial traits that, afaik, we cannot change or choose, that is now a lot like my TOS Constitution. Completely useless, except to look at from time to time (at least while, if at all, using this ship).

    It's nice to see the Romulans get the timeships, they look nice, but did it have to be such an obvious copyover of the others?
  • ultimusmagusultimusmagus Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    jsck82 wrote: »
    So to summarize... it seems the general idea here was

    "Let's make a beautiful Romulan ship, then let's take away everything that made it Romulan, except for appearance.".

    That's like some of the Ford Mustangs from the late 70's, early 80's. You know, the ones with the Mustang 5.0 style body, and a 4-cylinder under the hood? It was all show, no go. One might even go so far as to say it wasn't a real Mustang, just a cheap knockoff.

    I, for one, thought that the purpose of the Romulans was to give the players further diversity to play with, not more of the same. Singularity powers and cloaking are what have defined the Romulans thus far, and, as others have pointed out, the characters have racial traits that, afaik, we cannot change or choose, that is now a lot like my TOS Constitution. Completely useless, except to look at from time to time (at least while, if at all, using this ship).

    It's nice to see the Romulans get the timeships, they look nice, but did it have to be such an obvious copyover of the others?

    Indeed. I'd rather they recall them and bring them back as they should be.
  • ultimusmagusultimusmagus Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I would rather wait for them to BE romulan in appearance AND function than these half-Romulan temporal ships. Take em back, don't bring them out until they're finished. This copy/paste is getting old.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    We discussed whether or not the Romulan Temporal Ships should have singularity cores quite at length. In fact, I actually built them to have all the Singularity mechanics and Romulan Battle Cloaking and changed it later on in the design process - so, it's not an issue of laziness or copy and paste.

    We chose to go with the Matter/Antimatter core for a number of reasons.

    1. Precedent. The Klingon Temporal Ships came with identical stats to the Federation counterparts and did not have Cloaking (unlike the Klingon veteran ship, which did have Cloaking in exchange for lower shields).

    Giving the Singularity mechanics and Romulan Battle Cloak to the Romulan ship would have made them the only distinct model, which may have come across as unfair to Klingon players. That would have left us with the options to keep the Klingon version as-is and potentially leave Klingon players feeling left in the dust, or to give the Klingon ships Cloaking and cut down something in exchange - which might have frustrated *other* players, who didn't like their stats being changed later.

    We also could have buffed the Federation version in some way and given the Klingon version Cloak at the same time, but that would set a dangerous precedent for power creep, and the Temporal ships are already very powerful.

    2. Continuity. By the Battle of Procyon V in the 26th century (ENT Azati Prime), the Federation has allied with many of its former enemies, notably the Klingons and the Xindi. (http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Battle_of_Procyon_V)

    While Romulan ships are not specifically seen on screen in that battle (and a 300-year old Nova design is), the rise of the Romulan Republic and its relationship with the Federation make it logical to assume that in the distant future, Romulans will be sharing technology with many species, including those with warp cores.

    3. Players have been asking for Romulan ships that do not have the lower base Warbird power levels since the launch of Legacy of Romulus. These ships allow us to provide that as an option that makes sense within the IP.

    It was a tough call. We knew that some people would want prefer the ships to have Singularity Cores and some people would prefer for the ships to have Matter/Antimatter Cores. Ultimately, we made the decision that we felt would be the most balanced, consistent, and appropriate to the IP.

    I just want to thank you for replying, is all. Often -- with so many things seemingly getting ignored -- it's easy to conclude no one at Cryptic cares any more. A Dev responding, however rare, is always a refreshing, and uplifting event. :) Especially when said Dev displays a well-thought-out, coherent rationale for things. So, thank you for that.
  • mrspidey2mrspidey2 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    darken1984 wrote: »
    I am so sorry that romulans form 29th century forget how to cloak :/
    Temporal Cloak: Shifts you from your timeframe by a few nanoseconds.

    Unfortunately, like a lot of other technological gimmicks, the Tholians have removed it.
  • pupibirdpupibird Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    nice ship...and a dev reply on the forums...purchased!
  • hadrazakhadrazak Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The bridge is unique? I don't think so. It looks near identical to the federation USS Relativity (NCV-474439-G)'s bridge from (VOY: "Relativity" Season 5 episode 24). Maybe you guys meant it's unique to STO, I don't know. Still these ships look awesome! Can't wait.
  • saif1984saif1984 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    What they should done is give us the option of choosing to slot a singularity core or the other one, so both sides would be happy. Also, they should've design the special consoles to match the faction ideals than having all the same.
  • b3tazoidb3tazoid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    How do we know that they still use cloaks in the 29th century? Or, it states that the THolians removed a lot of the technology (yeah, just leave behind a Tipler Cylinder, good job tholians), so maybe they removed the cloak as well?

    Also, if the Klingons joined the Federation, how do we know that the romulans didn't as well? That would explain the warp cores.
  • maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    We discussed whether or not the Romulan Temporal Ships should have singularity cores quite at length. In fact, I actually built them to have all the Singularity mechanics and Romulan Battle Cloaking and changed it later on in the design process - so, it's not an issue of laziness or copy and paste.

    We chose to go with the Matter/Antimatter core for a number of reasons.

    1. Precedent. The Klingon Temporal Ships came with identical stats to the Federation counterparts and did not have Cloaking (unlike the Klingon veteran ship, which did have Cloaking in exchange for lower shields).

    Giving the Singularity mechanics and Romulan Battle Cloak to the Romulan ship would have made them the only distinct model, which may have come across as unfair to Klingon players. That would have left us with the options to keep the Klingon version as-is and potentially leave Klingon players feeling left in the dust, or to give the Klingon ships Cloaking and cut down something in exchange - which might have frustrated *other* players, who didn't like their stats being changed later.

    We also could have buffed the Federation version in some way and given the Klingon version Cloak at the same time, but that would set a dangerous precedent for power creep, and the Temporal ships are already very powerful.

    2. Continuity. By the Battle of Procyon V in the 26th century (ENT Azati Prime), the Federation has allied with many of its former enemies, notably the Klingons and the Xindi. (http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Battle_of_Procyon_V)

    While Romulan ships are not specifically seen on screen in that battle (and a 300-year old Nova design is), the rise of the Romulan Republic and its relationship with the Federation make it logical to assume that in the distant future, Romulans will be sharing technology with many species, including those with warp cores.

    3. Players have been asking for Romulan ships that do not have the lower base Warbird power levels since the launch of Legacy of Romulus. These ships allow us to provide that as an option that makes sense within the IP.

    It was a tough call. We knew that some people would want prefer the ships to have Singularity Cores and some people would prefer for the ships to have Matter/Antimatter Cores. Ultimately, we made the decision that we felt would be the most balanced, consistent, and appropriate to the IP.

    fine how about a comprimised and give them all battle cloaking
  • maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I am a KDF only player. Tell me about feeling the slide of hand, how do you think the KDF are feeling? ;)

    i agree i was pritty P'd off when the kdf ship had no cloak and now even the romulan ship.

    they should just bite the bullet and put a cloak on all of them
  • chandlerasharichandlerashari Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    umaeko wrote: »
    "They wanted a Romulan Timeship, they got it, and now they are whining" along with some eyerolling.

    LOL at haters.
  • usscapitalusscapital Member Posts: 985 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    they should just bite the bullet and put a cloak on all of them

    from what I know of cryptic they will not that just to annoy you :D

  • maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    usscapital wrote: »
    from what I know of cryptic they will not that just to annoy you :D

    LOL it does seem that way
  • kalininkalinin Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    God forbid the game be made interesting with variety.
  • lordhavelocklordhavelock Member Posts: 2,248 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    hadrazak wrote: »
    The bridge is unique? I don't think so. It looks near identical to the federation USS Relativity (NCV-474439-G)'s bridge from (VOY: "Relativity" Season 5 episode 24). Maybe you guys meant it's unique to STO, I don't know...
    When Cryptic's ship ads say the ship has a "Unique Bridge" they don't necessarily mean the bridge was made-up from thin air. In fact, they often intentionally try to replicate (or be inspired by) a bridge seen in a canon show/movie.

    They only mean that the ship does not use one of the faction-standard bridge layouts, and that the bridge is unique the new ship (ie the only way to get this Romulan Timeship Bridge is on the Romulan Timeship).

    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited August 2013
    hadrazak wrote: »
    The bridge is unique? I don't think so. It looks near identical to the federation USS Relativity (NCV-474439-G)'s bridge from (VOY: "Relativity" Season 5 episode 24). Maybe you guys meant it's unique to STO, I don't know. Still these ships look awesome! Can't wait.

    The bridge has been in use within STO for both the Wells class and Korath class vessels, the unique part is that it's in a different colour. Not truly unique, but enough for advertisement purposes. It's like when a phone company has a "unique" version of a phone, the specs are the same the shape and size are the same but the colour is different.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
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